Sanders Tax Plan Would Hammer Middle Class Families

Some new taxes for the middle class. Some new benefits for the middle class. Not that any of it has a chance of passing anytime soon.

No benefits but plenty more burdens.
Benefits: "Free" state community college. "Free" health care.

Free tuition is proposed to be paid for by a tax on stock transactions, which would fall hardest on day traders. That hardly affects the average household.
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you

From the link:

Bernie Sanders's plan would raise taxes on everyone, but it would also pay for health care, education, and other programs that you would no longer have to pay for.

So you'd come out ahead.

Lmao you would not have to pay for health care, education and other programs...

What fucking world do you live on?

Your taxes pay for it. Like when they plow the road in front of your house.

The problem is many benefiting from Bernie's proposals aren't paying the taxes that fund them. I pay the taxes and the roads get paved. Some freeloader doesn't pay the taxes and the road in front of their house still gets paved.

So tell your highway department to leave the snow on the road there, genius. And hope it's not the direction you need to go, lol.

What snow?????

Typical liberal new Yorker never been 10 miles away from the ghetto

So what couldn't resist :)
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you

From the link:

Bernie Sanders's plan would raise taxes on everyone, but it would also pay for health care, education, and other programs that you would no longer have to pay for.

So you'd come out ahead.

Lmao you would not have to pay for health care, education and other programs...

What fucking world do you live on?

Your taxes pay for it. Like when they plow the road in front of your house.

So in your world taxes don't equal paying for it?

I seriously believe you have been indoctrinated so much that you think it is true and think it is free.
Some new taxes for the middle class. Some new benefits for the middle class. Not that any of it has a chance of passing anytime soon.

No benefits but plenty more burdens.
Benefits: "Free" state community college. "Free" health care.

Free tuition is proposed to be paid for by a tax on stock transactions, which would fall hardest on day traders. That hardly affects the average household.

And social security was supposed to be were also supposed to be able to keep your doctor and all those other millions of promises....

Save it for the gullible, will ya?
Some new taxes for the middle class. Some new benefits for the middle class. Not that any of it has a chance of passing anytime soon.

No benefits but plenty more burdens.
Benefits: "Free" state community college. "Free" health care.

Free tuition is proposed to be paid for by a tax on stock transactions, which would fall hardest on day traders. That hardly affects the average household.

That hardly affects the average household.

Just the ones that own stocks, or mutual funds, or IRAs or 401Ks. Or have pensions.
Some new taxes for the middle class. Some new benefits for the middle class. Not that any of it has a chance of passing anytime soon.

No benefits but plenty more burdens.
Benefits: "Free" state community college. "Free" health care.

Free tuition is proposed to be paid for by a tax on stock transactions, which would fall hardest on day traders. That hardly affects the average household.

That hardly affects the average household.

Just the ones that own stocks, or mutual funds, or IRAs or 401Ks. Or have pensions.

It's a .5% tax on each transaction. Unless you are trading stocks daily (something that is of no value to the economy) it's not going to affect you much. It might even make the value of your 401k more stable, as worthless chiselers aren't stealing pennies out of it anymore.
From the link:

Bernie Sanders's plan would raise taxes on everyone, but it would also pay for health care, education, and other programs that you would no longer have to pay for.

So you'd come out ahead.

Lmao you would not have to pay for health care, education and other programs...

What fucking world do you live on?

Your taxes pay for it. Like when they plow the road in front of your house.

The problem is many benefiting from Bernie's proposals aren't paying the taxes that fund them. I pay the taxes and the roads get paved. Some freeloader doesn't pay the taxes and the road in front of their house still gets paved.

So tell your highway department to leave the snow on the road there, genius. And hope it's not the direction you need to go, lol.

Tell the fucking piece of shit freeloader to start contributing to the society you say paying taxes is part of.

What snow?

Trump plans to increase the number of households that pay no federal income tax.

Vote for him and prove you're clueless.
Free tuition is proposed to be paid for by a tax on stock transactions, which would fall hardest on day traders. That hardly affects the average household.

And exactly what obligates those people to pay for someone else's college tuition? Is there some reason why adults can't provide for themselves?
The entire stock market went up, remember? Tax increases did not kill investment.

The stock market over the entire course of Clinton's presidency was up 200%. And the budget was balanced.

Bush got elected, abandoned PAYGO, cut taxes, and...

triple digit deficits returned and and the stock market ended lower by the time Bush left than it was when he became president.

That is why you never elect Republicans, if you have any sense.

The tax rates under Clinton were remarkably lower than they were when Reagan took over in 1981 and the 80s is what started the economic growth that ultimately bloomed the dot com boom. People had cell phones in the 1980s, but they were only affordable for the wealthy and the Internet was not public. Producing those technologies eventually became less costly in the 90s which is what allowed you, me, and everyone else to start buying cell phones and subscribing to Internet services, hence, the dot com boom.

As I said before, tax rates had nothing to do with it and aren't the only driver of an economy. We had a technology evolution during that time period which superceded the small elevation in income taxes, but if that's the metric you want to use then let's give credit where credit is due and that would be Reagan's 28% top rate which was in effect when all of these things were in their infant stages of development during the 1980s.
The entire stock market went up, remember? Tax increases did not kill investment.

The stock market over the entire course of Clinton's presidency was up 200%. And the budget was balanced.

Bush got elected, abandoned PAYGO, cut taxes, and...

triple digit deficits returned and and the stock market ended lower by the time Bush left than it was when he became president.

That is why you never elect Republicans, if you have any sense.

The tax rates under Clinton were remarkably lower than they were when Reagan took over in 1981 and the 80s is what started the economic growth that ultimately bloomed the dot com boom. People had cell phones in the 1980s, but they were only affordable for the wealthy and the Internet was not public. Producing those technologies eventually became less costly in the 90s which is what allowed you, me, and everyone else to start buying cell phones and subscribing to Internet services, hence, the dot com boom.

As I said before, tax rates had nothing to do with it and aren't the only driver of an economy. We had a technology evolution during that time period which superceded the small elevation in income taxes, but if that's the metric you want to use then let's give credit where credit is due and that would be Reagan's 28% top rate which was in effect when all of these things were in their infant stages of development during the 1980s.

Reagan's 28% rate produced deficits so scary that even George Bush Sr. felt compelled to break his no new taxes pledge.
The entire stock market went up, remember? Tax increases did not kill investment.

The stock market over the entire course of Clinton's presidency was up 200%. And the budget was balanced.

Bush got elected, abandoned PAYGO, cut taxes, and...

triple digit deficits returned and and the stock market ended lower by the time Bush left than it was when he became president.

That is why you never elect Republicans, if you have any sense.

The tax rates under Clinton were remarkably lower than they were when Reagan took over in 1981 and the 80s is what started the economic growth that ultimately bloomed the dot com boom. People had cell phones in the 1980s, but they were only affordable for the wealthy and the Internet was not public. Producing those technologies eventually became less costly in the 90s which is what allowed you, me, and everyone else to start buying cell phones and subscribing to Internet services, hence, the dot com boom.

As I said before, tax rates had nothing to do with it and aren't the only driver of an economy. We had a technology evolution during that time period which superceded the small elevation in income taxes, but if that's the metric you want to use then let's give credit where credit is due and that would be Reagan's 28% top rate which was in effect when all of these things were in their infant stages of development during the 1980s.

Reagan's 28% rate produced deficits so scary that even George Bush Sr. felt compelled to break his no new taxes pledge.

The federal government should be able to perform its job on 5%, or even less. The federal government has a spending problem, not a revenue problem.
Some new taxes for the middle class. Some new benefits for the middle class. Not that any of it has a chance of passing anytime soon.

No benefits but plenty more burdens.
Benefits: "Free" state community college. "Free" health care.

Free tuition is proposed to be paid for by a tax on stock transactions, which would fall hardest on day traders. That hardly affects the average household.

That hardly affects the average household.

Just the ones that own stocks, or mutual funds, or IRAs or 401Ks. Or have pensions.

It's a .5% tax on each transaction. Unless you are trading stocks daily (something that is of no value to the economy) it's not going to affect you much. It might even make the value of your 401k more stable, as worthless chiselers aren't stealing pennies out of it anymore.

It's a .5% tax on each transaction. Unless you are trading stocks daily (something that is of no value to the economy) it's not going to affect you much.

Mutual funds trade all the time. I guess you won't mind a lower fund balance when you retire.

It might even make the value of your 401k more stable, as worthless chiselers aren't stealing pennies out of it anymore.

That sounds interesting. How do "worthless chiselers" steal pennies out of my 401K?
No benefits but plenty more burdens.
Benefits: "Free" state community college. "Free" health care.

Free tuition is proposed to be paid for by a tax on stock transactions, which would fall hardest on day traders. That hardly affects the average household.

That hardly affects the average household.

Just the ones that own stocks, or mutual funds, or IRAs or 401Ks. Or have pensions.

It's a .5% tax on each transaction. Unless you are trading stocks daily (something that is of no value to the economy) it's not going to affect you much. It might even make the value of your 401k more stable, as worthless chiselers aren't stealing pennies out of it anymore.

It's a .5% tax on each transaction. Unless you are trading stocks daily (something that is of no value to the economy) it's not going to affect you much.

Mutual funds trade all the time. I guess you won't mind a lower fund balance when you retire.

It might even make the value of your 401k more stable, as worthless chiselers aren't stealing pennies out of it anymore.

That sounds interesting. How do "worthless chiselers" steal pennies out of my 401K?

If people make money of of trading stocks, that money comes from somewhere. It comes out of the profit of long term investors (i.e. those with retirement funds)
Benefits: "Free" state community college. "Free" health care.

Free tuition is proposed to be paid for by a tax on stock transactions, which would fall hardest on day traders. That hardly affects the average household.

That hardly affects the average household.

Just the ones that own stocks, or mutual funds, or IRAs or 401Ks. Or have pensions.

It's a .5% tax on each transaction. Unless you are trading stocks daily (something that is of no value to the economy) it's not going to affect you much. It might even make the value of your 401k more stable, as worthless chiselers aren't stealing pennies out of it anymore.

It's a .5% tax on each transaction. Unless you are trading stocks daily (something that is of no value to the economy) it's not going to affect you much.

Mutual funds trade all the time. I guess you won't mind a lower fund balance when you retire.

It might even make the value of your 401k more stable, as worthless chiselers aren't stealing pennies out of it anymore.

That sounds interesting. How do "worthless chiselers" steal pennies out of my 401K?

If people make money of of trading stocks, that money comes from somewhere. It comes out of the profit of long term investors (i.e. those with retirement funds)

If people make money of of trading stocks, that money comes from somewhere. It comes out of the profit of long term investors

I bought 500 shares of Altria in 2000.
How does day trading, or any trading, take any profit from my holdings?
Walk through the steps you came up with.
Bernie has gotten a complete free ride from the press. No wonder everyone loves him.
The entire stock market went up, remember? Tax increases did not kill investment.

The stock market over the entire course of Clinton's presidency was up 200%. And the budget was balanced.

Bush got elected, abandoned PAYGO, cut taxes, and...

triple digit deficits returned and and the stock market ended lower by the time Bush left than it was when he became president.

That is why you never elect Republicans, if you have any sense.

The tax rates under Clinton were remarkably lower than they were when Reagan took over in 1981 and the 80s is what started the economic growth that ultimately bloomed the dot com boom. People had cell phones in the 1980s, but they were only affordable for the wealthy and the Internet was not public. Producing those technologies eventually became less costly in the 90s which is what allowed you, me, and everyone else to start buying cell phones and subscribing to Internet services, hence, the dot com boom.

As I said before, tax rates had nothing to do with it and aren't the only driver of an economy. We had a technology evolution during that time period which superceded the small elevation in income taxes, but if that's the metric you want to use then let's give credit where credit is due and that would be Reagan's 28% top rate which was in effect when all of these things were in their infant stages of development during the 1980s.

Reagan's 28% rate produced deficits so scary that even George Bush Sr. felt compelled to break his no new taxes pledge.

Reagan's 28% rate increased revenue to the federal treasury. That's a fact, but I'm sure it won't stop you from lying about it anyway.

Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary

It was ramped up spending on the Cold War, in excess of the increased revenues, that caused the deficits..
I'm at the point where i feel it's either Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump. I think it's time for Revolutionary change. Both represent that.

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