Sanders Tax Plan Would Hammer Middle Class Families

Seems like we had tax hikes AND growth spurts during the 90s...AND on a plan to pay down our debts.

What high taxes did we have in the 90s?
pres clinton raised the tax rates on the top tiers to what they were before bush 1 had them lowered

Which were still considerably lower than when Reagan took office before lowering them, so I suppose it depends on your definition of high. Also, during the Clinton administration capital gains taxes were cut. Let's also not forget about the dot com boom. Taxes aren't the only thing that drive an economy

The dot com 'boom' occurred after the Clinton tax increases in 1993, something that RW'ers said was impossible because higher taxes kill investment. The stock market rise in the nineties was all about investment.
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you

From the link:

Bernie Sanders's plan would raise taxes on everyone, but it would also pay for health care, education, and other programs that you would no longer have to pay for.

So you'd come out ahead.

Don't proceed to tell me how I will come out as. You don't manage my family's financial affairs.

And no, I will not come out ahead. Not even close. His plan only benefits people like you who contribute next to nothing for what you get in return.

Not that it matters since he won't be president.

You know my finances? How?

People who successfully provide for themselves and possess the maturity of a grown adult don't support people who promise them other people's money.
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you
Here is how each candidate's tax plan affects me, according to your link, which I trust about as much as I believe an online personality test:

Seems like we had tax hikes AND growth spurts during the 90s...AND on a plan to pay down our debts.

What high taxes did we have in the 90s?
pres clinton raised the tax rates on the top tiers to what they were before bush 1 had them lowered

Which were still considerably lower than when Reagan took office before lowering them, so I suppose it depends on your definition of high. Also, during the Clinton administration capital gains taxes were cut. Let's also not forget about the dot com boom. Taxes aren't the only thing that drive an economy

The dot com 'boom' occurred after the Clinton tax increases in 1993, something that RW'ers said was impossible because higher taxes kill investment. The stock market rise in the nineties was all about investment.

The dot com boom had to do with innovative new technologies which were already years in the work. Tax rates had dick to do with it, but don't let me get in the way of your bullshit, Komrade.
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you
Here is how each candidate's tax plan affect me, according to your link, which I trust about as much as I believe an online personality test:


Well, Ezra Klein isn't exactly known for being a staunch conservative.
I have yet to hear a single tax analysis claim that ANY of the candidates' tax plans balance the budget.

That is what matters.

Trump's is the biggest debt builder on the GOP side. Sanders is the biggest debt builder on any side.

If Cruz raised his flat tax rate to a sane number that balanced the budget, I'd be cheering for him. Because he starts from a position of eliminating most tax expenditures.
Seems like we had tax hikes AND growth spurts during the 90s...AND on a plan to pay down our debts.

What high taxes did we have in the 90s?
pres clinton raised the tax rates on the top tiers to what they were before bush 1 had them lowered

Which were still considerably lower than when Reagan took office before lowering them, so I suppose it depends on your definition of high. Also, during the Clinton administration capital gains taxes were cut. Let's also not forget about the dot com boom. Taxes aren't the only thing that drive an economy

The dot com 'boom' occurred after the Clinton tax increases in 1993, something that RW'ers said was impossible because higher taxes kill investment. The stock market rise in the nineties was all about investment.

The dot com boom had to do with innovative new technologies which were already years in the work. Tax rates had dick to do with it, but don't let me get in the way of your bullshit, Komrade.

The entire stock market went up, remember? Tax increases did not kill investment.

The stock market over the entire course of Clinton's presidency was up 200%. And the budget was balanced.

Bush got elected, abandoned PAYGO, cut taxes, and...

triple digit deficits returned and and the stock market ended lower by the time Bush left than it was when he became president.

That is why you never elect Republicans, if you have any sense.
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you
Here is how each candidate's tax plan affects me, according to your link, which I trust about as much as I believe an online personality test:


Now start by subtracting your current health insurance costs out of the Sanders number.
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you
Here is how each candidate's tax plan affects me, according to your link, which I trust about as much as I believe an online personality test:


Now start by subtracting your current health insurance costs out of the Sanders number.
I am a retired vet. My current health insurance costs are $460 a year, give or take.

So I am still out 14 thousand bucks.
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you

From the link:

Bernie Sanders's plan would raise taxes on everyone, but it would also pay for health care, education, and other programs that you would no longer have to pay for.

So you'd come out ahead.

Don't proceed to tell me how I will come out as. You don't manage my family's financial affairs.

And no, I will not come out ahead. Not even close. His plan only benefits people like you who contribute next to nothing for what you get in return.

Not that it matters since he won't be president.

You know my finances? How?

People who successfully provide for themselves and possess the maturity of a grown adult don't support people who promise them other people's money.

I fully support Sanders and I promise you I am not doing it "for free shit".
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you
Here is how each candidate's tax plan affects me, according to your link, which I trust about as much as I believe an online personality test:


Now start by subtracting your current health insurance costs out of the Sanders number.
I am a retired vet. My current health insurance costs are $460 a year, give or take.

So I am still out 14 thousand bucks.

They tax your pension?
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you
Here is how each candidate's tax plan affects me, according to your link, which I trust about as much as I believe an online personality test:


Now start by subtracting your current health insurance costs out of the Sanders number.
I am a retired vet. My current health insurance costs are $460 a year, give or take.

So I am still out 14 thousand bucks.

Thanks Obama!
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you
Here is how each candidate's tax plan affects me, according to your link, which I trust about as much as I believe an online personality test:


Now start by subtracting your current health insurance costs out of the Sanders number.
I am a retired vet. My current health insurance costs are $460 a year, give or take.

So I am still out 14 thousand bucks.

They tax your pension?
Yep. State and federal do.
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you
Here is how each candidate's tax plan affects me, according to your link, which I trust about as much as I believe an online personality test:


Now start by subtracting your current health insurance costs out of the Sanders number.
I am a retired vet. My current health insurance costs are $460 a year, give or take.

So I am still out 14 thousand bucks.

Thanks Obama!
No, thank Sanders.
Sanders' tax plan is contingent on a whole array of
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you
Here is how each candidate's tax plan affects me, according to your link, which I trust about as much as I believe an online personality test:


Now start by subtracting your current health insurance costs out of the Sanders number.
I am a retired vet. My current health insurance costs are $460 a year, give or take.

So I am still out 14 thousand bucks.

You get a military pension of 150,000 a year?
Here's the thing. We have a $16 trillion shit sandwich, and everyone has to take a bite.

The key word being "everyone". We are all to blame for the debt, and we all have to pay for it. No exceptions.

I am willing to pay more taxes to do my part. But I must be sure that EVERYONE is paying their share.

Which is why I like Cruz's tax plan the most. I liked Rand Paul's, too, but he's out of the running.

Cruz's tax plan levels the playing field. He does keep a couple deductions which piss me off, but I know why he did it. He knew the rubes would never give up their mortgage interest deduction even though it steals from them. They are too ignorant to see it. So, okay. Fine.

Cruz's tax plan makes the playing field about as level as it can get. That's why I like it.

But even his tax plan does not balance the budget, and that is where every one of these alleged "conservatives" fail. They are too goddam cowardly to tell the American people it is time for ALL of us to pay up.
Sanders' tax plan is contingent on a whole array of
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you
Here is how each candidate's tax plan affects me, according to your link, which I trust about as much as I believe an online personality test:


Now start by subtracting your current health insurance costs out of the Sanders number.
I am a retired vet. My current health insurance costs are $460 a year, give or take.

So I am still out 14 thousand bucks.

You get a military pension of 150,000 a year?
Nope. I have my income from my civilian enterprise, plus my military pension which is a small part.
Sanders' tax plan is contingent on a whole array of
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you
Here is how each candidate's tax plan affects me, according to your link, which I trust about as much as I believe an online personality test:


Now start by subtracting your current health insurance costs out of the Sanders number.
I am a retired vet. My current health insurance costs are $460 a year, give or take.

So I am still out 14 thousand bucks.

You get a military pension of 150,000 a year?
Nope. I have my income from my civilian enterprise, plus my military pension which is a small part.

Okay, so you inadvertently misled me.
Seems like we had tax hikes AND growth spurts during the 90s...AND on a plan to pay down our debts.

What high taxes did we have in the 90s?
pres clinton raised the tax rates on the top tiers to what they were before bush 1 had them lowered

pres clinton raised the tax rates on the top tiers to what they were before bush 1 had them lowered

Bush 1 lowered tax rates? When? To what level? Link?

Clinton also raised taxes on the middle tiers, btw.

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