Sanders Tax Plan Would Hammer Middle Class Families

You gotta give propaganda credit, mention taxes and the wackos would shoot their dog. Sixty years of brainwashing has truly worked, the right wing would elect Dumbo the Idiot if he promised lower taxes. Too funny the control money power has over the minds of the wingnuts. Fools look to Kansas and see the shining dump on the hill.

"There is no historical evidence that tax cuts spur economic growth. The highest period of growth in U.S. history (1933-1973) also saw its highest tax rates on the rich: 70 to 91 percent. During this period, the general tax rate climbed as well, but it reached a plateau in 1969, and growth slowed down five years later. Almost all rich nations have higher general taxes than the U.S., and they are growing faster as well." Tax cuts spur economic growth

The Obama Boom

"The national infatuation with pointless defense spending has generated expenditures that are utterly out of control. Spending rose gradually at first from its 1995 low, then soared after the terrorist attacks of 2001, reaching a high of $653 billion for fiscal year 2009 with no end in sight as the major presidential candidates had pledged to further increase the Pentagon's budget. They made these promises despite the fact that the United States at that time spent more on defense than all the rest of the world put together. China, the second most heavily armed state, had a military budget one-tenth the size of America's. Even the gigantic U.S. figure grossly underestimates the real costs of maintaining a bloated military establishment. The War Resisters League, a pacifist organization and therefore hardly impartial, compiled an interesting analysis of the full costs in fiscal year 2009 using official government publications. It is entitled "Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes" and can be found on the organization's website, As we have seen, the Pentagon's books are impossible to audit, but using publications from the Congressional Budget Office and other sources the League was able to paint a better and darker picture than one finds in most discussions of military costs." pps 387,388 'A Bubble in Time: America During the Interwar Years, 1989-2001' by William L. O'Neill

WRL Pie Chart Flyers - Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes

Here’s Where Your Tax Dollars Go

There is no historical evidence that tax cuts spur economic growth.

There is a lot more evidence that tax cuts spur growth than evidence that tax hikes spur growth.

rRght? I'm still waiting to hear how removing money from the economy spurs growth...
You gotta give propaganda credit, mention taxes and the wackos would shoot their dog. Sixty years of brainwashing has truly worked, the right wing would elect Dumbo the Idiot if he promised lower taxes. Too funny the control money power has over the minds of the wingnuts. Fools look to Kansas and see the shining dump on the hill.

"There is no historical evidence that tax cuts spur economic growth. The highest period of growth in U.S. history (1933-1973) also saw its highest tax rates on the rich: 70 to 91 percent. During this period, the general tax rate climbed as well, but it reached a plateau in 1969, and growth slowed down five years later. Almost all rich nations have higher general taxes than the U.S., and they are growing faster as well." Tax cuts spur economic growth

The Obama Boom

"The national infatuation with pointless defense spending has generated expenditures that are utterly out of control. Spending rose gradually at first from its 1995 low, then soared after the terrorist attacks of 2001, reaching a high of $653 billion for fiscal year 2009 with no end in sight as the major presidential candidates had pledged to further increase the Pentagon's budget. They made these promises despite the fact that the United States at that time spent more on defense than all the rest of the world put together. China, the second most heavily armed state, had a military budget one-tenth the size of America's. Even the gigantic U.S. figure grossly underestimates the real costs of maintaining a bloated military establishment. The War Resisters League, a pacifist organization and therefore hardly impartial, compiled an interesting analysis of the full costs in fiscal year 2009 using official government publications. It is entitled "Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes" and can be found on the organization's website, As we have seen, the Pentagon's books are impossible to audit, but using publications from the Congressional Budget Office and other sources the League was able to paint a better and darker picture than one finds in most discussions of military costs." pps 387,388 'A Bubble in Time: America During the Interwar Years, 1989-2001' by William L. O'Neill

WRL Pie Chart Flyers - Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes

Here’s Where Your Tax Dollars Go

There is no historical evidence that tax cuts spur economic growth.

There is a lot more evidence that tax cuts spur growth than evidence that tax hikes spur growth.

rRght? I'm still waiting to hear how removing money from the economy spurs growth...

Taxation doesn't remove money from the economy. I just paid my town taxes. The town will spend that money.
It appears that the Trump plan would also increase the number of households who pay no federal income tax,

something conservatives used to rant constantly against.
You gotta give propaganda credit, mention taxes and the wackos would shoot their dog. Sixty years of brainwashing has truly worked, the right wing would elect Dumbo the Idiot if he promised lower taxes. Too funny the control money power has over the minds of the wingnuts. Fools look to Kansas and see the shining dump on the hill.

"There is no historical evidence that tax cuts spur economic growth. The highest period of growth in U.S. history (1933-1973) also saw its highest tax rates on the rich: 70 to 91 percent. During this period, the general tax rate climbed as well, but it reached a plateau in 1969, and growth slowed down five years later. Almost all rich nations have higher general taxes than the U.S., and they are growing faster as well." Tax cuts spur economic growth

The Obama Boom

"The national infatuation with pointless defense spending has generated expenditures that are utterly out of control. Spending rose gradually at first from its 1995 low, then soared after the terrorist attacks of 2001, reaching a high of $653 billion for fiscal year 2009 with no end in sight as the major presidential candidates had pledged to further increase the Pentagon's budget. They made these promises despite the fact that the United States at that time spent more on defense than all the rest of the world put together. China, the second most heavily armed state, had a military budget one-tenth the size of America's. Even the gigantic U.S. figure grossly underestimates the real costs of maintaining a bloated military establishment. The War Resisters League, a pacifist organization and therefore hardly impartial, compiled an interesting analysis of the full costs in fiscal year 2009 using official government publications. It is entitled "Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes" and can be found on the organization's website, As we have seen, the Pentagon's books are impossible to audit, but using publications from the Congressional Budget Office and other sources the League was able to paint a better and darker picture than one finds in most discussions of military costs." pps 387,388 'A Bubble in Time: America During the Interwar Years, 1989-2001' by William L. O'Neill

WRL Pie Chart Flyers - Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes

Here’s Where Your Tax Dollars Go

There is no historical evidence that tax cuts spur economic growth. The highest period of growth in U.S. history (1933-1973) also saw its highest tax rates on the rich: 70 to 91 percent.

Still trying to post nonsense and ignore history and the reason why?????
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you

From the link:

Bernie Sanders's plan would raise taxes on everyone, but it would also pay for health care, education, and other programs that you would no longer have to pay for.

So you'd come out ahead.

Lmao you would not have to pay for health care, education and other programs...

What fucking world do you live on?
Seems like we had tax hikes AND growth spurts during the 90s...AND on a plan to pay down our debts.

What high taxes did we have in the 90s?
pres clinton raised the tax rates on the top tiers to what they were before bush 1 had them lowered

Which were still considerably lower than when Reagan took office before lowering them, so I suppose it depends on your definition of high. Also, during the Clinton administration capital gains taxes were cut. Let's also not forget about the dot com boom. Taxes aren't the only thing that drive an economy

The dot com 'boom' occurred after the Clinton tax increases in 1993, something that RW'ers said was impossible because higher taxes kill investment. The stock market rise in the nineties was all about investment.

The dot com boom had to do with innovative new technologies which were already years in the work. Tax rates had dick to do with it, but don't let me get in the way of your bullshit, Komrade.

Hey but Al Gore invented the internet during that time...
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  • #67
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you

From the link:

Bernie Sanders's plan would raise taxes on everyone, but it would also pay for health care, education, and other programs that you would no longer have to pay for.

So you'd come out ahead.

Lmao you would not have to pay for health care, education and other programs...

What fucking world do you live on?

Sanders' tax plan is contingent on a whole array of
Here is how each candidate's tax plan affects me, according to your link, which I trust about as much as I believe an online personality test:


Now start by subtracting your current health insurance costs out of the Sanders number.
I am a retired vet. My current health insurance costs are $460 a year, give or take.

So I am still out 14 thousand bucks.

You get a military pension of 150,000 a year?
Nope. I have my income from my civilian enterprise, plus my military pension which is a small part.

Okay, so you inadvertently misled me.
No, I didn't. You misled yourself with some assumptions, fool.
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  • #69
I have yet to hear a single tax analysis claim that ANY of the candidates' tax plans balance the budget.

That's because none of them do. Politicians live in a bubble where they can print endless fiat currency without consequence.
Seems like we had tax hikes AND growth spurts during the 90s...AND on a plan to pay down our debts.

What high taxes did we have in the 90s?
pres clinton raised the tax rates on the top tiers to what they were before bush 1 had them lowered
You are mistaken. Bush, Sr. increased taxes on the rich. I guess you weren't born, or are too young to remember "Read my hips".

Bush had promised very firmly, "Read my lips! No. New. Taxes." And then he increased them.
One day while out jogging, a reporter asked him about his broken promise, whereupon Bush replied, "Read my hips" as he jogged away.

Clinton then raised tax rates even higher.

See for yourself: U.S. Federal Individual Income Tax Rates History, 1862-2013 (Nominal and Inflation-Adjusted Brackets)
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you

From the link:

Bernie Sanders's plan would raise taxes on everyone, but it would also pay for health care, education, and other programs that you would no longer have to pay for.

So you'd come out ahead.

Lmao you would not have to pay for health care, education and other programs...

What fucking world do you live on?

Your taxes pay for it. Like when they plow the road in front of your house.
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you

People should be beaten with a stick because you don't want to pay more taxes?

It's because they want others to pay more while they continue to pay none.
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you

From the link:

Bernie Sanders's plan would raise taxes on everyone, but it would also pay for health care, education, and other programs that you would no longer have to pay for.

So you'd come out ahead.

Lmao you would not have to pay for health care, education and other programs...

What fucking world do you live on?

Your taxes pay for it. Like when they plow the road in front of your house.

The problem is many benefiting from Bernie's proposals aren't paying the taxes that fund them. I pay the taxes and the roads get paved. Some freeloader doesn't pay the taxes and the road in front of their house still gets paved.
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you

From the link:

Bernie Sanders's plan would raise taxes on everyone, but it would also pay for health care, education, and other programs that you would no longer have to pay for.

So you'd come out ahead.

Lmao you would not have to pay for health care, education and other programs...

What fucking world do you live on?

Your taxes pay for it. Like when they plow the road in front of your house.

The problem is many benefiting from Bernie's proposals aren't paying the taxes that fund them. I pay the taxes and the roads get paved. Some freeloader doesn't pay the taxes and the road in front of their house still gets paved.

So tell your highway department to leave the snow on the road there, genius. And hope it's not the direction you need to go, lol.
You gotta give propaganda credit, mention taxes and the wackos would shoot their dog. Sixty years of brainwashing has truly worked, the right wing would elect Dumbo the Idiot if he promised lower taxes. Too funny the control money power has over the minds of the wingnuts. Fools look to Kansas and see the shining dump on the hill.

"There is no historical evidence that tax cuts spur economic growth. The highest period of growth in U.S. history (1933-1973) also saw its highest tax rates on the rich: 70 to 91 percent. During this period, the general tax rate climbed as well, but it reached a plateau in 1969, and growth slowed down five years later. Almost all rich nations have higher general taxes than the U.S., and they are growing faster as well." Tax cuts spur economic growth

The Obama Boom

"The national infatuation with pointless defense spending has generated expenditures that are utterly out of control. Spending rose gradually at first from its 1995 low, then soared after the terrorist attacks of 2001, reaching a high of $653 billion for fiscal year 2009 with no end in sight as the major presidential candidates had pledged to further increase the Pentagon's budget. They made these promises despite the fact that the United States at that time spent more on defense than all the rest of the world put together. China, the second most heavily armed state, had a military budget one-tenth the size of America's. Even the gigantic U.S. figure grossly underestimates the real costs of maintaining a bloated military establishment. The War Resisters League, a pacifist organization and therefore hardly impartial, compiled an interesting analysis of the full costs in fiscal year 2009 using official government publications. It is entitled "Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes" and can be found on the organization's website, As we have seen, the Pentagon's books are impossible to audit, but using publications from the Congressional Budget Office and other sources the League was able to paint a better and darker picture than one finds in most discussions of military costs." pps 387,388 'A Bubble in Time: America During the Interwar Years, 1989-2001' by William L. O'Neill

WRL Pie Chart Flyers - Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes

Here’s Where Your Tax Dollars Go

There is no historical evidence that tax cuts spur economic growth.

There is a lot more evidence that tax cuts spur growth than evidence that tax hikes spur growth.

rRght? I'm still waiting to hear how removing money from the economy spurs growth...

Taxation doesn't remove money from the economy. I just paid my town taxes. The town will spend that money.

It keeps those that earned it from spending it the way those earned it want it spent. That you're so much of a dumbass you'd rather let someone else spend what you earned is your problem. I'm smart enough to know that is foolish.
The average middle class family would get hit with a $6,100 income tax increase under Bernie Sanders tax plan. My family's tax bill would increase over $16,000 according to this calculator. Anybody supporting this man should be a beaten with a stick

This simple calculator tells you how each presidential candidate's tax plan affects you

From the link:

Bernie Sanders's plan would raise taxes on everyone, but it would also pay for health care, education, and other programs that you would no longer have to pay for.

So you'd come out ahead.

Lmao you would not have to pay for health care, education and other programs...

What fucking world do you live on?

Your taxes pay for it. Like when they plow the road in front of your house.

The problem is many benefiting from Bernie's proposals aren't paying the taxes that fund them. I pay the taxes and the roads get paved. Some freeloader doesn't pay the taxes and the road in front of their house still gets paved.

So tell your highway department to leave the snow on the road there, genius. And hope it's not the direction you need to go, lol.

Tell the fucking piece of shit freeloader to start contributing to the society you say paying taxes is part of.

What snow?

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