Sandy Hook Lawsuit against Remington Arms Allowed to Move Forward

They won't because of the bad PR that would come from a counter-suit. It's just another business expense, but the courts will break it off in this judge's ass and future judges won't go along with her line of thinking.
What a stupid ruling. This nonsense will likely be overturned in a higher court.

The Connecticut Supreme Court has ruled that the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 7901 through 7903" is Constitutional . So I fail to see the reason the scumbag "judge" is going to force Remington Arms to waste money defending itself.

Rodriguez v. Testa, 993 A.2d 955, 296 Conn. 1 (Conn. 05/04/2010)

When this case does get thrown out, by a judge who will actually do his job and uphold the law, I hope that Remington brings a successful lawsuit against this corrupt, lawless judge, seeking full compensation for all the costs imposed on Remington as a result of this blatant malfeasance.

Bad News.

In the 1960's US "judges" adopted the nazi Judicial immunity from law suits policy

Even so, there surely ought to be some action that can be taken against a judge who engages in such blatant disregard for the rule of law.

It is very specifically the job and duty of a judge to uphold the law. In this case, the law is absolutely clear, and the judge acted against it. That's malfeasance. Our system of justice cannot stand, if judges are allowed to behave in such a recklessly lawless manner.

Even so, there surely ought to be some action that can be taken against a judge who engages in such blatant disregard for the rule of law.

It is very specifically the job and duty of a judge to uphold the law. In this case, the law is absolutely clear, and the judge acted against it. That's malfeasance. Our system of justice cannot stand, if judges are allowed to behave in such a recklessly lawless manner.

Should be, but there isn't. Unless a judge is taking a bribe or something, about the most that will happen is the Appellate Courts ripping them a new one on paper.

Even so, there surely ought to be some action that can be taken against a judge who engages in such blatant disregard for the rule of law.

It is very specifically the job and duty of a judge to uphold the law. In this case, the law is absolutely clear, and the judge acted against it. That's malfeasance. Our system of justice cannot stand, if judges are allowed to behave in such a recklessly lawless manner.

Again, The US Supreme has ruled that "judges" can stick a broom up you ass sans KY Jelly and there is not a fucking thing that WE THE PEOPLE can do but grin and bear it.

The "judicial" system is corrupt to its core.

Our law courts stand just fine.
But Comrade Starkiev does not know his ass from a hole in the ground and he loves having someone stick a broom up his ass. He loves those "Moscow Show Trials" from his native USSR.
What a stupid thing to say, but you are Comrade Stupid on this Board.

You and I both know why you want the Rule of Man to replace the Rule of Law.
Sandy Hook Lawsuit Allowed to Move Forward


Connecticut Superior Court Judge Barbara N Bellis ruled Thursday that "a lawsuit can go forward against the maker of the rifle used in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings," rejecting the “argument that a 2005 federal law can protect gun businesses from civil lawsuits.”

Families of several children killed in the Newtown attack and one surviving teacher are suing Remington Arms, parent company of Bushmaster Firearms, who manufactured the weapon — a Bushmaster AR-15 — used by Adam Lanza in the school shooting.

According to The Washington Examiner, the basis of the families' suit is that "the military-style gun should have never been available for civilians to purchase."

Although lawyers for Remington Arms sought to dismiss the lawsuit, Bellis ruled that Remington's argument "that the federal law shields gun manufacturers from most lawsuits over criminal use of their products...would be best made in a motion later in the process and is not grounds to dismiss the lawsuit."

Another miserable piece of shit "judge" who does know her ass from a hole in the ground

Sandy Hook : Live shooter drill that was presented as a real time event. It appears to me that the crisis actors did their little skit in October and that was where the pics came from. I could name a 100 things about the alleged event that doesn't pass anyone's sniff test that has the ability for critical thinking. Aurora was a real shooting but it was DHS that were involved. They found two gas masks and witnesses said that there were more than one shooter. Crisis actors were also used. Charleston was another live shooter drill presented as a real time event. Youtube his arrest and tell me if that passes muster to you. The funeral of the anti-gun advocate state legislator was the only open casket and no one was allowed to get close to his body as DPS officers were standing guard. Someone did do a comparison of his face and what was shown in the casket proved beyond any reason that it was simply a wax figure and they paid no attention to detail. The alleged shooter had a rebel flag photo-shopped into the pic we all got to see that caused this uproar right when the TPP was being discussed. He was wearing a bullet proof vest as well....cost? Around a grand or many poor white trash to you know that has a grand to to spend on a bullet proof vest?

The Virginia TV reporter shooting was an utter joke and I was personally insulted. You see no shells ejecting from the gun and we had close footage of the gun allegedly being fired.. He approaches with a gun drawn and gets within a few feet of them and they never even glance his way? He used hollow point bullets (allegedly), shoots her at point blank range and she reacts as if she was hit with a B B gun and runs away before getting the fatal kill shot?? What is even more damning was the color of the hand that was doing the shooting was white AND in a shirt that didn't come anything close to what the TV camera captured and we never hear a word from the guy holding the surprised gasps, not a peep.
What is always the common theme with these fake shootings is that the alleged bodies are not even cold before the Barrypuppet comes on TV and scolds people that do not support his gun control agenda. The second thing is that these alleged shootings are always random in order to give us the impression that we are not safe anywhere we go and some psycho is just waiting to put a bullet in us unless we cancel the 2nd amendment. The shooting in Australia in 1996 that led to their draconian gun laws was THE mother of all false flag events...this sharp shooter that allegedly killed 35 people was a feeb...I mean a big time feeble mind with an IQ of may 70? They kept him in solitary confinement until he confessed thus keeping any REAL evidence from being presented. The feeb allegedly killed 19 of his first twenty victims in the diner with single shots to the head...holy fuck? Maybe the CIA has room for him?

Some of the lefties here and maybe even some on the right will say I am crazy...allow me to assuage those fears or thoughts. What I have is the critical ability to think. If someone puts a puzzle before me and tells me that it is a Hawaiian beach but yet after putting 20 or so pieces together all I see are penguins and polar bears...well, I think I am going to go with the conclusion that the presenter of the puzzle was mistaken...if not a flat out liar. People need to wake the fuck up and they need to do it soon. Have you seen how many alleged MASS shootings have taken place since Barrypuppet took office compared to the last 5 presidents? It's beyond staggering and I truly believe that we are being gamed. If you think I am wrong on the above mentioned events, let me know. I will be happy to provide more evidence that supports my contentions.
Sandy Hook Lawsuit Allowed to Move Forward


Connecticut Superior Court Judge Barbara N Bellis ruled Thursday that "a lawsuit can go forward against the maker of the rifle used in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings," rejecting the “argument that a 2005 federal law can protect gun businesses from civil lawsuits.”

Families of several children killed in the Newtown attack and one surviving teacher are suing Remington Arms, parent company of Bushmaster Firearms, who manufactured the weapon — a Bushmaster AR-15 — used by Adam Lanza in the school shooting.

According to The Washington Examiner, the basis of the families' suit is that "the military-style gun should have never been available for civilians to purchase."

Although lawyers for Remington Arms sought to dismiss the lawsuit, Bellis ruled that Remington's argument "that the federal law shields gun manufacturers from most lawsuits over criminal use of their products...would be best made in a motion later in the process and is not grounds to dismiss the lawsuit."

Another miserable piece of shit "judge" who does know her ass from a hole in the ground


This may be a huge mistake by the left.....all those sealed records about this hidden away........

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