Sandy Hook Massacre....How the world sees us

Yeah they do. You can say over and over again that they don't, but we know that is untrue. Maybe a certain section of the US doesn't care what others do, but most do. It's human nature. It's also human nature to deny you give a shit, when in fact, you do.

Bullshit. You don't understand Americans.

Of all the cultures in the world, the US is the easiest to understand.

if your attitude ("I don't give a shit what anybody else thinks") ever becomes the norm in the US, then your country is doomed to failure. There is nothing like blind arrogance that will lead to failure. Thinking your world is Utopia and not open to criticism is a trait of the vacuous. People who believe that there lot is perfect are the ones who head for a downfall.The only people in the world who think they were/are impervious to criticism had names like Stalin, Hitler, Pot and Mugabe.

Because when you start thinking like that you don't see you own failings. And if you can't see that, then it's too late for you...

I'll bet you just swoon over Barry S., don't you?
Yeah they do. You can say over and over again that they don't, but we know that is untrue. Maybe a certain section of the US doesn't care what others do, but most do. It's human nature. It's also human nature to deny you give a shit, when in fact, you do.

Bullshit. You don't understand Americans.

Of all the cultures in the world, the US is the easiest to understand.

if your attitude ("I don't give a shit what anybody else thinks") ever becomes the norm in the US, then your country is doomed to failure. There is nothing like blind arrogance that will lead to failure. Thinking your world is Utopia and not open to criticism is a trait of the vacuous. People who believe that there lot is perfect are the ones who head for a downfall.The only people in the world who think they were/are impervious to criticism had names like Stalin, Hitler, Pot and Mugabe.

Because when you start thinking like that you don't see you own failings. And if you can't see that, then it's too late for you...

analogous auto-biographical freudian slip much? :lol:

Merry Christmas btw!!
Americans aren't impervious to criticism. We know it exists. We just don't give a fuck.
During the last year before I retired, we had dealings with several British and French companies. They, the French in particular, believe that most of America is crazy. They all though American evangelicals are loopy. None of them, even those who attend church services, simply can't believe the anti-intellectualism and anti-science positions of these people.
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Bullshit. You don't understand Americans.

Of all the cultures in the world, the US is the easiest to understand.

if your attitude ("I don't give a shit what anybody else thinks") ever becomes the norm in the US, then your country is doomed to failure. There is nothing like blind arrogance that will lead to failure. Thinking your world is Utopia and not open to criticism is a trait of the vacuous. People who believe that there lot is perfect are the ones who head for a downfall.The only people in the world who think they were/are impervious to criticism had names like Stalin, Hitler, Pot and Mugabe.

Because when you start thinking like that you don't see you own failings. And if you can't see that, then it's too late for you...

I'll bet you just swoon over Barry S., don't you?

No. I bet you think he is a kenyan Muslim from Indonesia.
Bullshit. You don't understand Americans.

Of all the cultures in the world, the US is the easiest to understand.

if your attitude ("I don't give a shit what anybody else thinks") ever becomes the norm in the US, then your country is doomed to failure. There is nothing like blind arrogance that will lead to failure. Thinking your world is Utopia and not open to criticism is a trait of the vacuous. People who believe that there lot is perfect are the ones who head for a downfall.The only people in the world who think they were/are impervious to criticism had names like Stalin, Hitler, Pot and Mugabe.

Because when you start thinking like that you don't see you own failings. And if you can't see that, then it's too late for you...

analogous auto-biographical freudian slip much? :lol:

Merry Christmas btw!!


Happy new year caligula....:cool:
Bullshit. You don't understand Americans.

Of all the cultures in the world, the US is the easiest to understand.

if your attitude ("I don't give a shit what anybody else thinks") ever becomes the norm in the US, then your country is doomed to failure. There is nothing like blind arrogance that will lead to failure. Thinking your world is Utopia and not open to criticism is a trait of the vacuous. People who believe that there lot is perfect are the ones who head for a downfall.The only people in the world who think they were/are impervious to criticism had names like Stalin, Hitler, Pot and Mugabe.

Because when you start thinking like that you don't see you own failings. And if you can't see that, then it's too late for you...

I'll bet you just swoon over Barry S., don't you?

i bet you intentionally don't use his real name.


seriously, why do people do that? do you think it's compelling? i've discussed issues with you. you're smart enough not to do that.

mostly, would you want to be called by the last name of a stepfather with whom you have/had no relationship?

and his name is barack.. it's the same as baruch in hebrew and means 'blessing'. a nice name, i think.

p.s. why does someone have to make you 'swoon' to make you vote against people with whom you don't agree? did romney make you 'swoon'?
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Of all the cultures in the world, the US is the easiest to understand.

if your attitude ("I don't give a shit what anybody else thinks") ever becomes the norm in the US, then your country is doomed to failure. There is nothing like blind arrogance that will lead to failure. Thinking your world is Utopia and not open to criticism is a trait of the vacuous. People who believe that there lot is perfect are the ones who head for a downfall.The only people in the world who think they were/are impervious to criticism had names like Stalin, Hitler, Pot and Mugabe.

Because when you start thinking like that you don't see you own failings. And if you can't see that, then it's too late for you...

I'll bet you just swoon over Barry S., don't you?

i bet you intentionally don't use his real name.


seriously, why do people do that? do you think it's compelling? i've discussed issues with you. you're smart enough not to do that.

mostly, would you want to be called by the last name of a stepfather with whom you have/had no relationship?

and his name is barack.. it's the same as baruch in hebrew and means 'blessing'. a nice name, i think.

p.s. why does someone have to make you 'swoon' to make you vote against people with whom you don't agree? did romney make you 'swoon'?

Romney was never my first choice, so I doubt "swoon" would work to describe my feelings about him.

As far as "Barry S."? He did at some point in his life use that name, so it is as valid as any other. I choose not to recognize his office, nor the name he has decided better suits his purposes.
Who cares about how some people, with no power, refuse to except the president as president?

Does not matter at all other than to reveal the individual as one who is not in touch is all.
I'll bet you just swoon over Barry S., don't you?

i bet you intentionally don't use his real name.


seriously, why do people do that? do you think it's compelling? i've discussed issues with you. you're smart enough not to do that.

mostly, would you want to be called by the last name of a stepfather with whom you have/had no relationship?

and his name is barack.. it's the same as baruch in hebrew and means 'blessing'. a nice name, i think.

p.s. why does someone have to make you 'swoon' to make you vote against people with whom you don't agree? did romney make you 'swoon'?

Romney was never my first choice, so I doubt "swoon" would work to describe my feelings about him.

As far as "Barry S."? He did at some point in his life use that name, so it is as valid as any other. I choose not to recognize his office, nor the name he has decided better suits his purposes.

and obama wasn't my first choice... hillary was. romney was a no-go for about a million reasons. so 'swoon' wouldn't work for me either. i think that was my point.

he was... b/c his mother gave him the name when she moved him as a child. it isn't his name.

i don't care if you "choose" not to recognize his office or his name. he is the president of the united states... and his name is barack obama.

and he beats the heck out of the moron who was president for the eight years before him.

but if you want to diminish yourself... i think that's a shame.
Without reading the endless rants on this, my response is - who cares how the rest of the world views us?

Relax, my wacky board members, no 'brown shirts' or black helicopters are coming for you.

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