Sandy Hook Massacre....How the world sees us

Again, you have nothing but the insistence that indifference means something other than what it does because you really, really need it to.

You're arguing about the proper meaning and usage of "indifference". :lol:

My job here is obviously done.

If your job was to make yourself look like an illogical dope, then yes.

If that's how I came across to you or any of the other morons that I was initially referring to, then yes, I obviously did it right. :thup:

That makes you mad too, doesn't it?
The Connecticut school massacre: How the world sees us - The Week

Canada's The Globe and Mail:

There is something inexorable about the phenomenon of mass shootings in the United States. We have been forced to write about it with tragic regularity for years. We have exhausted adjectives to describe our horror and revulsion. We have stated and restated the problem…
The time for platitudes is past, Mr. President. It’s time the U.S. cured its gun sickness.

What's your point? Could it be that this brand of criticism is tasteless? No...

No, your to worried about what they may think, but how many terrorist bombings have happened in the wonderful UK that we started telling them how they are to open to Islamic or IRA cowards??

Can you embarrass yourself somewhere else, please stop telling people your an American...

Accept it, your a fucking joke...

The point is simply this...

We are the United States. We are the predominant power in the world both economically and militarily without question. We have also held our society up to the rest of the world to follow with values like freedom, liberty and justice that we have tried to spread throughout the world.

What is it about criticism that sends the conservatives into a frenzy of "They are worse" "Who gives a fuck about what the rest of the world says?". Criticism is healthy. It is beneficial to see yourself as others see you.

We are not being criticized by countries that hate us. We are being criticized by countries that love and respect the US (Canada, England, Germany), countries that owe us a lot for what we have done for them. It does not mean they are ungrateful or disrespectful.

They are looking at our society from afar and saying....WTF is going wrong with the US?

Conservatives refuse to admit it.....Something is seriously wrong with our culture

Attacking those who point it out will not help

Let's pretend for a moment you really want a solution as you state, please provide the conversation where this gun convinced Adam Lanza to walk into that school and shoot 26 innocent people, when you can do that, then and only then can you blame the gun...

For the sake of our argument, take the assault rifles off the market today, ban them, destroy the molds, turn them into scrape, it will not help the Adam Lanza's of the world...

What's the difference between the suicide bomber and Adam Lanza?
Interesting point of view

Let me address it.

Guns cannot shoot themselves
People cannot shoot bullets by themselves

It took a combination of a gun and a human to kill first graders

Bob Costas addressed part of your question and was savagely attacked from the right, We have a gun culture in this country. It is part of our soul. That gun does nothing to make you shoot it but our culture of movies, video games, literature all support the man with a gun fantasy. For most, that fantasy is a lone gunman fighting off the bad guys. For others, the fantasy is I am going to use my gun to right all the wrongs in my life.

For most gun owners that fantasy remains just that. It is when those fantasies become a reality that we end up with a situation like Sandy Hook Elementary
Interesting point of view

Let me address it.

Guns cannot shoot themselves
People cannot shoot bullets by themselves

It took a combination of a gun and a human to kill first graders

Bob Costas addressed part of your question and was savagely attacked from the right, We have a gun culture in this country. It is part of our soul. That gun does nothing to make you shoot it but our culture of movies, video games, literature all support the man with a gun fantasy. For most, that fantasy is a lone gunman fighting off the bad guys. For others, the fantasy is I am going to use my gun to right all the wrongs in my life.

For most gun owners that fantasy remains just that. It is when those fantasies become a reality that we end up with a situation like Sandy Hook Elementary

Dude, none of us fantasize as much about our "guns" as you do.
Interesting point of view

Let me address it.

Guns cannot shoot themselves
People cannot shoot bullets by themselves

It took a combination of a gun and a human to kill first graders

Bob Costas addressed part of your question and was savagely attacked from the right, We have a gun culture in this country. It is part of our soul. That gun does nothing to make you shoot it but our culture of movies, video games, literature all support the man with a gun fantasy. For most, that fantasy is a lone gunman fighting off the bad guys. For others, the fantasy is I am going to use my gun to right all the wrongs in my life.

For most gun owners that fantasy remains just that. It is when those fantasies become a reality that we end up with a situation like Sandy Hook Elementary

Dude, none of us fantasize as much about our "guns" as you do.

Based on reading some of the posts on this board the last few weeks, I would beg to differ
What's your point? Could it be that this brand of criticism is tasteless? No...

No, your to worried about what they may think, but how many terrorist bombings have happened in the wonderful UK that we started telling them how they are to open to Islamic or IRA cowards??

Can you embarrass yourself somewhere else, please stop telling people your an American...

Accept it, your a fucking joke...

The point is simply this...

We are the United States. We are the predominant power in the world both economically and militarily without question. We have also held our society up to the rest of the world to follow with values like freedom, liberty and justice that we have tried to spread throughout the world.

What is it about criticism that sends the conservatives into a frenzy of "They are worse" "Who gives a fuck about what the rest of the world says?". Criticism is healthy. It is beneficial to see yourself as others see you.

We are not being criticized by countries that hate us. We are being criticized by countries that love and respect the US (Canada, England, Germany), countries that owe us a lot for what we have done for them. It does not mean they are ungrateful or disrespectful.

They are looking at our society from afar and saying....WTF is going wrong with the US?

Conservatives refuse to admit it.....Something is seriously wrong with our culture

Attacking those who point it out will not help

Let's pretend for a moment you really want a solution as you state, please provide the conversation where this gun convinced Adam Lanza to walk into that school and shoot 26 innocent people, when you can do that, then and only then can you blame the gun...

For the sake of our argument, take the assault rifles off the market today, ban them, destroy the molds, turn them into scrape, it will not help the Adam Lanza's of the world...

What's the difference between the suicide bomber and Adam Lanza?

A hooked nose?
Interesting point of view

Let me address it.

Guns cannot shoot themselves
People cannot shoot bullets by themselves

It took a combination of a gun and a human to kill first graders

Bob Costas addressed part of your question and was savagely attacked from the right, We have a gun culture in this country. It is part of our soul. That gun does nothing to make you shoot it but our culture of movies, video games, literature all support the man with a gun fantasy. For most, that fantasy is a lone gunman fighting off the bad guys. For others, the fantasy is I am going to use my gun to right all the wrongs in my life.

For most gun owners that fantasy remains just that. It is when those fantasies become a reality that we end up with a situation like Sandy Hook Elementary

Dude, none of us fantasize as much about our "guns" as you do.

Based on reading some of the posts on this board the last few weeks, I would beg to differ
It wasn't one of the "gun nuts" that fantasized about a legal firearm that kills one hundred people in a minute.
Interesting point of view

Let me address it.

Guns cannot shoot themselves
People cannot shoot bullets by themselves

It took a combination of a gun and a human to kill first graders

Bob Costas addressed part of your question and was savagely attacked from the right, We have a gun culture in this country. It is part of our soul. That gun does nothing to make you shoot it but our culture of movies, video games, literature all support the man with a gun fantasy. For most, that fantasy is a lone gunman fighting off the bad guys. For others, the fantasy is I am going to use my gun to right all the wrongs in my life.

For most gun owners that fantasy remains just that. It is when those fantasies become a reality that we end up with a situation like Sandy Hook Elementary

Dude, none of us fantasize as much about our "guns" as you do.

Based on reading some of the posts on this board the last few weeks, I would beg to differ

Buy any cyanide yet?
The Connecticut school massacre: How the world sees us - The Week

Canada's The Globe and Mail:

There is something inexorable about the phenomenon of mass shootings in the United States. We have been forced to write about it with tragic regularity for years. We have exhausted adjectives to describe our horror and revulsion. We have stated and restated the problem…
The time for platitudes is past, Mr. President. It’s time the U.S. cured its gun sickness.

America... Cure its gun sickness? What are the gun control freaks moving to countries that better fit their ideologies?
No, Americans just don't give a shit what "someone somewhere" is saying.

Yeah they do. You can say over and over again that they don't, but we know that is untrue. Maybe a certain section of the US doesn't care what others do, but most do. It's human nature. It's also human nature to deny you give a shit, when in fact, you do.

Bullshit. You don't understand Americans.

Of all the cultures in the world, the US is the easiest to understand.

if your attitude ("I don't give a shit what anybody else thinks") ever becomes the norm in the US, then your country is doomed to failure. There is nothing like blind arrogance that will lead to failure. Thinking your world is Utopia and not open to criticism is a trait of the vacuous. People who believe that there lot is perfect are the ones who head for a downfall.The only people in the world who think they were/are impervious to criticism had names like Stalin, Hitler, Pot and Mugabe.

Because when you start thinking like that you don't see you own failings. And if you can't see that, then it's too late for you...
Yeah they do. You can say over and over again that they don't, but we know that is untrue. Maybe a certain section of the US doesn't care what others do, but most do. It's human nature. It's also human nature to deny you give a shit, when in fact, you do.

Bullshit. You don't understand Americans.

Of all the cultures in the world, the US is the easiest to understand....

Thanks for going to the trouble to prove that you don't understand at all.
if your attitude ("I don't give a shit what anybody else thinks") ever becomes the norm in the US, then your country is doomed to failure. There is nothing like blind arrogance that will lead to failure. Thinking your world is Utopia and not open to criticism is a trait of the vacuous. People who believe that there lot is perfect are the ones who head for a downfall....

The 'quote' you used above is inaccurate and a deliberate misrepresentation, and your conclusions are completely illogical.

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