Sanity's Victory: New law in Israel- Six Months in Prison for 'Excluding Women'


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
The Ministerial Law Committee on Sunday approved for a Knesset vote legislation that would increase the penalties imposed for those who attempt to deny women their rights in public spaces. The legislation would widen existing laws against discrimination, to include “exclusion of women” from public spaces, which has been a hot-button topic in Israel in recent years.

Those laws would be expanded to provide criminal penalties for anyone convicted of discriminating against an individual because of their religion, ethnic background, race, or gender. Offenders could be imprisoned for as much as six months.

New Law: 6 Months in Prison for 'Excluding Women' - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News


So, will this end the arrests of women for praying?

No it will have no effect on the SAUDI LEGAL SYSTEM------if you sit on a park
bench in saudi arabia ----and read a bible ------or say rosary prayers----or pray
"the lord's prayer" you will be arrested and probably flogged. Your bible and/or
rosary beads will be confiscated and destroyed

The proposed law would apply in Israel -----where there have been cases of the
HAREIDI (you remember them----the "anti zionist" jews)
who are so islamic in their orientation that they insist on separate seating for men
and women in buses. Lots of israelis have objected to this rule----limited as it is-----
to Hareidi neghborhoods---
I did visit Bnei Brak -----and was not affected in any way by any of the putative
restrictions-----but-----then again----I do habitually dress in a very conservative
manner As to praying----there are no restrctions on prayer in Israel ----except upon
the TEMPLE MOUNT where muslims insist that jews be barred from praying just as
jews aer barred from praying in ALL PARTS OF SAUDI ARABIA Persons who prefer to
pray in all male or all female groups can do so------those who disrupt them can be
arrested on a kind of "breach of peace" issue ----but are never flogged----so you need
not worry.
Excellent. Jewish and Islamic wacks who interfere with women's rights in publics will get the attention of other anti-social peers in exclusive male sanctuaries. Bring the gel, boys.
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It's Oct 2013 and israel is just now considering a law making it illegal to force women to sit in the back of the bus...

To zionists this is a victory...heheh.

Backward israel is as medieval as some arab states.

Then they slip this in almost unnoticed...

"Those laws would be expanded to provide criminal penalties for anyone convicted of discriminating against an individual because of their religion, ethnic background, race, or gender."

How fashionable...IT'S 2013 FOR GOD'S SAKE!

And not to put too fine a line on it...NONE OF THESE ARE LAWS THAT HAVE BEEN PASSED...they're just up for discussion...heheh. They can still be knocked down by the crazy religious fundies that are in power in israel.
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It's Oct 2013 and israel is just now considering a law making it illegal to force women to sit in the back of the bus...

To zionists this is a victory...heheh.

Backward israel is as medieval as some arab states.

Hadarat Nashim doesn't happen in anyplace in Israel except some very orthodox places.

So your comparison is wrong.
So, will this end the arrests of women for praying?

Women were never arrested for praying:eusa_hand:

Arrests of 10 Women Praying at Western Wall Add to Tensions Over a Holy Site

Rabbi Susan Silverman, center left, and her daughter were two of the women arrested by the Israeli police after they prayed at the wall while wearing traditionally male garb.JIM HOLLANDER / EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY


February 11, 2013


Arrests of 10 Women Praying at Western Wall Add to Tensions Over a Holy Site -
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Israel as a nation has been held hostage culturally by the equivalent of a Tea Party reactionary Jewish religious group.

This is a good but certainly not last step.
So, will this end the arrests of women for praying?

Women were never arrested for praying:eusa_hand:

Arrests of 10 Women Praying at Western Wall Add to Tensions Over a Holy Site

Rabbi Susan Silverman, center left, and her daughter were two of the women arrested by the Israeli police after they prayed at the wall while wearing traditionally male garb.JIM HOLLANDER / EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY


February 11, 2013


Arrests of 10 Women Praying at Western Wall Add to Tensions Over a Holy Site -

" Ten women, including two American rabbis, were detained by the Israeli police on Monday"



"Micky Rosenfeld, a spokesman for the Israeli police, said the women were not charged with criminal offenses,"



Israel as a nation has been held hostage culturally by the equivalent of a Tea Party reactionary Jewish religious group.

This is a good but certainly not last step.

The single most fucking stupid comment I have read since joining this toilet. But there's hope, I've only been here a couple months.
Typical Zionist legalism, refusing to call arrests arrests.

When freedom of movement is restricted and a person is led away by police against their will, that is an arrest.

And the article reports the women were arrested.

People are arrested every day and not ultimately charged with crimes.

Look at how Israel holds Palestinians under administrative detentions. Sometimes, they are held for years and never charged with a crime.
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Typical Zionist legalism, refusing to call arrests arrests.

When freedom of movement is restricted and a person is led away by police against their will, that is an arrest.

And the article reports the women were arrested.

It's like abortion. It's only a "baby" if the "mother" says it is. Otherwise it's just a parasite, like your average Zionist Jew.

These weren't arrests, they were abortions.
Women were never arrested for praying:eusa_hand:

Arrests of 10 Women Praying at Western Wall Add to Tensions Over a Holy Site

Rabbi Susan Silverman, center left, and her daughter were two of the women arrested by the Israeli police after they prayed at the wall while wearing traditionally male garb.JIM HOLLANDER / EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY


February 11, 2013


Arrests of 10 Women Praying at Western Wall Add to Tensions Over a Holy Site -
.......................................................^^^ Lesbian rabbi's . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
Typical Zionist legalism, refusing to call arrests arrests.

More likely the tiny fact that I learned criminal forensic order this year allow me to know the different between arrest and detention.

Detention is limited in time in Israel.

Arrest isn't.

Get the picture? or are you more interedted in spitting nonsense all over?:doubt:
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Typical Zionist legalism, refusing to call arrests arrests.

When freedom of movement is restricted and a person is led away by police against their will, that is an arrest.

And the article reports the women were arrested.

It's like abortion. It's only a "baby" if the "mother" says it is. Otherwise it's just a parasite, like your average Zionist Jew.

These weren't arrests, they were abortions.

You're the new pig in the neighborhood, idiot?
Another case of a woman arrested and not charged with a crime.

It happens regularly.

Police arrest woman praying at Western Wall

Dozens Women of the Wall hold traditional monthly prayer service at holy site. Woman carrying Torah scroll detained for questioning by police. Western Wall rabbi says act was violation of law. WOW chairwoman: 'Citizen of State cannot be arrested for donning prayer shawl, holding scroll'Efrat Weiss

Police arrest woman praying at Western Wall - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews
Typical Zionist legalism, refusing to call arrests arrests.

More likely the tiny fact that I learned criminal forensic order this year allow me to know the different between arrest and detention.

Detention is limited in time in Israel.

Arrest isn't.

Get the picture? or are you more interedted in spitting nonsense all over?:doubt:

The fact is the women are being arrested, that is also being reported by Jewish news sources inside Israel, as I have proven.

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