Sanity's Victory: New law in Israel- Six Months in Prison for 'Excluding Women'

They were detained, not arrested. And if they don't want to be detained they should respect the law.

Like you, right, Jewess? Do you know your place? Keep that sheet between you and Mr Curly Locks, etc.
They were detained, not arrested. And if they don't want to be detained they should respect the law.
Typical juden double's their speciality. .. :cool:
Typical Muslim talk (even if it is coming from a convert). Does Sunni Man ever think about all the innocent people who are murdered in the name of his religion. Tell us, Sunni Man, why the Muslims don't seem to have any tolerance for those of different religions, and even Muslims of different sects? You can't be that asleep at the switch that your don't rrealize that your Sunni brethren are doing a mighty fine job of wounding and killing Shiites. Since Sunni Man loves to throw out "Juden" just like the Nazis did, perhaps we should call him Towelhead or Raghead since he has learned the Muslim line so well at his mosque. For all we know, being the proud Sunni that he is now, maybe he does go to the mosque in his Arafat headpiece and could also be wearing a pajama-like outfit that we saw Major Hasan wear in a convenience store video.
The Ministerial Law Committee on Sunday approved for a Knesset vote legislation that would increase the penalties imposed for those who attempt to deny women their rights in public spaces. The legislation would widen existing laws against discrimination, to include “exclusion of women” from public spaces, which has been a hot-button topic in Israel in recent years.

Those laws would be expanded to provide criminal penalties for anyone convicted of discriminating against an individual because of their religion, ethnic background, race, or gender. Offenders could be imprisoned for as much as six months.

New Law: 6 Months in Prison for 'Excluding Women' - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News



What does that actually mean for Israel? Has this been that big a problem?
Typical Zionist legalism, refusing to call arrests arrests.

When freedom of movement is restricted and a person is led away by police against their will, that is an arrest.

And the article reports the women were arrested.

People are arrested every day and not ultimately charged with crimes.

Look at how Israel holds Palestinians under administrative detentions. Sometimes, they are held for years and never charged with a crime.
ar·rest (-rst)
v. ar·rest·ed, ar·rest·ing, ar·rests
1. To stop; check: a brake that automatically arrests motion; arrested the growth of the tumor.

2. To seize and hold under the authority of law.

3. To capture and hold briefly (the attention, for example); engage.

To undergo cardiac arrest: The patient arrested en route to the hospital.

a. The act of detaining in legal custody: the arrest of a criminal suspect.

b. The state of being so detained: a criminal under arrest.

2. A device for stopping motion, especially of a moving part.

3. The act of stopping or the condition of being stopped.


[Middle English aresten, from Old French arester, from Vulgar Latin *arrestre : Latin ad-, ad- + Latin restre, to stand still (re-, re- + stre, to stand; see st- in Indo-European roots).]


ar·resta·ble adj.

ar·rester, ar·restor n.

ar·restment n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
The articles all report the women praying were arrested.

They were detained and taken away by police.

Certainly fits your definitions of arrest.
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The articles all report the women praying were arrested.

They were detained and taken away by police.

Certainly fits your definitions of arrest.
Yes. Arrested doesn't mean charged, booked, tried and convicted as you imply. Give it a rest and get some sleep.
this should make it illegal to arrest a woman for praying at the Western Wall.

its public property.

Argue the meaning of arrest and detention till people get bored and go away.
FWIW, the title of this thread is HASBARA. No law has been passed, all that happened was this issue is proposed to be discussed.
Let us know when this bill becomes an actual law.

Until then, sex discrimination in Israel is still legal.
Let us know when this bill becomes an actual law.

Until then, sex discrimination in Israel is still legal.

But lip-push claims it is law NOW?

What up with that?
Why do you care what Lipush claims, Alfalfa, when you are not at all interested in the horrible treatment of women in the Muslim world?
Here Sharia law in Sudan:Sudanese women flogged in the street by police, Video / Breaking News

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