Santorum drops out of GOP nomination race

I voted for Newt in the Illinois primary because I still believe that Newt would be the better Presidential candidate. However, that is not to be. I then shifted my focus to Santorum and was pulling for him. It appears that Romney is going to be the GOP candidate and I will support him. The Kenyan has to go before he completely destroys this country.

What's changed, that you wouldn't just revert to supporting Newt?
As much as I like Newt, and I just voted for him in the Wisconsin primary, I think now he should drop out as well, as well as R.P.

We need to get to the business of kicking the kenyan to the curb in a united front. Looks like I'll be sending Romney cash.

Republicans ARE united in their HATE for Obama, no doubt about THAT.

Why are you so liberal with the word "hate"? Very very few Republicans hate anyone, much less barack obama. We vehemently disagree with his policies and character, but hate?
Hate is a word I reserve for Pol Pot or Adolf Hitler.
Well that is you however you do not speak for many, many republicans and even quite a few racist Dems.

Seems like I just read something like"kick that Kenyans ass to the curb" somewhere recently...
Let's hope his infant daughter is well and will improve.
Maybe they finally did the delegate math and found out it was not working out.
Romney's sitting at 60% of the delegates at this point.

It's rather frightening to think that Santorum was actually a credible threat for a while.

"frightening" in that there is actually a real conservative vein in this country still looking for the right candidate?

....because of all the splits Romney wins the nomination.....barely....
....Not-to-mention, there's no credible Republican who has the GUTS to take-on Obama!!!!

Conservatives can "look", all they want.....'cause that's a whole lot less risky, than actually running.....but, as-long-as most potential-candidates are hiding (from any good, lil' "conservatives"), your wait will be never-ending.

That's the whole problem, with problem-solving (in this Country)....much like investing on Wall Street. "conservatives" need a 110%-guarantee they'll succeed, before they commit themselves to ANYTHING!! Somehow, they've managed to LOSE that REAL-American desire....or, take CALCULATED-RISKS!!!!

I don't know who-it-was who neutered (real) Conservatives, but they did a damned, thorough job!!!!
Family should always come first.
Yeah.....that's a good excuse.


HIS FAMILY is probably a big part of his decision. Having a disabled child takes up a lot of his time no doubt.

Sarah could careless, as more important thinds needed her first as VP?
I see Santo cares, got that cleared up.....Thanks
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Yeah.....that's a good excuse.


HIS FAMILY is probably a big part of his decision. Having a disabled child takes up a lot of his time no doubt.

Hmmmmm.....Caribou Barbie's disabled child didn't seem to slow her down?:eusa_shhh:
.....As-if there's a pageant-contestant (anywhere) who thought about anything, but, the next contest.

Her only "skill" is performance-art.....and, she'd better start lookin' at dancin'-at-the-Pole, before he looks are totally-gone.....


That "candles'" damned-near burnt-out....​
Oh no, pretty soon the mainstream media is going to be forced to give Ron Paul an ample amount of time in debates.

Obviously they'll give extra time to Newt and Mitt, that's a given. But 4 years ago it was Paul and Huckabee fighting against the media ignoring them and giving all the attention to Romney and McCain, now it's just Paul.

I dont think there are any more primary debates.
Now is Newt going to follow suit? I doubt it.

As much as I like Newt, and I just voted for him in the Wisconsin primary, I think now he should drop out as well, as well as R.P.

We need to get to the business of kicking the kenyan to the curb in a united front. Looks like I'll be sending Romney cash.

Republicans ARE united in their HATE for Obama, no doubt about THAT.

Why am I always the last to know when I hate people? I am really good at fooling myself.

See, I thought I was opposing Obama because his policies are destroying this nation. I should have realized I just hate him for some undisclosed reason.
I admire Santorum for having his priorities in order and wish him well. He seems like a decent man and was sincere in this race. He ran a somewhat clean campaign.
But Santorum is a homophobe of the highest order. We need to rid our party of all of these folks.
Rid ourselves of them as Goldwater stated 30 years ago and The Republican Party wins the White House for the next 16 years.
Family should always come first.
Yeah.....that's a good excuse.


HIS FAMILY is probably a big part of his decision. Having a disabled child takes up a lot of his time no doubt.

except that his child was sick the entire time he was running for president. that didn't keep him home....

until, of course, romney looked to whup his butt in his home state.

but we can pretend it was altruistic.
Well...Ron Paul is going to take it now...those delegates are his.

Paul is history and no those delegates are not his.

197 of the 281 delegates ARE BOUND to Santorum and go with him to the convention and only IF he releases them do they have a right to vote for someone else.
And no way Paul takes all of those.
The remaining 84 can vote for who they want.
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And here the punk was saying he'd ride it out to the convention. i'm curios to see how many True Believes in social conservatism send him MONEY.
The most important thing Americans can do right now is end obama's curse upon the nation. It's the only thing that counts.

I dont dispute thats important but I think there are alot of other things that count.

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