Santorum On Zimmerman: Malicious Intent

looks like the Tea Party candidate is more whacko than the Tea Party. :rofl: if that isn't crazy, nothing is

How is he the Tea Party favorite?

Dante wants him to be the favorite. It is what the left does. When Herman Cain was being trashed in the media the left told us he was the Tea Party Favorite. When Newt Gingrich was floundering (the first two times) and taking his lumps, we were told he was the TP favorite. Now Santorum is spounting nonsense so he's all of a sudden the TP fav. It's really pretty transparent.
Dante is full of contradictions...what else is new?
How is he the Tea Party favorite?

Dante wants him to be the favorite. It is what the left does. When Herman Cain was being trashed in the media the left told us he was the Tea Party Favorite. When Newt Gingrich was floundering (the first two times) and taking his lumps, we were told he was the TP favorite. Now Santorum is spounting nonsense so he's all of a sudden the TP fav. It's really pretty transparent.
Dante is full of contradictions...what else is new?

He wasn't up to very recently. He was quite rational this morning, then I guess the coffee kicked in or something.
I'm relatively sure that no jury would convict a father who assassinated Zimmerman at this point.

At least I know that I personally 100% would not vote to convict him.

Stupid, if you did, do you have ALL the facts? Do you know for sure what happened? Do you believe in due process? How about innocent until proven guilty.

If you killed someone, would you want due process or should we just put a bullet in your head and forget about it?

All I'd need to know, if I were the boy's father, are these facts:

1. Zimmerman did not have any authority to arrest, detain, or harm with a firearm ANYONE in his role as a "neighborhood watch" person. His role is to watch the neighborhood, and call police to handle trouble, not to go find people to shoot.

2. Zimmerman was told he should not follow the boy, by the 911 dispatcher. But he did anyway.

3. Zimmerman was armed, the boy was not.

4. The police did not detain Zimmerman, or take him in for questioning as of 10 days after the event.
Dante wants him to be the favorite. It is what the left does. When Herman Cain was being trashed in the media the left told us he was the Tea Party Favorite. When Newt Gingrich was floundering (the first two times) and taking his lumps, we were told he was the TP favorite. Now Santorum is spounting nonsense so he's all of a sudden the TP fav. It's really pretty transparent.
Dante is full of contradictions...what else is new?

He wasn't up to very recently. He was quite rational this morning, then I guess the coffee kicked in or something.

Something happened...maybe its the presence of other posters challanging him has him under pressure or something?
And you would be in jail for life.

I doubt it.

Zimmerman is a cold-blooded murderer. There is no doubt about it.

Whatever the mitigating circumstances of the crime are, or not. The man murdered that boy in cold blood.

And my son is my pride and joy. If some fucktard like Zimmerman shot him, I would personally not even consider the consequences while I put a bullet in his head.

Now, I've seen all kinds of comments from people on the right, including some of the people in this very thread, that talk about violence in pursuit of rectifying things that I consider to be minor political differences.

People on the right on this board calling for armed revolution against the government, as recently as 3 days ago.

But you people consider me to be abnormally violent for thinking that I would take justice into my own hands upon the death of my own son?

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And you would be in jail for life.

I doubt it.


Zimmerman is a cold-blooded murderer. There is no doubt about it.

A whole boatload of doubt, zero proof of cold-blooded murder.

Whatever the mitigating circumstances of the crime are, or not. The man murdered that boy in cold blood.

You think that the more times you say something the less wrong it is?

And my son is my pride and joy. If some fucktard like Zimmerman shot him, I would personally not even consider the consequences while I put a bullet in his head.

Oh I don't doubt that, and i don't doubt you would be in jail for a long time.

Now, I've seen all kinds of comments from people on the right, including some of the people in this very thread, that talk about violence in pursuit of rectifying things that I consider to be minor political differences.

People on the right on this board calling for armed revolution against the government, as recently as 3 days ago.


Who cares? It still won't matter, you would still be in jail. Whatare you going to say? That people on the USMB are just as guilty?
Look at the group its all about race not about Treyvon and if zimmerman gets off it will be a mess ... again. Where is all the unity in this country and with all the advances in racial tensions etc why is he being tried in the media before facts are known with people offer rewards for his head.
This is bullshit! Unfortunate the young man is dead, but the mob wanting an eye for an eye I thought we were past this?
I guess our great leader has not done such a good job in this arena either!!

We are never past it. Just because previous generations established justice, due process, checks and balances, etc., doesn't mean that our generation has, nor that future generations won't degenerate further. It's only our pride that tells us "it can't happen to us". The fact is that history is full of periods of justice followed by periods of injustice.

Our pride is getting to the point where it will destroy this nation if we don't humble ourselves. I hope we will.
worst case senario is the guy is gulity, and the police are guilty of corruption.

Now if that's true, we should all recognize that would be extremely rare. Jessie Jackson and all the liberals saying there is an offical war on black people is either dishonest or stupid.

Holy crap, a war on black people now?

Why are progressives so obsessed with thinking we care about them enough to war with every single one of their self proclaimed constituencies? Can't we freaking just want to live our lives without them constantly interfering?
As I understand it, he followed a teenager because he was in a hoodie and black, it was raining, he told 911 what he saw and suspected, they informed him to stop following the boy, his subsequent comments were assumptive and condemining, he left his car and approached the teenager after being told not to, he got into an altercation of some sort and shot and killed a fellow human being, he is an asshole, racist, and wacho at best, and from what is known a murderer. Assholes with guns kill people. Judge jury and executioner all in one, how lovely.

You trust every word that the media tells you? How foolish. There are quite a few conflicting stories about what happened. You apparently accept the one that fits your preconceived opinions. I don't. I avoid forming an opinion about the case until ALL the facts are available.... particularly since the local LEOs did not find evidence of a crime originally.

As always you assume the media is somehow, someway, the culprit, but consider it is not the media that has noted the salient points in the incident, it is his 911 call, and the neighbors calls, as well as his girlfriend's information. I doubt you will ever wake up from your deep sleep and biased nonsense concerning media, but please try.
As I understand it, he followed a teenager because he was in a hoodie and black, it was raining, he told 911 what he saw and suspected, they informed him to stop following the boy, his subsequent comments were assumptive and condemining, he left his car and approached the teenager after being told not to, he got into an altercation of some sort and shot and killed a fellow human being, he is an asshole, racist, and wacho at best, and from what is known a murderer. Assholes with guns kill people. Judge jury and executioner all in one, how lovely.

You trust every word that the media tells you? How foolish. There are quite a few conflicting stories about what happened. You apparently accept the one that fits your preconceived opinions. I don't. I avoid forming an opinion about the case until ALL the facts are available.... particularly since the local LEOs did not find evidence of a crime originally.

As always you assume the media is somehow, someway, the culprit, but consider it is not the media that has noted the salient points in the incident, it is his 911 call, and the neighbors calls, as well as his girlfriend's information. I doubt you will ever wake up from your deep sleep and biased nonsense concerning media, but please try.

What about the witness that says Martin was on top hitting Zimmerman in the face and the back of the head?
None of what you post has anywhere near the credibility OF A WITNESS.
The media was focused on the gun and now media is ALL focused on "well, Zimmerman never helped the kid once he was shot".
And guess why?
Because now media KNOWS there are eyewitnesses that DO NOT back up their initial BULL SHIT STORY.
Wait and see and I am still open to ALL information and EVIDENCE.
What you have posted is not evidence. Additionally, one of the witnesses states the screams on the 911 tape is Zimmerman screaming.
So you see, let the forensic experts do their job, present their evidence to the grand jury and allow the system to proceed.
All this media shit is just that, shit.
Do you really believe media is interested in JUSTICE? :lol::lol::lol:
God help you if you are naive enough to believe that.
worst case senario is the guy is gulity, and the police are guilty of corruption.

Now if that's true, we should all recognize that would be extremely rare. Jessie Jackson and all the liberals saying there is an offical war on black people is either dishonest or stupid.

Holy crap, a war on black people now?

Why are progressives so obsessed with thinking we care about them enough to war with every single one of their self proclaimed constituencies? Can't we freaking just want to live our lives without them constantly interfering?

Thanks, that's what I've been trying to figure out myself.:D
It's Sunday and Zimmerman is a free man still.

Since when does Sunday have any special significance? Did you expect much to happen over the weekend? You do realize it's the weekend, right? You think there's any work being done on the case over the weekend?

Even after the media hype

I'm sorry, I thought you were an adult. Adults know that after a few days of media attention, legal processes don't necessarily reach their conclusion.

even after the special prosecutor

The one who just began his investigation?

even after Al Sharpton's lynch mob, he's still free.

Lynch mob? I must have missed something. Either that, or you're a lying sack of shit. There was no lynch mob. Stop making things up and being melodramatic.

One can draw a few different conclusions from this fact.

Actually, there's only one conclusion that can be drawn from the fact that the investigation hasn't been wrapped up after only a couple days (nothing is happening over the weekend). And that is that the investigation is ongoing.

Now shut up and go back to bed. You obviously haven't finished having your Zimmerman wet dream.
It's Sunday and Zimmerman is a free man still. Even after the media hype, even after the special prosecutor, even after Al Sharpton's lynch mob, he's still free.

One can draw a few different conclusions from this fact.

1. That the Sanford Police made the correct call in the first place,and everyone is now taking their time crossing the "t"s and dotting the "i"s.
2. That Zimmerman is guilty of a lesser charge and they are still taking their time to make sure everything is right.
3. That the evidence points to Zimmerman being guilty of 2nd degree murder and the evidence is weak and they need more time to make their case.
4. That Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter and the evidence is also weak.

One conclusion I believe that we can definately come to is that it isn't a cut and dried case of 1st degree murder or he'd be in jail now.

Then there is the Al Sharpton conclusion that everyone involved in the case, from the top on down are all racists and hate Trayvon Martin.

The murderers of Emmit Till are not in jail, either. What I see here is a southern town's police aiding and abetting after the fact a clear case of murder.
Santorum is not a Tea Party favorite. The Tea Party is about smaller and less intrusive government, lower taxes, and fiscal responsibility. Santorum has a piss poor record on fiscal issues. Everyone in the TP knows that.

just a few facts:

Alabama Tea Party Supports Santorum, Newt - The Daily Beast


hey Tea Party expert :laugh2:


Bam, now that's what I'm talking about. Another thin skinned little pussy shows herself for what she is. Negative rep not even for insulting you but for insulting your great liberal God government. Pull your dress down, your twat is showing.

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