Santorum On Zimmerman: Malicious Intent

Can anyone else see this like I do?

Not one person in authority should be commenting on this. Not one. It's reckless and horrid and an abdication of their duty.

whoa geeze that was a good roll. but freaking for true. what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

I haven't seen a hint of that in days. Ever since this case became public, we've had a parade of people calling for Zimmerman's head on a platter and every claiming he was a gun toting whacko nutjob. Obama claimed if he had a son, he'd look like Martin.

The media transformed Zimmerman from Hispanic male to a white male. The neighborhood he lived in was transformed from a predominently minority neighborhood into a white gated community. People declared him guilty. The Black Panthers are threatening violence. (actually, that's nothing new, they always threaten whites)

Now, suddenly a Republican believes Zimmerman is guilty and he didn't say anything near as bad as what most have and he's being attacked for jumping to conclusions.

You gotta love the hypocrisy of the left. Only they can act as judge and jury.

Bang on the money. And what's the most horrid of all of this is the young man's parents calling for cooler heads to prevail.

They just want to bury their son while every one else is making a Ringling Brothers Circus out of this.

My heart breaks for them. This a true dogs breakfast moment where everyone hurts.

I hope that at the end of the day, anyone remembers his name. I will. I promise myself, I will.
Can anyone else see this like I do?

Not one person in authority should be commenting on this. Not one. It's reckless and horrid and an abdication of their duty.

whoa geeze that was a good roll. but freaking for true. what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Calm down. This can have a good end result. There is a million hoodie march planned in Los Angeles starting at 6pm today. The only thing that might keep the peace is the price of gas and the rain. Big rainstorm today and blacks don't like bad weather.

This is an election year, seeing wads of black rioters can have a real effect on obama's reelection campaign.
This doesn't contradict what I said.

It doesn't. But it addresses the deafening silence and ideological blinders needed to stay wedded to GOP candidates no matter what they do.

You're not listening well enough. I've been hearing Santorum getting slammed for his idiotic statement.

so? there are loads of right wing idiots that will vote for him. the man's mind is obviously unhinged. what happens if god tells him to kill Abraham? Will Santorum hesitate? he's a GOP candidate that conservative voters the polls

Santorum represents a sick part of America
Only Santorum who represents the American Taliban Wing of the GOP commented on Zimmerman and his motives. I wonder where Newt and his tiresome "I'm appalled" comments will be coming? :lol:

If you knew the Taliban you would not compare Rick to them. This where you lose your argument.

This is where you have gone over the top. Pull back. And you can still make the case anti Santorum.

I know I have truly had to look at him on this issue. I find it outrageous that any ANY politician is commenting on this.

The American Taliban. Conservative Christians in America have shot and bombed gays, women, blacks and other minorities just because of who they are. Bombed abortion clinics, gay bars, and Olympic Park. There is more...for another thread

here, take your time;

per·spec·tive (pr-spktv)
a. A view or vista.
b. A mental view or outlook: "It is useful occasionally to look at the past to gain a perspective on the present" (Fabian Linden).
2. The appearance of objects in depth as perceived by normal binocular vision.
a. The relationship of aspects of a subject to each other and to a whole: a perspective of history; a need to view the problem in the proper perspective.
b. Subjective evaluation of relative significance; a point of view: the perspective of the displaced homemaker.
c. The ability to perceive things in their actual interrelations or comparative importance: tried to keep my perspective throughout the crisis.
4. The technique of representing three-dimensional objects and depth relationships on a two-dimensional surface.
Of, relating to, seen, or represented in perspective.
The New Black Panther party is taking donations to hire a 5,000 man army to conduct a search for Zimmerman. I hope the left donates generously.

Oh yes, they have to take out the witness too.

Group offers*$10,000 to

Whoa geeze Most will not know that this Panther Party follows Karenga. They have nothing to do with the original. This is bad. This is really really bad if they are throwing down on a hispanic. Zimmerman is hispanic people.

I haven't seen this crap in years. Wow, just wow.

Dont matter.... the new black panthers are wrong!

Yes they are but they are protected by Eric Holder's justice department so nothing will be done about it.
SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER: . So, you know, Norah, I'm a law enforcement Democrat. I have a lot of faith in our police and in our sheriffs. And I don't like a move to vigilantism. Bottom line is had Mister Zimmerman listened to the police when he called 911 and let them handle it, this would have had a much better outcome. "Face the Nation" transcript: March 25, 2012 - CBS News

looks like a Democrat knows how to be rational and more fair to the police and Zimmerman

contrast this with what Gingrich and Santorum say. geesh, the world, what is it coming to?

contrast the American Taliban Wing of the GOP with the Muslim Taliban groups? obviously one is worse than the other, but they are both loathesome

So Schmucky Schumer got one correct for a change.

one that goes to constitutional principles!!!!

Santorum, a Tea Party favorite has dishonored and stained the principles this nation was founded upon. He is unfit to serve in public office
Can anyone else see this like I do?

Not one person in authority should be commenting on this. Not one. It's reckless and horrid and an abdication of their duty.

whoa geeze that was a good roll. but freaking for true. what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

I haven't seen a hint of that in days. Ever since this case became public, we've had a parade of people calling for Zimmerman's head on a platter and every claiming he was a gun toting whacko nutjob. Obama claimed if he had a son, he'd look like Martin.

The media transformed Zimmerman from Hispanic male to a white male. The neighborhood he lived in was transformed from a predominently minority neighborhood into a white gated community. People declared him guilty. The Black Panthers are threatening violence. (actually, that's nothing new, they always threaten whites)

Now, suddenly a Republican believes Zimmerman is guilty and he didn't say anything near as bad as what most have and he's being attacked for jumping to conclusions.

You gotta love the hypocrisy of the left. Only they can act as judge and jury.

Bang on the money. And what's the most horrid of all of this is the young man's parents calling for cooler heads to prevail.

They just want to bury their son while every one else is making a Ringling Brothers Circus out of this.

My heart breaks for them. This a true dogs breakfast moment where everyone hurts.

I hope that at the end of the day, anyone remembers his name. I will. I promise myself, I will.

Can you link to that because I've looked abnd i cannot find anthing to support your claim that they are asking for cool heads. I would like to know that that is true. i believe that the parents could go a long way to calming this situation down.
If you knew the Taliban you would not compare Rick to them. This where you lose your argument.

This is where you have gone over the top. Pull back. And you can still make the case anti Santorum.

I know I have truly had to look at him on this issue. I find it outrageous that any ANY politician is commenting on this.

The American Taliban. Conservative Christians in America have shot and bombed gays, women, blacks and other minorities just because of who they are. Bombed abortion clinics, gay bars, and Olympic Park. There is more...for another thread

here, take your time;

per·spec·tive (pr-spktv)
a. A view or vista.
b. A mental view or outlook: "It is useful occasionally to look at the past to gain a perspective on the present" (Fabian Linden).
2. The appearance of objects in depth as perceived by normal binocular vision.
a. The relationship of aspects of a subject to each other and to a whole: a perspective of history; a need to view the problem in the proper perspective.
b. Subjective evaluation of relative significance; a point of view: the perspective of the displaced homemaker.
c. The ability to perceive things in their actual interrelations or comparative importance: tried to keep my perspective throughout the crisis.
4. The technique of representing three-dimensional objects and depth relationships on a two-dimensional surface.
Of, relating to, seen, or represented in perspective.

a small group of fanatics who kill is similar and more to a large group .. take al qaeda and Iran. one small the other large.

Bombings and shootings are not perspective, but like I told the other, and you being a maude should know better, that is another topic.
The New Black Panther party is taking donations to hire a 5,000 man army to conduct a search for Zimmerman. I hope the left donates generously.

Oh yes, they have to take out the witness too.

Group offers*$10,000 to

Whoa geeze Most will not know that this Panther Party follows Karenga. They have nothing to do with the original. This is bad. This is really really bad if they are throwing down on a hispanic. Zimmerman is hispanic people.

I haven't seen this crap in years. Wow, just wow.

Dont matter.... the new black panthers are wrong!

I'm amazed our side hasn't called out these racist bastards. These men are truly evil.

New Black Panthers aren't just wrong, they are racist crazy mother #%*^%#%^&& rhymes with trucker.

And they want a race war. These really are out of Karenga's tribe. Original Panthers were not like them.
Whoa geeze Most will not know that this Panther Party follows Karenga. They have nothing to do with the original. This is bad. This is really really bad if they are throwing down on a hispanic. Zimmerman is hispanic people.

I haven't seen this crap in years. Wow, just wow.

Dont matter.... the new black panthers are wrong!

Yes they are but they are protected by Eric Holder's justice department so nothing will be done about it.

Thats what I fear too.
SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER: . So, you know, Norah, I'm a law enforcement Democrat. I have a lot of faith in our police and in our sheriffs. And I don't like a move to vigilantism. Bottom line is had Mister Zimmerman listened to the police when he called 911 and let them handle it, this would have had a much better outcome. "Face the Nation" transcript: March 25, 2012 - CBS News

looks like a Democrat knows how to be rational and more fair to the police and Zimmerman

contrast this with what Gingrich and Santorum say. geesh, the world, what is it coming to?

contrast the American Taliban Wing of the GOP with the Muslim Taliban groups? obviously one is worse than the other, but they are both loathesome

So Schmucky Schumer got one correct for a change.

one that goes to constitutional principles!!!!

Santorum, a Tea Party favorite has dishonored and stained the principles this nation was founded upon. He is unfit to serve in public office

Santorum is not a Tea Party favorite. The Tea Party is about smaller and less intrusive government, lower taxes, and fiscal responsibility. Santorum has a piss poor record on fiscal issues. Everyone in the TP knows that.

You were doing so well and so rational, now you've gone completely off the rails. Too bad.
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Whoa geeze Most will not know that this Panther Party follows Karenga. They have nothing to do with the original. This is bad. This is really really bad if they are throwing down on a hispanic. Zimmerman is hispanic people.

I haven't seen this crap in years. Wow, just wow.

Dont matter.... the new black panthers are wrong!

I'm amazed our side hasn't called out these racist bastards. These men are truly evil.

New Black Panthers aren't just wrong, they are racist crazy mother #%*^%#%^&& rhymes with trucker.

And they want a race war. These really are out of Karenga's tribe. Original Panthers were not like them.

Im not going to say any more.... wouldnt want to be labelled a racist.
It's Sunday and Zimmerman is a free man still. Even after the media hype, even after the special prosecutor, even after Al Sharpton's lynch mob, he's still free.

One can draw a few different conclusions from this fact.

1. That the Sanford Police made the correct call in the first place,and everyone is now taking their time crossing the "t"s and dotting the "i"s.
2. That Zimmerman is guilty of a lesser charge and they are still taking their time to make sure everything is right.
3. That the evidence points to Zimmerman being guilty of 2nd degree murder and the evidence is weak and they need more time to make their case.
4. That Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter and the evidence is also weak.

One conclusion I believe that we can definately come to is that it isn't a cut and dried case of 1st degree murder or he'd be in jail now.

Then there is the Al Sharpton conclusion that everyone involved in the case, from the top on down are all racists and hate Trayvon Martin.

Well he's free now but for how long?

Group offers*$10,000 to

I wonder how many people are OK with this?
Maybe The Reverend Al Sharpton should get credit for getting these guys worked up?
Just a thought.

Not ok with vigilantism whether it's Zimmerman or the Black Panthers. Period.
So Schmucky Schumer got one correct for a change.

one that goes to constitutional principles!!!!

Santorum, a Tea Party favorite has dishonored and stained the principles this nation was founded upon. He is unfit to serve in public office

Santorum is not a Tea Party favorite. The Tea Party is about smaller and less intrusive government, lower taxes, and fiscal responsibility. Santorum has a piss poor record on fiscal issues. Everyone in the TP knows that.

just a few facts:

Alabama Tea Party Supports Santorum, Newt - The Daily Beast

I haven't seen a hint of that in days. Ever since this case became public, we've had a parade of people calling for Zimmerman's head on a platter and every claiming he was a gun toting whacko nutjob. Obama claimed if he had a son, he'd look like Martin.

The media transformed Zimmerman from Hispanic male to a white male. The neighborhood he lived in was transformed from a predominently minority neighborhood into a white gated community. People declared him guilty. The Black Panthers are threatening violence. (actually, that's nothing new, they always threaten whites)

Now, suddenly a Republican believes Zimmerman is guilty and he didn't say anything near as bad as what most have and he's being attacked for jumping to conclusions.

You gotta love the hypocrisy of the left. Only they can act as judge and jury.

Bang on the money. And what's the most horrid of all of this is the young man's parents calling for cooler heads to prevail.

They just want to bury their son while every one else is making a Ringling Brothers Circus out of this.

My heart breaks for them. This a true dogs breakfast moment where everyone hurts.

I hope that at the end of the day, anyone remembers his name. I will. I promise myself, I will.

Can you link to that because I've looked abnd i cannot find anthing to support your claim that they are asking for cool heads. I would like to know that that is true. i believe that the parents could go a long way to calming this situation down.

Think it was at the National Post. Will try to find it and link it. The young man's parents were a class act despite all the pressure. Oh and it has to be just a horrid moment of horrid moments.

It's all turned into a circus. This is so sad.
It's Sunday and Zimmerman is a free man still. Even after the media hype, even after the special prosecutor, even after Al Sharpton's lynch mob, he's still free.

One can draw a few different conclusions from this fact.

1. That the Sanford Police made the correct call in the first place,and everyone is now taking their time crossing the "t"s and dotting the "i"s.
2. That Zimmerman is guilty of a lesser charge and they are still taking their time to make sure everything is right.
3. That the evidence points to Zimmerman being guilty of 2nd degree murder and the evidence is weak and they need more time to make their case.
4. That Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter and the evidence is also weak.

One conclusion I believe that we can definately come to is that it isn't a cut and dried case of 1st degree murder or he'd be in jail now.

Then there is the Al Sharpton conclusion that everyone involved in the case, from the top on down are all racists and hate Trayvon Martin.

The way the media have acted in this matter is truly disgusting. We no longer have a free press. When you listen to the stuff the media conveniently omits you reach a different conclusion as to what happened. According to me of the residents of the community, Zimmerman was patrolling, they'd had at least 5 or more burglaries and home invasions in the last month or two, all committed by by YOUNG BLACK MALES. In other words the whole community was on DEFCON 7. Not only was Trayvon wearing "gang attire" ie hooded sweater baggy pants and he fit the racial profile of the previous crimes, he was also behaving very suspiciously and totally non responsive to Zimmerman, when asked who he was and what he was doing there. Do you blame Zimmerman for following him? No that's his freaking job, to patrol and protect the neighborhood.

All of this said, you could see a perfect storm brewing Trayvon refused to answer Zimmerman and kept walking. Now if he also attacked Zimmerrman for following him, and Zimmerman merely protected himself, then the poice did their job. If instead Zimmerrman initiated physical contact from which he fired his gun, then Zimmerman should be arrested and convicted of manslaughter. But that is what the press should say, not try and convict Zimmerman in the media. Trayvon also through his actions poured gasoline on the fire of a nervous watchman, armed and inexperienced, trying to protect his community from what he perceived to be yet another criminal.
Whoa geeze Most will not know that this Panther Party follows Karenga. They have nothing to do with the original. This is bad. This is really really bad if they are throwing down on a hispanic. Zimmerman is hispanic people.

I haven't seen this crap in years. Wow, just wow.

Dont matter.... the new black panthers are wrong!

I'm amazed our side hasn't called out these racist bastards. These men are truly evil.

New Black Panthers aren't just wrong, they are racist crazy mother #%*^%#%^&& rhymes with trucker.

And they want a race war. These really are out of Karenga's tribe. Original Panthers were not like them.

That would be very stupid if true. They are horribly outnumbered.
So Schmucky Schumer got one correct for a change.

one that goes to constitutional principles!!!!

Santorum, a Tea Party favorite has dishonored and stained the principles this nation was founded upon. He is unfit to serve in public office

Santorum is not a Tea Party favorite. The Tea Party is about smaller and less intrusive government, lower taxes, and fiscal responsibility. Santorum has a piss poor record on fiscal issues. Everyone in the TP knows that.

You were doing so well and so rational, now you've gone completely off the rails. Too bad.


Dont matter.... the new black panthers are wrong!

I'm amazed our side hasn't called out these racist bastards. These men are truly evil.

New Black Panthers aren't just wrong, they are racist crazy mother #%*^%#%^&& rhymes with trucker.

And they want a race war. These really are out of Karenga's tribe. Original Panthers were not like them.

That would be very stupid if true. They are horribly outnumbered.


Our nation does'nt need this stupity.

Dont matter.... the new black panthers are wrong!

I'm amazed our side hasn't called out these racist bastards. These men are truly evil.

New Black Panthers aren't just wrong, they are racist crazy mother #%*^%#%^&& rhymes with trucker.

And they want a race war. These really are out of Karenga's tribe. Original Panthers were not like them.

That would be very stupid if true. They are horribly outnumbered.


For true.

And we dress better these days.

:lol: I co-ordinate all my camo gear these days.

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