Santorum On Zimmerman: Malicious Intent

Lets see:

Bush inserted himself in a national story but that's different
Santorum said Zimmerman was guilty but that's different
Allen West issued a statement saying this is an "outrage" but that's different
Zimmerman killed someone but lets wait until we have all the facts
Sharpton made it a national issue that son of a bitch
Obama answered a question that didn't judge Zimmermans guilt that son of a bitch
The Black Panthers made a poster that possible said dead or alive for Zimmerman...fuck waiting for facts! Those sons of bitches!

See: selective outrage

Yep, the Tea Party and the American Taliban Wing of the GOP
This is a political issue, having nothing to do with the law or facts.

Exactly. And some of us would like Republicans not to act like Democrats like that.

Democrats did not interfere with Terry and Michael Schiavo's death bed medical issues, the Democrats did not call Congress into session in order to insert government into the most personal of citizen's private lives, and GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, did.

Now GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, has inserted his christian conservative views into the Zimmerman/Martin tragedy

proving that conservatives are for intrusive government
Conservative Christians Unfit for Office | American Taliban | Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum went after Zimmerman and Obama made a comment directed 'mainly to the parents' of Martin, and you keep trying to make people believe Obama entered into the fray without knowing all the facts?

Obama never commented on Zimmerman, Santorum must have spoken to god because he went to Zimmerman's intent

He was more circumspect than Santorum. None of them should be saying anything other than supporting due process. Due process has already found no evidence of guilt once. Now, the Feds are re-investigating - that's fine... but railroading an innocent man for the sake of political point scoring is as bad as allowing a guilty man to get away with murder.

It's not rocket science.

circumspect? yes, but Obama never jumped into the legal case. Rick Santorum and conservative Republicans, especially Christian conservative Republicans like Rick Santorum, have a history of injecting themselves and injecting government, into the most personal areas of people's lives, and into legal issues without the most basic of facts

injecting government. sounds creepy
Lets see:

Bush inserted himself in a national story but that's different
Santorum said Zimmerman was guilty but that's different
Allen West issued a statement saying this is an "outrage" but that's different
Zimmerman killed someone but lets wait until we have all the facts
Sharpton made it a national issue that son of a bitch
Obama answered a question that didn't judge Zimmermans guilt that son of a bitch
The Black Panthers made a poster that possible said dead or alive for Zimmerman...fuck waiting for facts! Those sons of bitches!

See: selective outrage

Let's see:

Who cares
Who cares what that idiot said
That's his opinion only
In this country we wait for facts, we're civilzed
Sharpton is a race pimp and media whore who glommed on AFTER it became a national issue
Why do you hate Obama?
It is a fact that the Black Panthers issued a $10k reward for Zimmerman's capture and in one media on that they mentioned dead or alive.

Yeah you're pretty much talking out of your ass.
The President never prejudged Zimmerman, the GOP Reagan Conservative has prejudged Zimmerman as having had malicious intent

You are pathetic. Clearly Obama was saying to go after Zimmerman, not just to let the truth come out. Frankly it would have been a great chance to say if Zimmerman is guilty he needs to be held accountable, but the liberals need to STFU if it turns out that he was being threatened by the kid. He said nothing to calm anything down when he demanded endless investigation.

Obama did not, we do know Santoum said Zimmerman had malicious intent.

Jesus, christian conservative Republicans are unfit for political office if we want a free republic

I'll say it again:

Jesus, christian conservative Republicans are unfit for political office if we want a free republic
I'm glad people in my neighborhood dont feel like they have to be armed and packing heat. I would like to know more of zimmermans background and the actual facts. Was he following someone he though suspicious? If so, WHY? What business is this of his? On the other hand, was he being attacked? Is there somewhere we can get the facts?

Google is your friend.
Conservative Christians Unfit for Office | American Taliban | Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum went after Zimmerman and Obama made a comment directed 'mainly to the parents' of Martin, and you keep trying to make people believe Obama entered into the fray without knowing all the facts?

Obama never commented on Zimmerman, Santorum must have spoken to god because he went to Zimmerman's intent

He was more circumspect than Santorum. None of them should be saying anything other than supporting due process. Due process has already found no evidence of guilt once. Now, the Feds are re-investigating - that's fine... but railroading an innocent man for the sake of political point scoring is as bad as allowing a guilty man to get away with murder.

It's not rocket science.

circumspect? yes, but Obama never jumped into the legal case. Rick Santorum and conservative Republicans, especially Christian conservative Republicans like Rick Santorum, have a history of injecting themselves and injecting government, into the most personal areas of people's lives, and into legal issues without the most basic of facts

oh for god sakes. :rolleyes:
You are pathetic. Clearly Obama was saying to go after Zimmerman, not just to let the truth come out. Frankly it would have been a great chance to say if Zimmerman is guilty he needs to be held accountable, but the liberals need to STFU if it turns out that he was being threatened by the kid. He said nothing to calm anything down when he demanded endless investigation.

Obama did not, we do know Santoum said Zimmerman had malicious intent.

Jesus, christian conservative Republicans are unfit for political office if we want a free republic

I'll say it again:

Jesus, christian conservative Republicans are unfit for political office if we want a free republic

as opposed to whacko do gooders ruled solely but what they see as 'right and just', all for 'your own good'? physician, heal thyself.
Democrats did not interfere with Terry and Michael Schiavo's death bed medical issues, the Democrats did not call Congress into session in order to insert government into the most personal of citizen's private lives, and GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, did.

Now GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, has inserted his christian conservative views into the Zimmerman/Martin tragedy

This doesn't contradict what I said.

It doesn't. But it addresses the deafening silence and ideological blinders needed to stay wedded to GOP candidates no matter what they do.

You're not listening well enough. I've been hearing Santorum getting slammed for his idiotic statement.
I'm glad people in my neighborhood dont feel like they have to be armed and packing heat. I would like to know more of zimmermans background and the actual facts. Was he following someone he though suspicious? If so, WHY? What business is this of his? On the other hand, was he being attacked? Is there somewhere we can get the facts?

Google is your friend.

Google doesn't seem to like him much either.
It was an inappropriate comment, focusing people on Treyvan's race. The Presidential response would be to explain that he does not have enough facts to form a credible opinion... but, apparently, the 'smart law professor' doesn't seem to value knowing all the facts before wading into the fray. Not the first time he's proved that race matters more than facts.

Rick Santorum went after Zimmerman and Obama made a comment directed 'mainly to the parents' of Martin, and you keep trying to make people believe Obama entered into the fray without knowing all the facts?

Obama never commented on Zimmerman, Santorum must have spoken to god because he went to Zimmerman's intent

Only Santorum who represents the American Taliban Wing of the GOP commented on Zimmerman and his motives. I wonder where Newt and his tiresome "I'm appalled" comments will be coming? :lol:

If you knew the Taliban you would not compare Rick to them. This where you lose your argument.

This is where you have gone over the top. Pull back. And you can still make the case anti Santorum.

I know I have truly had to look at him on this issue. I find it outrageous that any ANY politician is commenting on this.
Transcript of Santorum Injecting Hate Into Florida he did with Terry and Michael Schiavo Case. Only this time he has no cover except his religious extremist views that lead him to hateful actions and outbursts.

"Face the Nation" transcript: March 25, 2012

RICK SANTORUM: Well, I mean, I obviously I'm not privy to what's going on in someone's mind. Obviously in my opinion someone who had a very sick mind who would-- who would pursue someone like this. This is clearly a heinous act. And, you know, there are a lot of people who have a lot of distorted views of reality. And, it's-- it's a tragic, tragic case. And my heart goes out to the parents, too. I can't imagine what they're suffering losing their son in-- in such a horrific way. All I would say is that whatever the motive is, it was a malicious one and a very, very tragic one.
this idea that we're supposed to be race-neutral and pretend it isn't a question here is kind of unreasonable.

Regarding the shooting, race should have nothing to do with it. If the kid was threatening Zimmerman and he was protecting himself, which you can do without a gun, then it's a justifiable shooting. If the kid was not threatening him, then it's not and he should be in prison. Race has nothing to do with it. Neither the shooter or the kid.
Rick Santorum went after Zimmerman and Obama made a comment directed 'mainly to the parents' of Martin, and you keep trying to make people believe Obama entered into the fray without knowing all the facts?

Obama never commented on Zimmerman, Santorum must have spoken to god because he went to Zimmerman's intent

Only Santorum who represents the American Taliban Wing of the GOP commented on Zimmerman and his motives. I wonder where Newt and his tiresome "I'm appalled" comments will be coming? :lol:

If you knew the Taliban you would not compare Rick to them. This where you lose your argument.

This is where you have gone over the top. Pull back. And you can still make the case anti Santorum.

I know I have truly had to look at him on this issue. I find it outrageous that any ANY politician is commenting on this.

The American Taliban. Conservative Christians in America have shot and bombed gays, women, blacks and other minorities just because of who they are. Bombed abortion clinics, gay bars, and Olympic Park. There is more...for another thread
Did Obama comment on Zimmerman or the federal investigation? No.

Did Republican candidates for President comment? Yes on not only the actions of the man who says he used self defense, but the Reagan conservative called self defense, a heinous crime, and commented on the man's intent, calling it malicious.

no comparison

Obama hedged better, but Sharpton and Jackson didn't. Non-liberals in this thread are rightly criticizing Sentorum for that while liberals in this thread are ignoring the race whoring by Sharpton and Jackson and excusing Obama because he hedged his words.

This thread isn't about Sharpton and Jackson you imbecile.

I'm referring to your hypocrisy, you imbecile.
Obama hedged better, but Sharpton and Jackson didn't. Non-liberals in this thread are rightly criticizing Sentorum for that while liberals in this thread are ignoring the race whoring by Sharpton and Jackson and excusing Obama because he hedged his words.

This thread isn't about Sharpton and Jackson you imbecile.

I'm referring to your hypocrisy, you imbecile.

no, no, see NY carb says you're not allowed to point out hypocrisy, its ruining the forum you see....:lol: really.
this idea that we're supposed to be race-neutral and pretend it isn't a question here is kind of unreasonable.

Regarding the shooting, race should have nothing to do with it. If the kid was threatening Zimmerman and he was protecting himself, which you can do without a gun, then it's a justifiable shooting. If the kid was not threatening him, then it's not and he should be in prison. Race has nothing to do with it. Neither the shooter or the kid.

You're right. But some people just like to stoke the flames of racial division, you know. What can we do?
Can anyone else see this like I do?

Not one person in authority should be commenting on this. Not one. It's reckless and horrid and an abdication of their duty.

whoa geeze that was a good roll. but freaking for true. what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
This thread isn't about Sharpton and Jackson you imbecile.

there are flames like that in every thread. keep on topic and they wither away.

The thread I started was about Santorum's comments on a self defense argument. Santorum called the man's intent malicious. That may have gotten lost here.

The obsession around here with turning every topic into an argument over which poster's the biggest hypocrite,

instead of actually talking about the topic,

has become the ruination of this place.

I've explained this to you before. When you attack someone without holding your own side to the standard you are attacking the other side for, that shows that what you are attacking them for isn't really your issue. You're just being partisan. That it's not really a standard that matters to you is completely topical. Sorry toots. The hypocrisy thing bothers you so much because you have no rational defense against it.
The New Black Panther party is taking donations to hire a 5,000 man army to conduct a search for Zimmerman. I hope the left donates generously.

Oh yes, they have to take out the witness too.

Group offers $10,000 to

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