Santorum On Zimmerman: Malicious Intent

Exactly. And some of us would like Republicans not to act like Democrats like that.

Democrats did not interfere with Terry and Michael Schiavo's death bed medical issues, the Democrats did not call Congress into session in order to insert government into the most personal of citizen's private lives, and GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, did.

Now GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, has inserted his christian conservative views into the Zimmerman/Martin tragedy

proving that conservatives are for intrusive government

I agree, but comparing that to that the left want to control everyone's access to all healthcare shows how much worse they are.
Can anyone else see this like I do?

Not one person in authority should be commenting on this. Not one. It's reckless and horrid and an abdication of their duty.

whoa geeze that was a good roll. but freaking for true. what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Me, I do.... they should STFU.
Can anyone else see this like I do?

Not one person in authority should be commenting on this. Not one. It's reckless and horrid and an abdication of their duty.

whoa geeze that was a good roll. but freaking for true. what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Me, I do.... they should STFU.

really? contrast what Obama was asked and what he answered, and look at what GOP candidates are asked and what they answered...:lol:

RICK SANTORUM: Well, I mean, I obviously I'm not privy to what's going on in someone's mind. Obviously in my opinion someone who had a very sick mind who would-- who would pursue someone like this. This is clearly a heinous act. And, you know, there are a lot of people who have a lot of distorted views of reality. And, it's-- it's a tragic, tragic case. And my heart goes out to the parents, too. I can't imagine what they're suffering losing their son in-- in such a horrific way. All I would say is that whatever the motive is, it was a malicious one and a very, very tragic one.

NORAH O'DONNELL: Well, Newt Gingrich said that what the President said in a sense is disgraceful because it is not a question of who that man looked like. Any young man of any ethnic background should be safe. Was Newt Gingrich wrong to make those comments?
"Face the Nation" transcript: March 25, 2012 - CBS News
Can anyone else see this like I do?

Not one person in authority should be commenting on this. Not one. It's reckless and horrid and an abdication of their duty.

whoa geeze that was a good roll. but freaking for true. what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Correct. I have given the proper statement that should be made by officials or those running for office in a couple of threads.

Let the process take it's course.
Only Santorum who represents the American Taliban Wing of the GOP commented on Zimmerman and his motives. I wonder where Newt and his tiresome "I'm appalled" comments will be coming? :lol:

If you knew the Taliban you would not compare Rick to them. This where you lose your argument.

This is where you have gone over the top. Pull back. And you can still make the case anti Santorum.

I know I have truly had to look at him on this issue. I find it outrageous that any ANY politician is commenting on this.

The American Taliban. Conservative Christians in America have shot and bombed gays, women, blacks and other minorities just because of who they are. Bombed abortion clinics, gay bars, and Olympic Park. There is more...for another thread

Can I put up all the pictures of Iran hanging gay youth?

One religion mandates " we hang em high" . Maybe a mod could let me post all the pictures of gay teens being hanged to death just for their sexuality.

Christ says we don't.

What part of that don't you get? I don't like any radicalism under the name of any belief.

I can tell you are really worried about Santorum. Guess what? Me too. I don't like this latest statement by him.

I don't like it at all. This disturbs me. But don't paint us all from one statement from one political opponent for crying out loud.:razz:

I'm sure you wouldn't like me slapping you with the "Sharpton" moment either. Have mercy in this political year ok?. Be kind.
I wish them success. It might be just what we need right now. A summer long and riot filled. This is an election year with obama seeing "his son's" face in every bomb throwing demon. OWS can contribute some shit bags, that's all they are good for. Doing what baboons do.

Yes indeed this could get very interesting.
Can anyone else see this like I do?

Not one person in authority should be commenting on this. Not one. It's reckless and horrid and an abdication of their duty.

whoa geeze that was a good roll. but freaking for true. what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

I haven't seen a hint of that in days. Ever since this case became public, we've had a parade of people calling for Zimmerman's head on a platter and everyone claiming he was a gun toting whacko nutjob. Obama claimed if he had a son, he'd look like Martin.

The media transformed Zimmerman from Hispanic male to a white male. The neighborhood he lived in was transformed from a predominently minority neighborhood into a white gated community. People declared him guilty. The Black Panthers are threatening violence. (actually, that's nothing new, they always threaten whites)

Now, suddenly a Republican believes Zimmerman is guilty and he didn't say anything near as bad as what most have and he's being attacked for jumping to conclusions.

You gotta love the hypocrisy of the left. Only they can act as judge and jury.
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If you knew the Taliban you would not compare Rick to them. This where you lose your argument.

This is where you have gone over the top. Pull back. And you can still make the case anti Santorum.

I know I have truly had to look at him on this issue. I find it outrageous that any ANY politician is commenting on this.

The American Taliban. Conservative Christians in America have shot and bombed gays, women, blacks and other minorities just because of who they are. Bombed abortion clinics, gay bars, and Olympic Park. There is more...for another thread

Can I put up all the pictures of Iran hanging gay youth?

One religion mandates " we hang em high" . Maybe a mod could let me post all the pictures of gay teens being hanged to death just for their sexuality.

Christ says we don't.

What part of that don't you get? I don't like any radicalism under the name of any belief.

I can tell you are really worried about Santorum. Guess what? Me too. I don't like this latest statement by him.

I don't like it at all. This disturbs me. But don't paint us all from one statement from one political opponent for crying out loud.:razz:

I'm sure you wouldn't like me slapping you with the "Sharpton" moment either. Have mercy in this political year ok?. Be kind.

Santorum represents rebellion. The left never thought that someone like Santorum would get any following at all. The size, the number of people that have voted for him shocks them. They thought that there were not enough religious people in the US to be effective. A small fringe. An inconsequential number really. The majority is still leftist and socialist. The religous right would easily be crushed. They see numbers they didn't expect and it scares them.
Can anyone else see this like I do?

Not one person in authority should be commenting on this. Not one. It's reckless and horrid and an abdication of their duty.

whoa geeze that was a good roll. but freaking for true. what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Me, I do.... they should STFU.

really? contrast what Obama was asked and what he answered, and look at what GOP candidates are asked and what they answered...:lol:

RICK SANTORUM: Well, I mean, I obviously I'm not privy to what's going on in someone's mind. Obviously in my opinion someone who had a very sick mind who would-- who would pursue someone like this. This is clearly a heinous act. And, you know, there are a lot of people who have a lot of distorted views of reality. And, it's-- it's a tragic, tragic case. And my heart goes out to the parents, too. I can't imagine what they're suffering losing their son in-- in such a horrific way. All I would say is that whatever the motive is, it was a malicious one and a very, very tragic one.

NORAH O'DONNELL: Well, Newt Gingrich said that what the President said in a sense is disgraceful because it is not a question of who that man looked like. Any young man of any ethnic background should be safe. Was Newt Gingrich wrong to make those comments?
"Face the Nation" transcript: March 25, 2012 - CBS News

Back the fuck up Dante!

I never said the GOP was right... I said they should ALL STFU.

Let the case take its course.

There are WAY too many questions and WAY too many opinions on speculations.

I fear anger is going to drive someone to do something REALLY STUPID.
The New Black Panther party is taking donations to hire a 5,000 man army to conduct a search for Zimmerman. I hope the left donates generously.

Oh yes, they have to take out the witness too.

Group offers*$10,000 to

Whoa geeze Most will not know that this Panther Party follows Karenga. They have nothing to do with the original. This is bad. This is really really bad if they are throwing down on a hispanic. Zimmerman is hispanic people.

I haven't seen this crap in years. Wow, just wow.
Exactly. And some of us would like Republicans not to act like Democrats like that.

Democrats did not interfere with Terry and Michael Schiavo's death bed medical issues, the Democrats did not call Congress into session in order to insert government into the most personal of citizen's private lives, and GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, did.

Now GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, has inserted his christian conservative views into the Zimmerman/Martin tragedy

proving that conservatives are for intrusive government

Time to put down that broad brush.
The New Black Panther party is taking donations to hire a 5,000 man army to conduct a search for Zimmerman. I hope the left donates generously.

Oh yes, they have to take out the witness too.

Group offers*$10,000 to

Whoa geeze Most will not know that this Panther Party follows Karenga. They have nothing to do with the original. This is bad. This is really really bad if they are throwing down on a hispanic. Zimmerman is hispanic people.

I haven't seen this crap in years. Wow, just wow.

Dont matter.... the new black panthers are wrong!
SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER: . So, you know, Norah, I'm a law enforcement Democrat. I have a lot of faith in our police and in our sheriffs. And I don't like a move to vigilantism. Bottom line is had Mister Zimmerman listened to the police when he called 911 and let them handle it, this would have had a much better outcome. "Face the Nation" transcript: March 25, 2012 - CBS News

looks like a Democrat knows how to be rational and more fair to the police and Zimmerman

contrast this with what Gingrich and Santorum say. geesh, the world, what is it coming to?

contrast the American Taliban Wing of the GOP with the Muslim Taliban groups? obviously one is worse than the other, but they are both loathesome
The New Black Panther party is taking donations to hire a 5,000 man army to conduct a search for Zimmerman. I hope the left donates generously.

Oh yes, they have to take out the witness too.

Group offers*$10,000 to

Whoa geeze Most will not know that this Panther Party follows Karenga. They have nothing to do with the original. This is bad. This is really really bad if they are throwing down on a hispanic. Zimmerman is hispanic people.

I haven't seen this crap in years. Wow, just wow.
And it's sick as Hell just like ALL vigilante-type justice. That isn't what this Republic is about.
This doesn't contradict what I said.

It doesn't. But it addresses the deafening silence and ideological blinders needed to stay wedded to GOP candidates no matter what they do.

You're not listening well enough. I've been hearing Santorum getting slammed for his idiotic statement.

I've slammed the idiot many times already and every still claims that the GOP supports what he said.

Me, I do.... they should STFU.

really? contrast what Obama was asked and what he answered, and look at what GOP candidates are asked and what they answered...:lol:

RICK SANTORUM: Well, I mean, I obviously I'm not privy to what's going on in someone's mind. Obviously in my opinion someone who had a very sick mind who would-- who would pursue someone like this. This is clearly a heinous act. And, you know, there are a lot of people who have a lot of distorted views of reality. And, it's-- it's a tragic, tragic case. And my heart goes out to the parents, too. I can't imagine what they're suffering losing their son in-- in such a horrific way. All I would say is that whatever the motive is, it was a malicious one and a very, very tragic one.

NORAH O'DONNELL: Well, Newt Gingrich said that what the President said in a sense is disgraceful because it is not a question of who that man looked like. Any young man of any ethnic background should be safe. Was Newt Gingrich wrong to make those comments?
"Face the Nation" transcript: March 25, 2012 - CBS News

Back the fuck up Dante!

I never said the GOP was right... I said they should ALL STFU.

Let the case take its course.

There are WAY too many questions and WAY too many opinions on speculations.

I fear anger is going to drive someone to do something REALLY STUPID.

well if anyone here is going to do something stupid....wait until I'm signed on!!!!!
Transcript of Santorum Injecting Hate Into Florida he did with Terry and Michael Schiavo Case. Only this time he has no cover except his religious extremist views that lead him to hateful actions and outbursts.

"Face the Nation" transcript: March 25, 2012

RICK SANTORUM: Well, I mean, I obviously I'm not privy to what's going on in someone's mind. Obviously in my opinion someone who had a very sick mind who would-- who would pursue someone like this. This is clearly a heinous act. And, you know, there are a lot of people who have a lot of distorted views of reality. And, it's-- it's a tragic, tragic case. And my heart goes out to the parents, too. I can't imagine what they're suffering losing their son in-- in such a horrific way. All I would say is that whatever the motive is, it was a malicious one and a very, very tragic one.

I guess God told him personally what really happened.
SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER: . So, you know, Norah, I'm a law enforcement Democrat. I have a lot of faith in our police and in our sheriffs. And I don't like a move to vigilantism. Bottom line is had Mister Zimmerman listened to the police when he called 911 and let them handle it, this would have had a much better outcome. "Face the Nation" transcript: March 25, 2012 - CBS News

looks like a Democrat knows how to be rational and more fair to the police and Zimmerman

contrast this with what Gingrich and Santorum say. geesh, the world, what is it coming to?

contrast the American Taliban Wing of the GOP with the Muslim Taliban groups? obviously one is worse than the other, but they are both loathesome

So Schmucky Schumer got one correct for a change.

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