Santorum Singles Out Black People as Dependent on Government

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Poverty By Race/Ethnicity

Areas with a high incidence of poverty often reflect the low income of their racial/ethnic minorities. Nonmetro non-Hispanic Blacks had the highest incidence of poverty in 2010, at 32.9 percent (32.2 percent in 2009). The 2010 poverty rate for nonmetro Hispanics was 29.5 percent, which is 1.7 percentage points higher than in 2009. Both non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic poverty rates for 2010 were more than twice the rate for non-Hispanic Whites (13.1 percent), which was also the case in 2009.

Wow, Santorum is right! Blacks do need Santorums help!:eusa_whistle:

And exactly how is he going to help them? Mandate that there be better education in poorer neighborhoods and set up short term quotas at better jobs?


Break janitor unions and have minority children clean up shitty toilets in schools.

I'm thinkin' option 2.

Well, he is a conserative, so 2# is much more likely. A job is a job! Some will clean toilets, while others will work at stores. Anything to make a living the honest way!:eusa_boohoo:
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Poverty By Race/Ethnicity

Areas with a high incidence of poverty often reflect the low income of their racial/ethnic minorities. Nonmetro non-Hispanic Blacks had the highest incidence of poverty in 2010, at 32.9 percent (32.2 percent in 2009). The 2010 poverty rate for nonmetro Hispanics was 29.5 percent, which is 1.7 percentage points higher than in 2009. Both non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic poverty rates for 2010 were more than twice the rate for non-Hispanic Whites (13.1 percent), which was also the case in 2009.

Wow, Santorum is right! Blacks do need Santorums help!:eusa_whistle:

And exactly how is he going to help them? Mandate that there be better education in poorer neighborhoods and set up short term quotas at better jobs?


Break janitor unions and have minority children clean up shitty toilets in schools.

I'm thinkin' option 2.

Well, he is a conserative, so 2# is much more likely. A job is a job! Some will clean toilets, while others will work at stores. Anything to make a living the honest way!:eusa_boohoo:

Honest answer.

And it also illustrates the value that conservatives put on labor and education.

Which is none.
Santorum Singles Out Black People as Dependent on Government

He talked about how Iowa is going to get fined if more people don’t sign up for Medicaid and then said, "They're pushing harder and harder to get more and more of you dependent upon them so they can get your vote. That's what the bottom line is. So I don't want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else's money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money and provide for themselves and their families."

Santorum Singles Out Black People as Dependent on Government - Naureen Khan -

I may have to flip over to supporting Rick Santorum as he is so fucking right it is unreal. It is a fact that most blacks live off of the government and they expect to play the victim card to get through life. If we're ever going to reduce the size of the government and end these programs, we must get "blacks" showing some afford to improve...Good luck with that, but at least Santorum see's a problem and wants to work on it.

Santorum has one HELL of a upwards climb if he is going to get the negroid into a job and off the food stamps and government cheese.

Time to wake up early joe black public!:badgrin:

There are no black people in Iowa living off the government because there are no black people.:lol:

What an idiot. White people are higher users of Medicaid. He wants to stop allowing blacks to get medical help? :rofl:

He'll never win the primaries. Someone that forces his children to play with a dead body is batshit crazy.

Theres the reality that whites make up 75 percent of this nation or 5 times as much of the population, so of course we're going to use more. How is he wrong in telling them to get a job and improve?
He's singling out black people.

That's either really stupid or really racist.

I'll take "stupidly racist" for $1000, Alex...especially since he made the statement in Iowa where only 9% of welfare recipients are black and 84% are white. Santorum is a frothy douche. I hope he gets the nomination :D
Oh Matthew just so ya know buddy, Santorum went on CNN and said he didn't actually say "black" he said "bl---" and then fumbled and try to say another word. *tries to keep from busting out laughing*

... but no Santorum apparently is not the race bait hero you've portrayed him to be...

...meanwhile I'll keep sitting here with my lazy black self collecting my gubmint check...

...from the US Armed Forces.:lol::lol::lol:

(You're welcome, yes some of us DO have jobs and serve in your military... sucks I know.:eek:)
Oh Matthew just so ya know buddy, Santorum went on CNN and said he didn't actually say "black" he said "bl---" and then fumbled and try to say another word. *tries to keep from busting out laughing*

... but no Santorum apparently is not the race bait hero you've portrayed him to be...

...meanwhile I'll keep sitting here with my lazy black self collecting my gubmint check...

...from the US Armed Forces.:lol::lol::lol:

(You're welcome, yes some of us DO have jobs and serve in your military... sucks I know.:eek:)

Good one. :D
I don't have an opinion on Santorum...don't feel I need to since he doesn't have the faintest chance.
Haing said that...what is the full context of that statement?
I haven't seen the question he answered specifically...did the question ask about black people and he responded in kind?
For the record. I hate race baiting... when it comes from both democrats and republicans. Period.
I was wondering when this was going to make the rounds.


Santorum is right on this as most of their population are on government aid of some kind. Santorum wants to help them to improve and get jobs.:eusa_boohoo:

The democrats may have a point though........

If you give them opportunity instead of food stamps they dont need democrats.

It's more of a point than that. That point is too complicated.

If you take money from others and GIVE it to black people, their lives will be better. They won't need opportunity.
What an idiot. White people are higher users of Medicaid. He wants to stop allowing blacks to get medical help? :rofl:

He'll never win the primaries. Someone that forces his children to play with a dead body is batshit crazy.

I got news for you baby. you're the new lithmus test for ''''''''''''''''bat shit crazy''''
wassamatter did he invade your "secular space"?
Santorum is right on this as most of their population are on government aid of some kind. Santorum wants to help them to improve and get jobs.:eusa_boohoo:

The democrats may have a point though........

If you give them opportunity instead of food stamps they dont need democrats.

It's more of a point than that. That point is too complicated.

If you take money from others and GIVE it to black people, their lives will be better. They won't need opportunity.

Thats discrimination. The taxes for tanning are at ten percent.
For the record. I hate race baiting... when it comes from both democrats and republicans. Period.

I know you're a conservative..but it's gotta get your goat when you have republicans wanting to put school kids into janitor positions under a 'master' janitor and openly stating they don't want to make the lives of black people better with other people's money.

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Poverty By Race/Ethnicity

Areas with a high incidence of poverty often reflect the low income of their racial/ethnic minorities. Nonmetro non-Hispanic Blacks had the highest incidence of poverty in 2010, at 32.9 percent (32.2 percent in 2009). The 2010 poverty rate for nonmetro Hispanics was 29.5 percent, which is 1.7 percentage points higher than in 2009. Both non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic poverty rates for 2010 were more than twice the rate for non-Hispanic Whites (13.1 percent), which was also the case in 2009.

Wow, Santorum is right! Blacks do need Santorums help!:eusa_whistle:

Do I have to be the one to point out that 32.9% is not MOST?
For the record. I hate race baiting... when it comes from both democrats and republicans. Period.

I know you're a conservative..but it's gotta get your goat when you have republicans wanting to put school kids into janitor positions under a 'master' janitor and openly stating they don't want to make the lives of black people better with other people's money.

Why dont you twist the statement some more. Im not feeling it yet.
Santorum Singles Out Black People as Dependent on Government

He talked about how Iowa is going to get fined if more people don’t sign up for Medicaid and then said, "They're pushing harder and harder to get more and more of you dependent upon them so they can get your vote. That's what the bottom line is. So I don't want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else's money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money and provide for themselves and their families."

Santorum Singles Out Black People as Dependent on Government - Naureen Khan -

I may have to flip over to supporting Rick Santorum as he is so fucking right it is unreal. It is a fact that most blacks live off of the government and they expect to play the victim card to get through life. If we're ever going to reduce the size of the government and end these programs, we must get "blacks" showing some afford to improve...Good luck with that, but at least Santorum see's a problem and wants to work on it.

Santorum has one HELL of a upwards climb if he is going to get the negroid into a job and off the food stamps and government cheese.

Time to wake up early joe black public!:badgrin:

32% is not MOST, Honey.
For the record. I hate race baiting... when it comes from both democrats and republicans. Period.

I know you're a conservative..but it's gotta get your goat when you have republicans wanting to put school kids into janitor positions under a 'master' janitor and openly stating they don't want to make the lives of black people better with other people's money.

Nope. I live my life honestly, serve my country, and do what I can to live my life happily and openly without the approval of racists no matter their political background.

I'm from Mississippi, I've run into blatant racism before. You can't be bitter though, life has a funny way of humbling people who think they know everything there is to know about "the other race". Those are lessons people either learn by living life and being open to experiencing new things and stepping outside of their little social boxes, or they learn the hard way when they are 89 can't take care of themselves and have to have their diapers changed by a black nurse.:badgrin:
For the record. I hate race baiting... when it comes from both democrats and republicans. Period.

I know you're a conservative..but it's gotta get your goat when you have republicans wanting to put school kids into janitor positions under a 'master' janitor and openly stating they don't want to make the lives of black people better with other people's money.

Nope. I live my life honestly, serve my country, and do what I can to live my life happily and openly without the approval of racists no matter their political background.

I'm from Mississippi, I've run into blatant racism before. You can't be bitter though, life has a funny way of humbling people who think they know everything there is to know about "the other race". Those are lessons people either learn by living life and being open to experiencing new things and stepping outside of their little social boxes, or they learn the hard way when they are 89 can't take care of themselves and have to have their diapers changed by a black nurse.:badgrin:

That's just it. You pay your taxes and serve your country. Why the fuck should you have to put up with "racism"? It's bullshit. No one should be judging you simply because of your skin. Simple as that. Your skin color should never shut you out of a job, a place to live, a place to eat or anything else.

Personal preference is one thing...government policy is another thing entirely.
For the record. I hate race baiting... when it comes from both democrats and republicans. Period.

I know you're a conservative..but it's gotta get your goat when you have republicans wanting to put school kids into janitor positions under a 'master' janitor and openly stating they don't want to make the lives of black people better with other people's money.

Why dont you twist the statement some more. Im not feeling it yet.

Because there's absolutely no reason to "twist" it..verbatim is just fine.

And the fact you think this shit is telling. :eusa_whistle:

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