Santorum Wants to Enslave People Who Have Unconventional Sex

Do you think this country is more moral or less moral than it was in, say, the early 1960s?

Are you and your family more or less moral now than in the 60s?
What control do YOU or I have over the morality of others?
Do you advocate legislating morality and under what authority under THE CONSTITUTION is that?
Morality is a family matter. Not my business to force legislation on you and your family concerning what morals you teach your kids.
You can not have it both ways.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not men and their various religions and moral beliefs.
And I intend to fight like the Founders did to ensure that no one changes that.
Get over it. Mind your own business. Gay marriage is none of your business. Focus on the real issues of the day such as fiscal policy, taxes and spending.

Why are you avoiding the question? Is it because you know the answer is the country is far less moral. Look at rates of out of wedlock birth, divorce, STDs, abuse etc etc. All of them much higher.
So do you think those things are none of my business too? BEcause they are a cost to society. And I have to live here as well.

Then why on earth would you be opposed to allowing gays and lesbians access to marriage, an institution that promotes monogamy? That just doesn't make any sense...

As for being more or less moral, it depends on how you measure morality. I don't consider consenting adults having sex to be immoral.
Trying to change the subject from the cozy home racists have in the GnOP? Republican and tea party leaders (not some dipshit at a protest) send racist emails or hold signs with the N-word emblazoned on it.

Changing the subject is not going to change that.

Which "Leaders"?

The ones you libs assigned to us or the actual leaders, if any exist?
Republican denounced for racist e-mail

Va. Beach GOP head resigns over racist email

Young Republican Caught Forwarding Racist Email About Obama on Student Government Listserv

FL GOP Chair Sends Out Racist E-mail: Beware Of The Car Loads Of Blacks

Racist Tea Party Leader Can’t Spell the N-Word

The media picks the worst of us and declares them our leaders.

Dale Robertson is a prime example.

This guy has not been elected to office. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama have.

In response to questions we have received regarding Dale Robertson and his involvement with HoustonTPS, and specifically in reference to his attendance at our rally on 27 Feb 2009, we would like to state that:

1. He is NOT a member of our Leadership team.

2. He owns a website with which we have never been affiliated.

3. He has never been a part of organizing any of the Tea Party rallies in the Houston area, or any other area that we can find.

4. We addressed some issues involving him back in April. Here it is on our website, where Mr. Robertson himself comments: Something Fishy | Houston Tea Party

5. We do not choose to associate with people that use his type of disgusting language.
A Note on Dale Robertson, self-described “tea party leader” | Houston Tea Party

He runs a web site that is not affiliated with the Tea Party. :oops:

I'll tell you what, why don't we all pick each others' leaders. :deal:

The Dems seem to think they can pick ours. From now on the leaders of the Democratic Party are the folks that perfectly fit what the party stands for.

They are the following:

Teodoro Obiang Nguema - Treasurer
Osama Bin Laden, up until a couple of months ago he was the campaign manager
Fidel Castro - Vice President and Union Rep
Hugo Chavez - Communications Director
Omar-al-Bashir - Personnel Director
Homer Simpson - President

These are your leaders now.

You have no choice in this. These are the SOBs that are currently in charge of the Nanny State, the World Apology tour, everything that is Liberal in the United States.

It makes as much sense as you picking ours.
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Concerning the Tea Party folks, I am impressed with their focus ONLY on the spending and tax issues.
The leaders that have emerged in Georgia have openly solicited ANYONE AND EVERYONE and could care less if they are gay, straight, black, white or any variation.
Gay marriage is a non issue to them and anyone else with a background in small business and how capitalism and the free market is what is important. The sex life and love between 2 gay folks has nothing to do with the stability of this country.

Do you think this country is more moral or less moral than it was in, say, the early 1960s?

Actually, I'd probably have to say we're more "moral" (a term which is HIGHLY subjective, depending on your personal beliefs) now than we were in the early 60's. Why? Well, there was the summer of love thing and all the hippies running around, smoking pot and dropping acid.

Then, in 1970, there was Kent remember, where the government killed some protesters simply because they were against the war?

Kent State gained international attention on May 4, 1970, when an Ohio Army National Guard unit fired at students during an anti-war protest on campus, killing four and wounding nine. The Guard had been called into Kent after several protests in and around campus had become violent, including a riot in downtown Kent and the burning of the ROTC building. The main cause of the protests was the United States' invasion of Cambodia during the Vietnam War.[26] The shootings caused an immediate closure of the campus with students and faculty given just 60 minutes to pack belongings. Around the country, many college campuses canceled classes or closed for fear of similar violent protests.[27] In Kent, schools were closed and the National Guard restricted entry into the city limits, patrolling the area until May 8. With the campus closed, faculty members came up with a variety of solutions — including holding classes in their homes, at public buildings and places, via telephone, or through the mail — to allow their students to complete the term, which was only a few weeks away at the time.[28] In 1971, the University established the Center for Peaceful Change, now known as the Center for Applied Conflict Management, as a "living memorial" to the students who had died. It offers degree programs in Peace and Conflict Studies[29] and Conflict Resolution and is one of the earliest such programs in the United States.

Kent State University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Carry on through the disco era, with cocaine and ecstacy (along with the upper class smoking pot), as well as many of the great advances made in philosophy and understanding, yeah......I'd definitely say we're more "moral" now, because not everyone is still doing that.

And..........keeping a marriage together when you both hate each other isn't "moral" either, because it takes a severe toll on the children. Trust me......I know first hand. And yeah......based on my own life experiences since I was born in 64, I'd say we're getting better.

It's not so much that there was more "immoral" things back then, it's just that they were hidden. Stuff like spouse and child abuse (which I lived through until 1971) was just as prevalent, it's just that people didn't talk about it. Now? If we hear of child or spouse abuse, we go after it, investigate it, and prosecute it if necessary.
Whine all you want to, but the guy was the LEADER of a tea party group. The rest are Republican LEADERS. Just admit I proved my point and move on...

He was never one of our leaders.

It's the same as saying that Truthmatters is the leader of all Libtards on this site. I could scream it all day and it wouldn't make it any more true.

And FYI, you haven't proved a thing, other then you can't admit when you're wrong as the day is long.
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Rick Santorum wants to invade your bedroom in the middle of sex and arrest you for doing sexual acts he doesn't like.

He believes in upholding the current sodomy laws that imprison people for up to 1 to 15 years for acts such as falatio, anal, and other acts that aren't missionary position. This law extends to straight people and even married couples.

If you're gay, you especially better watch out because simply identifying as "gay" will immediately make you suspect to being indicted for sodomy. This means only gay virgins are safe, but if you're a sexually active gay, you will be enslaved.

If you are gay it is obvious you practice sodomy. Good for Mr. Santorum.
Rick Santorum wants to invade your bedroom in the middle of sex and arrest you for doing sexual acts he doesn't like.

He believes in upholding the current sodomy laws that imprison people for up to 1 to 15 years for acts such as falatio[sic] anal, and other acts that aren't missionary position. This law extends to straight people and even married couples.

I have no doubt that the Santorums never tried anything other than the missionary position.
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Rick Santorum wants to invade your bedroom in the middle of sex and arrest you for doing sexual acts he doesn't like.

He believes in upholding the current sodomy laws that imprison people for up to 1 to 15 years for acts such as falatio[sic] anal, and other acts that aren't missionary position. This law extends to straight people and even married couples.

I have no doubt that the Santorums never tried anything other than the missionary position.

If you say so pumpkin.
Rick Santorum wants to invade your bedroom in the middle of sex and arrest you for doing sexual acts he doesn't like.

He believes in upholding the current sodomy laws that imprison people for up to 1 to 15 years for acts such as falatio[sic] anal, and other acts that aren't missionary position. This law extends to straight people and even married couples.

I have no doubt that the Santorums never tried anything other than the missionary position.

Primetime Live Poll: More Republicans Satisfied With Sex Lives Than Democrats - ABC News
Concerning the Tea Party folks, I am impressed with their focus ONLY on the spending and tax issues.
The leaders that have emerged in Georgia have openly solicited ANYONE AND EVERYONE and could care less if they are gay, straight, black, white or any variation.
Gay marriage is a non issue to them and anyone else with a background in small business and how capitalism and the free market is what is important. The sex life and love between 2 gay folks has nothing to do with the stability of this country.

Do you think this country is more moral or less moral than it was in, say, the early 1960s?

Actually, I'd probably have to say we're more "moral" (a term which is HIGHLY subjective, depending on your personal beliefs) now than we were in the early 60's. Why? Well, there was the summer of love thing and all the hippies running around, smoking pot and dropping acid.

Then, in 1970, there was Kent remember, where the government killed some protesters simply because they were against the war?

Kent State gained international attention on May 4, 1970, when an Ohio Army National Guard unit fired at students during an anti-war protest on campus, killing four and wounding nine. The Guard had been called into Kent after several protests in and around campus had become violent, including a riot in downtown Kent and the burning of the ROTC building. The main cause of the protests was the United States' invasion of Cambodia during the Vietnam War.[26] The shootings caused an immediate closure of the campus with students and faculty given just 60 minutes to pack belongings. Around the country, many college campuses canceled classes or closed for fear of similar violent protests.[27] In Kent, schools were closed and the National Guard restricted entry into the city limits, patrolling the area until May 8. With the campus closed, faculty members came up with a variety of solutions — including holding classes in their homes, at public buildings and places, via telephone, or through the mail — to allow their students to complete the term, which was only a few weeks away at the time.[28] In 1971, the University established the Center for Peaceful Change, now known as the Center for Applied Conflict Management, as a "living memorial" to the students who had died. It offers degree programs in Peace and Conflict Studies[29] and Conflict Resolution and is one of the earliest such programs in the United States.

Kent State University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Carry on through the disco era, with cocaine and ecstacy (along with the upper class smoking pot), as well as many of the great advances made in philosophy and understanding, yeah......I'd definitely say we're more "moral" now, because not everyone is still doing that.

And..........keeping a marriage together when you both hate each other isn't "moral" either, because it takes a severe toll on the children. Trust me......I know first hand. And yeah......based on my own life experiences since I was born in 64, I'd say we're getting better.

It's not so much that there was more "immoral" things back then, it's just that they were hidden. Stuff like spouse and child abuse (which I lived through until 1971) was just as prevalent, it's just that people didn't talk about it. Now? If we hear of child or spouse abuse, we go after it, investigate it, and prosecute it if necessary.

I hadn't realized that grease guns enemas affected the brain. Maybe you have another explanation.
The "Summer of Love" was 1968, as I recall. That isn't the "early 1960s" as I said.
I laid out the stats as a benchmark for morality. Acceptance of "gay marriage" isn't going to get us further as a society. It will create a mockery of marriage.
Are you and your family more or less moral now than in the 60s?
What control do YOU or I have over the morality of others?
Do you advocate legislating morality and under what authority under THE CONSTITUTION is that?
Morality is a family matter. Not my business to force legislation on you and your family concerning what morals you teach your kids.
You can not have it both ways.
We are a nation OF LAWS, not men and their various religions and moral beliefs.
And I intend to fight like the Founders did to ensure that no one changes that.
Get over it. Mind your own business. Gay marriage is none of your business. Focus on the real issues of the day such as fiscal policy, taxes and spending.

Why are you avoiding the question? Is it because you know the answer is the country is far less moral. Look at rates of out of wedlock birth, divorce, STDs, abuse etc etc. All of them much higher.
So do you think those things are none of my business too? BEcause they are a cost to society. And I have to live here as well.

Then why on earth would you be opposed to allowing gays and lesbians access to marriage, an institution that promotes monogamy? That just doesn't make any sense...

As for being more or less moral, it depends on how you measure morality. I don't consider consenting adults having sex to be immoral.

You don't think adultery is immoral? No surprise.
btw, what happened to the first gay couple married under MA law?
First Gay Marriage, Now Gay Divorce - U.S. & World -

So much for fostering monogamy.
Rick Santorum wants to invade your bedroom in the middle of sex and arrest you for doing sexual acts he doesn't like.

He believes in upholding the current sodomy laws that imprison people for up to 1 to 15 years for acts such as falatio[sic] anal, and other acts that aren't missionary position. This law extends to straight people and even married couples.

I have no doubt that the Santorums never tried anything other than the missionary position.

Primetime Live Poll: More Republicans Satisfied With Sex Lives Than Democrats - ABC News
No doubt, Senator and Mrs. Vitter answered yes to that poll.
Rick Santorum wants to invade your bedroom in the middle of sex and arrest you for doing sexual acts he doesn't like.

He believes in upholding the current sodomy laws that imprison people for up to 1 to 15 years for acts such as falatio[sic] anal, and other acts that aren't missionary position. This law extends to straight people and even married couples.

I have no doubt that the Santorums never tried anything other than the missionary position.

Primetime Live Poll: More Republicans Satisfied With Sex Lives Than Democrats - ABC News
No doubt, Senator and Mrs. Vitter answered yes to that poll.

And no doubt Gov and Mrs McGreevey answered no.
Along with Rep Wiener and his wife.
Rick Santorum wants to invade your bedroom in the middle of sex and arrest you for doing sexual acts he doesn't like.

He believes in upholding the current sodomy laws that imprison people for up to 1 to 15 years for acts such as falatio[sic] anal, and other acts that aren't missionary position. This law extends to straight people and even married couples.

I have no doubt that the Santorums never tried anything other than the missionary position.

Primetime Live Poll: More Republicans Satisfied With Sex Lives Than Democrats - ABC News
No doubt, Senator and Mrs. Vitter answered yes to that poll.
More Republicans than Democrats did.
Rick Santorum wants to invade your bedroom in the middle of sex and arrest you for doing sexual acts he doesn't like.

He believes in upholding the current sodomy laws that imprison people for up to 1 to 15 years for acts such as falatio[sic] anal, and other acts that aren't missionary position. This law extends to straight people and even married couples.

I have no doubt that the Santorums never tried anything other than the missionary position.

Primetime Live Poll: More Republicans Satisfied With Sex Lives Than Democrats - ABC News

If the Republicans are so satisfied with their sex lives, why do they have so many affairs?
Rick Santorum wants to invade your bedroom in the middle of sex and arrest you for doing sexual acts he doesn't like.

He believes in upholding the current sodomy laws that imprison people for up to 1 to 15 years for acts such as falatio[sic] anal, and other acts that aren't missionary position. This law extends to straight people and even married couples.

I have no doubt that the Santorums never tried anything other than the missionary position.

Primetime Live Poll: More Republicans Satisfied With Sex Lives Than Democrats - ABC News

If the Republicans are so satisfied with their sex lives, why do they have so many affairs?

1. Got any stats, or is this one of those things "everybody knows"?

2. Did you read the article? Did it say that 100% of Republicans were satisfied with their marriages and their sex lives?
Rick Santorum wants to invade your bedroom in the middle of sex and arrest you for doing sexual acts he doesn't like.

He believes in upholding the current sodomy laws that imprison people for up to 1 to 15 years for acts such as falatio[sic] anal, and other acts that aren't missionary position. This law extends to straight people and even married couples.

I have no doubt that the Santorums never tried anything other than the missionary position.

Primetime Live Poll: More Republicans Satisfied With Sex Lives Than Democrats - ABC News

If the Republicans are so satisfied with their sex lives, why do they have so many affairs?

Who says they do?

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