Is the word LIE overused in politics now?

Did you vote for Harris? That's a coup, moron., it isn't, dipshit. Candidates drop out in every election and endorse someeone else. Biden dropped out and endorsed his running mate. And the nomination goes to the candidate with the most delegates.

Harris had the most delegates. Easily and overwhelmingly.

That's not a coup.

You haven't the first clue what a coup is. Trump told you to say that, so you've dutifully aped it without thought, question, or the slightest understanding.

There's a reason why the GOP threatened to sue Harris over the nomination, but ended up doing jackshit. Because you have no idea what you're talking about, MAGA. And they had zero chance in court.

You just ape the lies you're told to ape. Its what MAGA are good for.
Democrats have the advantage with Soros (tax exempt) Media Matters which is in the business of monitoring (only) conservative speech. Every word ever spoken by Trump or any other conservative politician is analyzed and spun and sent to mostly left wing blogs which include most of the mainstream media today. How do republicans stand a chance against this propaganda power?
Candidates drop out in every election and endorse someeone else.
Don't evade the question cockroach. Name one incumbent POTUS that has dropped out of an election after being voted the overwhelming favorite in the primary. I'm waiting. Quit evading--that is tantamount to LYING. LOL, typical democrat.
I see it in so many places. Someone disagrees with you, and they call it a lie.

I wonder if people are even aware of the definition and just don't care.

A statement someone makes might not be a lie. It could just be an opinion, an interpretation, or a mistake.
You have to realize that rational people can accept different opinions.

The leftist drones only have one reality... They believe whatever their leadership tells them to believe, and say anything that doesn't agree with that to be a lie.

Their party and it's leadership are their gods.

Then they parrot the talking points they are given like they are incapable of independent thoughts.

It's actually sad that they are not open to rational discussions.
Don't evade the question cockroach. Name one incumbent POTUS that has dropped out of an election after being voted the overwhelming favorite in the primary. I'm waiting. Quit evading--that is tantamount to LYING. LOL, typical democrat.

Evade the question? You're still stuck on WHAT COUP? Nothing you've described is a coup. Or even remotely resembles it.The nomination goes to the person with the most delegates.

Harris had the most delegates. Point, set and match.

There's a reason that the GOP abandoned their threatened lawsuit: Harris' nomination is completely legal, reasonable, and authoritative, matching DNC nomination rules after Biden dropped out.

Show me anywhere in the DNC rules that once released, Biden's delegates couldn't vote for Harris. You can't. You made it all up.

You call it a 'coup' because that's what Trump told you to say. And MAGA is only good for repeating whatever lies Trump tell them to ape.
Democrats have the advantage with Soros (tax exempt) Media Matters which is in the business of monitoring (only) conservative speech. Every word ever spoken by Trump or any other conservative politician is analyzed and spun and sent to mostly left wing blogs which include most of the mainstream media today. How do republicans stand a chance against this propaganda power?

Or, Trump just says stupid, stupid shit.

“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution...."

The most awful thing you can do to Trump is quote him accurately.
Or, Trump just says stupid, stupid shit.

“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution...."

The most awful thing you can do to Trump is quote him accurately.

He wasn't wrong.
Harris had the most delegates.
Not chosen by the voters, moron. What is it the democrats shout about voter disenfranchisement? Then that is exactly what they did when they overruled the electorate--a coup.
BTW, how are you going to respond to your lie that they eat cats and dogs in Springfield, IL, moron.
He wasn't wrong.

Oh, of course he was. He was condemned overwhelmingly, even by Republicans. But its an elegant demonstration of the seething hatred and loathing that conservatives have for the constitution that MAGA still tries to justify Trump's call for terminating the constitution.
Not chosen by the voters, moron. What is it the democrats shout about voter disenfranchisement? Then that is exactly what they did when they overruled the electorate--a coup.
BTW, how are you going to respond to your lie that they eat cats and dogs in Springfield, IL, moron.

Again, the DNC rules require that the nomination goes to the candidate who received the most delegates. Biden dropped out, endorsed Harris and released his delegates. Those delegates chose to support Harris.

Harris had the most delegates.
Meeting every single requirement for the nomination.

So much for your imaginary 'coup' bullshit. You don't even know what a 'coup' is. Its just a word you were told to ape by Trump....and as MAGA does, you mindlessly repeated it. Demonstrating my point elegantly.

Laughing........there's a reason the GOP fled from their own calls to sue Harris over the nomination: They've got nothing.
Oh, of course he was. He was condemned overwhelmingly, even by Republicans. But its an elegant demonstration of the seething hatred and loathing that conservatives have for the constitution that MAGA still tries to justify Trump's call for terminating the constitution.

Obama did it on a weekly basis.
Silence from you pieces of shit.
Again, the DNC rules require that the nomination goes to the candidate who received the most delegates. Biden dropped out, endorsed Harris and released his delegates. Those delegates chose to support Harris.

Harris had the most delegates. Meeting every single requirement for the nomination.

So much for your imaginary 'coup' bullshit. You don't even know what a 'coup' is. Its just a word you were told to ape by Trump....and as MAGA does, you mindlessly repeated it. Demonstrating my point elegantly.

Laughing........there's a reason the GOP fled from their own calls to sue Harris over the nomination: They've got nothing.
Biden was forced out. Voters will was overruled. COUP!
As for the law suit. IDGAF, Harris will be a laughable footnote in record time. You gonna be mad Nov. 6, bro.
Biden was forced out. Voters will was overruled. COUP!

Biden says he chose to leave so he could focus on his remaining presidency. Why would I ignore Biden on why he dropped out and instead believe some rando on the internet who just apes whatever Trumnp tells him to think?

There is no reason. Biden is the world's best authority on his own motivations. And you're just another MAGA liar, apeing whatever lie Trump tells you to.
As for the law suit. IDGAF, Harris will be a laughable footnote in record time. You gonna be mad Nov. 6, bro.

All that bluster from the GOP about they were going to sue, about how it was outrageous, about how it was coup!

And what came of it? Jack shit.

Your ilk tucked their tails between quivering little haunches and slunk away, abandoning even the talking point. Let alone any legal action.

Why? Because you have jackshit. Just an empty pseudo-legal talking point from a con-man telling you what to repeat. As MAGA does.
Biden says he chose to leave so he could focus on his remaining presidency.
The focus on Rehoboth Beach, DE? That ain't the presidency, cockroach. That is closer to his basement. You know the same place Kamala has been running from. When is she going to have a press conference to explain the significance of the passage of time because it is so significant how time passes unburdened by the burdens that have been burdens. LOL SMFH
The focus on Rehoboth Beach, DE? That ain't the presidency, cockroach. That is closer to his basement. You know the same place Kamala has been running from. When is she going to have a press conference to explain the significance of the passage of time because it is so significant how time passes unburdened by the burdens that have been burdens. LOL SMFH

Not for nothing

Biden didn't actually say that was the reason.
All that bluster for four solid years--two scam impeachments, and we won't enumerate the lawfare coming directly out of the democrat's lying mouths. Keep doubling down moron, I love exposing frauds.

So no coup, no lawsuit - despite buckets of empty bluster from the GOP ending in pathetic failure, and Harris receiving the most delegates of any candidate after Biden dropped out.

So much for your latest round of bullshit MAGA lies about your imaginary 'coup'. You demonstrate my point elegantly by just apeing whatever Trump tells you to think.

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