Santorum's wife had six-year affair with abortion doctor

And this has WHAT to do with Santorum himself?
I don't give a crap what his wife did 30 years has nothing to do with how Santorum could run this country. You people don't seem to care that Obama himself hung out with terrorists or smoked crack or anything else in his passt. You think he's doing such a great is Santorum's wife having an affair with ANYONE 30 yrs ago going to affect his presidency? :lol:
really caroljo? if this were a story about michelle obama back in 2008 when her hubby was running, would you honestly be saying that???

They would be all over that shit given the opportunity.

Some may, but many wouldn't. Look up the first lady does push ups thread if you want to know who is reasonable and who isnt. In the mean time stop broad stroking in public.
And this has WHAT to do with Santorum himself?
I don't give a crap what his wife did 30 years has nothing to do with how Santorum could run this country. You people don't seem to care that Obama himself hung out with terrorists or smoked crack or anything else in his passt. You think he's doing such a great is Santorum's wife having an affair with ANYONE 30 yrs ago going to affect his presidency? :lol:
really caroljo? if this were a story about michelle obama back in 2008 when her hubby was running, would you honestly be saying that???

They would be all over that shit given the opportunity.

Alright! Another person that thinks they know me! Lol!
Those of you joining in the gangbang of stupidity in this topic should be ashamed. It literally has NOTHING to do with politics at any level. NOT EVEN GUILT BY ASSOCIATION.

Pretty sad display by some of you.
Report: Santorum's wife had six-year affair with abortion doctor

Report: Santorum's wife had six-year affair with abortion doctor


The Daily Mail

by: Daniel Miller and Michael Zennie

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Karen Santorum with her husband, Rick, at his Iowa caucus party on Jan. 3. Photo Credit:AP/Charlie Riedel
The wife of fiercely pro-life presidential hopeful Rick Santorum had a six-year love affair with an abortion doctor, 40 years her senior - who, incredibly, delivered her as a baby - it has emerged.

Karen Santorum, 51, who, like her husband, opposes abortion even in cases of rape and doesn't believe in using birth control, lived with Pittsburgh abortion pioneer Dr Thomas E. Allen for most of her 20s in the 1980s.
Report: Santorum's wife had six-year affair with abortion doctor | Times 247

Much ado about nothing as Obama's relationship with Rev. Wright?

And this has WHAT to do with Santorum himself?
I don't give a crap what his wife did 30 years has nothing to do with how Santorum could run this country. You people don't seem to care that Obama himself hung out with terrorists or smoked crack or anything else in his passt. You think he's doing such a great is Santorum's wife having an affair with ANYONE 30 yrs ago going to affect his presidency? :lol:

Which terrorist did Obama hang out with? Bill Ayers? Was he an active terrorist? You know, like the Osama Bin Laden? Remember that guy? George HW Bush sent him a bunch of tax payer money to kick ass on the Russians. No? Still don't ring a bell? Well Osama's brother invested in George HW Bush's son's oil company, Arbusto. You know Arbusto, right? It was run by George W. Bush. Then the brother of the guy that invested in Arbusto..went on to plan 9/11. Remember that? Remember that Bush wanted to "get" Osama Bin Laden? Dead or Alive?

Until..he didn't.

But in fairness..I could give a crap about Santorum's slutty wife.

But giving an award to a child ass raper? Or playing with dead babies?

Comedy gold.

seriously? Taking something Santorums wife did prior to her marriage... and something Obama did himself... and whining that no one wanted to ignore what Obama did?

Now, if you have something Santorum did, to compare with something Obama did, then we can talk.
People make all kinds of mistakes of the heart in their early 20s.
I do not like Santorum at all but this is old stuff ancient history.
One thing that does stand out a lot is the strength that Santorum has in that apparently this does not bother him in his love for his wife as it appears the strength of their marriage is more powerful than the mistakes of the past.
really caroljo? if this were a story about michelle obama back in 2008 when her hubby was running, would you honestly be saying that???

of course she wouldn't. the fauxrage and obama derangement syndrome run deep in her.

i. on the other hand, say about both, i really don't care who anyone bonks.

interesting as a psychology project, though. maybe that's why her husband is so intent on putting those doctors out of business. :eusa_whistle:

Oh, get real. You can't decide what other people would or would not say... any more that anyone else can decide for you. That is just fucking asinine.

Would have been interesting though, had the media bothered to vet Obama back in 2008... but it was 'racist' to criticize the messiah.

IF this bullshit is true - and it is IF.... so fucking what? Seriously..... this moronic bullshit is nothing more than the hypocrisy of Americans.

Wouldn't it be more productive for a president to spend his time and energy working on fixing the economy instead of doing opposition research on his enemies????

I mean Christ almighty.

You think it's Obama digging up this material?


who benefits from Santorum's defeat? dummie

Romney, Gingrich and maybe even Paul. No one who supports anyone of the clowns running for R nomination is likely to vote for President Obama.

Dummie? You have not right to call anyone a dummie - well maybe crusaderfreank; it's not established which one of you is the most limited.
six years? Just cuz the guy is 60 doesn't mean he was shooting "blanks". You know she was using birth control. And we all know I don't mean "abstinence". Do they look like a couple who practice "abstinence"?
six years? Just cuz the guy is 60 doesn't mean he was shooting "blanks". You know she was using birth control. And we all know I don't mean "abstinence". Do they look like a couple who practice "abstinence"?

This thread isn't about race, be gone race baiter.
I don't have a problem with this or with Barack sucking cock; what bothers me was Michelle's "first time in my adult life that I'm proud of my country" comment
Yes, tiny dancer, a criticism with the relevance of a 4th grade student's time out at the principal's office.
really caroljo? if this were a story about michelle obama back in 2008 when her hubby was running, would you honestly be saying that???

Yes i would....honestly!

Oh bullshit.

You just brought up Ayers and Wright. Which are as relevent as Santorum's slutty wife.

So you are honestly trying to claim Obama's relationships with his spiritual advisor and a self-admitted terrorist are as relevant as the unsubstatiated allegations against someone not in the campaign?
hmm one of my ex's a murderer who killed himself in prison

has nothing to do with my husband

And nothing really to do with you yourself, for that matter. Hey, people make shitty relationship choices sometimes. Big freaking deal.

Mrs. Santorum obviously got her crap together and picked a nice man who's a good husband and father. If I must think about her at all - and admittedly, I don't give much of a damn about the wives of politicians, anyway - I'd say she's quite a good example to other women of how to dump the losers and choose a winner (relationship-wise, that is).
Many people have yet to realize just how much baggage Santorum has. It will be a rude awakening for many.

Who his wife lived with before they met is "baggage?" Wow, the left is truly desperate.
really caroljo? if this were a story about michelle obama back in 2008 when her hubby was running, would you honestly be saying that???

Yes i would....honestly!

Oh bullshit.

You just brought up Ayers and Wright. Which are as relevent as Santorum's slutty wife.

Wrong, because those are OBAMA'S friends and associations. They reflect directly on OBAMA'S character and choices.

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