Santos Expelled from House

Conservatives on board with being on the right side of reality:

– Representative Kevin Kiley (R-CA) released the following statement after voting a second time to expel Representative George Santos (R-NY) from Congress:

“Today I voted to expel George Santos from the House, after carefully considering the Ethics Committee’s findings along with the overwhelming evidence of crimes such as conspiracy, wire fraud, falsification of records, identity theft, and credit card fraud. Voters in New York will now have an opportunity to elect a new Representative.

“Expulsion from Congress is, and should be, an extremely rare occurrence; it has only happened on five prior occasions since our nation was founded. In my view, this extraordinary step was warranted by the unique case before us and the sheer weight of evidence of wrongdoing.

“I promised to be an independent voice for our district, and I will continue to act accordingly as long as I have the honor to serve.”

The Resolution passed by a vote of 311-114.
"I’m not predicting that he will do so. But Santos might very well have a right to file a lawsuit against the Sgt at Arms to compel that he be seated.

And his grounds could include a flat out denial of his constitutionally guaranteed right to the presumption of innocence.

I know you’re hopelessly ignorant and a biased hack, but seriously. It wouldn’t kill you to open your mind and accept a kernel of the truth."

Look familiar? Let us know when you find that elusive kernel. Or can show the basic precepts of justice to which you refer, that apply in a criminal proceeding, are transferrable to the rules guiding a congressional expulsion. Cuz so far you've just been spewing misguided drivel.
I already found it and shared it, yo blind rodent.

Figures you’re too retarded to accept it.
Wrong again. Santos survived two previous expulsion votes specifically because he was afforded the presumption of innocence and because in the minds of many congressmen he had not yet been given due process. That changed after the Ethics Committee released their findings. Findings more than a 2/3 majority found compelling........because they are.
Wrong. He was denied a presumption of innocence. The presumption of innocence is part of the core of due process. And it is not exclusively for criminal cases.

The 2/3 vote means only that he was kicked out. It has nothing to do with due process.
One more thing and then I'll stop since you are clearly unable to defend yourself. An expulsion proceeding in the House, because it is not a criminal court proceeding, more closely resembles a civil court proceeding. The standard of guilt or innocence in civil trials being the “preponderance of the evidence.” Upon examining the Ethics Committee report a substantial majority of House members found Santos guilty using said standard.
Glad I could help.
You didn’t help. You simply chose to ignore what I pointed out earlier.

The presumption of innocence applies also in civil matters.

Your ignorance is impenetrable. Sucks to be you, bug.
Santos was expelled from Congress reflecting the will of the great majority of the American people, via the votes of their elected representatives.
If his home district could vote to recall him
, Santos would have been gone a year ago
Ah. So they can presume guilt based on some determinations made by others?

Fact is, I dislike Menendez. But even he shouldn’t get the expulsion barring a conviction.
Yes, they can

The bigger issue is that Santos and Menendez should not be forcing their colleagues to kick them out.
They should have taken the responsible track and resigned

Their colleagues should not feel guilty for doing the right thing
Yes, they can

The bigger issue is that Santos and Menendez should not be forcing their colleagues to kick them out.
They should have taken the responsible track and resigned

Their colleagues should not feel guilty for doing the right thing

Do you ever try to actually think before you spew?
Santos was expelled from Congress reflecting the will of the great majority of the American people, via the votes of their elected representatives.
All the crap aside. I do not trust people in power unless they prove it to me different. The election of Trump showed us all the power that rules us as it was a vicious term as President. There is a corruption in D.C. Republicans are definitely the minority party and at times they help the Progressive Socialists enact their legislation.
There was no due process in this matter. You dolt.
There was plenty of process:

Democrats politically would wanted GOP to refuse to convict him, he is the gift that keeps on giving... That is why GOP got rid of him, every story just got worse and worse...
There was plenty of process:

Democrats politically would wanted GOP to refuse to convict him, he is the gift that keeps on giving... That is why GOP got rid of him, every story just got worse and worse...
There was none.

The denial of the fundamental presumption of innocence negates any weak stabbin the direction of due process.

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