Sarah Marie Johnson


Apr 17, 2016
Hi there,what will I hear about if it happens where 5 men,that also heard about this case,grow so tired of waiting for the inmate to go free,that they do the following thing,while,willingly,risking their own freedom?:

The 5 men arrive at the office of Prosecutor Jim Thomas in,let's say,a Red 4 Door 2016 Nissan Pathfinder SUV,while armed with guns,with 1 being a handgun & the other 4 being Modern Day Tommy Guns.

Jim is all alone in his office,when they enter & the guy with the handgun then say's to Jim "ALRIGHT,YOU ARE COMING WITH US!" & Then they make their way to,let's say,the Red 4 Door 2016 Nissan Pathfinder SUV & then he pulls open the safety gate on it & then he pulls open the trunk & says to the defenseless & outnumbered Jim "GET IN THERE NOW!" & he does just that & then they close the trunk & the safety gate on Jim.

The guy that has the handgun takes the wheel of,let's say,the Red 4 Door 2016 Nissan Pathfinder SUV with 1 of those guys armed with 1 of those 4 Modern Day Tommy Guns seated next to him & the other 3 in the back & while they make their way to the chamber of Judge Richard Bevan,the defenseless & outnumbered Jim,knowing that the safety gate is keeping him from escaping,breaks down & says something like "I DON'T WANT TO DIE,I HAVE BEEN PROSECUTING CASES IN IDAHO FOR YEARS!" & then 1 of those guys in the back shouts out something to him like "SHUT UP,JUST SHUT UP,SAY ANOTHER WORD & YOU ARE DEAD!".

Moments later,they have arrived at the chamber of Judge Richard Bevan & everyone steps out of,let's say,the Red 4 Door 2016 Nissan Pathfinder SUV & then the guy with the handgun & Jim Thomas seat themselves next to the right side of the window,with 2 of those Tommy Gun carrying men standing to their left & the other 2 standing to their right while standing next to the window to act as his lookouts & the guy with the handgun has his left arm wrapped around Jim & the handgun in his right hand pointed at him.

A few seconds later,the guy with 1 of the 4 Tommy Guns that is standing directly next to the window knocks on it & then Judge Richard Bevan pulls the window up to look outside & sees that Jim is being held at gunpoint & then says something like "What in the world?" & then the guy with the handgun shouts out to Judge Richard Bevan "ALRIGHT JUDGE,COME ON OUT NOW!" & then Judge Richard Bevan is about to climb out through the window,when the guy with the handgun shouts out something to him like "NO,NO,NO,PLEASE GO AROUND!" & then Judge Richard Bevan closes the window & exits his chamber through the front door.

Right after Judge Richard Bevan exits his chamber,arriving at the scene is everyone at the Blaine County Sheriff's Office,including Detectives Mark Dalton & Scott Ward & then the guy holding Jim at gunpoint tearfully shouts out "HEY NOBODY MOVE OR FLUFFY JIM GETS IT!".

Detective Mark Dalton,after already informing his fellow officers that his gun was missing from his box & that his Son,Mark Dalton Jr.,was nowhere in sight,is stunned to see that his Son is holding Jim hostage & that he is holding him at gunpoint with his gun.

Using his experience on the force,Detective Mark Dalton tells his fellow officers to let him settle the situation,because his Son is holding Jim at gunpoint.

After convincing his fellow officers to let him negotiate with his Son,Detective Mark Dalton starts off by calmly saying something to him like "Junior,please,don't do this,don't shoot our Prosecutor & you don't have to call him Fluffy Jim,because he has been prosecuting cases for years." but before he can continue negotiating with him,his Son tearfully shouts out something to him like "SHUT UP DAD,I DON'T CARE IF HE HAS BEEN PROSECUTING CASES FOR YEARS!"

Detective Mark Dalton then says something to him like "What are you trying to tell all of us" & then,in regards to the inmate that is awaiting the outcome of her appeal,he tearfully shouts out something like "JUDGE,SHE DIDN'T DO IT,SHE DID NOT SHOOT HER PARENTS TO DEATH,THE REAL SHOOTER IS STILL ROAMING AROUND TOWN,KNOWING THAT HE SO FAR GOT AWAY WITH THEIR MURDERS!".

Judge Richard Bevan then says something to him like "Wait a minute,if she didn't shoot them to death,then who did?" & then Little D tearfully says something to him like "The only name that comes to mind is Christopher Kevin Hill." & then Judge Richard Bevan says to him "How can you be so sure that Christopher Kevin Hill shot them to death?" & then Junior says that he wants everyone to keep quiet while he speaks & everyone around him,including his Dad,agrees to do just that.

In a full speech,while still holding Jim at gunpoint,Junior tearfully says something like this,while everyone else listens.:

"Yesterday,I found myself in an unknown wooded area,where I saw Christopher Kevin Hill & Mel Speegle hanging out. I could only watch from behind 1 of those trees while Christopher shared a laugh with Mel & confessed to those murders to him. Big C also confessed to Speeg that he rearranged the crime scene,only to frame their Daughter for their murders. Judge,I remember reading that the fingerprints found on the gun & all over the crime scene belong to Christopher Kevin Hill. This can only mean that Mr. Hill did this to them. Christopher Kevin Hill should have been arrested for their murders,but the system made a major mistake & now an innocent woman is incarcerated,because of this garbage. Judge,I need you to grant the apeal,throw away the Double Murder Conviction against their Daughter & let her walk out of prison a free woman & she also needs to stay free as long as she obeys the law & while she rebuilds her life,Roy Parkinson,a 30 year old unmarried & unemployed Boise,Idaho born man can marry her,because I found out that he loves her very much & wants to marry her & I also need you to issue a warrant for the arrest of Christopher Kevin Hill,so we can finally bring him to justice for those murders. EITHER YOU DO EVERYTHING NOW OR I SHOOT JIM,NO TRICKS,NO PRETENDING & NO FAKING IT!"

Detective Mark Dalton then says to Judge Richard Bevan something like "Judge,please,don't let my fellow officers shoot my Son,please just do what he wants,so that noone gets hurt." & then,in regards to the inmate that is awaiting the outcome of the appeal,Judge Richard Bevan says something like "Alright,alright,I will sign the release warrant form with all of the details on it & that will include that I am granting her appeal,throwing away her Double Murder Conviction & ordering her release from prison,while also expunging her record,to make it like if she never was arrested for those murders."

Judge Richard Bevan then says something to Junior like "After I am done filling out the form,I will come back out with the form & hand it over to you.",but Little D,now calm & collective,then says to Judge Richard Bevan something like "No,actually,after you fill out the form,I prefer for you to hand it over through the window." & then Judge Richard Bevan goes back into his chamber to fill out the form & seconds later,after he finishes filling out the form,he opens the window & sticks the form out of the window & hands it over to Junior.

After grabbing the form from Judge Richard Bevan,Junior final frees Jim & allows 1 of those other officers from the Blaine County Sheriff's Office to take him back to his office.

Junior,while still holding his Father's handgun,then says something to Judge Richard Bevan like "Judge,you can now fill out the Arrest Warrant Form,to issue a warrant for the arrest of Christopher Kevin Hill,charging him with those murders,but I also need you to put the warrant on hold,until the Daughter of the victims walks out of prison a free woman,because the 5 of us will be arriving at that prison with the Release Warrant Form to get her out of prison & Roy Parkinson,along with 3 of his friends,will also be there,after I call him & the moment that she walks out of that prison a free woman,I will give you a call to confirm it for you & then you can issue the warrant for the arrest of Christopher Kevin Hill."

Junior,while still holding the gun in his right hand,uses his left hand to pull his smartphone out of his left pocket & uses the fingers on his left hand to dial the number for Roy Parkinson to give him the Breaking News & holds it in his left hand to speak into it,but Roy is not happy at first,because it's Detective Mark Dalton's Son,Mark Dalton Jr.,calling him,however,he then goes from unhappy to happy when Little D tells him that she is finally getting out & after the phone call between them ends,Roy relays the message to the 3 friends of his that accompanied him while he was on the phone with Mark Dalton Jr. & then they all react with "YAY!" & then they hop into,let's say,a Red 4 Door 2016 Toyota Camry with Roy taking the wheel & then they make their way to the prison.

Meanwhile,at the chamber of Judge Richard Bevan,before Detective Mark Dalton retrieves those guns from his Son & the other 4 gunmen with them get rid of their Tommy Guns,Junior tells both him & Judge Richard Bevan that he has an idea & that the idea is that first he & the other 4 men will show up at the prison,with the Release Warrant Form,while they still have those guns,then they will enter the prison,hand over the Release Warrant Form to,perhaps,the warden,get the inmate out,send her on her way with Roy Parkinson & those 3 friends of his,call to confirm it & then they will arrive at the Blaine County Sheriff's Office to surrender those guns & then Judge Richard Bevan & Detective Mark Dalton agree on the idea & then Little D & the other 4 gunmen hand over those guns to Detective Mark Dalton & then Junior & the other 4 men that held Prosecutor Jim Thomas hostage hop into,let's say,the Red 4 Door 2016 Nissan Pathfinder SUV & then they make their way to the prison with the Release Warrant Form & Judge Richard Bevan calls,perhaps,the warden at the prison & informs him that they are coming with a Release Warrant Form & that they will need to comply with what the Release Warrant Form says or otherwise he will have no choice,but to hold them in contempt.

Moments later,they all arrive at the prison & Junior has Roy & those 3 friends of his wait outside,while he & the rest of his gang goes in with the Release Warrant Form,then he hands it over to,perhaps,the warden & then the inmate is informed that Judge Richard Bevan just threw away her Double Murder Conviction & she is free to go & then she changes into street clothes & walks right out of the prison & sees Roy Parkinson & 3 of his friends.

Roy Parkinson then drops down to his left knee to propose to her with a Golden Ring & says to her "Will you marry me?" & then she says "Yes.",then she places it onto 1 of the fingers on her left hand & then she gets into the backseat of,let's say,the Red 4 Door 2016 Toyota Camry & takes the middle,while Roy takes the wheel & those 3 friends of his take the other seats.

While she leaves with Roy Parkinson & those 3 friends of his to eventually tie the knot with Roy & live happily ever after with him,Junior calls Judge Richard Bevan to give him the message that she left & then Judge Richard Bevan issues the warrant for the arrest of Christopher Kevin Hill for those murders & allows the police to begin their search for him,while Little D & his gang hop into,let's say,the Red 4 Door 2016 Nissan Pathfinder SUV,with him taking the wheel & then they leave.

Imagine if it happens either on or before December 7.

Everytime I put in the words "she" & "inmate",I was referring to Sarah Marie Johnson.

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