Sarah Palin should be the Nominee in 2012. Romney's Candidacy Died Sunday.

What your chart shows is that the economy Surged when we had a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress

Take note America

Well...sort of....what it shows is that if you take a half a trillion dollars and give it to a multitude of groups and tell them they must spend it, they will spend it.

Maybe if they told them they had to create jobs with it, they would have created jobs with it?


Bush overspent by 5 trillion or so during his presidency.

and if you just come back with boosh and do not see the connection you are...well....

This has nothing to do with Bush. He failed. We all know that.

I was showing RW that to see an increase in economic activity during a recession after you give out 500 billion dollars to a multitude of orbaizations with the only madate being "spend it" nothing more than a no brainer.

It is logical.
Me too.

He's already given us so much fodder it will be like shooting ducks in a barrel.
Consider this: Palin is at best an embarrassing interviewee. At her worst, she is a disastrous speaker who resorts to palm reading for her 'core values'.

Obama, on the other hand, is the most articulate, intelligent and skillful speakers the American political system has produced since Ronald Wilson Reagan (who was trained as an actor and therefore had the polish to present a message)

An Obama/Palin debate will be as if the Pittsburgh Steelers played your high school football team for the Super Bowl.

Actually, a debate is where your public speaking skills do NOT come into play nearly as much as your "quick thinking" skills.

I do not see Obama as a quick thinker. He was losing that primary for many months as Hillary wiped him up.....until the race card was used on Bill...then she had to walk a fine line....and we all know you can not win an electrion if you have to be careful with every little thing you say about your opponent.

Go back and check your history

Obama cleaned up on Hillary Clinton on Super Tuesday. For all intents and purposed, she was out of the running after those primaries. The Clinton surge did not happen till after Super Tuesday when she made up ground but could not get enough delegates.

Obama seemed to do exceedingly well in debates against the Democratic challengers and John (that fellow) McCain
The Economy started to tanked when the Dems took over Congress. Do I HAVE TO repost Obama chart proving it?

What your chart shows is that the economy Surged when we had a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress

Take note America

Well...sort of....what it shows is that if you take a half a trillion dollars and give it to a multitude of groups and tell them they must spend it, they will spend it.

Maybe if they told them they had to create jobs with it, they would have created jobs with it?



And maybe adding $800 billion to the economy resulted in an economic surge which added $6 trillion to Americans personal wealth (total assets- debts)
Me too.

He's already given us so much fodder it will be like shooting ducks in a barrel.
Consider this: Palin is at best an embarrassing interviewee. At her worst, she is a disastrous speaker who resorts to palm reading for her 'core values'.

Obama, on the other hand, is the most articulate, intelligent and skillful speakers the American political system has produced since Ronald Wilson Reagan (who was trained as an actor and therefore had the polish to present a message)

An Obama/Palin debate will be as if the Pittsburgh Steelers played your high school football team for the Super Bowl.

Actually, a debate is where your public speaking skills do NOT come into play nearly as much as your "quick thinking" skills.

I do not see Obama as a quick thinker. He was losing that primary for many months as Hillary wiped him up.....until the race card was used on Bill...then she had to walk a fine line....and we all know you can not win an electrion if you have to be careful with every little thing you say about your opponent.
If Obama is not a quick thinker and therefore at a disadvantage in a debate, how would you characterize Palin? Quick on her feet, or someone who can wink and cajole herself out of a mess?
Actually, a debate is where your public speaking skills do NOT come into play nearly as much as your "quick thinking" skills.

A real debate? Sure.

However, the Presidential Debates have not been real debates for a long long time. They're very structured with approved question topics (and sometimes even approved questions) cleared by both camps. Palin won't do well in that arena. Obama will.

That's not going to be the reason Palin loses though.

Palin suffers from Dan Quayle disease and you can't fix stupid in the mind of the public
The problem with the GOP is that none of their potential candidates can inspire the number of voters they need to defeat Obama.

Looks like they will end up with a complete unknown who will be put up as a sacrificial lamb

Pelosi and Obama just inspired enough voters for three consecutive GOP administrations. Minimum.

You listen to too much GOP propaganda

Healthcare will barely be an issue in Nov 2010, letalone Nov 2012

In the upcoming November elections, let the GOP candidates run on repealing healthcare. Take back pre-existing condition coverage, coverage for 20 somethings, Insurance pools for the self employed and people who work for small companies, coverage for 33 million people
Don't worry; health care will only be a needle in a haystack compared to all the other stuff, like radical environmental policy, banking regulations, immigration issues, and so forth.
Pelosi and Obama just inspired enough voters for three consecutive GOP administrations. Minimum.

You listen to too much GOP propaganda

Healthcare will barely be an issue in Nov 2010, letalone Nov 2012

In the upcoming November elections, let the GOP candidates run on repealing healthcare. Take back pre-existing condition coverage, coverage for 20 somethings, Insurance pools for the self employed and people who work for small companies, coverage for 33 million people
Don't worry; health care will only be a needle in a haystack compared to all the other stuff, like radical environmental policy, banking regulations, immigration issues, and so forth.

And now that this congress sees that the media will let them game the game....pandoras box has been opened.
Palin suffers from Dan Quayle disease and you can't fix stupid in the mind of the public

You can come back from being a "loser", and even a pretty bad public image. It was common knowledge that Nixon was done after his loss to Kennedy. Look how that turned out.

Palin probably could have managed to shed the image she had after the election, but she just seems to do dumber and dumber things as time goes by. Plus, she gets more and more extreme in her views with every passing day. She's decided to embrace the fringe because financially, that's a winning play. Politically however, its not.

Does anyone really think Palin could flip any of the battleground states or even a single Blue state when she couldn't help McCain carry Indiana or North Carolina? We're talking about states that are as Red as Red can be, states that are primarly Conservative, states that McCain picked Palin in order to shore up. Why the delusions she'll suddenly win the general?

On topic: I agree that Romney is in trouble now. It's hard for him to run against the Health Care package when he himself supported a similar program for is home state.

However, Romney still represents the best his party can offer.
Bill Clinton was virtually unheard of untill the Dukakis candidacy, and even then, he was more annoying (that DNC speech!) than anything.

It wasn't until The Comeback Kid thing in 1992 that brought him to a relevant national light.

I'm banking on a Dark Horse person to run. It won't be Romney.

And no, he isn't "the best" to be offered.
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Consider this: Palin is at best an embarrassing interviewee. At her worst, she is a disastrous speaker who resorts to palm reading for her 'core values'.

Obama, on the other hand, is the most articulate, intelligent and skillful speakers the American political system has produced since Ronald Wilson Reagan (who was trained as an actor and therefore had the polish to present a message)

An Obama/Palin debate will be as if the Pittsburgh Steelers played your high school football team for the Super Bowl.

Actually, a debate is where your public speaking skills do NOT come into play nearly as much as your "quick thinking" skills.

I do not see Obama as a quick thinker. He was losing that primary for many months as Hillary wiped him up.....until the race card was used on Bill...then she had to walk a fine line....and we all know you can not win an electrion if you have to be careful with every little thing you say about your opponent.
If Obama is not a quick thinker and therefore at a disadvantage in a debate, how would you characterize Palin? Quick on her feet, or someone who can wink and cajole herself out of a mess?

I was talking about Obama and his debating skills.
Why do people continually compare Obama to Palin?
What is it about the left that they find Palin so intriguing...and worthy of comparing to Obama?
Bill Clinton was virtually unheard of untill the Dukakis candidacy, and even then, he was more annoying (that DNC speech!) than anything.

It wasn't until The Comeback Kid thing in 1992 that brought him to a relevant national light.

I'm banking on a Dark Horse person to run. It won't be Romney.

And no, he isn't "the best" to be offered.

Could be, but in this day and age there are fewer and fewer dark horses out there. By this time in the election cycle (2.67 years out or so), you'd have expected that any possible candidate would be at least known to political junkies like those of us that hang out on message boards like this.

So who's out there that's likely?
Actually, a debate is where your public speaking skills do NOT come into play nearly as much as your "quick thinking" skills.

I do not see Obama as a quick thinker. He was losing that primary for many months as Hillary wiped him up.....until the race card was used on Bill...then she had to walk a fine line....and we all know you can not win an electrion if you have to be careful with every little thing you say about your opponent.
If Obama is not a quick thinker and therefore at a disadvantage in a debate, how would you characterize Palin? Quick on her feet, or someone who can wink and cajole herself out of a mess?

I was talking about Obama and his debating skills.
Why do people continually compare Obama to Palin?
What is it about the left that they find Palin so intriguing...and worthy of comparing to Obama?
The post refers back to a post by concept who said in effect he could not wait for a Palin/Obama debate.
I was talking about Obama and his debating skills.
Why do people continually compare Obama to Palin?
What is it about the left that they find Palin so intriguing...and worthy of comparing to Obama?

It's the Democrat's version of Clinton Derangement Syndrome.

Prior to 2008, nearly every GOP candidate was put up against HRC. She was the dream candidate for any GOP supporter and every candidate was measured by how well he'd beat her in an election.

Palin is the absolute dream DNC candidate. If the DNC supporters here had their way, Palin would run and win the party nomination every 4 years for the rest of her life.
Bill Clinton was virtually unheard of untill the Dukakis candidacy, and even then, he was more annoying (that DNC speech!) than anything.

It wasn't until The Comeback Kid thing in 1992 that brought him to a relevant national light.

I'm banking on a Dark Horse person to run. It won't be Romney.

And no, he isn't "the best" to be offered.

The problem is that Conservatives don't tend to nominate Dark Horse candidates. I don't remember the last Republican candidate who was a complete unknown.

I think we will get one of the Old Horse (John McCain are you listening?) candidates
I was talking about Obama and his debating skills.
Why do people continually compare Obama to Palin?
What is it about the left that they find Palin so intriguing...and worthy of comparing to Obama?

It's the Democrat's version of Clinton Derangement Syndrome.

Prior to 2008, nearly every GOP candidate was put up against HRC. She was the dream candidate for any GOP supporter and every candidate was measured by how well he'd beat her in an election.

Palin is the absolute dream DNC candidate. If the DNC supporters here had their way, Palin would run and win the party nomination every 4 years for the rest of her life.

And the GOP begs for Dean to do the same thing.

Well said Doc T.
Bill Clinton was virtually unheard of untill the Dukakis candidacy, and even then, he was more annoying (that DNC speech!) than anything.

It wasn't until The Comeback Kid thing in 1992 that brought him to a relevant national light.

I'm banking on a Dark Horse person to run. It won't be Romney.

And no, he isn't "the best" to be offered.

The problem is that Conservatives don't tend to nominate Dark Horse candidates. I don't remember the last Republican candidate who was a complete unknown.

I think we will get one of the Old Horse (John McCain are you listening?) candidates

RW....youy would do your credibility wonders if you stopped using the word conservatives when referring to the GOP.

They are our closest party, yes....but we conservatives have only about 1/3 say in the GOP candidates.
Bill Clinton was virtually unheard of untill the Dukakis candidacy, and even then, he was more annoying (that DNC speech!) than anything.

It wasn't until The Comeback Kid thing in 1992 that brought him to a relevant national light.

I'm banking on a Dark Horse person to run. It won't be Romney.

And no, he isn't "the best" to be offered.

The problem is that Conservatives don't tend to nominate Dark Horse candidates. I don't remember the last Republican candidate who was a complete unknown.

I think we will get one of the Old Horse (John McCain are you listening?) candidates

RW....youy would do your credibility wonders if you stopped using the word conservatives when referring to the GOP.

They are our closest party, yes....but we conservatives have only about 1/3 say in the GOP candidates.

That wouldn't help much. He needs to re-format his 'hard drive' and then download accurate information files.

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