Sarah Palin Tops Poll Of Women Americans Want To Run For President

I believe the electorate are waking up knowing Gov. Palin would make a fine president compared to the non-natural born Citizen we have in office today as well as Hillary who is scandal ridden. Palin would get America back on track to prosperity and end Obamacare as we know it. She would reinstate what it is like to be proud to be an American along with the exceptionalism that goes with it. Putin would not ever humiliate Palin on the world stage as he has done Obama with Syria and the Crimea/Ukraine crisis. If she runs vote for her.

Sarah Palin Tops Poll of Women Americans Want to Run for President


Did you READ and absorb the article?

For the past several weeks, the Economist/YouGov Poll has asked Americans their opinions of other women who could potentially run for president. Last week, when people were asked what women other than Hillary Clinton Americans would want to run for president in either 2016 or 2020, 49 different names were mentioned. However, there were only 8 women named by at least 1% of survey takers, and nearly 2/3 of those in the survey couldn't name a single other woman beyond Clinton.

Of women other than Hillary Clinton, Palin barely edged out Elizabeth Warren and Condi Rice.

The thing about Palin is she is such a worthless phony, but we can't explain it to you guys because she says what you want to hear so you treat her like Mother Theresa. She's the MILF you want to elect even though most of the country sees her correctly, as a loud-mouth know-nothing who cares little for anyone but herself. In your minds that's perfectly fine, even better than someone with actual knowledge in touch with reality who goes against your beliefs. There's no fix for that. Even Sarah knows that much, which is why she chases the cash and plays you for all you'll pass to her. Sarah takes care of Sarah for first and foremost, and you actually admire that. It's not WWJD but you don't follow the real Jesus, you follow the Palin version that waves the flag while getting rich in the process.

I can say this in conclusion, Palin represents a whole lot of Americans, which is why I dislike her so much. Palin is the poster-child for the worst kind of American. You'll never understand but there it is.
God no. She would be a thousand times worse....

I see....So right now, at this point in our history, we have a "president" that the world laughs at; makes fun of. This man can't get out of his own way. He has done NOTHING to encourage business for the last 5 years of his bullshit "presidency" - draws red lines in the sand that he then, chooses to ignore - and Sarah Palin would be worse.

I now see how easy it was for Hitler to take over the German people. Lemmings, all of you, who would sacrifice yourselves for this piece of gutter trash. Careful - your arm bands and brown shirts are showing through your clothing......

I don't a lot about Palin and, frankly, couldn't care less. But by God, one thing I do know - she is an American through and through. Barry? I don't believe he knows the meaning of the word.

Only right wing Americans laugh at Obama. Get out into the world and see what is going on.


God no. She would be a thousand times worse....

A thousand times! Can you list just 100 of those?:eusa_whistle:


1) Inarticulate
2) Dumb as a post
3) Incurious
4) Not up to scratch on foreign affairs
5) Divisive
6) Uneducated
7) Inexperienced
8) Mocked by the world
9) A hypocrite
10) Anti gay
11) Can’t make speeches properly
12) Anti woman’s choice
13) Appeals to the lowest common denominator
14) Dodges questions
15) Boring
16) Out of her depth
17) Could never represent America overseas
18) Can’t speak English properly
19) Naïve
20) Ill at ease with the press
21) Has no notion of history
22) Is a neocon whackjob
23) Is partisan
24) Thinks slogans are serious strategies for fixing things
25) Would have her hand on the nukes
26) Would probably invade N Korea
27) As no idea how to get the US out of the ME
28) She was called Barracuda at high school – like that’s a good thing?
29) Blamed her comms manager for the Couric interview (ie doesn’t take responsibility)
30) No foresight (when she eloped with hubby they grabbed two people from a nursing home as witnesses – I mean seriously??)
31) Has a kid named Track
32) Another named Trig (if she ever pops out another it is gonna be called Field or Cosine?)
33) A person who gives their kids dumb-arsed names shouldn’t have their finger on the button
34) Breaks laws
35) Went through five university’s to get a degree (talk about indecisive)
36) Allowed hunting of wolves in Alaska
37) Authorized a sports complex before getting the land, thus costing Alaskans $1.3 million in legal fees
38) While Mayor charged rape victims for rape kits
39) Believes in creationism
40) Abused power by trying to fire former brother in law
41) Is against stem cell research
42) Lied about the cost of selling Alaskan governors jet
43) Tried to stop the father of her grandson from seeing his son
44) Claims to have travelled to Ireland (turns out they just refueled there)
45) Is not bright enough to navigate Washington politics
46) Can see Russia from her house
47) Is a terrible debater
48) Can’t think for herself
49) Has no idea how to conduct herself outside the US
50) Is dangerous
51) Believes she knows more than she really does
52) Is a religious freak
53) Is arrogant
54) Pig headed
55) Brain dead
56) Big headed
57) Belligerent
58) Intolerant
59) Machiavellian (but doesn’t even realise it)
60) Self-centred
61) Rude
62) Vague
63) Unpredictable
64) Pessimistic
65) Quarrelsome for the sake of it
66) Gullible
67) Dogmatic
68) Dishonest
69) Comes across as disagreeable
70) Has issues remembering things
71) Unreliable
72) Is goofy (not in a good way)
73) Warmonger
74) Doesn’t learn from her mistakes
75) An ingrate
76) Reckless
77) Speaks like she’s scrubbing floors in an Alabama abattoir
78) Immature
79) Untrustworthy
80) Comes across as somebody who has an air of entitlement
81) Doesn’t know when to shut up
82) Narcissistic
83) Uncommitted
84) Hypocrite
85) Selfish
86) Although not bright, tends to treat the press around her as not that bright without realising they are laughing at her, not with her
87) Treats staff like crap
88) Probably likes country music (the bad stuff, not the good stuff)
89) Uses her children for political gain
90) Ill tempered
91) Loud
92) Brash
93) Unforgiving
94) Overstates accomplishments
95) Bully
96) Petty
97) Insincere
98) Hates Europe
99) Doesn’t know the meaning of Socialism
100) Bitches and moans about Obamacare but offers no realistic solution herself

hey, you asked....

How, you can't use the first 100 from Obuma's list!!!!!
The thing about Palin is she is such a worthless phony, but we can't explain it to you guys because she says what you want to hear so you treat her like Mother Theresa. She's the MILF you want to elect even though most of the country sees her correctly, as a loud-mouth know-nothing who cares little for anyone but herself. In your minds that's perfectly fine, even better than someone with actual knowledge in touch with reality who goes against your beliefs. There's no fix for that. Even Sarah knows that much, which is why she chases the cash and plays you for all you'll pass to her. Sarah takes care of Sarah for first and foremost, and you actually admire that. It's not WWJD but you don't follow the real Jesus, you follow the Palin version that waves the flag while getting rich in the process.

I can say this in conclusion, Palin represents a whole lot of Americans, which is why I dislike her so much. Palin is the poster-child for the worst kind of American. You'll never understand but there it is.

Yes, everyone should listen to a HATER that wants to kill Down Syndrome babies, even after they are "Born"... your ethics, and ideas are diametrically opposite of what America is supposed to be about, but then, I see so many subversives in here, it makes one sit back and wonder, "Where did our ethics, moral, and principles get corrupted?" Hey PainyMyShack, since you don't like it, GTFO, I'm sure Somalia would be more to your taste, perhaps, Syria!
President Obama (praise be unto Him!) will be regarded as a top 5 president in just a few short years.

He's already passed Ronald Reagan.
Palin would beat Hillary in a fair fight.

Though such a concept is difficult to comprehend, right Vince?
Palin would get her clock cleaned by Hillary, moderates would flock to Clinton immediately. It would be an electoral college blowout.
Palin would get her clock cleaned by Hillary, moderates would flock to Clinton immediately. It would be an electoral college blowout.

LOL! Hillary's strongly unfavorable outweighs strongly favorable, 28% to 23% among Independents. I think you're whistling past the graveyard, buddy.:eusa_whistle:

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