Sarah Palin Wants Your Sons Dead!

Its a shame when Donald
Good God Gertie! Ms Sassy, do you remember the 'Winter Soldiers' movement that went before Congress trying to open a few blind eyes to the inhumanity of a war for vague reasons. Do you remember the rumors that JFK died because he was going to pull out of that war. Actually that may not be why he was shot, but that he was going to end American involvement is well known. LBJ lost his job partly over his escalation, and Nixon ran twice on ending the war in VN, excoriated the "Winter Soldiers" testimony used by Republicans to convince vets they were being slandered instead of the effort to end their time in hell by merging them in the minds of the public with the anti-war nutcases. You do remember John Kerry and Swiftboaters, I presume. So the old shot at blaming Democrats for Vietnam goes over like a lead balloon at my house as an excuse to defend the mongering of Trump/Palin/Cruz. FYI: there's an old cliche attributed to Caesar about the Irish, Ms. Sassy, in poetic form, "The Irish are a peculiar race, enough to make one mad, for all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad" Paraphrased of course as best I can remember. Are you gearing up for a merry war?

No wars are merry but wars are inevitable, man has warred since the beginning and war will most likely end man

No diplomacy is much better, like we did with Iran, which many in congress were for. The last answer is war.

Has man warred since the beginning? Why yes and man will continue to war. Stop believing in rainbows and kumbaya

Too many, but what the P5+1 did with Iran is the way to go.

Yeah...that worked so well with North Korea also

OH sweetie, this isn't North Korea. Did someone tell you it was?
How many died under the democrats in Nam?

Are you people going to create dozens of Palin threads today? It's already tiresome

Y'all need to start more Benghazi threads. You're slacking.

And your "Nam" comment will come in handy next time y'all whine about any mention of Reagan or Bush. :lmao:

Or would you like to talk about Nixon's participation?
Oh Gawd, here comes the PDS (Palin Derangement Sydrome) nutter parade. So tired and lame. Why not throw in some BOOOOOOOOSH shite too? Booooring. I'm out. Have a good one.
They go unhinged about Trump's wife, too.
Its a shame when Donald
No wars are merry but wars are inevitable, man has warred since the beginning and war will most likely end man

No diplomacy is much better, like we did with Iran, which many in congress were for. The last answer is war.

Has man warred since the beginning? Why yes and man will continue to war. Stop believing in rainbows and kumbaya

Too many, but what the P5+1 did with Iran is the way to go.

Yeah...that worked so well with North Korea also

OH sweetie, this isn't North Korea. Did someone tell you it was?

If you're too stupid to keep up stop commenting you ignorant jack ass
Its a shame when Donald
No diplomacy is much better, like we did with Iran, which many in congress were for. The last answer is war.

Has man warred since the beginning? Why yes and man will continue to war. Stop believing in rainbows and kumbaya

Too many, but what the P5+1 did with Iran is the way to go.

Yeah...that worked so well with North Korea also

OH sweetie, this isn't North Korea. Did someone tell you it was?

If you're too stupid to keep up stop commenting you ignorant jack ass

Trust me. Your silly shit is easy to keep up with.
Sarah Palin Wants Your Sons Dead!
Well you only need to look at her son to see the loony in that family. She boasts of wanting to send our young men to die in a foreign land. For what? Her crazy female psycho macho need for power? This woman lost the race for Senator John McCain. I hope she does the same for this self bloviating insulting side show Donald Trump.

Vote Jeb!

Only a mother fucking piece of shit would refer to her son as a loon when the young man has freaking PTSD.

Go after Palin all you want but leave that veteran who served his country out of the equation. You're an asshole.

He's been home for several years, he should of got help before now. Do you think Vets can beat their girlfriends, he is not above the law.

Hell no but for crying out loud he's being treated . No treatment is perfect by the way. And there are a lot of triggers involved.

I pity the family members and loved ones who attempt desperately to deal with the veteran in their family with PTSD.

But let's get back to the original point I made. Go after Palin all you want but leave the veteran out of the conversation.
Sarah Palin Wants Your Sons Dead!
Well you only need to look at her son to see the loony in that family. She boasts of wanting to send our young men to die in a foreign land. For what? Her crazy female psycho macho need for power? This woman lost the race for Senator John McCain. I hope she does the same for this self bloviating insulting side show Donald Trump.

Vote Jeb!

Only a mother fucking piece of shit would refer to her son as a loon when the young man has freaking PTSD.

Go after Palin all you want but leave that veteran who served his country out of the equation. You're an asshole.

He's been home for several years, he should of got help before now. Do you think Vets can beat their girlfriends, he is not above the law.

Hell no but for crying out loud he's being treated . No treatment is perfect by the way. And there are a lot of triggers involved.

I pity the family members and loved ones who attempt desperately to deal with the veteran in their family with PTSD.

But let's get back to the original point I made. Go after Palin all you want but leave the veteran out of the conversation.

Sarah was the one who brought him into the conversation. Fuss at her.
Sarah Palin Wants Your Sons Dead!
Well you only need to look at her son to see the loony in that family. She boasts of wanting to send our young men to die in a foreign land. For what? Her crazy female psycho macho need for power? This woman lost the race for Senator John McCain. I hope she does the same for this self bloviating insulting side show Donald Trump.

Vote Jeb!

Only a mother fucking piece of shit would refer to her son as a loon when the young man has freaking PTSD.

Go after Palin all you want but leave that veteran who served his country out of the equation. You're an asshole.
way to go, making up excuses for domestic abuse and threatening with a deadly weapon.

if he has ptsd, where is he getting treatment?
How many died under the democrats in Nam?

Are you people going to create dozens of Palin threads today? It's already tiresome

How many due to Nixon not wanting to end the war?

You will see that after Nixon was sworn in and took control of the situation the death rate decreased immediately. And we are talking big numbers. The Dems own the bullshit that was Vietnam. LBJ made a fortune off of it.

Nixon was sworn in in 69. And he did end the war.

Check it out.

1956 - 1959


Statistical information about casualties of the Vietnam War
Palin said we should send our warriors over to Iraq to kick Isis ass . And tales about how Obama is a wuss for not doing so.

It mazes me how conservatives consider themselves pro troops. All they want to do is put them in harms way.
Sarah Palin Wants Your Sons Dead!
Well you only need to look at her son to see the loony in that family. She boasts of wanting to send our young men to die in a foreign land. For what? Her crazy female psycho macho need for power? This woman lost the race for Senator John McCain. I hope she does the same for this self bloviating insulting side show Donald Trump.

Vote Jeb!
I hear them calling you back at the dailykos.
Sarah Palin Wants Your Sons Dead!
Well you only need to look at her son to see the loony in that family. She boasts of wanting to send our young men to die in a foreign land. For what? Her crazy female psycho macho need for power? This woman lost the race for Senator John McCain. I hope she does the same for this self bloviating insulting side show Donald Trump.

Vote Jeb!

WHERE is your LINKS for all this GARBAGE you claim? you spew you show proof or crawl into the hole you slinked out of
Palin said we should send our warriors over to Iraq to kick Isis ass . And tales about how Obama is a wuss for not doing so.

It mazes me how conservatives consider themselves pro troops. All they want to do is put them in harms way.
Sarah Palin Wants Your Sons Dead!
Well you only need to look at her son to see the loony in that family. She boasts of wanting to send our young men to die in a foreign land. For what? Her crazy female psycho macho need for power? This woman lost the race for Senator John McCain. I hope she does the same for this self bloviating insulting side show Donald Trump.

Vote Jeb!

WHERE is your LINKS for all this GARBAGE you claim? you spew you show proof or crawl into the hole you slinked out of

You can't link to deluded fantasies, can you?
Palin doesn't want anyone dead, she just wants some Trump money to pad her wallet, and a promise to appear on his cheesie TV show after she helps him lose ...
Palin said we should send our warriors over to Iraq to kick Isis ass . And tales about how Obama is a wuss for not doing so.

It mazes me how conservatives consider themselves pro troops. All they want to do is put them in harms way.

now you see what they call a: parrot. sheep/tool/low info Democrat follower
this election has NOTHING to do with Mrs. Palin. but this gives them their big balls (little actually) to dump on the woman not of a Democrat old hag under investigation like their Hillary
Sarah Palin Wants Your Sons Dead!
Well you only need to look at her son to see the loony in that family. She boasts of wanting to send our young men to die in a foreign land. For what? Her crazy female psycho macho need for power? This woman lost the race for Senator John McCain. I hope she does the same for this self bloviating insulting side show Donald Trump.

Vote Jeb!

Only a mother fucking piece of shit would refer to her son as a loon when the young man has freaking PTSD.

Go after Palin all you want but leave that veteran who served his country out of the equation. You're an asshole.

He's been home for several years, he should of got help before now. Do you think Vets can beat their girlfriends, he is not above the law.

Hell no but for crying out loud he's being treated . No treatment is perfect by the way. And there are a lot of triggers involved.

I pity the family members and loved ones who attempt desperately to deal with the veteran in their family with PTSD.

But let's get back to the original point I made. Go after Palin all you want but leave the veteran out of the conversation.
is he? where do you get that information?
seems like only a piece of shit would make excuses for a woman beater
Good lord, this thread title and premise are super over the top. If the OP is trying to sway the electorate to vote for Jeb he (?) is going about the wrong way.
How many died under the democrats in Nam?

Are you people going to create dozens of Palin threads today? It's already tiresome
Good God Gertie! Ms Sassy, do you remember the 'Winter Soldiers' movement that went before Congress trying to open a few blind eyes to the inhumanity of a war for vague reasons. Do you remember the rumors that JFK died because he was going to pull out of that war. Actually that may not be why he was shot, but that he was going to end American involvement is well known. LBJ lost his job partly over his escalation, and Nixon ran twice on ending the war in VN, excoriated the "Winter Soldiers" testimony used by Republicans to convince vets they were being slandered instead of the effort to end their time in hell by merging them in the minds of the public with the anti-war nutcases. You do remember John Kerry and Swiftboaters, I presume. So the old shot at blaming Democrats for Vietnam goes over like a lead balloon at my house as an excuse to defend the mongering of Trump/Palin/Cruz. FYI: there's an old cliche attributed to Caesar about the Irish, Ms. Sassy, in poetic form, "The Irish are a peculiar race, enough to make one mad, for all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad" Paraphrased of course as best I can remember. Are you gearing up for a merry war?

No wars are merry but wars are inevitable, man has warred since the beginning and war will most likely end man

No, diplomacy is much better, like we did with Iran, which many in congress were for. The last answer is war.

Diplomacy with ISIS who has declared war on the planet?


Go ahead send Kerry and the State Department to the Caliphate and we can make bets on who is going to survive the mission with their heads. But by all means send in Democrats.

Too funny!
Has man warred since the beginning? Why yes and man will continue to war. Stop believing in rainbows and kumbaya

Too many, but what the P5+1 did with Iran is the way to go.

Yeah...that worked so well with North Korea also

OH sweetie, this isn't North Korea. Did someone tell you it was?

If you're too stupid to keep up stop commenting you ignorant jack ass

Trust me. Your silly shit is easy to keep up with.

Evidently can't keep up. Stop being an asshole troll, it's boring and tiresome
Sarah Palin Wants Your Sons Dead!
Well you only need to look at her son to see the loony in that family. She boasts of wanting to send our young men to die in a foreign land. For what? Her crazy female psycho macho need for power? This woman lost the race for Senator John McCain. I hope she does the same for this self bloviating insulting side show Donald Trump.

Vote Jeb!

Only a mother fucking piece of shit would refer to her son as a loon when the young man has freaking PTSD.

Go after Palin all you want but leave that veteran who served his country out of the equation. You're an asshole.

He's been home for several years, he should of got help before now. Do you think Vets can beat their girlfriends, he is not above the law.

Hell no but for crying out loud he's being treated . No treatment is perfect by the way. And there are a lot of triggers involved.

I pity the family members and loved ones who attempt desperately to deal with the veteran in their family with PTSD.

But let's get back to the original point I made. Go after Palin all you want but leave the veteran out of the conversation.
is he? where do you get that information?
seems like only a piece of shit would make excuses for a woman beater

Hey take a flying fuck buddy. I'm not defending what he did whatsoever. And I'm not giving him an excuse. Just saying sadly there is a sad reason for his behavior.

Now you piece of shit. I have spent two decades fighting for women's rights in the middle east and human rights world wide. I have never condoned spousal abuse you

Fuck off.

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