Sarah Palin was right: Paul Krugman Recommends 'Death Panels


Apr 1, 2009
Paul Krugman Recommends 'Death Panels' to Help Balance Budget


When Sarah Palin first mentioned 'Death Panels', Liberal idiots like this @*##! were fit to be tied.

I guess Pelosi is that the Obamacare has passed, we're finding out what is truely in it. It's not looking good.

Liberals have to lie to pass their bills. This is another example.
This is what..the second or third thread on this very topic?

It's also ridiculous.
Krugman is such a whiny little Socialist/Progressive douche. Palin was right all along about Death Panels. The corrupt MSM criticized and insulted her when she talked about this but she is 100% right. All Nations that Have Socialized Medicine do have Death Panels. These panels do meet to decide whether a human being is "worth" spending money on to try and save. This is fact. As usual the corrupt Liberal Press lied while Palin told the truth. It is what it is.
Reality is that Sarah's over the top rhetoric tricks dumbasses into thinking these type of decision panels are something new. They completely ignoring the fact that the current corporate run for profit "Death Panels" already exist.

But "Death Panels" is such a sellable soundbyte even if it only attracts the week minded among us. Like Sarah's supporters here on this board.
Paul Krugman Recommends 'Death Panels' to Help Balance Budget


When Sarah Palin first mentioned 'Death Panels', Liberal idiots like this @*##! were fit to be tied.

I guess Pelosi is that the Obamacare has passed, we're finding out what is truely in it. It's not looking good.

Liberals have to lie to pass their bills. This is another example.

Paul Krugman, the columnist? So, how does this prove or disprove any of Caribou Barbie's tweets?
Reality is that Sarah's over the top rhetoric tricks dumbasses into thinking these type of decision panels are something new. They completely ignoring the fact that the current corporate run for profit "Death Panels" already exist.

But "Death Panels" is such a sellable soundbyte even if it only attracts the week minded among us. Like Sarah's supporters here on this board.

Exactly, see post above yours for one of said tricked dumbasses.
Krugman is such a whiny little Socialist/Progressive douche. Palin was right all along about Death Panels. The corrupt MSM criticized and insulted her when she talked about this but she is 100% right. All Nations that Have Socialized Medicine do have Death Panels. These panels do meet to decide whether a human being is "worth" spending money on to try and save. This is fact. As usual the corrupt Liberal Press lied while Palin told the truth. It is what it is.
Krugman is such a whiny little Socialist/Progressive douche. Palin was right all along about Death Panels. The corrupt MSM criticized and insulted her when she talked about this but she is 100% right. All Nations that Have Socialized Medicine do have Death Panels. These panels do meet to decide whether a human being is "worth" spending money on to try and save. This is fact. As usual the corrupt Liberal Press lied while Palin told the truth. It is what it is.

Sarah Palin said that Obamacare would deny her Down syndrome kid care based on his worth.

No one has ever come remotely close to demonstrating an iota of accuracy in that claim.
Krugman is such a whiny little Socialist/Progressive douche. Palin was right all along about Death Panels. The corrupt MSM criticized and insulted her when she talked about this but she is 100% right. All Nations that Have Socialized Medicine do have Death Panels. These panels do meet to decide whether a human being is "worth" spending money on to try and save. This is fact. As usual the corrupt Liberal Press lied while Palin told the truth. It is what it is.

Sarah Palin said that Obamacare would deny her Down syndrome kid care based on his worth.

No one has ever come remotely close to demonstrating an iota of accuracy in that claim.

source please
Krugman is such a whiny little Socialist/Progressive douche. Palin was right all along about Death Panels. The corrupt MSM criticized and insulted her when she talked about this but she is 100% right. All Nations that Have Socialized Medicine do have Death Panels. These panels do meet to decide whether a human being is "worth" spending money on to try and save. This is fact. As usual the corrupt Liberal Press lied while Palin told the truth. It is what it is.

Great post. I agree Palin told the truth and the liberals look like this..:eek:
We have always had death panels.
Insurance companies.

The difference is, you can sue an Insurance company, but try suing the government for bad/fatal decisions made.

Very hard staying in court with folks that buy ink by the tanker full.
How many lawyers take contingency cases over health insurance fights?
How many people have $20,000 to fight an insurance company that will tie you up in court for years and send out an encyclopedia size list of interrogatories, requests for admissions, depositions and discovery?
It would be the same and probably cheaper to appeal a government ruling.
The rule of law does not disappear with the ACA.
But I still oppose it.
We have always had death panels.
Insurance companies.

The difference is, you can sue an Insurance company, but try suing the government for bad/fatal decisions made.

Very hard staying in court with folks that buy ink by the tanker full.
How many lawyers take contingency cases over health insurance fights?
How many people have $20,000 to fight an insurance company that will tie you up in court for years and send out an encyclopedia size list of interrogatories, requests for admissions, depositions and discovery?
It would be the same and probably cheaper to appeal a government ruling.
The rule of law does not disappear with the ACA.
But I still oppose it.

You make it sound like it's easy for insurance companies to commit fraud. Where is your proof? As far as I know most of the insurance cases are settled outside of the courts anyway, based on recommendations etc. It's mostly the cases where it's really unclear whether the claim should be accepted or not that end up in court. The law is pretty much always on the side of the consumer.

Further, exactly what kind of insurance case would take years to resolve? Show me the case.

Comparing death panels to insurance companies is ridiculous. In death panels you have no rights in the matter. Insurance companies can't just pull the plug on you.
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The Left went from calling her an outright liar saying they did not exist at all to well yes they exist but then they ALWAYS have.

This is why most Liberals disgust me, not that my opinion doesn't....there is no such thing as Liberal integrity.
The Left went from calling her an outright liar saying they did not exist at all to well yes they exist but then they ALWAYS have.

This is why most Liberals disgust me, not that my opinion doesn't....there is no such thing as Liberal integrity.

She claimed they are "death panels".
Which no one with a brain believes.
What we have in this country which makes no sense at all and most everyone agrees with it from BOTH parties is keeping 97 year old folks alive no matter what and giving heart operations at 150K to 93 year olds.
Blank check health care has to end.
I am old enough to remember when REPUBLICANS, as I R 1, for decades FOUGHT the Democrats and their blank check health care for all programs.
And now the roles are reversed, uninformed Republicans listen to a very nice lady from Alaska that does not know very much about health care and cry foul when she blows out of proportion exaggerating what a panel of doctors judges to be cost effective treatment of old people that are very high risk and high cost major operations.
Blank check health care must end. Fiscal conservatives oppose it.
The Left went from calling her an outright liar saying they did not exist at all to well yes they exist but then they ALWAYS have.

This is why most Liberals disgust me, not that my opinion doesn't....there is no such thing as Liberal integrity.

She claimed they are "death panels".
Which no one with a brain believes.
What we have in this country which makes no sense at all and most everyone agrees with it from BOTH parties is keeping 97 year old folks alive no matter what and giving heart operations at 150K to 93 year olds.
Blank check health care has to end.
I am old enough to remember when REPUBLICANS, as I R 1, for decades FOUGHT the Democrats and their blank check health care for all programs.
And now the roles are reversed, uninformed Republicans listen to a very nice lady from Alaska that does not know very much about health care and cry foul when she blows out of proportion exaggerating what a panel of doctors judges to be cost effective treatment of old people that are very high risk and high cost major operations.
Blank check health care must end. Fiscal conservatives oppose it.

Of course they are Death Panels....

What we have in this country which makes no sense at all and most everyone agrees with it from BOTH parties is keeping 97 year old folks alive no matter what and giving heart operations at 150K to 93 year olds.

Nobody agrees with you, sorry...and it is chilling that you are willing to cede these decisions to your Gov.

Your parents would be proud.
Paul Krugman Recommends 'Death Panels' to Help Balance Budget


When Sarah Palin first mentioned 'Death Panels', Liberal idiots like this @*##! were fit to be tied.

I guess Pelosi is that the Obamacare has passed, we're finding out what is truely in it. It's not looking good.

Liberals have to lie to pass their bills. This is another example.

How is some guy who makes the talk show circuit sharing his opinion proving Palin right? Lol

Right winger, lay off the kool aid.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

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