Sarah Palin with an S instead of $

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
NOT a bashing thread ...

We all watched the show she put on at CPAC and the expected and ineffectual attack on the president as well as her attack on Karl Rove.

I was just watching Chris Mathews who always speaks well of her showmanship, of her ability to own the stage and the crowd. He said he believes that's why she failed at Fox - that genre does not allow her to be the personality that she is and that is part and parcel of her charm and attraction to the right.

My own opinion is that she was screwed over by the McCain campaign. They threw her to the wolves without ever vetting her. She was already on the stage and in front of the people by the time they learned she really doesn't know much.

And, yes, my opinion is that she does not belong in politics or in any position of power.

Which brings me to my question:

Is there a place for her in public life? What about others who are less than intelligent and knowledgeable?

We'd all like to believe that our politicians are the best and the brightest but way too often, that's not what we vote for.

Can we discuss this without the usual name calling and insults? Can we look at what is right and wrong on BOTH sides and discuss how we can vote more intelligently?
NOT a bashing thread ...

We all watched the show she put on at CPAC and the expected and ineffectual attack on the president as well as her attack on Karl Rove.

I was just watching Chris Mathews who always speaks well of her showmanship, of her ability to own the stage and the crowd. He said he believes that's why she failed at Fox - that genre does not allow her to be the personality that she is and that is part and parcel of her charm and attraction to the right.

My own opinion is that she was screwed over by the McCain campaign. They threw her to the wolves without ever vetting her. She was already on the stage and in front of the people by the time they learned she really doesn't know much.

And, yes, my opinion is that she does not belong in politics or in any position of power.

Which brings me to my question:

Is there a place for her in public life? What about others who are less than intelligent and knowledgeable?

We'd all like to believe that our politicians are the best and the brightest but way too often, that's not what we vote for.

Can we discuss this without the usual name calling and insults? Can we look at what is right and wrong on BOTH sides and discuss how we can vote more intelligently?

She would better be suite as a TV preacher or someone who had her own traveling faith healing, gospel freak-show. (BTW, this is not meant to be an insult just an honest observation).

I do agree she was throw under the bus and was and is in NO way suited for anything on a national level. Even people in her own party snickered at her behind her back, and in the end it become public. I do feel sorry for her.
Many thought the book and movie, Game Changer, was insulting to her. I disagree. We already knew she was not qualified for any public office. What we learned from the movie was that McCain and his staff didn't seem to know it.

Its appropriate that McCain comes from Arizona. He's a rattlesnake.

(With the usual apologies to rattlesnake who I actually like quite a lot.)
She's just an opportunist that will do anything for a pay check. Even fox knows she's an idiot that says something stupid every time she opens her mouth.

Maybe so should go back to Alaska and finish her term that she walked away from.
Not a bashing thread, huh?

according to luddy it isn't..

My own opinion is that she was screwed over by the McCain campaign.
They threw her to the wolves without ever vetting her. She was already on the stage and in front of the people by the time they learned she really doesn't know much.

And, yes, my opinion is that she does not belong in politics or in any position of power.

but hey, that Obama had lots of experience, in reading a speech off a teleprompter and being a junior Senator in Congress
the hell Palin was a mayor and governor of a STATE
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NOT a bashing thread ...

We all watched the show she put on at CPAC and the expected and ineffectual attack on the president as well as her attack on Karl Rove.

I was just watching Chris Mathews who always speaks well of her showmanship, of her ability to own the stage and the crowd. He said he believes that's why she failed at Fox - that genre does not allow her to be the personality that she is and that is part and parcel of her charm and attraction to the right.

My own opinion is that she was screwed over by the McCain campaign. They threw her to the wolves without ever vetting her. She was already on the stage and in front of the people by the time they learned she really doesn't know much.

And, yes, my opinion is that she does not belong in politics or in any position of power.

Which brings me to my question:

Is there a place for her in public life? What about others who are less than intelligent and knowledgeable?

We'd all like to believe that our politicians are the best and the brightest but way too often, that's not what we vote for.

Can we discuss this without the usual name calling and insults? Can we look at what is right and wrong on BOTH sides and discuss how we can vote more intelligently?

She would better be suite as a TV preacher or someone who had her own traveling faith healing, gospel freak-show. (BTW, this is not meant to be an insult just an honest observation).

I do agree she was throw under the bus and was and is in NO way suited for anything on a national level. Even people in her own party snickered at her behind her back, and in the end it become public. I do feel sorry for her.

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Serious though

[ame=]Yes sarah PALIN is stupid watch ! - YouTube[/ame]!

Very sad
The one who should never of been in a position of power is the one in the white house now

A damn JUNIOR senator who didn't even know his way around Congress or serve out his FIRST TERM before he decided to bless us him running for President

but damn, look how much people like luddy gave a shit about experience and who should or shouldn't be in a position of power
The one who should never of been in a position of power is the one in the white house now

A damn JUNIOR senator who didn't even know his way around Congress or serve out his FIRST TERM before he decided to bless us him running for President

but damn, look how much people like luddy gave a shit about experience and who should or shouldn't be in a position of power

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Joe Biden is one of the brightest Democrats

And the VP, a position Palin will never have :clap2:

Biden has been an excellent VP and has done really good work for our country.

There really isn't any reason to believe Palin could have accomplished a fraction of what Biden has.

The rw's don't like it but she's a really angry woman. She's bitter and full of venom. That COULD have been used to her advantage, IF she could have channeled it - but she has never been able to do that.

Palin has an amazing energy, a charisma that really appeals to certain people. She also has that weird fundie thing where she has to have people pray her demons away and had to have "witches exorcised".
NOT a bashing thread ...

We all watched the show she put on at CPAC and the expected and ineffectual attack on the president as well as her attack on Karl Rove.

I was just watching Chris Mathews who always speaks well of her showmanship, of her ability to own the stage and the crowd. He said he believes that's why she failed at Fox - that genre does not allow her to be the personality that she is and that is part and parcel of her charm and attraction to the right.

My own opinion is that she was screwed over by the McCain campaign. They threw her to the wolves without ever vetting her. She was already on the stage and in front of the people by the time they learned she really doesn't know much.

And, yes, my opinion is that she does not belong in politics or in any position of power.

Which brings me to my question:

Is there a place for her in public life? What about others who are less than intelligent and knowledgeable?

We'd all like to believe that our politicians are the best and the brightest but way too often, that's not what we vote for.

Can we discuss this without the usual name calling and insults? Can we look at what is right and wrong on BOTH sides and discuss how we can vote more intelligently?

She would better be suite as a TV preacher or someone who had her own traveling faith healing, gospel freak-show. (BTW, this is not meant to be an insult just an honest observation).

I do agree she was throw under the bus and was and is in NO way suited for anything on a national level. Even people in her own party snickered at her behind her back, and in the end it become public. I do feel sorry for her.

If we're really lucky, Melissa Harris-Perry will run for office. I have always been in awe of her ability to see both the left and right of a given question and then deliver a truly non-partisan opinion.

The rw's will hate her of course. (She IS black and she does have that hair that drives rw's nutz) But, she has a lot of the same talents we're blessed to have in Elizabeth Warren.

The biggest being that she's for the middle and poor class, first and foremost. That's an automatic death knell for the rw's.
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Palin was on her way to becoming a decent governor when Col Windsock McCain came 'a callin'. The smartest thing she ever did was answer the call.

She has embraced her role as the crazy lady of nutball politics and in return nutballs have allowed her to accumulate a few million dollars.

She would have been a better president than Junebug. But then so would three of the next two people you see passed out on the street.
The post is an example of the radical left's war on successful women. Why bring up the losing vice president candidate four years after the election? The only logical reason is that the sissie left supports and defends freakazoid fake cross gender "women" but they hate and fear real females.
Whitehall, I have been elected by the general audiance here to let you know that you will be fined a quarter every time you use the term, "sissie left". I predict that you will be on public assistance within a week...

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