Sarah Palin's Latest Fail: Online Channel Goes Under

When faced with another muslim killing marines, trot out Sarah Palin.

So, koshergrl isn't the only one who can't think about more than one thing at a time.

So, tell me - have any of you traitors expressed even the slightest concern for the families of the four dead Marines?


I guess God is punishing her for all the bastards her kids are having, and those drunken brawls. REPENT SARAH!!!
Yep, her junk network for rubes recently went bottom up.

And it couldn't happen to a nicer gal.

She was probably hoping her daughter's announcement that she was having another bastard child with another absentee sperm donor was going to give her network a boost.



No one on the left criticizes $arah with "insulting, degrading, sexist language".

Just like you, Palin is laughed at, criticized and denigrated because she is the punch line to a joke. Just like you, she is a chronic liar and dumb as a stump.

She would be just as laughable if she were male.
Seriously? Does the Inane Clown Posse coordinate on this bullshit?
Democrats havent run a successful talk show in.......well....never.
Sounds like a lame attempt at deflection from your muslim and chiefs most recent failure.
Did Sarah Palin just send out a celebratory tweet after 4 marines were killed? That was obama. Or should we call him pasha obama.
Yep, her junk network for rubes recently went bottom up.

And it couldn't happen to a nicer gal.

Thats pretty funny when you look at the record of democrat media.

So how come you scared little RWs always have to change the subject? Why are you ALWAYS so desperate to derail any thread about the constant failures of the right?



Are you fucking kidding? Sarah Palin hasnt been relevant in years and you want to drag her out of the past to cover for your muslim and chiefs latest fuck up?
Smells like desperation.
Seriously? Does the Inane Clown Posse coordinate on this bullshit?
Democrats havent run a successful talk show in.......well....never.
Sounds like a lame attempt at deflection from your muslim and chiefs most recent failure.

The C-FAGs (Clown-Faced Avatar Group) work just like the libtard media. They get their talking points from the same sorts of hub, and regurgitate that bullshit everywhere they can.

Goebbels could have only dreamed of having so many mindless zealots at his disposal.

Seriously? Does the Inane Clown Posse coordinate on this bullshit?
Democrats havent run a successful talk show in.......well....never.
Sounds like a lame attempt at deflection from your muslim and chiefs most recent failure.

The C-FAGs (Clown-Faced Avatar Group) work just like the libtard media. They get their talking points from the same sorts of hub, and regurgitate that bullshit everywhere they can.

Goebbels could have only dreamed of having so many mindless zealots at his disposal.

I see the butthurt is still strong in the RW posters here. Priceless.
Yep, her junk network for rubes recently went bottom up.

And it couldn't happen to a nicer gal.

Thats pretty funny when you look at the record of democrat media.

So how come you scared little RWs always have to change the subject? Why are you ALWAYS so desperate to derail any thread about the constant failures of the right?



Are you fucking kidding? Sarah Palin hasnt been relevant in years and you want to drag her out of the past to cover for your muslim and chiefs latest fuck up?
Smells like desperation.

When, exactly, did Sarah Palin stop being relevant in your eyes?

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