Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left?


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2018
'"Not founded on anything" is the new "alternative facts."

The term applies to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her misleading statements from the press briefing room podium. Now some prominent journalists are questioning whether she should remain in her job.
Robert Mueller's report confirms that Sanders simply made it up when she said that "countless" FBI agents had told her that they were thankful Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.
Sanders made similar claims multiple times on two different days. Yet she told Mueller's office in an interview that she merely made a "slip of the tongue."

According to Mueller's report, "she also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made 'in the heat of the moment' that was not founded on anything."'

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left? - CNN


Obviously, Trumpbots (i.e. extremist Trump supporters) think she is wonderful (as they support ANYTHING to do with Trump).

But what do the other roughly 80+% of Americans think?
Last edited:
'"Not founded on anything" is the new "alternative facts."

The term applies to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her misleading statements from the press briefing room podium. Now some prominent journalists are questioning whether she should remain in her job.
Robert Mueller's report confirms that Sanders simply made it up when she said that "countless" FBI agents had told her that they were thankful Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.
Sanders made similar claims multiple times on two different days. Yet she told Mueller's office in an interview that she merely made a "slip of the tongue."

According to Mueller's report, "she also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made 'in the heat of the moment' that was not founded on anything."'

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left? - CNN


Obviously, Trumpbots (i.e. extremist Trump supporters) think she is wonderful (as they support ANYTHING to do with Trump).

But what do the roughly 80+% of Americans think?
So you're saying that an opinion is a criminal offense??????

Shit.....every court decision is based on legal opinion.....not based on truth.
'"Not founded on anything" is the new "alternative facts."

The term applies to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her misleading statements from the press briefing room podium. Now some prominent journalists are questioning whether she should remain in her job.
Robert Mueller's report confirms that Sanders simply made it up when she said that "countless" FBI agents had told her that they were thankful Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.
Sanders made similar claims multiple times on two different days. Yet she told Mueller's office in an interview that she merely made a "slip of the tongue."

According to Mueller's report, "she also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made 'in the heat of the moment' that was not founded on anything."'

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left? - CNN


Obviously, Trumpbots (i.e. extremist Trump supporters) think she is wonderful (as they support ANYTHING to do with Trump).

But what do the roughly 80+% of Americans think?

How many times did the press lie about her or President Trump?
'"Not founded on anything" is the new "alternative facts."

The term applies to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her misleading statements from the press briefing room podium. Now some prominent journalists are questioning whether she should remain in her job.
Robert Mueller's report confirms that Sanders simply made it up when she said that "countless" FBI agents had told her that they were thankful Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.
Sanders made similar claims multiple times on two different days. Yet she told Mueller's office in an interview that she merely made a "slip of the tongue."

According to Mueller's report, "she also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made 'in the heat of the moment' that was not founded on anything."'

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left? - CNN


Obviously, Trumpbots (i.e. extremist Trump supporters) think she is wonderful (as they support ANYTHING to do with Trump).

But what do the roughly 80+% of Americans think?
So you're saying that an opinion is a criminal offense??????

Shit.....every court decision is based on legal opinion.....not based on truth.

No we're saying that lying to the American public is wrong. 7
'"Not founded on anything" is the new "alternative facts."

The term applies to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her misleading statements from the press briefing room podium. Now some prominent journalists are questioning whether she should remain in her job.
Robert Mueller's report confirms that Sanders simply made it up when she said that "countless" FBI agents had told her that they were thankful Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.
Sanders made similar claims multiple times on two different days. Yet she told Mueller's office in an interview that she merely made a "slip of the tongue."

According to Mueller's report, "she also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made 'in the heat of the moment' that was not founded on anything."'

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left? - CNN


Obviously, Trumpbots (i.e. extremist Trump supporters) think she is wonderful (as they support ANYTHING to do with Trump).

But what do the roughly 80+% of Americans think?
So you're saying that an opinion is a criminal offense??????

Shit.....every court decision is based on legal opinion.....not based on truth.

No we're saying that lying to the American public is wrong. 7

Name one POTUS that has never lied to the public.
Sarah Huckabee-Sanders lost her credibility the day she on-boarded at the Trump White House.

I didn't know who she was before that time.

I've believed very little of what she's spouted during her tenure there.

I will never think on her again once she departs the White House.

To cover The Creature's a$$, every person occupying that slot since January 20, 2017 has lied his-or-her a$$ off.

Dog bites Man.

This particular incumbent is pathetically ineffective in the role.
'"Not founded on anything" is the new "alternative facts."

The term applies to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her misleading statements from the press briefing room podium. Now some prominent journalists are questioning whether she should remain in her job.
Robert Mueller's report confirms that Sanders simply made it up when she said that "countless" FBI agents had told her that they were thankful Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.
Sanders made similar claims multiple times on two different days. Yet she told Mueller's office in an interview that she merely made a "slip of the tongue."

According to Mueller's report, "she also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made 'in the heat of the moment' that was not founded on anything."'

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left? - CNN


Obviously, Trumpbots (i.e. extremist Trump supporters) think she is wonderful (as they support ANYTHING to do with Trump).

But what do the roughly 80+% of Americans think?
So you're saying that an opinion is a criminal offense??????

Shit.....every court decision is based on legal opinion.....not based on truth.

No we're saying that lying to the American public is wrong. 7

No, you are saying it's wrong when Republicans do it.
None of you sniveling bed wetters have the standing to judge anyone else's credibility. You're all a bunch of treasonous parasites that should be sent to North Korean gulags and fed to pigs.
'"Not founded on anything" is the new "alternative facts."

The term applies to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her misleading statements from the press briefing room podium. Now some prominent journalists are questioning whether she should remain in her job.
Robert Mueller's report confirms that Sanders simply made it up when she said that "countless" FBI agents had told her that they were thankful Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.
Sanders made similar claims multiple times on two different days. Yet she told Mueller's office in an interview that she merely made a "slip of the tongue."

According to Mueller's report, "she also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made 'in the heat of the moment' that was not founded on anything."'

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left? - CNN


Obviously, Trumpbots (i.e. extremist Trump supporters) think she is wonderful (as they support ANYTHING to do with Trump).

But what do the roughly 80+% of Americans think?
So you're saying that an opinion is a criminal offense??????

Shit.....every court decision is based on legal opinion.....not based on truth.

No we're saying that lying to the American public is wrong. 7

Then why have you people made a career of it?
'"Not founded on anything" is the new "alternative facts."

The term applies to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her misleading statements from the press briefing room podium. Now some prominent journalists are questioning whether she should remain in her job.
Robert Mueller's report confirms that Sanders simply made it up when she said that "countless" FBI agents had told her that they were thankful Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.
Sanders made similar claims multiple times on two different days. Yet she told Mueller's office in an interview that she merely made a "slip of the tongue."

According to Mueller's report, "she also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made 'in the heat of the moment' that was not founded on anything."'

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left? - CNN


Obviously, Trumpbots (i.e. extremist Trump supporters) think she is wonderful (as they support ANYTHING to do with Trump).

But what do the roughly 80+% of Americans think?

That "lie" does not even BEGIN to compare to the horse manure CNN, MSNBC, and etc have been shoveling for two years plus.


Remember that? we do. We're not going to let you forget either. Failure. Total abject failure. Have the good grace to retreat and learn from it.
'"Not founded on anything" is the new "alternative facts."

The term applies to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her misleading statements from the press briefing room podium. Now some prominent journalists are questioning whether she should remain in her job.
Robert Mueller's report confirms that Sanders simply made it up when she said that "countless" FBI agents had told her that they were thankful Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.
Sanders made similar claims multiple times on two different days. Yet she told Mueller's office in an interview that she merely made a "slip of the tongue."

According to Mueller's report, "she also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made 'in the heat of the moment' that was not founded on anything."'

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left? - CNN


Obviously, Trumpbots (i.e. extremist Trump supporters) think she is wonderful (as they support ANYTHING to do with Trump).

But what do the roughly 80+% of Americans think?
So you're saying that an opinion is a criminal offense??????

Shit.....every court decision is based on legal opinion.....not based on truth.

No we're saying that lying to the American public is wrong. 7

Worry about the Canadian public then
'"Not founded on anything" is the new "alternative facts."

The term applies to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her misleading statements from the press briefing room podium. Now some prominent journalists are questioning whether she should remain in her job.
Robert Mueller's report confirms that Sanders simply made it up when she said that "countless" FBI agents had told her that they were thankful Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.
Sanders made similar claims multiple times on two different days. Yet she told Mueller's office in an interview that she merely made a "slip of the tongue."

According to Mueller's report, "she also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made 'in the heat of the moment' that was not founded on anything."'

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left? - CNN


Obviously, Trumpbots (i.e. extremist Trump supporters) think she is wonderful (as they support ANYTHING to do with Trump).

But what do the roughly 80+% of Americans think?

How many times did the press lie about her or President Trump?

What lies did the press tell?
'"Not founded on anything" is the new "alternative facts."

The term applies to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her misleading statements from the press briefing room podium. Now some prominent journalists are questioning whether she should remain in her job.
Robert Mueller's report confirms that Sanders simply made it up when she said that "countless" FBI agents had told her that they were thankful Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.
Sanders made similar claims multiple times on two different days. Yet she told Mueller's office in an interview that she merely made a "slip of the tongue."

According to Mueller's report, "she also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made 'in the heat of the moment' that was not founded on anything."'

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left? - CNN


Obviously, Trumpbots (i.e. extremist Trump supporters) think she is wonderful (as they support ANYTHING to do with Trump).

But what do the roughly 80+% of Americans think?

How many times did the press lie about her or President Trump?

What lies did the press tell?

Witness how strong the psychosis is here
'"Not founded on anything" is the new "alternative facts."

The term applies to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her misleading statements from the press briefing room podium. Now some prominent journalists are questioning whether she should remain in her job.
Robert Mueller's report confirms that Sanders simply made it up when she said that "countless" FBI agents had told her that they were thankful Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.
Sanders made similar claims multiple times on two different days. Yet she told Mueller's office in an interview that she merely made a "slip of the tongue."

According to Mueller's report, "she also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made 'in the heat of the moment' that was not founded on anything."'

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left? - CNN


Obviously, Trumpbots (i.e. extremist Trump supporters) think she is wonderful (as they support ANYTHING to do with Trump).

But what do the roughly 80+% of Americans think?

That "lie" does not even BEGIN to compare to the horse manure CNN, MSNBC, and etc have been shoveling for two years plus.


Remember that? we do. We're not going to let you forget either. Failure. Total abject failure. Have the good grace to retreat and learn from it.

What horse manure did they tell?
Reporting on an ongoing investigation and indictments of Trumps key people is not a lie
'"Not founded on anything" is the new "alternative facts."

The term applies to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her misleading statements from the press briefing room podium. Now some prominent journalists are questioning whether she should remain in her job.
Robert Mueller's report confirms that Sanders simply made it up when she said that "countless" FBI agents had told her that they were thankful Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.
Sanders made similar claims multiple times on two different days. Yet she told Mueller's office in an interview that she merely made a "slip of the tongue."

According to Mueller's report, "she also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made 'in the heat of the moment' that was not founded on anything."'

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left? - CNN


Obviously, Trumpbots (i.e. extremist Trump supporters) think she is wonderful (as they support ANYTHING to do with Trump).

But what do the roughly 80+% of Americans think?

That "lie" does not even BEGIN to compare to the horse manure CNN, MSNBC, and etc have been shoveling for two years plus.


Remember that? we do. We're not going to let you forget either. Failure. Total abject failure. Have the good grace to retreat and learn from it.

What horse manure did they tell?
Reporting on an ongoing investigation and indictments of Trumps key people is not a lie

At some point it's shameful to be an adult with a working IQ and be so easily led. I mean it. Shameful
'"Not founded on anything" is the new "alternative facts."

The term applies to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her misleading statements from the press briefing room podium. Now some prominent journalists are questioning whether she should remain in her job.
Robert Mueller's report confirms that Sanders simply made it up when she said that "countless" FBI agents had told her that they were thankful Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.
Sanders made similar claims multiple times on two different days. Yet she told Mueller's office in an interview that she merely made a "slip of the tongue."

According to Mueller's report, "she also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made 'in the heat of the moment' that was not founded on anything."'

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left? - CNN


Obviously, Trumpbots (i.e. extremist Trump supporters) think she is wonderful (as they support ANYTHING to do with Trump).

But what do the roughly 80+% of Americans think?

How many times did the press lie about her or President Trump?

You tell us. List the lies

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None of you sniveling bed wetters have the standing to judge anyone else's credibility. You're all a bunch of treasonous parasites that should be sent to North Korean gulags and fed to pigs.
You tell 'em, Princess... :21:
'"Not founded on anything" is the new "alternative facts."

The term applies to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her misleading statements from the press briefing room podium. Now some prominent journalists are questioning whether she should remain in her job.
Robert Mueller's report confirms that Sanders simply made it up when she said that "countless" FBI agents had told her that they were thankful Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey.
Sanders made similar claims multiple times on two different days. Yet she told Mueller's office in an interview that she merely made a "slip of the tongue."

According to Mueller's report, "she also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Comey was a comment she made 'in the heat of the moment' that was not founded on anything."'

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left? - CNN


Obviously, Trumpbots (i.e. extremist Trump supporters) think she is wonderful (as they support ANYTHING to do with Trump).

But what do the roughly 80+% of Americans think?

How many times did the press lie about her or President Trump?

You tell us. List the lies

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1. Trump directed Michael Cohen to perjure himself

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