Satanists in OK seek to put monument at State House like 10 Commandments

This is really appropriate. Let one religion put their stuff up on government that door to all.

Okla. Satanists seek monument by Statehouse steps

I agree that putting the Ten Commandments up in front of a public facility is favoritism. I can understand the argument if (perhaps) the Ten Commandment slab was from 150 years ago (and is historically considered part of the building), but given it was just constructed recently I say they should be brought down immediately.

And I'm not saying that just because something is "historical" it justifies the whole thing, I'm just saying that there would be more of an argument to keep this monument up.

There are obscenity laws fucko! A religion that follows and tenents are pure evil (similar to Islam's), fall within obscenity!

Also Christianity SHOULD be given prefential and SPECIAL treatment in this country. Our prinicipals were founded on Judeo-Christian teachings!

Ah, I understand now. You do this to make christianity look bad.
How about sharing with the class your own fountain of knowledge, and tell us, what are the requirements to be a Supreme Court Justice?


Aren't they appointed by the President and serve for life?

Yes, after Senate approval, but what are the requirements for one to be a SCOTUS Justice? Do you know?

I could easily google this but no I do not know the requirements beyond Presidential selection/Senate approval (ie age, etc). There may be none really beyond that.

Before we go any further, are you saying that the various decisions throughout the years that have established/strengthened the concept of "separation of church and state" by our Supreme Court was done so by improperly appointed Supreme Court Justices?

What's you're point?
It's appropriate to display the 10 Commandments because they formed the basis of our laws

Are we going to use Satanism as a new foundation for our judicial system?

What laws demand that all citizens only worship one God?
What laws demand that there be no idols worshipped?
What laws make it illegal to lie?
What laws demand children honor their parents?
What laws make it illegal to want what your neighbor has?
What laws make it illegal to use God's name in vain?
What laws force citizens to keep the Sabbath holy?

Um, the 10 Commandments cover all that.

The Founding Fathers believed that if we had men as long as we had men who followed the Commandments in public office, we'd be OK.

We intentionally didn't establish a national religion here in the USA

Um, that was my point. The claim was made that the 10 Commandments were the basis for our laws and legal system, and yet 70% of the commandments don't apply at all. (80% for places that adultery is not illegal)

The only commandments that are reliably part of our legal system are those saying do not kill or steal. Every legal system has included those laws. The Code of Hammarabi included them, and is older than the 10 commandments.

Also, several of the founding fathers were not Christian, but were deists. Jefferson was not fond of the church at all. Washington attended because of Martha, and never took communion.
This is really appropriate. Let one religion put their stuff up on government that door to all.

Okla. Satanists seek monument by Statehouse steps

The 10 Commandments are related to law; is the monument the satanists want to erect related to law?

I'm having trouble coming up with any advancements in law and justice by satanists. I mean, there was the cutting out hearts thingy, but it wasn't really an advancement.
This is really appropriate. Let one religion put their stuff up on government that door to all.

Okla. Satanists seek monument by Statehouse steps

The 10 Commandments are related to law; is the monument the satanists want to erect related to law?

I'm having trouble coming up with any advancements in law and justice by satanists. I mean, there was the cutting out hearts thingy, but it wasn't really an advancement.

How many of the commandments are related to actual laws we have?

Oh, and now we will only allow religious displays if they have provided advancements in law & justice?
This is really appropriate. Let one religion put their stuff up on government that door to all.

Okla. Satanists seek monument by Statehouse steps

The 10 Commandments are related to law; is the monument the satanists want to erect related to law?

I'm having trouble coming up with any advancements in law and justice by satanists. I mean, there was the cutting out hearts thingy, but it wasn't really an advancement.

The 10 Commandments being installed in front of a public building (especially when put in just a few years ago) is clearly more of a nod towards Christianity than a nod towards the "history of law". I think this is a fair point; let's not play games here and call things like they are.

The great majority of the laws in the 10 Commandments (I'd say a solid 7 out of 10) apply directly to the Christian religion only (ie keep holy the Sabbath, don't use the Lord's name in vain, only one God, etc).
This is really appropriate. Let one religion put their stuff up on government that door to all.

Okla. Satanists seek monument by Statehouse steps

The 10 Commandments are related to law; is the monument the satanists want to erect related to law?

I'm having trouble coming up with any advancements in law and justice by satanists. I mean, there was the cutting out hearts thingy, but it wasn't really an advancement.

The 10 Commandments being installed in front of a public building (especially when put in just a few years ago) is clearly more of a nod towards Christianity than a nod towards the "history of law". I think this is a fair point; let's not play games here and call things like they are.

The great majority of the laws in the 10 Commandments (I'd say a solid 7 out of 10) apply directly to the Christian religion only (ie keep holy the Sabbath, don't use the Lord's name in vain, only one God, etc).

You know Moses was Jewish, right?
the same thing is going on in Florida - where a nativity scene was allowed inside the Rotunda capital bld. using "private" money ... and now the Atheist are putting up a display of their own.


I mean, the Coca Cola polar bears could be a secular Christmas display. As long as the Atheists don't put up something hate filled - oh wait, they're Atheists...

this is really about people committed to the Bible and insisting it be a part of Gov't forcing it on everyone else,

Force everyone else to do what?

When you walk by a plastic manger with a Jesus doll, the POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU to fall to your knees?

Guess that's the difference between Atheists and agnostics - Atheists are some weak minded motherfuckers who are controlled by passive displays.

Bet you voted for Barack!

they are the ones who make an issue out of their beliefs and government year in year out.

Really? Seems like the weak-minded fools who scream they must be shielded from the sight of a plastic Jesus doll are the ones making an issue.

Atheists are ALMOST as tolerant of other faiths as Wahhabi Muslims...

The 10 Commandments are related to law; is the monument the satanists want to erect related to law?

I'm having trouble coming up with any advancements in law and justice by satanists. I mean, there was the cutting out hearts thingy, but it wasn't really an advancement.

The 10 Commandments being installed in front of a public building (especially when put in just a few years ago) is clearly more of a nod towards Christianity than a nod towards the "history of law". I think this is a fair point; let's not play games here and call things like they are.

The great majority of the laws in the 10 Commandments (I'd say a solid 7 out of 10) apply directly to the Christian religion only (ie keep holy the Sabbath, don't use the Lord's name in vain, only one God, etc).

You know Moses was Jewish, right?

Christianity/Judaism.... whatever. Quit being nitpicky and lets address the core arguments here.
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This is really appropriate. Let one religion put their stuff up on government that door to all.

Okla. Satanists seek monument by Statehouse steps

The 10 Commandments are related to law; is the monument the satanists want to erect related to law?

I'm having trouble coming up with any advancements in law and justice by satanists. I mean, there was the cutting out hearts thingy, but it wasn't really an advancement.

The 10 Commandments being installed in front of a public building (especially when put in just a few years ago) is clearly more of a nod towards Christianity than a nod towards the "history of law". I think this is a fair point; let's not play games here and call things like they are.

The great majority of the laws in the 10 Commandments (I'd say a solid 7 out of 10) apply directly to the Christian religion only (ie keep holy the Sabbath, don't use the Lord's name in vain, only one God, etc).

I am the Lord thy God ·
Thou shalt have no other gods before me ·
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image ·
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ·
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy ·
Honour thy father and thy mother ·
Thou shalt not kill ·
Thou shalt not commit adultery ·
Thou shalt not steal ·
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour ·
Thou shalt not covet

OK, one through four are pretty specifc, but they apply to at least the three monothestic religions equally, and some of the others as well. Other religions have similar concepts.

Commendment 5 would be at home in most Eastern Religions, filial piety and respect for elders and all.

The rest are basic rules any society has to follow, be it godless or god-fearing. I know some hedonists have an issue with the whole "adultery" thing, but the rest are very common, and indeed are needed to have a stable society and culture.
How many of the commandments are related to actual laws we have?

How many angels dance on the head of a pin?

Your straw man has no impact on anything.

Our traditions of justice come partially from Levitical laws. Does reality offend you? Bummer.

Oh, and now we will only allow religious displays if they have provided advancements in law & justice?

Relevance is often a criterion rational people use when determining what to display.

But, no one ever accused leftists of even approaching "rational."
It's appropriate to display the 10 Commandments because they formed the basis of our laws

Are we going to use Satanism as a new foundation for our judicial system?

Oh? How many of the Big Ten are laws for us today? What about English Common Law? What about Hammurabi's Code (which PRE-dates the Big Ten)?

I vote for California adopting sharia......:lol: burkas & stoning
The 10 Commandments are related to law; is the monument the satanists want to erect related to law?

I'm having trouble coming up with any advancements in law and justice by satanists. I mean, there was the cutting out hearts thingy, but it wasn't really an advancement.

The 10 Commandments being installed in front of a public building (especially when put in just a few years ago) is clearly more of a nod towards Christianity than a nod towards the "history of law". I think this is a fair point; let's not play games here and call things like they are.

The great majority of the laws in the 10 Commandments (I'd say a solid 7 out of 10) apply directly to the Christian religion only (ie keep holy the Sabbath, don't use the Lord's name in vain, only one God, etc).

I am the Lord thy God ·
Thou shalt have no other gods before me ·
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image ·
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ·
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy ·
Honour thy father and thy mother ·
Thou shalt not kill ·
Thou shalt not commit adultery ·
Thou shalt not steal ·
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour ·
Thou shalt not covet

OK, one through four are pretty specifc, but they apply to at least the three monothestic religions equally, and some of the others as well. Other religions have similar concepts.

Commendment 5 would be at home in most Eastern Religions, filial piety and respect for elders and all.

The rest are basic rules any society has to follow, be it godless or god-fearing. I know some hedonists have an issue with the whole "adultery" thing, but the rest are very common, and indeed are needed to have a stable society and culture.

Other religions may have similar concepts, but using something from one (or 3 with the same basis) religious text and then claiming it fits others too is simply a lie.

There are 10 commandments. There are 5 that demand allegiance to Judeo-Christian faiths and only 2 that are the basis for any of our laws. To claim a nation built on freedom of religion has a legal system based on it is nonsense. Yes, it had a place in the development of our legal system, but so did many, many things.
How many of the commandments are related to actual laws we have?

How many angels dance on the head of a pin?

Your straw man has no impact on anything.

Our traditions of justice come partially from Levitical laws. Does reality offend you? Bummer.

Oh, and now we will only allow religious displays if they have provided advancements in law & justice?

Relevance is often a criterion rational people use when determining what to display.

But, no one ever accused leftists of even approaching "rational."

But you want the determination of relevance for Judeo-Christian displays to be made by Christians, and then they also get to make the determinations concerning other faiths.

For those who think human sacrifice is part of the church of satan, you might want to do a little reading about it.
Aren't they appointed by the President and serve for life?

Yes, after Senate approval, but what are the requirements for one to be a SCOTUS Justice? Do you know?

I could easily google this but no I do not know the requirements beyond Presidential selection/Senate approval (ie age, etc). There may be none really beyond that.

Before we go any further, are you saying that the various decisions throughout the years that have established/strengthened the concept of "separation of church and state" by our Supreme Court was done so by improperly appointed Supreme Court Justices?

What's you're point?

My point is that your opinion or my opinion on what is or is not "constitutional" may be as valid as that of any SC Justice, if we understand the actual Document called the US Constitution.

Meaning, my assessment that the SCOTUS invented a separation is not only valid, but is closer to the truth than the reverse which they ruled on.
The 10 Commandments are related to law; is the monument the satanists want to erect related to law?

I'm having trouble coming up with any advancements in law and justice by satanists. I mean, there was the cutting out hearts thingy, but it wasn't really an advancement.

The 10 Commandments being installed in front of a public building (especially when put in just a few years ago) is clearly more of a nod towards Christianity than a nod towards the "history of law". I think this is a fair point; let's not play games here and call things like they are.

The great majority of the laws in the 10 Commandments (I'd say a solid 7 out of 10) apply directly to the Christian religion only (ie keep holy the Sabbath, don't use the Lord's name in vain, only one God, etc).

You know Moses was Jewish, right?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The 10 Commandments being installed in front of a public building (especially when put in just a few years ago) is clearly more of a nod towards Christianity than a nod towards the "history of law". I think this is a fair point; let's not play games here and call things like they are.

The great majority of the laws in the 10 Commandments (I'd say a solid 7 out of 10) apply directly to the Christian religion only (ie keep holy the Sabbath, don't use the Lord's name in vain, only one God, etc).

I am the Lord thy God ·
Thou shalt have no other gods before me ·
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image ·
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ·
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy ·
Honour thy father and thy mother ·
Thou shalt not kill ·
Thou shalt not commit adultery ·
Thou shalt not steal ·
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour ·
Thou shalt not covet

OK, one through four are pretty specifc, but they apply to at least the three monothestic religions equally, and some of the others as well. Other religions have similar concepts.

Commendment 5 would be at home in most Eastern Religions, filial piety and respect for elders and all.

The rest are basic rules any society has to follow, be it godless or god-fearing. I know some hedonists have an issue with the whole "adultery" thing, but the rest are very common, and indeed are needed to have a stable society and culture.

Other religions may have similar concepts, but using something from one (or 3 with the same basis) religious text and then claiming it fits others too is simply a lie.

There are 10 commandments. There are 5 that demand allegiance to Judeo-Christian faiths and only 2 that are the basis for any of our laws. To claim a nation built on freedom of religion has a legal system based on it is nonsense. Yes, it had a place in the development of our legal system, but so did many, many things.

How is honoring your mother and father demanding allegiance to a Judeo-Chrisitan faith?

down to 4 specific to "God"

Prohibitions against bearing false witness, stealing, and murdering are part of any legal system.

Up to 3 with a solid basis in any legal system.

Prohibitions against adultery may be moral, but are based on honoring a contract, again part of most belief structures.

Finally not coveting IS advice and non legal, but most religions besides ones that condone theft adhere to this one, and most legal structures prohibit you from acting on your covetous nature.

I'd even wonder about keeping the sabbath holy as specific to "God" as most religions have holy days.
The 10 Commandments being installed in front of a public building (especially when put in just a few years ago) is clearly more of a nod towards Christianity than a nod towards the "history of law". I think this is a fair point; let's not play games here and call things like they are.

First off, the 10 Commandments are Hebrew law, not Christian. Just because the Atheists are at war to crush Christianity, reality does not realign to support their goal.

Further, our laws owe a great deal to the commandments - from the Magna Carta to Common Law, the Judeo-Christian tenets of law are irrefutable. Again, the war against Christians by small minded bigots, does not alter history or reality.

The great majority of the laws in the 10 Commandments (I'd say a solid 7 out of 10) apply directly to the Christian religion only (ie keep holy the Sabbath, don't use the Lord's name in vain, only one God, etc).

An amazing thing, seeing how they were written 700 years before Christ...

I read on a trail head in Yosemite; "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - should this be outlawed and destroyed? After all, some mindless and bigoted ninny might take offense..

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