Satanists in OK seek to put monument at State House like 10 Commandments

How is looking at a nativity scene forcing you to become a Christian?
Does looking at a menorah force you to become Jewish?
It doesn't.
Why can't Atheists' put up their displays in another month of the year, instead of Christmas?
Our Government is about freedom for all, not exclusion for all.

The point is when PUBLIC money is used to fund a nativity scene - a very specific religious reference - things can get tricky. Why would a Muslim, or a Jew, or a Buddhist, or a Hindu want ANY of their tax dollars going to something Christian related?

How would you feel if you're a Muslim who has a court hearing for something and there's a baby Jesus setup outside the courthouse? Would you feel "equal"?

Best thing is simply to keep specific representations of religion out of gov't completely, I believe. There's MORE than enough private businesses spreading around the Christmas cheer I assure you.

Public money was not used in Florida.
Jesus is in the Koran.
"ALLAH is HE besides Whom there is none worthy of worship, the Living, the Self-Subsisting and All-Sustaining. HE has sent down to thee the Book containing the truth and fulfilling that which precedes it; and HE has sent down the Torah (Law of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) before this, as a guidance to the people; and HE has sent down the Discrimination (judgement between right and wrong)."—Qur'an, Surah 3:3-4

The point is a public building has no place endorsing a singular religion.

Jesus may be in the Koran, but what connection does he have to Buddhism, or the Hindu religion? We have citizens who partake in MANY different religions.
In the building I agree, what most of the issues I have revolve around are things like nativity displays, paid by private money, but ALLOWED in the commons being fought against by groups whose sole purpose is to demean the people trying to display thier holiday/religous spirit.
Good point, but if Nativity scenes are allowed in a sort of commons area (is this like a park?) I believe that the board should also be willing to approve representations of other religions as well if private money is wanting to fund a giant Buddha statue or whatever.

When it comes to the 10 commandments, one has to remember that they are not only religously significant, but part of the legal history of the world. How different would it be if a court referenced the code of Hannurabi, or the Code of Justinian? Both have legal historical value, but for some reason only the 10 commandments creates the butturt we see.

True, but I still think it's unnecessary and that the ten commandments in front of courthouses is definitely a specific nod to Christianity (which is still widely practiced) vs a neutral historical reference. I think this is a fair thing to say.

Again, to keep things clean I think we should work to minimize (vs expand) endorsements of specific religions in the public sphere. This ten commandments was added quite recently.
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It's appropriate to display the 10 Commandments because they formed the basis of our laws

Are we going to use Satanism as a new foundation for our judicial system?

Oh? How many of the Big Ten are laws for us today? What about English Common Law? What about Hammurabi's Code (which PRE-dates the Big Ten)?
Muslim objects should not be anywhere in America! The cult needs to go. Oh they said Satanic monument, I just assumed them ment Islam. Carry on!

Assuming you're not a fan of the Constitution?

If that's the case you should move to Uganda. I hear their government is a lot more tyrannical in nature and might suit your personality well.
Hilarious. But if someone really wants to make a scene of it request to put up an islam display.

Then a pastafarian display.

Islam and Satan Worshipping are one in the same! Moe was a rapist, murderer, war lord, bigamist, mass-murderer, torturer, jingoist/imperalist, liar, theft and of course a child molester, he was right in line with Satan!
This is really appropriate. Let one religion put their stuff up on government that door to all.

Okla. Satanists seek monument by Statehouse steps

I agree that putting the Ten Commandments up in front of a public facility is favoritism. I can understand the argument if (perhaps) the Ten Commandment slab was from 150 years ago (and is historically considered part of the building), but given it was just constructed recently I say they should be brought down immediately.

And I'm not saying that just because something is "historical" it justifies the whole thing, I'm just saying that there would be more of an argument to keep this monument up.

There are obscenity laws fucko! A religion that follows and tenents are pure evil (similar to Islam's), fall within obscenity!

Also Christianity SHOULD be given prefential and SPECIAL treatment in this country. Our prinicipals were founded on Judeo-Christian teachings!
The satanic pigs should executed. No man, no problem.

Execute people solely on the grounds they believe in something different than you? Not a great idea.

I didn't say the government should do it. Vigilante justice. Those people are pure scum, just as bad as Westboro. They'd receive no mercy from me.

Well, I guess we hold different beliefs then.

If someone isn't violating mine or any one else's rights as laid out by the Constitution, then I don't think they should be actively reprimanded for it (let alone murdered, as you suggest). Anyways...
There are obscenity laws fucko! A religion that follows and tenents are pure evil (similar to Islam's), fall within obscenity!

Also Christianity SHOULD be given prefential and SPECIAL treatment in this country. Our prinicipals were founded on Judeo-Christian teachings!

First of all, you sound crazy (I have no idea what a "fucko" is). Secondly, no - being a Muslim does not violate any obscenity laws. If a Muslim were to take off his/her pants and run around in a school then YES, they would be violating laws. But to simply pray in peace there are no violations there. By your comments I'm assuming that you don't have much of a basic understanding on how laws work.

Third, I don't believe any specific religion should get preferential treatment by our Government, as the Government belongs to ALL people. We have many non-religious people in America, and many people who are religious who don't practice Christianity.

Again, if you want a Tyranny move to Uganda. It's your kind of place, I'm assuming.
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Well, let's just say I've seen what those bastards are capable of firsthand but that is another story. A lot of the stuff you've heard about those Lucifer lovers is actually true.
The Untied States was started as a Christian country, with biblical based values and laws. Were they followers of Satan this would make sense, but such is not the case.

There is no separation of Church and State anywhere in the founding documents. It took an activist "supreme court" to invent that.

Are you inferring that Supreme Court rulings hold no authority, and the Founding Fathers did not want the Constitution to be open to interpretation by properly elected officials? I don't understand your argument.

Sure, you can believe that an activist court "invented that", but what you think doesn't matter due to the fact you are not a properly elected Supreme Court Justice, lol.

How about sharing with the class your own fountain of knowledge, and tell us, what are the requirements to be a Supreme Court Justice?

The Untied States was started as a Christian country, with biblical based values and laws. Were they followers of Satan this would make sense, but such is not the case.

There is no separation of Church and State anywhere in the founding documents. It took an activist "supreme court" to invent that.

Are you inferring that Supreme Court rulings hold no authority, and the Founding Fathers did not want the Constitution to be open to interpretation by properly elected officials? I don't understand your argument.

Sure, you can believe that an activist court "invented that", but what you think doesn't matter due to the fact you are not a properly elected Supreme Court Justice, lol.

How about sharing with the class your own fountain of knowledge, and tell us, what are the requirements to be a Supreme Court Justice?


Aren't they appointed by the President and serve for life? That's at least how I believe the process works.
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It's appropriate to display the 10 Commandments because they formed the basis of our laws

Are we going to use Satanism as a new foundation for our judicial system?

What laws demand that all citizens only worship one God?
What laws demand that there be no idols worshipped?
What laws make it illegal to lie?
What laws demand children honor their parents?
What laws make it illegal to want what your neighbor has?
What laws make it illegal to use God's name in vain?
What laws force citizens to keep the Sabbath holy?
Are you inferring that Supreme Court rulings hold no authority, and the Founding Fathers did not want the Constitution to be open to interpretation by properly elected officials? I don't understand your argument.

Sure, you can believe that an activist court "invented that", but what you think doesn't matter due to the fact you are not a properly elected Supreme Court Justice, lol.

How about sharing with the class your own fountain of knowledge, and tell us, what are the requirements to be a Supreme Court Justice?


Aren't they appointed by the President and serve for life?

Yes, after Senate approval, but what are the requirements for one to be a SCOTUS Justice? Do you know?
It's appropriate to display the 10 Commandments because they formed the basis of our laws

Are we going to use Satanism as a new foundation for our judicial system?

What laws demand that all citizens only worship one God?
What laws demand that there be no idols worshipped?
What laws make it illegal to lie?
What laws demand children honor their parents?
What laws make it illegal to want what your neighbor has?
What laws make it illegal to use God's name in vain?
What laws force citizens to keep the Sabbath holy?

Um, the 10 Commandments cover all that.

The Founding Fathers believed that if we had men as long as we had men who followed the Commandments in public office, we'd be OK.

We intentionally didn't establish a national religion here in the USA

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