Saturday night live Mocks War Vet

Wouldn't even mention McCain's name when he signed the defense spending bill. Commander shinsplints suffers hero envy. How can we forget the idiot who gave trump a purple heart, and the moron says "I always wanted one of these"?
Spineless McCain is yesterday’s news
Shut the fuck up
McCain is still news, in a weird kinda way.

Wow; a bit unsettled there, huh? Already had your first three? My, you start early.

It's a good thing you don't have a firearm; you would be out shooting up Jews & mailing pipe bombs to Democrats, I bet.
I’m not a violent sort of a guy, You do realize the original anti-Semites are Muslims...
You do realize the greatest threat to this country is the career politician?

I was telling folks nearly four decades ago that we need term limits; TWO terms max & you're done.
People just looked at me like I was from Mars.
I was also telling those same folks, at the same time, that marijuana needed to be legalized & taxed, and that would produce numerous benefits.

I was ahead of my time & no one would listen. Oh well.
. Addicting Our youth to the marijuana drug is not a benefit.
I believe you're talking about cigarettes. Pot isn't addictive.
Let's face it: Humor on the late shows is DEAD as a door nail.

It is now vulgar and profane shouting and screeching by people who abuse their guest status coming from shit holes like South Africa and (no longer maybe never was) Great Britain, speaking in accents like they have a mouthful of bangers or Yorkshire pudding, denigrating everyone who is not as mentally crippled as they are.

And then there is the home grown variety of assholes who revel in accusing those who dare to disagree with their political misconceptions with lying, stealing, treason, pedophile, incest and treason.

Hosts of old like Johnny Carson, and Jay Leno are weeping and rolling in their graves.
Hosts of old existed in an era of compromise in Washington. Those days are gone forever. Now we laugh in order to keep from getting angrier.

You are right. Compromise and decency and clean humor is certainly gone on the Democrat side of the aisle.

Only the uncouth and unintelligent laughs at crude "humor", profane language and vulgar attempts at being funny.

It makes decent people angry, resulting in Republican House, Republican Senate, Republican President and a constitutionalist Supreme Court.
Agree. Those who laugh at trump's comments during his Klan rallies are despicable. There are no Right Wing comedians, so it's hard to make a comparison.
Are you a NPC? You sure sound like it.
I don't understand the question.
Saturday Night Live Mocks War Vet Who Lost an Eye In Combat.

Trump mocked multiple war vets during his POTUS campaign & America approved of that message.

Be careful what you make 'acceptable' America.

The slippery slope is slopey.

The left is showing they’re no better. Two wrongs don’t make a right. We are losing respect for ourselves when we willingly sink so low.
The left?

you are comparing a fucking comic to the president of the US

And not one time when he was mocking POW's were you folks complaining about it.

I was never okay with his mocking of war vets.
Saturday Night Live Mocks War Vet Who Lost an Eye In Combat.

Trump mocked multiple war vets during his POTUS campaign & America approved of that message.

Be careful what you make 'acceptable' America.

The slippery slope is slopey.

The left is showing they’re no better. Two wrongs don’t make a right. We are losing respect for ourselves when we willingly sink so low.
The left?

you are comparing a fucking comic to the president of the US

And not one time when he was mocking POW's were you folks complaining about it.

I was never okay with his mocking of war vets.
Is that why you voted against Trump?

Or were you able to ignore that part and still support him -- even tho I am sure you are totally against mocking vets can still watch SNL -- despite the fact there may be some skits that one does not agree with, it doesn't make SNL or their viewers against America...or do you disagree?
Saturday Night Live Mocks War Vet Who Lost an Eye In Combat.

Trump mocked multiple war vets during his POTUS campaign & America approved of that message.

Be careful what you make 'acceptable' America.

The slippery slope is slopey.

The left is showing they’re no better. Two wrongs don’t make a right. We are losing respect for ourselves when we willingly sink so low.
The left?

you are comparing a fucking comic to the president of the US

And not one time when he was mocking POW's were you folks complaining about it.

I was never okay with his mocking of war vets.
Is that why you voted against Trump?

Or were you able to ignore that part and still support him -- even tho I am sure you are totally against mocking vets can still watch SNL -- despite the fact there may be some skits that one does not agree with, it doesn't make SNL or their viewers against America...or do you disagree?

Trump was the only person to stop Hillary. I don’t have to agree 100% with a person’s actions to vote for them especially when they’re running against Hillary Clinton.

No I don’t disagree.

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