Saudi Arabia Funding Of Al Qaeda/Tafkiri Groups In Syria


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012

"On 12*September 2013, Prince Turki of Saudi Arabia addressed the*Defence and Security Forum*in London.* Prince Turki is known for his cool-headed analysis, and though regarded as attached to a particular affiliation in Saudi Arabia, he is an experienced diplomat. What he said in gist is this:* Saudi Arabia both is the dominant economic power in the Middle East, and is too the “eminent leader of the wider Muslim world”, whereas Iran, stands, he said, by contrast stands as the leader of all those Muslims that are against the US. Beyond this troublesome mode of Iranian leadership, Prince Turki said that Saudi Arabia has two further major gripes with Iran: firstly, its nuclear weapons program, which is continuing he said, and which sanctions will not halt; and which ultimately Prince Turki said, must be dealt by military means, if necessary; and (secondly), Iranian “meddling”:* its meddling in Shi’i majority countries and in Shi’i minority states ‘must end’, Prince Turki warned, saying that Saudi Arabia would itself intervene in those states to oppose ‘any and all’ Iranian actions.*Iranian influence and actions in Iraq were “unacceptable”, he said:* Saudi Arabia has ‘deep-seated’ reservations about the government of Maliki, he warned, and will do everything in its power to halt actions (such as that recently undertaken by an Iranian general), or by Iran generally, to support Maliki: “We will work to ensure Iraq becomes an*independent*member of the Arab world”.*"

"Yes, Saudi has money, but it totally lacks the means to be operationally effective.**It is like an army that has its chiefs-of-defence staff, the generals (the senior Royals, in other words), but lacks entirely the junior officers, the sergeants and other NCOs who actually follow-up and ensure ‘orders’ turn into something tangible.**There is no Saudi system to manage the sectarian mobilization which they have fired-up, and to direct it towards some tangible political result, precisely because it is only the senior Royals that have any discretion or authority to make things happen; and their operational input lies mainly with that of signing cheques – not following up on the ‘details’.*This is precisely why we have witnessed the al-Qae’da-orientated groups dominating in Syria — unlike the US, the Saudi Princes do not spend time nurturing movements toward effectiveness;* they buy movements.* And it is the Takfiri groups that have proved most effective on the battlefield, and therefore it is these who have found ample sources of funding.*"

Conflicts Forum?s Weekly Comment, 13-20 Sept 2013 : Conflicts Forum

This fight for power and supremacy in the ME is spreading the influence of Al Qaeda throughout the Region.

How is the international community going to deal with this problem?

One might say or at least hope the recently enacted UN Resolution on Syria is a start.

It even calls for talks between the Regime and Opposition in Syria to resolve their differences.

But where do we go from here?

And what about the funding and arming of Al Qaeda/ Tafkiri groups and their spreading influence across the Region?
What is your point, Sherri. Al quaeda is sunni and Hezbollah is shiite. Both are criminal
terrorist organizations ----al quaeda is "officially" rejected by Saudi arabia but does have
funding from wealthy Saudi sunnis and various other oil rich sunnis. Hezbollah is ENTIRELY
controlled by Iran which both trains and funds its programs . The agandae of both groups are-----essentially IDENTICAL-------empire and the imposition of the filth of shariah.-----nothing new------It has been going on for centuries Iran is entirely responsible for every
murder comitted by Hezbollah thugs. ---Saudi arabia is not actually controlling
al quaeda
My point, Americans claim Al Qaeda commited a horrible act of terrorism once in our country.

Should we now be allied with nations funding and arming them in Syria?

What I find amazing is a person can claim to be an American and claim to have allegience to America and not be troubled by that.
NGO: Qaeda tells Syria schoolgirls to wear Islamic clothes

BEIRUT (AFP) -- An Al-Qaeda front group in Syria says girls in a village it controls will not be allowed to attend school unless they wear Islamic clothing, a monitoring group said Saturday.In Tweihineh, "the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant... has forbidden girls in primary education and above from attending school unless they wear fully Islamic clothing including an abaya (gown), gloves and a veil," the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.Citing activists in the ISIL-controlled northern village, the Britain-based Observatory also said boys were told to dress in what the extremist group considers Islamic clothing.

NGO: Qaeda tells Syria schoolgirls to wear Islamic clothes | Maan News Agency
My point, Americans claim Al Qaeda commited a horrible act of terrorism once in our country.

Should we now be allied with nations funding and arming them in Syria?

What I find amazing is a person can claim to be an American and claim to have allegience to America and not be troubled by that.

Try again sherri There is no evidence that SAUDI ARABIA is funding Al Quaeda----
although there is no question that some islamicist pigs IN saudi arabia and other
wealthy sunnis are funding that filth. ----in fact there is no question that
sunnis thruout the world fund the filth of the TALIBAN. AND THERE IS NO
QUESTION that IRAN funds and controls the islamicist pigs HEZBOLLAH ---
that is IRAN------not private individuals here and there IRAN ITSELF.
Of course I am troubled by the filth that you and yours support-----but regarding
HEZBOLLAH-------HEZBOLLAH IS IRAN al quaeda ----disgusting as it is----
is not actually supported by the rulers of Saudi Arabia--- Now what point are
you struggling to make? You do not "amaze" me----the USA has been
afflicted with islamo nazi pigs for more than 100 years who actually claim or
claimed to be patriots
Al Qaeda is Sunni, not Shiite. In fact the vast majority of Muslim extremists are Sunni, and much of their funding comes out of Saudi Arabia.

Fun fact: Before 9/11 one of the Taliban's biggest supporters was Saudi Arabia.
Hezbollah is no better than al-Quaeda. It's all really just the same old wrestling match between Sunni and Shi'a Islam that's been going on for close to 1400 years now. It's basically the same as the wars between Protestant and Catholic groups which engulfed Europe in the 16th-18th centuries...... Iran and Syria, with Russian baking, are seeking Shi'a domination, while KSA and its close neighbors seek to maintain firm Sunni control over Mecca and Medina AND insure that Sunni continues to be the 'mainstream' Islam.

Which side should Americans - or anyone else! - be backing? That depends on what advantage we might possibly incur by getting involved.
My point, Americans claim Al Qaeda commited a horrible act of terrorism once in our country.

Should we now be allied with nations funding and arming them in Syria?

What I find amazing is a person can claim to be an American and claim to have allegience to America and not be troubled by that.

LOL sherri. Whatever funding SAUDI ARABIA does of rebel groups in
----of any color or stripe----in Syria is simply related to Saudi arabia's CORRECT
understanding of the filth of Iran. Right now saudi arabia and iran are-----
ENEMIES (whether either wishes to admit that fact or not)----war makes
very strange bedfellows. The royal family of saudi arabia is a target for
BOTH the filth of IRAN----and the filth of AL QAEDA ----for the situation in
Syria----Saudi arabian rulers logically see their best interests to be
OPPOSITION to the puppet of Iran-----to wit ASSAD. Try to keep up
I honestly don't freaking care about Syria any longer, I've followed the conflict carefully for a long time, and it's cruel, but I don't know what can be done even if we wanted to help?
NGO: Qaeda tells Syria schoolgirls to wear Islamic clothes

BEIRUT (AFP) -- An Al-Qaeda front group in Syria says girls in a village it controls will not be allowed to attend school unless they wear Islamic clothing, a monitoring group said Saturday.In Tweihineh, "the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant... has forbidden girls in primary education and above from attending school unless they wear fully Islamic clothing including an abaya (gown), gloves and a veil," the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.Citing activists in the ISIL-controlled northern village, the Britain-based Observatory also said boys were told to dress in what the extremist group considers Islamic clothing.

NGO: Qaeda tells Syria schoolgirls to wear Islamic clothes | Maan News Agency

Hezbullah took a convent school hostage to for the church to abide by islamic dress code for the school student, even though the parents had agreed to the school uniform. Hezbullah should not dictate to a church school about what they wear on the campus.
It was quite the stand off with Rome, at the time.
My point, Americans claim Al Qaeda commited a horrible act of terrorism once in our country.

Should we now be allied with nations funding and arming them in Syria?

What I find amazing is a person can claim to be an American and claim to have allegience to America and not be troubled by that.

And you're claiming *you* have allegiance to America? LOLOLOLOL!!!!
My point, Americans claim Al Qaeda commited a horrible act of terrorism once in our country.

Should we now be allied with nations funding and arming them in Syria?

What I find amazing is a person can claim to be an American and claim to have allegience to America and not be troubled by that.

And you're claiming *you* have allegiance to America? LOLOLOLOL!!!!
Nobody believes her patriotism nor her Christianity. The impostor is a convert to Islam who hates America and Israel with a passion.
Takfiri groups in possession of chemical arms threatening region: Zarif

PressTV - Takfiri groups in possession of chemical arms threatening region: Zarif
Does this retard pretend to not know that Press TV is the propaganda arm of the Islamic republic of Iran?

More evidence that Jihad Sherri is a Hezbo shill that gets paid for spreading garbage on the internet. LOL

My sense is that the retard is a ----fingernail ----attached to that arm
What is your point, Sherri. Al quaeda is sunni and Hezbollah is shiite. Both are criminal
terrorist organizations ----al quaeda is "officially" rejected by Saudi arabia but does have
funding from wealthy Saudi sunnis and various other oil rich sunnis. Hezbollah is ENTIRELY
controlled by Iran which both trains and funds its programs . The agandae of both groups are-----essentially IDENTICAL-------empire and the imposition of the filth of shariah.-----nothing new------It has been going on for centuries Iran is entirely responsible for every
murder comitted by Hezbollah thugs. ---Saudi arabia is not actually controlling
al quaeda

There is NO proof that the Saudis are funding AQ.. They are arresting and beheading them..

Their agendas are not identical.

Iran wants a foothold on the Arabian peninsula.. KSA has NO ambitions to occupy or colonize Iran.
You are some mixed up Zionist, Hezbullah and Al Qaeda are not the same group, not even on the same side in Syria.

NGO: Qaeda tells Syria schoolgirls to wear Islamic clothes

BEIRUT (AFP) -- An Al-Qaeda front group in Syria says girls in a village it controls will not be allowed to attend school unless they wear Islamic clothing, a monitoring group said Saturday.In Tweihineh, "the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant... has forbidden girls in primary education and above from attending school unless they wear fully Islamic clothing including an abaya (gown), gloves and a veil," the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.Citing activists in the ISIL-controlled northern village, the Britain-based Observatory also said boys were told to dress in what the extremist group considers Islamic clothing.

NGO: Qaeda tells Syria schoolgirls to wear Islamic clothes | Maan News Agency

Hezbullah took a convent school hostage to for the church to abide by islamic dress code for the school student, even though the parents had agreed to the school uniform. Hezbullah should not dictate to a church school about what they wear on the campus.
It was quite the stand off with Rome, at the time.
You are some mixed up Zionist, Hezbullah and Al Qaeda are not the same group, not even on the same side in Syria.

NGO: Qaeda tells Syria schoolgirls to wear Islamic clothes

BEIRUT (AFP) -- An Al-Qaeda front group in Syria says girls in a village it controls will not be allowed to attend school unless they wear Islamic clothing, a monitoring group said Saturday.In Tweihineh, "the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant... has forbidden girls in primary education and above from attending school unless they wear fully Islamic clothing including an abaya (gown), gloves and a veil," the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.Citing activists in the ISIL-controlled northern village, the Britain-based Observatory also said boys were told to dress in what the extremist group considers Islamic clothing.

NGO: Qaeda tells Syria schoolgirls to wear Islamic clothes | Maan News Agency

Hezbullah took a convent school hostage to for the church to abide by islamic dress code for the school student, even though the parents had agreed to the school uniform. Hezbullah should not dictate to a church school about what they wear on the campus.
It was quite the stand off with Rome, at the time.

I wonder to whom isa-respecter Sherri addressed her idiotic remark----I saw no
MIX UP Hezbollah is Hezbollah----a shiite consortium of shit funded and
trained and controlled by Iran-shit. Al Quaeda is a sunni consortium of islamicist
shit-----which gets its dogs and pigs from all over the UMMAH. Interestingly enough--
despite the fact that hate each other to the point of slaughtering each others
children------in some aspects of their filth they have "common cause"-----in fact
they share that filth with sherri

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