Saudi Arabia Says US lied to Them, Will Strike Out on Their Own


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own
Saudi Arabia claims they were kept in the dark by Western allies over Iran nuclear deal and says it will strike out on its own

A senior advisor to the Saudi royal family has accused its Western allies of deceiving the oil rich kingdom in striking the nuclear accord with Iran and said Riyadh would follow an independent foreign policy.

Nawaf Obaid told a think tank meeting in London that Saudi Arabia was determined to pursue its own foreign and policy goals. Having in the past been reactive to events, the leading Sunni Muslim nation was determined to be pro-active in future.

Mr Obaid said that while Saudi Arabia knew that the US was talking directly to Iran through a channel in the Gulf state of Oman, Washington had not directly briefed its ally.
"We were lied to, things were hidden from us," he said. "The problem is not with the deal struck in Geneva but how it was done."

Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own - Telegraph

Do we have to say it again? Obama does not have a clue how to handle foreign affairs or how to negotiate agreements. He's a community organizer. Please, send him back to the streets of Chicago where he knows what the hell he's doing!
Saudi Arabia isn't alone. Many other middle eastern countries are joining them.
Saudi Arabia and Iran are competitive over control of the Middle East. Therefore, Saudi Arabia is not going to like see relations improving between the most powerful country in the world and its biggest competitor.

Also, Saudi Arabia is primarily Sunni while Iran is primarily Shiite.

Saudi Arabia is also a hotbed of Muslim extremism. As we become more energy independent, it would not hurt for Saudi Arabia to feel a slight chill coming from us.
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What duty does the U.S. owe to Saudi Arabia? And why would we trust sensitive information on negotiations with the nation whose 19 sons flew planes into the WTC under the leadership of OBL, another Saudi?
Ah so when the Saudis pointed to the Libyans for the German Disco and the Iraqis for 9/11 they weren't "lying"? :lol:

Now they are pointing at Iran. Maybe FOX can help fabricate another fake reason to hit a country that didn't do anything to us.
What duty does the U.S. owe to Saudi Arabia? And why would we trust sensitive information on negotiations with the nation whose 19 sons flew planes into the WTC under the leadership of OBL, another Saudi?

Things starting to make sense, yet?

Add in a Saudi officer was in contact with the 9/11 gang.

Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own
Saudi Arabia claims they were kept in the dark by Western allies over Iran nuclear deal and says it will strike out on its own

This is just great. It's shit like this that ends up with terrorists flying our planes into our own buildings.

Bush 41 promised to remove all military bases from the Holy Lands and he reneged. Bush 43 also made the same promise.
We all know what happened next.
15 out of the 19 Al Q's terrorists were from S.A.
So yeah, let's piss those people off again.
They have more money than the Sultan of Brunei X 1,000,000,000,000.
All they have to do is dial up "Mercenaries R' Us" and go get a busload of boys from Jeddah and it's 9/11 all over again.
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Ah so when the Saudis pointed to the Libyans for the German Disco and the Iraqis for 9/11 they weren't "lying"? :lol:

Now they are pointing at Iran. Maybe FOX can help fabricate another fake reason to hit a country that didn't do anything to us.

Karl Rove is on it......
What duty does the U.S. owe to Saudi Arabia? And why would we trust sensitive information on negotiations with the nation whose 19 sons flew planes into the WTC under the leadership of OBL, another Saudi?

Things starting to make sense, yet?

Add in a Saudi officer was in contact with the 9/11 gang.


[ame=]Fahrenheit 9/11-The Full Length Movie-Bush cheats in the 2000 election! Not Seen this on tv?! - YouTube[/ame]
Iran is Sunni. Saudi Arabia is Shia. The Sauds know that Iran would wipe them out if they could and will as soon as they can.
Saudi Arabia suffers from the same issue Israel does, except its worse. The fact that thier populations are concentrated in a few major cities, and any nuclear attack would basically wipe a sizable portion of their population off the map.

With Saudi the Iranians couldnt attack Mecca or Medina, but Riyadh is a sitting duck.

Likewise they couldnt attack Jersualem, but Tel Aviv is a hell of a target.
Do we have to say it again?

The reactionary right and failed liberal left neo-cons are not running our foreign policy any more.

And the world's safety is better for that fact.
Do we have to say it again?

The reactionary right and failed liberal left neo-cons are not running our foreign policy any more.

And the world's safety is better for that fact.

You have no idea if that is the case. Iran can be playing the rest of the world for fools, and continuing thier work in secret. But you little Nevilles out there have your piece of paper, and hopes of Peace in Our Time. Lets see how that works for ya.
Do we have to say it again?

The reactionary right and failed liberal left neo-cons are not running our foreign policy any more.

And the world's safety is better for that fact.

You have no idea if that is the case. Iran can be playing the rest of the world for fools, and continuing thier work in secret. But you little Nevilles out there have your piece of paper, and hopes of Peace in Our Time. Lets see how that works for ya.

You're comparing present day Iran to 1933 Nazi Germany?

Given everything we know about Germany and Iran.

And not changing a thing.

1933 Nazi Germany would roll Iran in heartbeat.
Do we have to say it again?

The reactionary right and failed liberal left neo-cons are not running our foreign policy any more.

And the world's safety is better for that fact.

You have no idea if that is the case. Iran can be playing the rest of the world for fools, and continuing thier work in secret. But you little Nevilles out there have your piece of paper, and hopes of Peace in Our Time. Lets see how that works for ya.

You're comparing present day Iran to 1933 Nazi Germany?

Given everything we know about Germany and Iran.

And not changing a thing.

1933 Nazi Germany would roll Iran in heartbeat.

Its comparing the wishful thinking of those seeking peace then, with the same wishful thinking that is going on now.

and the Munich Agreement was in 1938, not 1933. In 1938 they had a whole gamut of broken promises by old Adolf, but chose to ignore the evicence in one last hope of peace.

Fittingly, the people would be most affected by this in case it goes bad have been left off the table, same as the Czechs were in 1938.

Amazing how history repeats itself.
Dejavu all over again....

All I know is that, in the long run, the US is allowing and aiding Iran in producing nuclear weapons if the negotiations continue in the direction they have begun.

Do any of you remember the Doomsday Clock? I would put it at 11:57, since Obama has been in office.
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If it destroys Israel, the left doesn't care if the rest of the world goes too. Killing Jews is so jmportant that it's worth the sacrifice.

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