Saudi Arabia Tells Melania Trump She Can Skip The Hijab!

Great lips.
A hajib is nothing more than a scarf worn on a woman's head. One need not be Muslim to do that.


And you'll notice the Queen is wearing that scarf in no different fashion than is this Iranian Muslim woman.


This woman isn't even Muslim. She just thinks she looks cool with a scarf on her head.




Women of all ages and religious affiliations have worn scarves on their heads for hundreds, maybe thousands of years.

If one is in Spain, the same thing that's called a hijab in the Arabic speaking world is called a mantilla.



And it's not at all uncommon to find not only Spanish women wearing mantillas, but also French Catholic women.


From what I can tell, the people who have something to say about women wearing headscarves are people who quite simply have never traveled far enough from their provincial hovel to see that women the world over wear scarves on their heads and that for women to do so when visiting a Muslim country is no burden. They need only treat is as yet another fashion accessory and go on about their business. As for the folks who have have something to say about hijabs, y'all really need to get out more.
_President Trump was met on the tarmac by King Salman, who did not do so for Mr Obama


protest in Yemen against "American terrorism" as Trump visits Saudi Arabia
Hear it from a Muslim.

Last 2 first ladies didn't wear the hijab while visiting Saudi arabia. Trump''s gold digger wasn't the first one.
Keep in my mind that the US needs Saudis dollars, and that's why he's there ....he didn't go to Panama, Nicaragua, Congo or Kazakhstan but rather to where the money is......all that bullshit that he fed you in his campaign u can print it out blend it and drink it.
This guy is fooling you and leading you to a wall.
You morons tend to forget so fast:
He bashed Saudi Arabia day and night and now he's going down there kissing their ass.

But again you are a laughing stock, u gonna come up with excuses and follow him like sheep.
Go on.....!!!
Hear it from a Muslim.

Last 2 first ladies didn't wear the hijab while visiting Saudi arabia. Trump''s gold digger wasn't the first one.
Keep in my mind that the US needs Saudis dollars, and that's why he's there ....he didn't go to Panama, Nicaragua, Congo or Kazakhstan but rather to where the money is......all that bullshit that he fed you in his campaign u can print it out blend it and drink it.
This guy is fooling you and leading you to a wall.
You morons tend to forget so fast:
He bashed Saudi Arabia day and night and now he's going down there kissing their ass.

But again you are a laughing stock, u gonna come up with excuses and follow him like sheep.
Go on.....!!!
Last 2 first ladies didn't wear the hijab while visiting Saudi arabia. Trump''s gold digger wasn't the first one.

The mere fact that someone thinks wearing a scarf or not is a noteworthy topic of discussion outside of sartorial chit chat is telling, in and of itself. That they'd single out hijabs from scarf by any other name is that much more so. All in all it is simultaneously pathetic and puerile.
I guess the Saudis already realize Melania is a whore

A hijab will not help
Women who do not wear a hijab in Saudi Arabia are looked at as harlots

Looks like the Saudis told Melania not to bother
Does press obsess on Muslim women who travel to US and don't remove theirs?
A hajib is nothing more than a scarf worn on a woman's head. One need not be Muslim to do that.


And you'll notice the Queen is wearing that scarf in no different fashion than is this Iranian Muslim woman.


This woman isn't even Muslim. She just thinks she looks cool with a scarf on her head.




Women of all ages and religious affiliations have worn scarves on their heads for hundreds, maybe thousands of years.

If one is in Spain, the same thing that's called a hijab in the Arabic speaking world is called a mantilla.



And it's not at all uncommon to find not only Spanish women wearing mantillas, but also French Catholic women.


From what I can tell, the people who have something to say about women wearing headscarves are people who quite simply have never traveled far enough from their provincial hovel to see that women the world over wear scarves on their heads and that for women to do so when visiting a Muslim country is no burden. They need only treat is as yet another fashion accessory and go on about their business. As for the folks who have have something to say about hijabs, y'all really need to get out more.
Granted, Xelor, but I think the point is that in France, in Spain, etc. it isn't a LAW that a woman wear a scarf. In Saudi Arabia, it is.
That's the difference between fashion and a hijab.
I swear, some days when my hair is going every which way, I think a hijab would be a fine idea. But if I HAD to wear one, I'd feel differently about it.

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