Saudi Arabia Tells Melania Trump She Can Skip The Hijab!

A hajib is nothing more than a scarf worn on a woman's head. One need not be Muslim to do that.


And you'll notice the Queen is wearing that scarf in no different fashion than is this Iranian Muslim woman.


This woman isn't even Muslim. She just thinks she looks cool with a scarf on her head.




Women of all ages and religious affiliations have worn scarves on their heads for hundreds, maybe thousands of years.

If one is in Spain, the same thing that's called a hijab in the Arabic speaking world is called a mantilla.



And it's not at all uncommon to find not only Spanish women wearing mantillas, but also French Catholic women.


From what I can tell, the people who have something to say about women wearing headscarves are people who quite simply have never traveled far enough from their provincial hovel to see that women the world over wear scarves on their heads and that for women to do so when visiting a Muslim country is no burden. They need only treat is as yet another fashion accessory and go on about their business. As for the folks who have have something to say about hijabs, y'all really need to get out more.
Granted, Xelor, but I think the point is that in France, in Spain, etc. it isn't a LAW that a woman wear a scarf. In Saudi Arabia, it is.
That's the difference between fashion and a hijab.
I swear, some days when my hair is going every which way, I think a hijab would be a fine idea. But if I HAD to wear one, I'd feel differently about it.
I think the point is that in France, in Spain, etc. it isn't a LAW that a woman wear a scarf
That may be your point, but it is not among the points articulated or implied in the OP. Indeed, the article cited notes that while the Saudis have sartorial expectations of visitors -- surprise, so do we in the U.S. -- The Saudi Foreign Minister stated, “We welcome any style in clothing.”

BTW, my point is that prattling about what garments one wears -- willfully or by requirement -- is among the most petty things going and that such lines of discussion, outside of a fashion event or some such, is making something whereof nothing need be made. There're bigger fish to fry, so to speak.
ut if I HAD to wear one, I'd feel differently about it.

Given the Foreign Minister's comment, it appears that you don't have to wear one, even in Saudi Arabia.
they gave Trump some sort of gold medal!

They know flattery will get them "everywhere" with Trump.
He's absolutely loving this. Nothing wrong with that, though.
I agree there's no sin or crime to enjoying flattery. The thing with Trump is the role flattery plays in his assessments of people and how he responds to their requests and suggestions. In the private sector, that is what is it is and one can do that at will. As a public servant, it's unacceptable.

I'm not sure just what they gave him. It may well be he doesn't get to keep it anyway.
Just now starting to check the news. Has Trump caused an intentional incident, yet?
Trump is in Saudi Arabia... Hillary Clinton is in mental hospital after thinking about the millions she would have received on this visit!
No point since Trump's going to pass her around anyways. All part of his negotiation process.
dude - this is just fucked up. why not hit ebay and spend a few $$$ and try to salvage some class they may have on sale.

if anyone talked about michelle like that you'd shit a herd of kittens to attack them in anger.
trump can't grab pussy in saudi arabia. what will you accuse him of now, crazy liberals?

Excuse my ignorance but what is that? The traditional Islamic head wear?

it seems to refer to any hair obscuring thing on the head-----lately. ---like a kerchief -or some kind of "snood"---(don't ask me what a "snood" is-----but it's on the head)

A snood is a hairnet you wear over a bun. It is not acceptable headwear under Islam because it doesn't cover the head. Ballerinas wear snoods to keep their hair secure in buns when they spin and leap.

A kerchief works as a hijab because it covers the head, but a snood does not.
they gave Trump some sort of gold medal!

They know flattery will get them "everywhere" with Trump.
He's absolutely loving this. Nothing wrong with that, though.
I agree there's no sin or crime to enjoying flattery. The thing with Trump is the role flattery plays in his assessments of people and how he responds to their requests and suggestions. In the private sector, that is what is it is and one can do that at will. As a public servant, it's unacceptable.

I'm not sure just what they gave him. It may well be he doesn't get to keep it anyway.
Since Obama got one, too, maybe you will be a little less dismissive about it?

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman on Saturday presented Donald Trump with the Kingdom’s top civilian honor, as the US president began a trip to Riyadh aimed at strengthening security and economic ties.
The king placed the Collar of Abdulaziz Al Saud around Trump’s neck at a ceremony at the Royal Court in Riyadh.
The host of the event declared that Trump was being honored for “his quest to enhance security and stability in the region and around the world.”
The honor has also been bestowed to Russian President Vladimir Putin, British Prime Minister Theresa May and Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama.

King Salman presents Trump with Saudi Arabia’s top civilian honor

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