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Saudi woman gets 150 lashes for driving

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Smite their necks means cut their heads off. ( Surah in Qu'ran ) Don't play games with me, Sunni. You're out of your league here.
Actually Jeremiah, ......your not even in the league........but thanks for trying to play. .. :cool:

Are you running from a non muslim woman over a debate on hadiths and 109 Suras calling for violence from the Qu'ran?

Or are you running because I just proved you lied, Sunni?

Seriously, I know you don't know much about this religion you converted to, Sunni, but you should stick around for the education! Rethink this one. You sound like a coward.

- Jeremiah

Here is a link to get you started:

109 Verses From The Quran That Call For Violence | Gate
Lashing, stoning, beheading, beating women are all part of Islam. It is in their Koran, AgainSheila.
Jeremiah, obviously you have never read the Quran.

None of the items you have listed are spoken about in the Quran.

The Quran says nothing about lashings, stonings, beheading, beatings, etc.

Seriously Jeremiah, telling lies and spreading hate isn't what the Gospel instructs you to do. .. :doubt:

Smite their necks means cut their heads off. ( Surah in Qu'ran ) 109 murder verses in the Qu'ran - ordering Muslims to murder the unbelievers is more than enough. Don't play games with me, Sunni. You're out of your league here.

I'll post a link here to back up my claim of 109 murder verses if you request one.. The hadiths are even worse if that is possible.. have a look...

Muslim (19:4321-4323) – Three separate hadith in which Muhammad shrugs over
the news that innocent children were killed in a raid by his men against
unbelievers. His response: “They are of them (meaning the enemy).”

Tabari 7:97
The morning after the murder of Ashraf, the Prophet declared, “Kill any Jew
who falls under your power.” Ashraf was a poet, killed by Muhammad’s
men because he insulted Islam. Here, Muhammad widens the scope of his
orders to kill. An innocent Jewish businessman was then slain by his
Muslim partner, merely for being non-Muslim.

Tabari 9:69
“Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us” The words of
Muhammad, prophet of Islam.

Tabari 17:187
“‘By God, our religion (din) from which we have departed is better and more
correct than that which these people follow. Their religion does not stop them
from shedding blood, terrifying the roads, and seizing properties.’ And they
returned to their former religion.” The words of a group of Christians
who had converted to Islam, but realized their error after being shocked by the
violence and looting committed in the name of Allah. The price of their
decision to return to a religion of peace was that the men were beheaded and the
woman and children enslaved by the caliph Ali.

Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 327:
- “Allah said, ‘A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A
slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of
this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires
killing them to manifest the religion.’”

Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 990: -
Lest anyone think that cutting off someone’s head while screaming ‘Allah Akbar!’
is a modern creation, here is an account of that very practice under Muhammad, who
seems to approve.

Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 992: -
“Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve in Allah.”
Muhammad’s instructions to his men prior to a military raid

Link provided: 109 Verses From The Quran That Call For Violence | Gate
Smite their necks means cut their heads off. ( Surah in Qu'ran ) Don't play games with me, Sunni. You're out of your league here.
Actually Jeremiah, your not even in the league........but thanks for trying to play. .. :cool:
Smite their necks means cut their heads off. ( Surah in Qu'ran ) Don't play games with me, Sunni. You're out of your league here.
Actually Jeremiah, ......your not even in the league........but thanks for trying to play. .. :cool:

Are you running from a non muslim woman over a debate on hadiths and 109 Suras calling for violence from the Qu'ran?

Or are you running because I just proved you lied, Sunni?

Seriously, I know you don't know much about this religion you converted to, Sunni, but you should stick around for the education! Rethink this one. You sound like a coward.
More name calling from the fake Christian. .. :cuckoo:

And when exactly did I take off running??

Of course there are incidences of violence during war in the Quran.......just the same as there is in the Bible. And I could post literally hundreds of verses encouraging murder and violence in the Bible.

But my original statement was that there aren't beheadings or lashings listed in the Quran.

And so far you have failed to prove me wrong. .. :cool:

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Seriously Roudy, you think one unknown Islamic leader speaks for 1.5 billion muslims in the world?? . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
I think you certainly don't speak for, or know half as much as Islamic leaders and Imams, who all claim that beating your wife is acceptable in Islam and written in the Koran. You can dress up this pig as much as you want, but it's still going to be a pig.

You're just an ignorant person with insecurity problems towards women, who converted to Islam out of stupidity and because you were attracted to the chauvinism and abuse of women in Islam.

True story :clap2:
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Seriously Roudy, you think one unknown Islamic leader speaks for 1.5 billion muslims in the world?? . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, Sunni, have you said one word to condemn such treatment of women? Prove the Muslims aren't like that. Speak out against the cruel treatment of women by other Muslims. Stop supporting the harsh treatment of women. Show compassion. Beating women, lashing them to death, I have a big problem with that. You should too, that you don't is very telling of your religion.
Like I have said several times......lashing for driving and female circumcision has zero to do with Islam.......and is a cultural practice.

If you want to know about the religion of Islam.....then read the Quran.

That's where you will find out about the values inherent in Islam. . :cool:

You don't get it. YOU are an example of your religion. YOU are why I don't like Islam. YOU have no thought or care for the poor woman who's going to be lashed to death. You have no care or sympathy for young girls who are forced to have female circumcision. You still have not answered my question as to whether you forced such on your daughter or not. YOU are what I base my decision on. It doesn't matter what the Koran says, it matters what it's followers say, what YOU say.
No, .... I did not have my daughters circumcised. .. :cool:

Thank God for small miracles. Given your attitude, I have no doubt, if you lived in a Muslim country, you would have.
Smite their necks means cut their heads off. ( Surah in Qu'ran ) Don't play games with me, Sunni. You're out of your league here.
Actually Jeremiah, your not even in the league........but thanks for trying to play. .. :cool:
Actually Jeremiah, ......your not even in the league........but thanks for trying to play. .. :cool:

Are you running from a non muslim woman over a debate on hadiths and 109 Suras calling for violence from the Qu'ran?

Or are you running because I just proved you lied, Sunni?

Seriously, I know you don't know much about this religion you converted to, Sunni, but you should stick around for the education! Rethink this one. You sound like a coward.
More name calling from the fake Christian. .. :cuckoo:

And when exactly did I take off running??

Of course there are incidences of violence during war in the Quran.......just the same as there is in the Bible. And I could post literally hundreds of verses encouraging murder and violence in the Bible.

But my original statement was that there aren't beheadings or lashings listed in the Quran.

And so far you have failed to prove me wrong. .. :cool:


I have not called you a name. I said, you "sound" like a coward. You accuse me of lying, I provide links, verses, hadiths and more and your response is to cut and run. What should I think?
Seriously Roudy, you think one unknown Islamic leader speaks for 1.5 billion muslims in the world?? . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, Sunni, have you said one word to condemn such treatment of women? Prove the Muslims aren't like that. Speak out against the cruel treatment of women by other Muslims. Stop supporting the harsh treatment of women. Show compassion. Beating women, lashing them to death, I have a big problem with that. You should too, that you don't is very telling of your religion.
Here is a Western convert asshole like Sunni, confirming that the Koran allows use of force by a man. It doesn't get any clearer than this. Men are commanded to best the women if they see them straying from the "path". Does this guy sound like some obscure radical to anybody?

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=H7cYbCgRJgs]Re: Wife Beating in Islam - The Rules - YouTube[/ame]
Seriously Roudy, you think one unknown Islamic leader speaks for 1.5 billion muslims in the world?? . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, Sunni, have you said one word to condemn such treatment of women? Prove the Muslims aren't like that. Speak out against the cruel treatment of women by other Muslims. Stop supporting the harsh treatment of women. Show compassion. Beating women, lashing them to death, I have a big problem with that. You should too, that you don't is very telling of your religion.
I am opposed to domestic violence against women.......especially in my own country of America.

Here in the U.S. over 75% of the citizens claim to be Christians.......and yet statistics say a woman is beaten or murdered every minute of every day 24/7/365

Which means there are a whole lot of Christians beating the hell out of women in America.

So I don't understand why so many people focus on muslim countries........when DV is epidemic here in the U.S. .. :doubt:
Smite their necks means cut their heads off. ( Surah in Qu'ran ) Don't play games with me, Sunni. You're out of your league here.
Actually Jeremiah, your not even in the league........but thanks for trying to play. .. :cool:
Actually Jeremiah, ......your not even in the league........but thanks for trying to play. .. :cool:

Are you running from a non muslim woman over a debate on hadiths and 109 Suras calling for violence from the Qu'ran?

Or are you running because I just proved you lied, Sunni?

Seriously, I know you don't know much about this religion you converted to, Sunni, but you should stick around for the education! Rethink this one. You sound like a coward.
More name calling from the fake Christian. .. :cuckoo:

And when exactly did I take off running??

Of course there are incidences of violence during war in the Quran.......just the same as there is in the Bible. And I could post literally hundreds of verses encouraging murder and violence in the Bible.

But my original statement was that there aren't beheadings or lashings listed in the Quran.

And so far you have failed to prove me wrong. .. :cool:

Ha ha ha. Sunni you really don't know the first thing about the religion you converted to, do you? I guess they told you that you can beat the women and abuse them, and that's all you needed to hear. Love at first sight.
This must be Sunni's mosque Imam. "There are types of women that a man cannot live with, unless he carries a rod in his hand. God created man with the owners manual, the owners manual is the Koran, it tells the man you can beat your wife if necessary."

Hey Sunni, your religion, your culture, your savagery. What business is it of ours, right? LOL

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=iWGA8i6scYY]Wife Beating in Islam - Only a rod will help! - YouTube[/ame]
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Smite their necks means cut their heads off. ( Surah in Qu'ran ) Don't play games with me, Sunni. You're out of your league here.
Actually Jeremiah, your not even in the league........but thanks for trying to play. .. :cool:
Actually Jeremiah, ......your not even in the league........but thanks for trying to play. .. :cool:

Are you running from a non muslim woman over a debate on hadiths and 109 Suras calling for violence from the Qu'ran?

Or are you running because I just proved you lied, Sunni?

Seriously, I know you don't know much about this religion you converted to, Sunni, but you should stick around for the education! Rethink this one. You sound like a coward.
More name calling from the fake Christian. .. :cuckoo:

And when exactly did I take off running??

Of course there are incidences of violence during war in the Quran.......just the same as there is in the Bible. And I could post literally hundreds of verses encouraging murder and violence in the Bible.

But my original statement was that there aren't beheadings or lashings listed in the Quran.

And so far you have failed to prove me wrong. .. :cool:


Violence during war? No, Sunni. Jihad can happen in a civilian neighborhood on a clear blue sky day. See 9/11 for a point of reference.

Let's get this straight for the readers here. There's a difference between the verses in the Torah ( some call Old Testament part of Bible ) referencing violence in war from the 109 violent verses in the Qu'ran and the reason is simple.

The Torah verses were for a specific time and purpose and are not applicable today. They are only referenced as a part of the history of Israel and how G-d led the Israelites into that land which He gave them. The battles are significant in that they give us the history of the region, the Kings of Israel & the enemies they were confronted with. It is a historical account. Nothing more.

In the 21st century, Jews do not take their women out and stone them to death for adultery, there are no more youths taken out of the city to be judged for serious disobedience which G-d had forbidden. None of this is done today. It is part of ancient history. Ask any Jew.

Islam cannot make the same claim. They actively stone adulters to death, behead infidels, and execute their own people for disobedience to the Qu'ran in the 21st century.

Concerning Jihad:

Jihad is still a live doctrine and their belief that they are being oppressed is reason enough to wage it. They could claim they were oppressed from a McDonalds on their street corner and wage jihad. They could wage jihad for a comic of Mohammad, a movie by Geert Wilders or one muslim dying at the hands of a non muslim... ( reason the Muslims set France on fire last time ) they could wage jihad for an endless number of reasons as they do continually throughout the world.

The claim that verses from the bible - referencing violence - are equivalent to the verses of the Koran - referencing violence - are blatantly false because whereas one is a record of history the other is "making a record" in history as the worlds bloodiest religion in the 21st century. Bar none.

- Jeremiah
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Feel free to comment. This is directly related to why this Saudi woman is an example of Sharia law in action. The abbrogation of all violent verses from the Qu'ran - including all hate language and violence against Jews and Christians - the removal of the hadiths would make sure nothing such as this every happens again ( 150 lashes ) - it can be done - the provision is there - but Islamists refuse to consider it.
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Seriously Roudy, you think one unknown Islamic leader speaks for 1.5 billion muslims in the world?? . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, Sunni, have you said one word to condemn such treatment of women? Prove the Muslims aren't like that. Speak out against the cruel treatment of women by other Muslims. Stop supporting the harsh treatment of women. Show compassion. Beating women, lashing them to death, I have a big problem with that. You should too, that you don't is very telling of your religion.
I am opposed to domestic violence against women.......especially in my own country of America.

Here in the U.S. over 75% of the citizens claim to be Christians.......and yet statistics say a woman is beaten or murdered every minute of every day 24/7/365

Which means there are a whole lot of Christians beating the hell out of women in America.

So I don't understand why so many people focus on muslim countries........when DV is epidemic here in the U.S. .. :doubt:

If you were opposed to violence against women you would not have remained silent throughout this thread concerning the Saudi Muslim woman sentenced to death by 150 lashes.
(for driving a car)
Feel free to comment. This is directly related to why this Saudi woman is an example of Sharia law in action. The abbrogation of all violent verses from the Qu'ran- the removal of the hadiths would make sure nothing such as this every happens again ( 150 lashes ) - it can be done - the provision is there - but Islamists refuse to consider it.
Obviously, you don't understand the theological concept of abrogation or how it pertains to the Quran.

btw The entire Old Testament was abrogated by the New Testament.

True story........ :cool:
Smite their necks means cut their heads off. ( Surah in Qu'ran ) Don't play games with me, Sunni. You're out of your league here.
Actually Jeremiah, your not even in the league........but thanks for trying to play. .. :cool:
Actually Jeremiah, ......your not even in the league........but thanks for trying to play. .. :cool:

Are you running from a non muslim woman over a debate on hadiths and 109 Suras calling for violence from the Qu'ran?

Or are you running because I just proved you lied, Sunni?

Seriously, I know you don't know much about this religion you converted to, Sunni, but you should stick around for the education! Rethink this one. You sound like a coward.
More name calling from the fake Christian. .. :cuckoo:

And when exactly did I take off running??

Of course there are incidences of violence during war in the Quran.......just the same as there is in the Bible. And I could post literally hundreds of verses encouraging murder and violence in the Bible.

But my original statement was that there aren't beheadings or lashings listed in the Quran.

And so far you have failed to prove me wrong. .. :cool:


What is written in the Bible and the Quran is irrelevant.

What IS relevant if how what is written in these books is taken too seriously by the followers and applied in real life.
There might be verses in the Bible like you say that encourage violence, but you don't see Christians massacring people today like Muslims do.

Muslims take what's written in the Quran and apply it to real life, by killing in the name of Allah by the tens of thousands.
They take violence to a whole new level :cool:
There are three forms of abbrogation according to the Qu'ran and they could surely abbrogate those verses if they wanted to.
Don't give me this nonsense, Sunni.
Smite their necks means cut their heads off. ( Surah in Qu'ran ) Don't play games with me, Sunni. You're out of your league here.
Actually Jeremiah, your not even in the league........but thanks for trying to play. .. :cool:
Are you running from a non muslim woman over a debate on hadiths and 109 Suras calling for violence from the Qu'ran?

Or are you running because I just proved you lied, Sunni?

Seriously, I know you don't know much about this religion you converted to, Sunni, but you should stick around for the education! Rethink this one. You sound like a coward.
More name calling from the fake Christian. .. :cuckoo:

And when exactly did I take off running??

Of course there are incidences of violence during war in the Quran.......just the same as there is in the Bible. And I could post literally hundreds of verses encouraging murder and violence in the Bible.

But my original statement was that there aren't beheadings or lashings listed in the Quran.

And so far you have failed to prove me wrong. .. :cool:


What is written in the Bible and the Quran is irrelevant.

What IS relevant if how what is written in these books is taken too seriously by the followers and applied in real life.
There might be verses in the Bible like you say that encourage violence, but you don't see Christians massacring people today like Muslims do.

Muslims take what's written in the Quran and apply it to real life, by killing in the name of Allah by the tens of thousands.
They take violence to a whole new level :cool:

I respectfully disagree with you on that one, Toastman. It is relevant. Sunni Man was attempting to use the historical accounts in the Torah to justify the bloodshed waged through jihad today. He has no grounds because there is no comparison to validate his claims.
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