Saudis Refuse to Take Biden's Call

US prices for oil are tied to WORLD prices for oil. The price of gasoline has doubled in Canada as well. Once again, this had NOTHING TO DO WITH BIDEN and everything to do with THE GLOBAL ECONOMY.

I'm so tired to explaining economics 101 shit to right wingers over and over and over again.

how come? you ain't so bright. It's why Trump's prices were half as much as today. shameful to treat citizens of countries so inhumane.
No government should be allowed to murder residents of other countries with impunity. This is no different that Putin poisoning his critics in the UK. It's a war crime. Subject to extreme sanctions.

As far as I'm concerned the entire Middle East should be allowed to kill one another and leave us out of it. All of them. No good has come of messing with their politics, which are completedly fucked.
Yet you do realize the middle. east is full of other countries, do you not?

God damn you willingly contradict yourself as soon as it suits your purpose.
So the obvious question is, if a barrel of oil went up in price today, why too do gas prices? the oil for that gas wasn't bought at that price?
They want the price of gasoline to skyrocket
Libs think high gas prices will cause consumers to buy more electric cars

and it probably will

but the harm they ste doing to America overall will hurt them too
Yet you do realize the middle. east is full of other countries, do you not?

God damn you willingly contradict yourself as soon as it suits your purpose.
Well, she's right about killing journalists .... but the fact is we were meddling with the Saudi govt when we let Khashoggi into the US for the purpose of his writing anti-Saudi pieces for the Wash Post, and some of them were factually "suspect." Khashoggi was opposed to the Saudis opposing Iranian meddling is Yemen. So we were "meddling."

And are we meddling wrongfully when we try to get Iran to stop funding terrorists? Are we meddling when we arm Israel? How about Russia using barrel bombs and napalm on civilians in Syria? I'd be the first to agree W really screwed up in Iraq. But they do have a more democratic govt than before. I'd have used the Red Crescent and UN to directly drive into Iraq and hand out food and health care. But wouldn't that have been meddling?
The Saudis aren't all good, but MbS may not be the worst guy in the ME.
Libs think high gas prices will cause consumers to buy more electric cars

and it probably will

but the harm they ste doing to America overall will hurt them too
well those cars have to be manufactured. and there certainly isn't the business yet to model what they want. so they still put carts before horses and punish their citizens. Simply amazing their lack of empathy to human life.
No government should be allowed to murder residents of other countries with impunity. This is no different that Putin poisoning his critics in the UK. It's a war crime. Subject to extreme sanctions.

As far as I'm concerned the entire Middle East should be allowed to kill one another and leave us out of it. All of them. No good has come of messing with their politics, which are completedly fucked.
Khashoggi hated the Saudis just as his friend Osama bin Laden hated them. He wanted 9/11 to be blamed on the Saudis. Khashoggi wanted to over throw the Saudi government which has been the most pro American and the most stable in the middle east for 80 years... And, we don't give them any foreign aid. You don't know who your friends are.
No, but for oil-hating greenies biden is taking full advantage of a crisis
oh, please. Stop. His polls cratered on inflation. I think Putin has given the world an opportunity to get rid of him, and .... maybe .... reach some agreement on what Nato expects from Russia and what Russia has actual reason to fear. But Biden is going to have difficulty if gas stays over $4, to say nothing of summer AC.
His polls cratered on inflation.
High oil prices is the greatest driver of inflation

some or perhaps many libs see this as an opportunity to impoverish citizens and drive them onto the clutch of the welfare state

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