Saudis Refuse to Take Biden's Call

and yet 5% of oil from russia causes huge spikes in price per gallon. hmmmmmmmmm you're out of touch whatever you are.

US prices for oil are tied to WORLD prices for oil. The price of gasoline has doubled in Canada as well. Once again, this had NOTHING TO DO WITH BIDEN and everything to do with THE GLOBAL ECONOMY.

I'm so tired to explaining economics 101 shit to right wingers over and over and over again.

I would expect you to know more about Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Khashoggi wanted to over throw the Saudi government. He was good friends with Osama bin Laden.

Once again you're promoting Russian propaganda. Khashoggi was a journalist with the Washington Post, living in the USA. MBS launched an elaborate conspiracy to kidnap and murder an American resident, and you seem to be OK with that, because Khashoggi didn't like the Saudi government.

Khashoggi isn't a terrorist. He doesn't have an army or weapons behind him. But you're good with MBS bugging the cell phones of family members, and luring him to the embassy where he was murdered and dismembered.

Certainly says a LOT about YOU that YOU think this is OK.
I would expect you to know more about Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Khashoggi wanted to over throw the Saudi government. He was good friends with Osama bin Laden.
Khashoggi had an agenda against the Saudi Royals, no doubt. And the MSM really did line up with the wash post over that.

I'm not overlooking the Saudis use of white phosphorus or cluster bombs in civilian areas. But we gave them the bombs. And the Iranian backed Houghis are shooting missiles at Saudi civilian targets.

There's only so much Biden can do, and his admin is not a full year old, but I've always been less concerned with Iran developing a nuclear warhead than Iran making "mischief" with its neighbors. I don't like the Israelis, and they are not the same as they were in the 1970s, and that's made me a little leery about the Jews I know who send their kids over there for "cultural enrichment," but overall I think the Israelis, the Saudis, the Jordanians, and most Egyptians can all get along. We should only lift the Iranian sactions if they agree to stop funding terrorists.
Isn't this really about AbS and the Saudis longstanding support of Salah, and then his successor Hadi? And then Salah allied with the Houthi, but then the Houthi killed him in 2017

And Salah was luke warm to W's WOT but AQ and Isis have attacked Salah's faction that the Saudis champion. And of course there's the Khashoggi "thing," but he may not have been the pure as driven snow journalist but may also have been skewing stories against the Saudis for political purposes.

And then, "UN efforts to reboot peace talks were boosted by changes to the US policy towards Yemen announced by President Joe Biden in 2021. He revoked the Trump administration's designation of the Houthis as a terrorist group and ended support for what he called "offensive operations" by the Saudi-led coalition."

But then Blinkin was at DoS when we were giving the Saudis weapons!

It's all confusing. And N. Yemem was a soviet client until the Soviets "briefly" disappeared, which led to Yemen becoming unified under Salah, and then Salah lost his govt to Hadi, but then the Houtis killed Salah in 2017. Abbot and Costello would have field day with this shit.

But Iran is sending the Houthis missiles to shoot at the Saudis. I can sorta see the Saudi's being pissed off over that.
i wanna say there's a good point in here, somewhere.

so i'll just leave it at that.
The ENTIRE WORLD is cutting their use of fossil fuels EXCEPT the USA.

Osama Bin Laden was a Saudi citizen. They never revoked his passport, nor did they declare him a criminal. Most of the pilots who flew the planes on 9/11 were Saudi citizens too. The Saudi's have never directly condemned Al Qaeda or Bin Laden. What more of a link do you need.

No he doesn't but MBS SHOULD be prosecuted for murder. And war crimes against Yemen as well. The guy is no better than Putin and other violent autocrats.
I am sure Saudis will not take your call too :)
I always put the TV on mute when Potatohead is spouting his bullshit. I understand why a foreign leader doesn't want to listen to anything that sonofabitch has to say.

Potatohead knows that the high cost of fuel will be a disaster for the Democrats in the midterms. Instead of telling the Environmental Wackos to screw themselves and go back to Trump's Independence Potatohead wants the Saudis to temporarily bail him out. Piss poor leadership.
Just another reason to remove all barriers to drilling and production of domestic oil.

Flood the market, dump the price, tell the Saudis to suck on it.
Once again you're promoting Russian propaganda. Khashoggi was a journalist with the Washington Post, living in the USA. MBS launched an elaborate conspiracy to kidnap and murder an American resident, and you seem to be OK with that, because Khashoggi didn't like the Saudi government.

Khashoggi isn't a terrorist. He doesn't have an army or weapons behind him. But you're good with MBS bugging the cell phones of family members, and luring him to the embassy where he was murdered and dismembered.

Certainly says a LOT about YOU that YOU think this is OK.
I don't think Khashoggi or the Wash Post were "lilly white" either. But I do think that if the US has differences with Saudi policy, it should not be about that, unless the Saudis make killing US based reporters a practice. But how can we talk to Iran about lifting sanctions when Iran is using the Houghis to attack them?
Thats coming. First Russia.

Then we recoup our relationship with Iran we once had, lift sanctions in return for oil exports, and then sell them all the conventional weapons they need to take care of the Saudis for us.

Lets see how Prince fuck face deals with that.
Establish a relationship with the biggest state sponsor of terrorism on the planet? The same country that chants "death to America" every week?

How about we just use our own oil?
Have you ever observed how the Saudi's behave towards the USA? Have you ever spoke to a Saudi. They tolerate you at best. Because they need protection from Iran, and because they need your money. But as you've cut your dependence on Saudi oil, they've cut their willingness to disguise their contempt. Especially since you're now trying to make deals with Iran - again.

Trump allowed MBS a free hand in the Middle East in Yemen and with his dirty work, and like Putin, he's now emboldened to thumb his nose at Biden, as well.

I don't think Khashoggi or the Wash Post were "lilly white" either. But I do think that if the US has differences with Saudi policy, it should not be about that, unless the Saudis make killing US based reporters a practice. But how can we talk to Iran about lifting sanctions when Iran is using the Houghis to attack them?

No government should be allowed to murder residents of other countries with impunity. This is no different that Putin poisoning his critics in the UK. It's a war crime. Subject to extreme sanctions.

As far as I'm concerned the entire Middle East should be allowed to kill one another and leave us out of it. All of them. No good has come of messing with their politics, which are completedly fucked.
No government should be allowed to murder residents of other countries with impunity. This is no different that Putin poisoning his critics in the UK. It's a war crime. Subject to extreme sanctions.

As far as I'm concerned the entire Middle East should be allowed to kill one another and leave us out of it. All of them. No good has come of messing with their politics, which are completedly fucked.
But Khashoggi was a Saudi who was opposed to his govt. He came here, and the Wash Post hired him to write biased anti-Saudi stories. The Saudis lured him out of the US, and assassinated him. That's wrong. But the Saudis aren't the only bad guys to the story, and they aren't making it a habit.

I do think we need to be on the same page as the Saudis on Yemen, and Iran is in the picture. Imo that's more important than Khashoggi.
increase production. it's really quite simple.
PoliticalChic the demofks are so fked they can't figure out that if you take something away, it must be replaced or prices go up. I will say I did hear xiden state for the US producers with permits to go drill. Kudos to him. Thanks for releasing them from the January stoppage. Hopefully that opened up Alaska. If not, then old xiden needs to approve additional permits. That is, if he believes in his own country or not.
No government should be allowed to murder residents of other countries with impunity. This is no different that Putin poisoning his critics in the UK. It's a war crime. Subject to extreme sanctions.

As far as I'm concerned the entire Middle East should be allowed to kill one another and leave us out of it. All of them. No good has come of messing with their politics, which are completedly fucked.
No government should be allowed to kill their own citizens by creating national emergencies that don't exist. Trudeau a good example of the hate against his own citizens. Whether he agrees with them or not. How fking sad your PM is that ruthless.

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