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Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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This story is reported from RAMALLAH (Ma’an)



Hunger Strike; the same concept as a toddler holding their breath to get their way...

"holding breath'!!!! that is silly----when I was a toddler I DID
HUNGER STRIKES ----until my dad apologized----he always did...
after about five minutes-----but I would hold out a few more
minutes anyway-----I understand samer----he is like me at age
I enjoy watching you try to backtrack and get yourself out of the jams that you get
yourself into.

lol, this is a discussion board about Israel and Palestine, not me. You are the one who attacks a mother who sees her own child hurting and thinks of all the Palestinian
children in that same situation. My humanity and ability to put myself in their shoes for a moment is not something to be ashamed of, it is not. My daughter kept repeating why is this happening to me and it hurts over and over to me and one more time the image I am filled with is knowing those very same words must have been said by children in Palestine to their own mothers so many times after the children were hurt and attacked
by Israeli weapons. Why should I look the other way and pretend Israels attacks on children are not happening like you do?

the bitch should wonder why her kid is so depressed that he
wants to die-----she should,, certainly,, encourage him to
eat rather than BASK IN THE GLORY of martyr bullshit. Does
the bitch bring food on her visits? The idiot might be encouraged
to eat if mom went to the trouble of cooking for him.

Criminal Samer---simply ended up still in prison----his release
was an extortion anyway
Let's put aside Samer for a moment. I wonder why an anxious mother would even continue posting when her child was sick. Why would posting on the Internet be more important? I even wonder why a Christian woman found it so important to post during the holidays instead of spending time with her young children. Something is very wrong with this picture. I am sure we all hope that Sherri's daughter is fine now, but it would be nice to realize that she actually spends time with her children instead of posting on the Internet day and night. Childhood is so short, and posting on the Internet because you hate a country is no reason to put that first in your life instead of your children.

More distortions and lies, all I did was mention I was going to the hospital and might not be posting for awhile. But I did have opportunities to post in the midst of two separate trips to emergency rooms and admitting my daugher into the hospital for 2 days and trips back and forth to the hospital because the other kids could not even go into her hospital room. There is a lot of time in hospitals one is sitting waiting and beside a sleeping child with nothing to do but mess with my phone.


I enjoy watching you try to backtrack and get yourself out of the jams that you get yourself into.

lol, this is a discussion board about Israel and Palestine, not me. You are the one who attacks a mother who sees her own child hurting and thinks of all the Palestinian children in that same situation. My humanity and ability to put myself in their shoes for a moment is not something to be ashamed of, it is not. My daughter kept repeating why is this happening to me and it hurts over and over to me and one more time the image I am filled with is knowing those very same words must have been said by children in Palestine to their own mothers so many times after the children were hurt and attacked by Israeli weapons. Why should I look the other way and pretend Israels attacks on children are not happening like you do?

You were posting about dead children from the hospital, I can only imagine it was from the psyche ward not the emergency room. I am glad to see you are getting the help you need.
the bitch should wonder why her kid is so depressed that he
wants to die-----she should,, certainly,, encourage him to
eat rather than BASK IN THE GLORY of martyr bullshit. Does
the bitch bring food on her visits? The idiot might be encouraged
to eat if mom went to the trouble of cooking for him.

Criminal Samer---simply ended up still in prison----his release
was an extortion anyway


Now, why do you keep telling lies about me and my child? I said none of that about my child, and you are really getting close to attacking my family, and that violates the rules here and is really uncalled for. I do not wish bad things on anyone here or their families, and you need to leave my family out of your attacks. This is supposed to be a place to
discuss Israel and Palestine and what is happening there, not a place to attack poster's families. I said my daughter was sick and I had to take her to the hospital, I discussed her medical problems no further than that and I do not desire to discuss them further than that.


OH what a surprise sherri----I did not know you have a
son named "samer" --in prison on a hunger strike.
I am a bit surprised "samer" is not a name often
used either by american baptists or by Iranian muslims
since----it is---I believe, a very arabic name. I usually
see it spelled in english as SAMIR << I assume
they are both the same name in arabic -----I do not
think it has anything to do with Farsi names

In any case my post was not about you----or your family---
but I can understand that the word "bitch" was a bit
non-specific and therefore you became confused.

Since the post you replied to was about me and my daughter, I assumed you were making these statements about us. And I do not have a son with that name, you are right, but you are mistaken about what you are saying about names, many Arabic names are common names in Iran, like the name, Leila, for example. Also, Jewish names are common in Iran, like the names Daniel and Sarah.

Samer's mother is not allowed to visit him, he is in isolation, an isolation imposed by the ones unalawfully detaining him in violation of international law, the Israeli Occupiers of Palestine!
lol, this is a discussion board about Israel and Palestine, not me. You are the one who attacks a mother who sees her own child hurting and thinks of all the Palestinian
children in that same situation. My humanity and ability to put myself in their shoes for a moment is not something to be ashamed of, it is not. My daughter kept repeating why is this happening to me and it hurts over and over to me and one more time the image I am filled with is knowing those very same words must have been said by children in Palestine to their own mothers so many times after the children were hurt and attacked
by Israeli weapons. Why should I look the other way and pretend Israels attacks on children are not happening like you do?

the bitch should wonder why her kid is so depressed that he
wants to die-----she should,, certainly,, encourage him to
eat rather than BASK IN THE GLORY of martyr bullshit. Does
the bitch bring food on her visits? The idiot might be encouraged
to eat if mom went to the trouble of cooking for him.

Criminal Samer---simply ended up still in prison----his release
was an extortion anyway


Now, why do you keep telling lies about me and my child? I said none of that about my child, and you are really getting close to attacking my family, and that violates the rules here and is really uncalled for. I do not wish bad things on anyone here or their families, and you need to leave my family out of your attacks. This is supposed to be a place to discuss Israel and Palestine and what is happening there, not a place to attack poster's families. I said my daughter was sick and I had to take her to the hospital, I discussed her medical problems no further than that and I do not desire to discuss them further than that.


Please, l'il sherrithing - DO stop your lying for a bit and LISTEN. IFF anyone feels someone else is violating rules, they are supposed to report the situation - NOT to derail a discussion by making accusations.

As to what is or isn't 'uncalled-for' - you have NO ROOM to even bring it up! Not after the way you have attacked posters all the time as being 'led by Satan' and 'not a shred of humanity' and 'scum of the earth' and suchlike. And only for the 'crime' of not agreeing with you..... I haven't seen a lot of posters suggesting that Palestinian children are any 'less' than any others EXCEPT PERHAPS in the eyes of HAMAS and PFLP and such who have indeed deliberately placed them in danger - per HRW (as documented by at least 2 other posters).

It appears that YOU are the liar here, as you've claimed 'Golda Meir was a baby-killer and proud of it' - now how can that be anything but a major distortion? (If Golda's a baby-killer for being in the Israeli government - Samer is one too. Unless, of course, one employs a double standard - which is what people keep objecting to in your posts).

For someone who 'do not wish bad things on anyone here or their families' - you've got a bizarre way of expressing yourself. "Israel has no right to exist" = "your relatives there have no right to live in their homes".

You don't seem to comprehend that you have been slandering and demonizing people's relatives with all your venom about 'Zionists' and 'the Zionist way'.

Nor do you seem to 'get it' that the constant repetition of 'Jews killed Jesus' is always and forever going to be read as shorthand for "I hate all Jews and want them dead: I cheer anyone who kills a Jew". Now I could take the time to explain why that is - but the simple logical short version is: Even if 'those' Jews killed Jesus - there have been many generations since then. AND there is a Biblical reference for NOT punishing descendants for the crimes of past generations as well (that 'sins of the fathers' verse refers to situations like a parent who is drunk or beats the kids: it describes rather accurately that such patterns tend to repeat for several generations - it's NOT a reference to GOD punishing...)

So it's 'unBiblical' to keep pushing that 'Jews killed Jesus' schtick. It's also vindictive as Hell - literally! Same with your continuing to toss around 'chosen' people so very incorrectly.

What *RACE* are the Jewish people?
The truthful answer is that the Jewish people are not a 'race' in any sense. They are the collective group who have chosen to place themselves under the Sinai Covenant - that is the most accurate 'definition'. True then and true now......

It is a monstrous distortion to suggest that Judaism is 'rejecting Jesus': that's like saying taking a car is 'rejecting buses'. The assumption inherent in the thinking one presents by 'defining' Judaism as 'rejecting Jesus' is that somehow 'Jesus' is the default.

A further irony here is that you have quoted Jesus your own self as directing the Jewish People to 'listen to the Pharisees and do as they instruct, for they sit in the seat of Moses' - the plain and obvious meaning of such words is that the 'succession' from Moses to the Rabbis is affirmed by Jesus - which same continues to this day.

So there appears to be NO justification for a Christian to be making such noises as you have. It gives the impression of being said strictly for spite, to attack others for not being Christians. And that does not present 'Christian' in any positive light - quite the opposite!

Now, why do you keep telling lies about me and my child? I said none of that about my child, and you are really getting close to attacking my family, and that violates the rules here and is really uncalled for. I do not wish bad things on anyone here or their families, and you need to leave my family out of your attacks. This is supposed to be a place to
discuss Israel and Palestine and what is happening there, not a place to attack poster's families. I said my daughter was sick and I had to take her to the hospital, I discussed her medical problems no further than that and I do not desire to discuss them further than that.


OH what a surprise sherri----I did not know you have a
son named "samer" --in prison on a hunger strike.
I am a bit surprised "samer" is not a name often
used either by american baptists or by Iranian muslims
since----it is---I believe, a very arabic name. I usually
see it spelled in english as SAMIR << I assume
they are both the same name in arabic -----I do not
think it has anything to do with Farsi names

In any case my post was not about you----or your family---
but I can understand that the word "bitch" was a bit
non-specific and therefore you became confused.

Since the post you replied to was about me and my daughter, I assumed you were making these statements about us. And I do not have a son with that name, you are right, but you are mistaken about what you are saying about names, many Arabic names are common names in Iran, like the name, Leila, for example. Also, Jewish names are common in Iran, like the names Daniel and Sarah.

Samer's mother is not allowed to visit him, he is in isolation, an isolation imposed by the ones unalawfully detaining him in violation of international law, the Israeli Occupiers of Palestine!

There is a term used by your medical staff; it is called "Transference" and it is defined as "a phenomenon characterized by unconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another."

I believe that you are in isolation and your mind is occupied by the voices in your head. This whole idea that you are a champion for any cause is a fabrication or rendering of your fantasy world.
the bitch should wonder why her kid is so depressed that he
wants to die-----she should,, certainly,, encourage him to
eat rather than BASK IN THE GLORY of martyr bullshit. Does
the bitch bring food on her visits? The idiot might be encouraged
to eat if mom went to the trouble of cooking for him.

Criminal Samer---simply ended up still in prison----his release
was an extortion anyway


Now, why do you keep telling lies about me and my child? I said none of that about my child, and you are really getting close to attacking my family, and that violates the rules here and is really uncalled for. I do not wish bad things on anyone here or their families, and you need to leave my family out of your attacks. This is supposed to be a place to discuss Israel and Palestine and what is happening there, not a place to attack poster's families. I said my daughter was sick and I had to take her to the hospital, I discussed her medical problems no further than that and I do not desire to discuss them further than that.


Please, l'il sherrithing - DO stop your lying for a bit and LISTEN. IFF anyone feels someone else is violating rules, they are supposed to report the situation - NOT to derail a discussion by making accusations.

As to what is or isn't 'uncalled-for' - you have NO ROOM to even bring it up! Not after the way you have attacked posters all the time as being 'led by Satan' and 'not a shred of humanity' and 'scum of the earth' and suchlike. And only for the 'crime' of not agreeing with you..... I haven't seen a lot of posters suggesting that Palestinian children are any 'less' than any others EXCEPT PERHAPS in the eyes of HAMAS and PFLP and such who have indeed deliberately placed them in danger - per HRW (as documented by at least 2 other posters).

It appears that YOU are the liar here, as you've claimed 'Golda Meir was a baby-killer and proud of it' - now how can that be anything but a major distortion? (If Golda's a baby-killer for being in the Israeli government - Samer is one too. Unless, of course, one employs a double standard - which is what people keep objecting to in your posts).

For someone who 'do not wish bad things on anyone here or their families' - you've got a bizarre way of expressing yourself. "Israel has no right to exist" = "your relatives there have no right to live in their homes".

You don't seem to comprehend that you have been slandering and demonizing people's relatives with all your venom about 'Zionists' and 'the Zionist way'.

Nor do you seem to 'get it' that the constant repetition of 'Jews killed Jesus' is always and forever going to be read as shorthand for "I hate all Jews and want them dead: I cheer anyone who kills a Jew". Now I could take the time to explain why that is - but the simple logical short version is: Even if 'those' Jews killed Jesus - there have been many generations since then. AND there is a Biblical reference for NOT punishing descendants for the crimes of past generations as well (that 'sins of the fathers' verse refers to situations like a parent who is drunk or beats the kids: it describes rather accurately that such patterns tend to repeat for several generations - it's NOT a reference to GOD punishing...)

So it's 'unBiblical' to keep pushing that 'Jews killed Jesus' schtick. It's also vindictive as Hell - literally! Same with your continuing to toss around 'chosen' people so very incorrectly.

What *RACE* are the Jewish people?
The truthful answer is that the Jewish people are not a 'race' in any sense. They are the collective group who have chosen to place themselves under the Sinai Covenant - that is the most accurate 'definition'. True then and true now......

It is a monstrous distortion to suggest that Judaism is 'rejecting Jesus': that's like saying taking a car is 'rejecting buses'. The assumption inherent in the thinking one presents by 'defining' Judaism as 'rejecting Jesus' is that somehow 'Jesus' is the default.

A further irony here is that you have quoted Jesus your own self as directing the Jewish People to 'listen to the Pharisees and do as they instruct, for they sit in the seat of Moses' - the plain and obvious meaning of such words is that the 'succession' from Moses to the Rabbis is affirmed by Jesus - which same continues to this day.

So there appears to be NO justification for a Christian to be making such noises as you have. It gives the impression of being said strictly for spite, to attack others for not being Christians. And that does not present 'Christian' in any positive light - quite the opposite!


Please do not tell lies about the rules, noone believes your lies.

And general attacks about other posts of mine, I can't respond to without the posts even here, as you distort my words, standard tactics of a witch.

Golda Meir was a baby killer, she admits it by her own words, she admits killing children, and then she tries to justify it by blaming it on the Palestinians. Samer has not said he killed babies and then blame it on the Israeli, only Golda did that, when you compare the two to each other. We have an unlawfully detained Palestinian political prisoner and we have an Israeli leader who admitted to killing children. No doubt but who has more to answer to God for, between those two!

Stating a Nation does not deserve to exist because of their bad acts is not wishing anyone dead, many people thought Nazi Germany did not deserve to continue to exist, and very similar reasons are behind people's beliefs about Israel not desrerving to exist. Just because individuals might have relatives in either is not a reason to excuse the gross human rights abuses that are present in Israel and in Israel's Occupation of Palestine and desiring an evil Regime cease to exist is not wishing harm to individuals or their families.

I never said to the witch, "your relatives there have no right to live in their homes." There is another lie of the witch.

Jews killed Jesus is what my Bible tells me happened, if you cannot handle the truth, that is simply too bad. And the words mean what they say and nothing more, I am not accusing you of killing Jesus. More distortions of my words by the witch!

Jews do not accept Jesus as the Messiah, that is a fact. And about Jesus words, in the Gospels, one has to take into account His work was not yet complete until the Crucifixion. He fulfilled what had been written, but His work was not fully complete untiil after His death and resurrection. The Law had no place anymore from that point forward.

The key Christian Bible verse explaining what gives a person Salavation, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, is John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

LOL @ the nasty little sherrithing pretending to be offended!

It's so cute, it just gives me the giggles...... : ))

PS: Show us the quotes from Golda, or it didn't happen!
To the Ladies of the Forum Here,

Please, let's play nice and pursue our discussions with civility.

Let's all recognize that opinions and perceptions are what makes the discussion most interest. But I'm an old man, and blush easily. And that ain't easy for a poor little Sicilian boy that has six tours to combat zones (not counting Boston, New York and Wash DC).

It's a beautiful New Year here in Ohio, on the 40th Parallel.

BTW, I got one of those Mr Coffee Machine's here, with the little K-Cup thingees that makes the coffee for you. Do any of you have a particular coffee flavor that you enjoy --- that you think I should try?

Have a Grand & Glorious Day
Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
Jesus even speaks about hunger strikers, now how amazing is that!

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."

There it is, in Jesus very own words, I know I had already felt with certainty a man engaged in this type of undertaking, especially after reading Samer's letter of December 26had Jesus with Him. But here is more confirmation that this is true, in Jesus very own words.


ROFLMAO "jesus' very own word" What is TRULY AMAZING
is that there exists a jerk in the world who actually manages to
words noted above---allegedly spoken 2000 years ago as a
description of a 'HUNGER STRIKE' There are words in
the field of neuro-psychiatry to describe your thought-disorder,
sherri----but I prefer not to use LINGO

I will help you sherri----in order to come close to understanding
what jesus said----or what is written in the New Testament---that
he said-----you have to know lots of things. A good thing to
know is "WHO SAID HE SAID IT" not all the gospel
writers even knew aramaic eg LUKE---i believe----did not.
I am almost sure MATTHEW did After that you have
to have some idea about aramaic usages of the time---that
is ---jewish aramaic----since aramaic did exist in a jewish
(hebraic) form at that time a bit different non jewish
aramaic speakers ----there were colloquialisms For
all that stuff-----ask someone who is such a good
Talmudist that he actually KNOWS aramaic Aramaic
usages of that time show up in the Talmud<<best source.

(hint----the words do not describe a 'hunger strike'
since you are a scholar of the bible---can you cite
an event in the bible that could --sorta--be considered
a hunger strike? I can----and I read it MANY
DECADES AGO and not since---I bet jeremiah
Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
Jesus even speaks about hunger strikers, now how amazing is that!

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."

There it is, in Jesus very own words, I know I had already felt with certainty a man engaged in this type of undertaking, especially after reading Samer's letter of December 26had Jesus with Him. But here is more confirmation that this is true, in Jesus very own words.


ROFLMAO "jesus' very own word" What is TRULY AMAZING
is that there exists a jerk in the world who actually manages to
words noted above---allegedly spoken 2000 years ago as a
description of a 'HUNGER STRIKE' There are words in
the field of neuro-psychiatry to describe your thought-disorder,
sherri----but I prefer not to use LINGO

I will help you sherri----in order to come close to understanding
what jesus said----or what is written in the New Testament---that
he said-----you have to know lots of things. A good thing to
know is "WHO SAID HE SAID IT" not all the gospel
writers even knew aramaic eg LUKE---i believe----did not.
I am almost sure MATTHEW did After that you have
to have some idea about aramaic usages of the time---that
is ---jewish aramaic----since aramaic did exist in a jewish
(hebraic) form at that time a bit different non jewish
aramaic speakers ----there were colloquialisms For
all that stuff-----ask someone who is such a good
Talmudist that he actually KNOWS aramaic Aramaic
usages of that time show up in the Talmud<<best source.

(hint----the words do not describe a 'hunger strike'
since you are a scholar of the bible---can you cite
an event in the bible that could --sorta--be considered
a hunger strike? I can----and I read it MANY
DECADES AGO and not since---I bet jeremiah


I read His words, the words of Jesus, and I believe them. I do not consult one who rejects Jesus as the Messiah and ask them what the words mean.

One who hungers and thirsts for righteousness, aka justice, will be filled.

There are many ways we can do this, but the words also describes the literal act of carrying this out.

Jesus when He was tempted in the wildreness was illustrating this, when He fasted for 40 days.

I have an illustration of what this means from Jesus own life, as an example of a life I am to follow.

Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
Jesus even speaks about hunger strikers, now how amazing is that!

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."

There it is, in Jesus very own words, I know I had already felt with certainty a man engaged in this type of undertaking, especially after reading Samer's letter of December 26had Jesus with Him. But here is more confirmation that this is true, in Jesus very own words.


ROFLMAO "jesus' very own word" What is TRULY AMAZING
is that there exists a jerk in the world who actually manages to
words noted above---allegedly spoken 2000 years ago as a
description of a 'HUNGER STRIKE' There are words in
the field of neuro-psychiatry to describe your thought-disorder,
sherri----but I prefer not to use LINGO

I will help you sherri----in order to come close to understanding
what jesus said----or what is written in the New Testament---that
he said-----you have to know lots of things. A good thing to
know is "WHO SAID HE SAID IT" not all the gospel
writers even knew aramaic eg LUKE---i believe----did not.
I am almost sure MATTHEW did After that you have
to have some idea about aramaic usages of the time---that
is ---jewish aramaic----since aramaic did exist in a jewish
(hebraic) form at that time a bit different non jewish
aramaic speakers ----there were colloquialisms For
all that stuff-----ask someone who is such a good
Talmudist that he actually KNOWS aramaic Aramaic
usages of that time show up in the Talmud<<best source.

(hint----the words do not describe a 'hunger strike'
since you are a scholar of the bible---can you cite
an event in the bible that could --sorta--be considered
a hunger strike? I can----and I read it MANY
DECADES AGO and not since---I bet jeremiah

I read His words, the words of Jesus, and I believe them. I do not consult one who rejects Jesus as the Messiah and ask them what the words mean.

One who hungers and thirsts for righteousness, aka justice, will be filled.

There are many ways we can do this, but the words also describes the literal act of
carrying this out.

Jesus when He was tempted in the wildreness was illustrating this, when He fasted for 40 days.

I have an illustration of what this means from Jesus own life, as an example of a life I am to follow.


sherri---you are actually vulgar-----you are not interested in
knowing what jesus said----you are interested in creating
a creed based on your own mindset and personal
bigotries and projecting them onto a mythic person .
It is insulting to that person who, MOST PROBABLY
was very real---spoke a real language---(not english) ---
used imagery and symbolism known to the people
with whom he spoke (not sourthern baptists) and like
most people who are social &/or poltical leaders would
like not to be misrepresented OR USED by persons
with a sick agenda
Rocco, you are a sweetie! : )) No, I don't have one of those gizmos: I own what I call 'Ms. Tea' (there actually was a commercial product of that name for a while). It's just my name for all the 'coffemakers' I've bought through the years..... The 'secret' is to ONLY use it for tea or 'boiling' water, never to let coffee sully its plastic parts.

To brew a fine pot of tea, take a paper filter and insert in the brew basket: add loose tea to just cover the bottom of the basket, insert into machine and fill reservoir with water...... almost-instant tea! You can use bags, about four per (10-12 'cup') pot. Much cheaper than the Keurig, very much the same, and hardly any less convenient (especially if you keep a stack of 'filled' filters in a canister nearby).
Isn't anyone else curious as to how a Christian who won't even consider the words of non-Christians on the Bible manages to stay married to an actual 'GOD rejecter'?

For one, isn't there a conflict with the Biblical instruction for 'wives, obey your husbands'? And another conflict with the instruction about 'not being unequally yoked'?
Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
Jesus even speaks about hunger strikers, now how amazing is that!

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."

There it is, in Jesus very own words, I know I had already felt with certainty a man engaged in this type of undertaking, especially after reading Samer's letter of December 26had Jesus with Him. But here is more confirmation that this is true, in Jesus very own words.


ROFLMAO "jesus' very own word" What is TRULY AMAZING
is that there exists a jerk in the world who actually manages to
words noted above---allegedly spoken 2000 years ago as a
description of a 'HUNGER STRIKE' There are words in
the field of neuro-psychiatry to describe your thought-disorder,
sherri----but I prefer not to use LINGO

I will help you sherri----in order to come close to understanding
what jesus said----or what is written in the New Testament---that
he said-----you have to know lots of things. A good thing to
know is "WHO SAID HE SAID IT" not all the gospel
writers even knew aramaic eg LUKE---i believe----did not.
I am almost sure MATTHEW did After that you have
to have some idea about aramaic usages of the time---that
is ---jewish aramaic----since aramaic did exist in a jewish
(hebraic) form at that time a bit different non jewish
aramaic speakers ----there were colloquialisms For
all that stuff-----ask someone who is such a good
Talmudist that he actually KNOWS aramaic Aramaic
usages of that time show up in the Talmud<<best source.

(hint----the words do not describe a 'hunger strike'
since you are a scholar of the bible---can you cite
an event in the bible that could --sorta--be considered
a hunger strike? I can----and I read it MANY
DECADES AGO and not since---I bet jeremiah


I read His words, the words of Jesus, and I believe them. I do not consult one who rejects Jesus as the Messiah and ask them what the words mean.

One who hungers and thirsts for righteousness, aka justice, will be filled.

There are many ways we can do this, but the words also describes the literal act of carrying this out.

Jesus when He was tempted in the wildreness was illustrating this, when He fasted for 40 days.

I have an illustration of what this means from Jesus own life, as an example of a life I am to follow.

I have a great idea. There are Assyrians living in the U.S. who are busy learning Aramaic. Perhaps they will be able to translate the Aramaic in the original Bible for Sherri. She might not like to hear what they say, but at least she will finally get a translation from them. By the way, i would think that Jesus would be happy if "good Christian mothers" spent time with their children instead of spending their life castigating His fellow Jews on the Internet.
Isn't anyone else curious as to how a Christian who won't even consider the words of non-Christians on the Bible manages to stay married to an actual 'GOD rejecter'?

For one, isn't there a conflict with the Biblical instruction for 'wives, obey your husbands'? And another conflict with the instruction about 'not being unequally yoked'?
witch and christ rejecter, Do not need advice from you, you have your own sins to answer for being a witch and leading your husband away from Jesus as you did!
  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
Jesus even speaks about hunger strikers, now how amazing is that!

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."

There it is, in Jesus very own words, I know I had already felt with certainty a man engaged in this type of undertaking, especially after reading Samer's letter of December 26had Jesus with Him. But here is more confirmation that this is true, in Jesus very own words.


ROFLMAO "jesus' very own word" What is TRULY AMAZING
is that there exists a jerk in the world who actually manages to
words noted above---allegedly spoken 2000 years ago as a
description of a 'HUNGER STRIKE' There are words in
the field of neuro-psychiatry to describe your thought-disorder,
sherri----but I prefer not to use LINGO

I will help you sherri----in order to come close to understanding
what jesus said----or what is written in the New Testament---that
he said-----you have to know lots of things. A good thing to
know is "WHO SAID HE SAID IT" not all the gospel
writers even knew aramaic eg LUKE---i believe----did not.
I am almost sure MATTHEW did After that you have
to have some idea about aramaic usages of the time---that
is ---jewish aramaic----since aramaic did exist in a jewish
(hebraic) form at that time a bit different non jewish
aramaic speakers ----there were colloquialisms For
all that stuff-----ask someone who is such a good
Talmudist that he actually KNOWS aramaic Aramaic
usages of that time show up in the Talmud<<best source.

(hint----the words do not describe a 'hunger strike'
since you are a scholar of the bible---can you cite
an event in the bible that could --sorta--be considered
a hunger strike? I can----and I read it MANY
DECADES AGO and not since---I bet jeremiah


I read His words, the words of Jesus, and I believe them. I do not consult one who rejects Jesus as the Messiah and ask them what the words mean.

One who hungers and thirsts for righteousness, aka justice, will be filled.

There are many ways we can do this, but the words also describes the literal act of carrying this out.

Jesus when He was tempted in the wildreness was illustrating this, when He fasted for 40 days.

I have an illustration of what this means from Jesus own life, as an example of a life I am to follow.

I have a great idea. There are Assyrians living in the U.S. who are busy learning Aramaic. Perhaps they will be able to translate the Aramaic in the original Bible for Sherri. She might not like to hear what they say, but at least she will finally get a translation from them. By the way, i would think that Jesus would be happy if "good Christian mothers" spent time with their children instead of spending their life castigating His fellow Jews on the Internet.
There is no original Aramaic Bible, at the time it was written what we call The Old Testament had already been translated into Greek and The Bible was first written in Greek and not Aramaic.
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