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Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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I cannot buy into your way of thinking, because it would require that I renounce Christainaity, considering that Jesus was a Martyr!
Meh, the idiot wants to die. Let him.

Alway supporting death, and rejecting life!

The Zionist Way!
I'm pro-choice. He wants to die. Why are you trying...lamely, I might add...to keep him from doing what he wants to do?

Are you a Nazi?


That was rhetorical, by the way.

Seriously, you make me laugh. Usually I avoid these Pal-Israel threads, but dayum, you are a great chew toy.

I thank you for that.
I cannot buy into your way of thinking, because it would require that I renounce Christainaity, considering that Jesus was a Martyr!
Meh, the idiot wants to die. Let him.

Alway supporting death, and rejecting life!

The Zionist Way!

Actually that's exactly the way of your heroes, Hamas, and yours too, judging by how you support their provocative attacks on their neighbour, Israel, and given the fact that you have very unambiguously expressed your endorsement of their desire that Israel be wiped off the map. You, you sad old anti-Christ isa lover, are nothing more than a foaming at the mouth genocidal anti Semitic terrorist supporter.
et al,

So what is the prognosis on this: Samer Issawi. (A prediction of the probable course and outcome of his suicide attempt.)

My understanding is that Issawi is a terrorist. My understanding is that he was arrested during “Operation Defensive Shield;” on charges of possession of weapons and forming military groups in Jerusalem. That he went to trial and was convicted; sentenced to 30 years. He apparently served 10 years and was released in a mass prisoner exchange (Hamas and the Israeli). Issawi was subsequently re-arrested for violating the term of his parole.

So now, Issawi is attempting a form of suicide (hunger strike - slow death) under the concept of "freedom - or - martyrdom." As this is a religious ritual, I fail to see the issue.

Is the question a matter of his right to commit suicide?

Most Respectfully,

No, he is not a terrorist. He is a Palestinian political prisoner, who I do not think is even associated with Hamas, nothing I have read says he is. He was released in the Shalit prisoner exchange deal, in an agreement between Israel and Hamas to exchange prisoners and release certain prisoners. He was abducted by the Occupying Forces subsequently and is held under administrative detention practices, with no charges lodged against him, that all intl legal authorities and human rights groups call unlawful. He is an unlawfully detained political prisoner, opposing his unlawful and unjust detention by carrying out a hunger strike.

He is doing what Jesus did, I cannot help a nonChristian understand Jesus!


Nah ... he's just a murderous terror-rat. :D
et al,

So what is the prognosis on this: Samer Issawi. (A prediction of the probable course and outcome of his suicide attempt.)

My understanding is that Issawi is a terrorist. My understanding is that he was arrested during “Operation Defensive Shield;” on charges of possession of weapons and forming military groups in Jerusalem. That he went to trial and was convicted; sentenced to 30 years. He apparently served 10 years and was released in a mass prisoner exchange (Hamas and the Israeli). Issawi was subsequently re-arrested for violating the term of his parole.

So now, Issawi is attempting a form of suicide (hunger strike - slow death) under the concept of "freedom - or - martyrdom." As this is a religious ritual, I fail to see the issue.

Is the question a matter of his right to commit suicide?

Most Respectfully,

No doubt it is different all over the world, but in civilised countries there is probably at least an ethical obstacle - if not a legal one - to allowing people who are incarcerated - for whatever reason - to take their own life, including starving to death. I expect the medics will attempt to pass a nasogastric tube, he will resist, then they may have to sedate him in some way to achieve that. They will attempt to feed him via the NG tube, he will probably resist and repeatedly pull it out, causing himself some injury as they are sometimes sutured in place. There will be an outcry regarding TORTURING the poor SOB, with Sherri and other useful idiots at the helm. No need to watch this space as I'm sure the tireless dhimmi herself will keep us updated :lol: However, at the end of the day it can be very difficult to feed someone who has decided they definitely will not let you, so he will probably get his houris anon, and Israel will be demonised and blamed for his death by the sherri's of this world, no matter whether they try hard to keep him alive, or whether they honour his wishes and allow him to starve to death and become yet another miserable shaheed. I'm not sure I care.

You are describing a procedure that is unlawful under international law!

But that is Angelica for you, recommending violations of intl law by Israel ,cheering on violations of intl law by the God she bows down to and worships, Israel!

Do you never tire of kissing the ass of baby killers in Israel?

I guess not, I expect you are filled with joy with every child that is killed by Israel, the Angelica way, the Zionist way, kill the Gentiles, especially the children, cheero n Isreal's killing of the innocent!

How utterly disgusting and vile you are!

If Samer Issawi wants to take his own life who cares!

This martyrdom obsession of crazy Islamists Palestinians indicates what a backward, primitive society they really are!

Thousands and thousands of people die daily all over the world, his death won't make any difference and it will only prove that blackmail doesn't work!

It's a blackmail tactic which should not be allowed to succeed.

I cannot buy into your way of thinking...!

Of course you can't because it would require thinking and you're just not capable. :D
et al,

So what is the prognosis on this: Samer Issawi. (A prediction of the probable course and outcome of his suicide attempt.)

My understanding is that Issawi is a terrorist. My understanding is that he was arrested during “Operation Defensive Shield;” on charges of possession of weapons and forming military groups in Jerusalem. That he went to trial and was convicted; sentenced to 30 years. He apparently served 10 years and was released in a mass prisoner exchange (Hamas and the Israeli). Issawi was subsequently re-arrested for violating the term of his parole.

So now, Issawi is attempting a form of suicide (hunger strike - slow death) under the concept of "freedom - or - martyrdom." As this is a religious ritual, I fail to see the issue.

Is the question a matter of his right to commit suicide?

Most Respectfully,

No doubt it is different all over the world, but in civilised countries there is probably at least an ethical obstacle - if not a legal one - to allowing people who are incarcerated - for whatever reason - to take their own life, including starving to death. I expect the medics will attempt to pass a nasogastric tube, he will resist, then they may have to sedate him in some way to achieve that. They will attempt to feed him via the NG tube, he will probably resist and repeatedly pull it out, causing himself some injury as they are sometimes sutured in place. There will be an outcry regarding TORTURING the poor SOB, with Sherri and other useful idiots at the helm. No need to watch this space as I'm sure the tireless dhimmi herself will keep us updated :lol: However, at the end of the day it can be very difficult to feed someone who has decided they definitely will not let you, so he will probably get his houris anon, and Israel will be demonised and blamed for his death by the sherri's of this world, no matter whether they try hard to keep him alive, or whether they honour his wishes and allow him to starve to death and become yet another miserable shaheed. I'm not sure I care.

You are describing a procedure that is unlawful under international law!

But that is Angelica for you, recommending violations of intl law by Israel ,cheering on violations of intl law by the God she bows down to and worships, Israel!

Do you never tire of kissing the ass of baby killers in Israel?

I guess not, I expect you are filled with joy with every child that is killed by Israel, the Angelica way, the Zionist way, kill the Gentiles, especially the children, cheero n Isreal's killing of the innocent!

How utterly disgusting and vile you are!


Soooo, you require Israeli officials just let the idiot die to serve your propaganda? Isn't that a bit goulish of a good Christian? :D
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et al,

So what is the prognosis on this: Samer Issawi. (A prediction of the probable course and outcome of his suicide attempt.)

My understanding is that Issawi is a terrorist. My understanding is that he was arrested during “Operation Defensive Shield;” on charges of possession of weapons and forming military groups in Jerusalem. That he went to trial and was convicted; sentenced to 30 years. He apparently served 10 years and was released in a mass prisoner exchange (Hamas and the Israeli). Issawi was subsequently re-arrested for violating the term of his parole.

So now, Issawi is attempting a form of suicide (hunger strike - slow death) under the concept of "freedom - or - martyrdom." As this is a religious ritual, I fail to see the issue.

Is the question a matter of his right to commit suicide?

Most Respectfully,

No, he is not a terrorist. He is a Palestinian political prisoner, who I do not think is even associated with Hamas, nothing I have read says he is. He was released in the Shalit prisoner exchange deal, in an agreement between Israel and Hamas to exchange prisoners and release certain prisoners. He was abducted by the Occupying Forces subsequently and is held under administrative detention practices, with no charges lodged against him, that all intl legal authorities and human rights groups call unlawful. He is an unlawfully detained political prisoner, opposing his unlawful and unjust detention by carrying out a hunger strike.

He is doing what Jesus did, I cannot help a nonChristian understand Jesus!


Nah ... he's just a murderous terror-rat. :D

Who's too cowardly to take responsibility and do the time. I kind of hope his date with the brothel in the sky and his inevitable martyrdom is delayed somewhat. Fatten him up and make him live with the consequences of his actions. Sherri said everyone is responsible for their own actions, so should he be allowed to escape the consequences with this ignoble gesture? Maybe not.
et al,

So what is the prognosis on this: Samer Issawi. (A prediction of the probable course and outcome of his suicide attempt.)

My understanding is that Issawi is a terrorist. My understanding is that he was arrested during “Operation Defensive Shield;” on charges of possession of weapons and forming military groups in Jerusalem. That he went to trial and was convicted; sentenced to 30 years. He apparently served 10 years and was released in a mass prisoner exchange (Hamas and the Israeli). Issawi was subsequently re-arrested for violating the term of his parole.

So now, Issawi is attempting a form of suicide (hunger strike - slow death) under the concept of "freedom - or - martyrdom." As this is a religious ritual, I fail to see the issue.

Is the question a matter of his right to commit suicide?

Most Respectfully,

No doubt it is different all over the world, but in civilised countries there is probably at least an ethical obstacle - if not a legal one - to allowing people who are incarcerated - for whatever reason - to take their own life, including starving to death. I expect the medics will attempt to pass a nasogastric tube, he will resist, then they may have to sedate him in some way to achieve that. They will attempt to feed him via the NG tube, he will probably resist and repeatedly pull it out, causing himself some injury as they are sometimes sutured in place. There will be an outcry regarding TORTURING the poor SOB, with Sherri and other useful idiots at the helm. No need to watch this space as I'm sure the tireless dhimmi herself will keep us updated :lol: However, at the end of the day it can be very difficult to feed someone who has decided they definitely will not let you, so he will probably get his houris anon, and Israel will be demonised and blamed for his death by the sherri's of this world, no matter whether they try hard to keep him alive, or whether they honour his wishes and allow him to starve to death and become yet another miserable shaheed. I'm not sure I care.

You are describing a procedure that is unlawful under international law!

But that is Angelica for you, recommending violations of intl law by Israel ,cheering on violations of intl law by the God she bows down to and worships, Israel!

Do you never tire of kissing the ass of baby killers in Israel?

I guess not, I expect you are filled with joy with every child that is killed by Israel, the Angelica way, the Zionist way, kill the Gentiles, especially the children, cheero n Isreal's killing of the innocent!

How utterly disgusting and vile you are!


What on earth are you whiterring on about, you mad old bat :lol:

I had a feeling he might do that.
Too cowardly to face the consequences and do his time, but not finding starving himself to death such an easy option either. Poor lamb :lol:
How the fuck does one "suspend" a hunger strike? :lol:
Meh, the idiot wants to die. Let him.

Alway supporting death, and rejecting life!

The Zionist Way!
I'm pro-choice. He wants to die. Why are you trying...lamely, I might add...to keep him from doing what he wants to do?

Are you a Nazi?


That was rhetorical, by the way.

Seriously, you make me laugh. Usually I avoid these Pal-Israel threads, but dayum, you are a great chew toy.

I thank you for that.

I am not trying to stop him from doing what God is calling him to do!

But nothing requires Israel to keep unlawfully detaining him, either!

With this Palestinian hunger striker, there appears to be no action of NGOs presently taking place I can join in and support, I have not seen any petitions I can sign on his behalf, Amnesty has not urged people to write the members of the Knesset, as they did before with prior hunger striking prisoners. I did that before, actually, for prior hunger striking prisoners, I emailed a letter to each member of the Knessset on their behalf. And the prisoners were released, and their lives were saved.

I am going to look into this further, what his sister is doing, she is supposed to have a Facebook page up on this, and see if there is anything more I can do.

Sherri, since you claim to be a lawyer, I'm not sure why I have to inform you that if you persist in sending me private messages in which you refer to me as 'baby killer' you are going to find yourself on the wrong side of the bar. Take heed because this will be your only warning from me. Your unhinged private messages are unsolicited and unwanted, whatever their content, btw.
Alway supporting death, and rejecting life!

The Zionist Way!
I'm pro-choice. He wants to die. Why are you trying...lamely, I might add...to keep him from doing what he wants to do?

Are you a Nazi?


That was rhetorical, by the way.

Seriously, you make me laugh. Usually I avoid these Pal-Israel threads, but dayum, you are a great chew toy.

I thank you for that.

I am not trying to stop him from doing what God is calling him to do!

But nothing requires Israel to keep unlawfully detaining him, either!

With this Palestinian hunger striker, there appears to be no action of NGOs presently taking place I can join in and support, I have not seen any petitions I can sign on his behalf, Amnesty has not urged people to write the members of the Knesset, as they did before with prior hunger striking prisoners. I did that before, actually, for prior hunger striking prisoners, I emailed a letter to each member of the Knessset on their behalf. And the prisoners were released, and their lives were saved.

I am going to look into this further, what his sister is doing, she is supposed to have a Facebook page up on this, and see if there is anything more I can do.

Ahhhh, you're one of those who hears "God" speaking to you or others.

Got it. :thup:

I had a feeling he might do that.
Too cowardly to face the consequences and do his time, but not finding starving himself to death such an easy option either. Poor lamb :lol:
How the fuck does one "suspend" a hunger strike? :lol:

He'll have just as many Big Macs as it takes to remove him from the danger zone, 10 days worth, it would seem. Hunger strikers can go on for years like that.
I had a feeling he might do that.
Too cowardly to face the consequences and do his time, but not finding starving himself to death such an easy option either. Poor lamb :lol:
How the fuck does one "suspend" a hunger strike? :lol:

He'll have just as many Big Macs as it takes to remove him from the danger zone, 10 days worth, it would seem. Hunger strikers can go on for years like that.

But the drama is funny as hell....just like daytime television. Melodramatic.

Damn, this is great stuff.

I had a feeling he might do that.
Too cowardly to face the consequences and do his time, but not finding starving himself to death such an easy option either. Poor lamb :lol:
How the fuck does one "suspend" a hunger strike? :lol:

That is another hunger striker that suspended his hunger strike, not Samer, and I think the expalnation of what is happening there with the other hunger striker is that there is some deal being worked on for his release, that is pending.

How does one suspend a hunger strike? They stop it for a set timeframe, that they decide on individually.

There is a man who was on a hunger strike in Iran, arrested and convicted for blogging and insulting the religious leader and Ahmadinejad. He was on a hunger strike, then he went on a liquid only fast. People make their own decisions about all of this, it is up to them.
Sherri, since you claim to be a lawyer, I'm not sure why I have to inform you that if you persist in sending me private messages in which you refer to me as 'baby killer' you are going to find yourself on the wrong side of the bar. Take heed because this will be your only warning from me. Your unhinged private messages are unsolicited and unwanted, whatever their content, btw.

You support baby killing, that defines who you are!

You do not like it, too bad!

I sent you no private messages, psycho bitch!
Sherri, since you claim to be a lawyer, I'm not sure why I have to inform you that if you persist in sending me private messages in which you refer to me as 'baby killer' you are going to find yourself on the wrong side of the bar. Take heed because this will be your only warning from me. Your unhinged private messages are unsolicited and unwanted, whatever their content, btw.

You support baby killing, that defines who you are!

You do not like it, too bad!

I sent you no private messages, psycho bitch!

You just sent it to me, its in my folder, you mendacious moron. But fine, have it your way, don't say you weren't warned. You are so dumb for an alleged lawyer.
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