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Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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It's so fucking funny, I'm almost pissing my pants.

I don't care if the wanker dies....really....because he chooses to do this.

Alice Paul: An American suffragette, Alice Paul fought to get women the right to vote with passion and tenacity. Hunger strikes were a powerful tool for suffragettes, and Paul went on one while imprisoned in 1917 at Virginia’s Occoquan Workhouse to protest the poor conditions. (She’d been arrested for “obstructing traffic” with a protest.) Her hunger strike got her a ticket to the psych ward, where she was force-fed raw eggs, but her protest served a larger purpose by helping fan the flames of public opinion. In 1918, President Wilson spoke of the need for suffrage, and women earned the right to vote in 1920 with the Nineteenth Amendment. Paul also wrote an Equal Rights Amendment, though a version of the ERA wouldn’t show up until 1972.

Alice Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah well no one's going to sympathize with the terrorists just because one of them was stupid enough to starve himself.

you simply LACK COMPASSION-----sherri sympathizes----but she would love
him a lot more if he would break out of jail and slit a few infant throats for
Samer Issawi’s village in al Issawia being raided December 19, 2012



Baby killing and land stealing and Gentile attacking Israel shows herself, one more time, to be the Nazi Zionist Regime she is!

They really do need to put up that statue of Hitler, that is all that is missing!

Wow, Sherri found some photos of Israeli soldiers, as her "proof". What a fucking creep.

Imagine living with this lunatic day in and day out. Only if you're a lunatic yourself will you be able to.

typical post from a jew.

Typical post from a heavily medicated Jew hating drunkard. Happy Alcoholidays!
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I just got a pork tenderloin seasoned with garlic and pepper. I can include that in the box when I re-gift a Christmas fruitcake to him. Gosh, I'll even toss in a pound of bacon, that's frozen, too, so it should ship well.

What's that address Sherri? Sig heil, btw.
Don't bother sending any bacon to Sherri, she doesn't eat her own kind.
Alice Paul: An American suffragette, Alice Paul fought to get women the right to vote with passion and tenacity. Hunger strikes were a powerful tool for suffragettes, and Paul went on one while imprisoned in 1917 at Virginia’s Occoquan Workhouse to protest the poor conditions. (She’d been arrested for “obstructing traffic” with a protest.) Her hunger strike got her a ticket to the psych ward, where she was force-fed raw eggs, but her protest served a larger purpose by helping fan the flames of public opinion. In 1918, President Wilson spoke of the need for suffrage, and women earned the right to vote in 1920 with the Nineteenth Amendment. Paul also wrote an Equal Rights Amendment, though a version of the ERA wouldn’t show up until 1972.

Alice Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
She didn't die? Poor thing. :rolleyes:

no kiddin' women should be kept barefoot and pregnant, right? give up their seats to men on the bus...oh wait...that occurs in places thaat refer to themselves as "a light unto the nations".
Help save Raebo-Seal.....FROM HIMSELF! Send your donations to a special charity set up for him: www.NaziCockSuckers.com
gee----sherri is so worried about the saints she worships----
the INNOCENT SAMIR_---collector of infant murdering weapons---
and SHAYKH ABDEL RAHMAN----who failed in his attempt
to kill tens of thousands and was unfairly jailed for killing
only six and-----injuring a few hundred----some only minor
injuries. It is certainly UNFAIR to object to a failed
murderer just as it is unfair to object to failed baby brain
smashing nail bombs

in fact Shaykh Abdel Rahman should be awarrded a medal
and ---lifetime pension by the president for NOT murdering
so many people --------sherri is right and Lynn Stewart---
the heroine who let him communicate with his fellow

see ? I can be a lawyer-----just like sherri----I use her LAWYERLY
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Alice Paul: An American suffragette, Alice Paul fought to get women the right to vote with passion and tenacity. Hunger strikes were a powerful tool for suffragettes, and Paul went on one while imprisoned in 1917 at Virginia’s Occoquan Workhouse to protest the poor conditions. (She’d been arrested for “obstructing traffic” with a protest.) Her hunger strike got her a ticket to the psych ward, where she was force-fed raw eggs, but her protest served a larger purpose by helping fan the flames of public opinion. In 1918, President Wilson spoke of the need for suffrage, and women earned the right to vote in 1920 with the Nineteenth Amendment. Paul also wrote an Equal Rights Amendment, though a version of the ERA wouldn’t show up until 1972.

Alice Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
She didn't die? Poor thing. :rolleyes:

no kiddin' women should be kept barefoot and pregnant, right? give up their seats to men on the bus...oh wait...that occurs in places thaat refer to themselves as "a light unto the nations".
If you often argue with yourself, I suggest you get some psychiatric help. Within a few weeks of starting anti-psychotics, you should stop hearing those voices that tell you things with which you must argue.
If Samer Issawi wants to take his own life who cares!

This martyrdom obsession of crazy Islamists Palestinians indicates what a backward, primitive society they really are!

Thousands and thousands of people die daily all over the world, his death won't make any difference and it will only prove that blackmail doesn't work!

It's a blackmail tactic which should not be allowed to succeed.
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If Samer Issawi wants to take his own life who cares!

This martyrdom obsession of crazy Islamists Palestinians indicates what a backward, primitive society they really are!

Thousands and thousands of people die daily all over the world, his death won't make any difference and it will only prove that blackmail doesn't work!

It's a blackmail tactic which should not be allowed to succeed.
Sherri wants to deprive Samer of his 72 Virgils.
some sayit favourites...

"African-Americans were so stupid they couldn't even vote until Jewish Freedom Riders came down from the North and told them what to do. Now, they are ungrateful. It just goes to show what kind of people they are." (sayit)

"If Patties are so stupid they can't figure out how to grow a potato, they deserved to starve." (sayit)

"the Irish were so drunk they couldn't figure out that potatoes grow underground, even when they fell flat on their face in a field full of them." (sayit)

It's OK, NaziBoy. Evidently the only way you can defend your bigotry is to lie about me.
It just adds to your flavor. :D

quit whining. if you don't want to be thought of as a bigot, don't say bigoted things.

as for me defending myself, i have no need. figure it out, ya simple minded jew SOB. i get called an "islamo nazi cocksucker" or an "ignorant dunk paddy" or told to "go blow yourself up, you islamic motherfucker" and things liike that hundreds of times, i am gonna drop a "jewboy" ro "**** bitch" or whatever every now and again.

you all want to have serious discussions, i am good with that. you want to sling mud, well i can do that too. what is really funny is y'all freak at the slightest slight and you hand them out like you are having a fire sale.
boooo friggin' hooooooooo.

Woo ... you claim not to care yet you are so diminished you are compelled to lie about what I say in a lame effort to defend your blatant bigotry, Princess. :D
et al,

So what is the prognosis on this: Samer Issawi. (A prediction of the probable course and outcome of his suicide attempt.)

My understanding is that Issawi is a terrorist. My understanding is that he was arrested during “Operation Defensive Shield;” on charges of possession of weapons and forming military groups in Jerusalem. That he went to trial and was convicted; sentenced to 30 years. He apparently served 10 years and was released in a mass prisoner exchange (Hamas and the Israeli). Issawi was subsequently re-arrested for violating the term of his parole.

So now, Issawi is attempting a form of suicide (hunger strike - slow death) under the concept of "freedom - or - martyrdom." As this is a religious ritual, I fail to see the issue.

Is the question a matter of his right to commit suicide?

Most Respectfully,
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samir was convicted of a crime for which there are lots of islamo nazi pigs
in jail in the usa right now. We are supposed to release them if they
decide one day----to stop eating?


Islamo nazis when presented with facts ----often bark "LIAR" For those who
do not understand----sherri is denying the fact that would be and accomplished
islamic terrorists are in jail in the USA and is denying the fact that the SAMIR person
whose ass she licks has been jailed for harboring caches of illegal weapons---intended

does anyone out there want to insist that I cite cases of those whose asses sherri licks ---who are in jail in the USA for either planning acts of terrorism or accomplishing them?

She has already cited the case of her favorite ass to lick----that of SHAYKH ABDEL
RAHMAN who managed to kill only six americans when he attempted to topple
the WORLD TRADE CENTER towers onto manhattan in 1993 She also mentioned a female ass she licks----that of LYNN STEWART who helped the noble shaykh communicate
with his fellow saintly bomb enthusiasts. She complained that the noble Stewart
is still in jail-----unlikely ----she was awarded a very short sentence for HER ass licking
activities in the USA of the noble bomb shaykh
samir was convicted of a crime for which there are lots of islamo nazi pigs
in jail in the usa right now. We are supposed to release them if they
decide one day----to stop eating?


Islamo nazis when presented with facts ----often bark "LIAR" For those who
do not understand----sherri is denying the fact that would be and accomplished
islamic terrorists are in jail in the USA and is denying the fact that the SAMIR person
whose ass she licks has been jailed for harboring caches of illegal weapons---intended

does anyone out there want to insist that I cite cases of those whose asses sherri licks ---who are in jail in the USA for either planning acts of terrorism or accomplishing them?

She has already cited the case of her favorite ass to lick----that of SHAYKH ABDEL
RAHMAN who managed to kill only six americans when he attempted to topple
the WORLD TRADE CENTER towers onto manhattan in 1993 She also mentioned a female ass she licks----that of LYNN STEWART who helped the noble shaykh communicate
with his fellow saintly bomb enthusiasts. She complained that the noble Stewart
is still in jail-----unlikely ----she was awarded a very short sentence for HER ass licking
activities in the USA of the noble bomb shaykh
Sherri is under the impression that Samer will be grateful for saving his life. She is unaware he is hell-bent on dying and getting his 72 Virgils and will be highly pissed because of her interference.
et al,

So what is the prognosis on this: Samer Issawi. (A prediction of the probable course and outcome of his suicide attempt.)

My understanding is that Issawi is a terrorist. My understanding is that he was arrested during “Operation Defensive Shield;” on charges of possession of weapons and forming military groups in Jerusalem. That he went to trial and was convicted; sentenced to 30 years. He apparently served 10 years and was released in a mass prisoner exchange (Hamas and the Israeli). Issawi was subsequently re-arrested for violating the term of his parole.

So now, Issawi is attempting a form of suicide (hunger strike - slow death) under the concept of "freedom - or - martyrdom." As this is a religious ritual, I fail to see the issue.

Is the question a matter of his right to commit suicide?

Most Respectfully,

No doubt it is different all over the world, but in civilised countries there is probably at least an ethical obstacle - if not a legal one - to allowing people who are incarcerated - for whatever reason - to take their own life, including starving to death. I expect the medics will attempt to pass a nasogastric tube, he will resist, then they may have to sedate him in some way to achieve that. They will attempt to feed him via the NG tube, he will probably resist and repeatedly pull it out, causing himself some injury as they are sometimes sutured in place. There will be an outcry regarding TORTURING the poor SOB, with Sherri and other useful idiots at the helm. No need to watch this space as I'm sure the tireless dhimmi herself will keep us updated :lol: However, at the end of the day it can be very difficult to feed someone who has decided they definitely will not let you, so he will probably get his houris anon, and Israel will be demonised and blamed for his death by the sherri's of this world, no matter whether they try hard to keep him alive, or whether they honour his wishes and allow him to starve to death and become yet another miserable shaheed. I'm not sure I care.
Hi anjel-----you have expressed the situation so well----that I am
a bit jealous of your writing skills. Happy birthday and may all
your birthday cakes be decorated with CANDIED ANJELICA
et al,

So what is the prognosis on this: Samer Issawi. (A prediction of the probable course and outcome of his suicide attempt.)

My understanding is that Issawi is a terrorist. My understanding is that he was arrested during “Operation Defensive Shield;” on charges of possession of weapons and forming military groups in Jerusalem. That he went to trial and was convicted; sentenced to 30 years. He apparently served 10 years and was released in a mass prisoner exchange (Hamas and the Israeli). Issawi was subsequently re-arrested for violating the term of his parole.

So now, Issawi is attempting a form of suicide (hunger strike - slow death) under the concept of "freedom - or - martyrdom." As this is a religious ritual, I fail to see the issue.

Is the question a matter of his right to commit suicide?

Most Respectfully,

No, he is not a terrorist. He is a Palestinian political prisoner, who I do not think is even associated with Hamas, nothing I have read says he is. He was released in the Shalit prisoner exchange deal, in an agreement between Israel and Hamas to exchange prisoners and release certain prisoners. He was abducted by the Occupying Forces subsequently and is held under administrative detention practices, with no charges lodged against him, that all intl legal authorities and human rights groups call unlawful. He is an unlawfully detained political prisoner, opposing his unlawful and unjust detention by carrying out a hunger strike.

He is doing what Jesus did, I cannot help a nonChristian understand Jesus!

If Samer Issawi wants to take his own life who cares!

This martyrdom obsession of crazy Islamists Palestinians indicates what a backward, primitive society they really are!

Thousands and thousands of people die daily all over the world, his death won't make any difference and it will only prove that blackmail doesn't work!

It's a blackmail tactic which should not be allowed to succeed.

I cannot buy into your way of thinking, because it would require that I renounce Christainaity, considering that Jesus was a Martyr!
If Samer Issawi wants to take his own life who cares!

This martyrdom obsession of crazy Islamists Palestinians indicates what a backward, primitive society they really are!

Thousands and thousands of people die daily all over the world, his death won't make any difference and it will only prove that blackmail doesn't work!

It's a blackmail tactic which should not be allowed to succeed.

I cannot buy into your way of thinking, because it would require that I renounce Christainaity, considering that Jesus was a Martyr!
Meh, the idiot wants to die. Let him.
Hi anjel-----you have expressed the situation so well----that I am
a bit jealous of your writing skills. Happy birthday and may all
your birthday cakes be decorated with CANDIED ANJELICA

Why, thank you so much, Rosie. You are too, too kind ;-). And I did make a cake (not exactly my forte :lol: but it was OK) for Christmas and my birthday, and I did indeed decorate it with some candied Angelica! You are very wise, Irose :eusa_clap:
If Samer Issawi wants to take his own life who cares!

This martyrdom obsession of crazy Islamists Palestinians indicates what a backward, primitive society they really are!

Thousands and thousands of people die daily all over the world, his death won't make any difference and it will only prove that blackmail doesn't work!

It's a blackmail tactic which should not be allowed to succeed.

I cannot buy into your way of thinking, because it would require that I renounce Christainaity, considering that Jesus was a Martyr!
Meh, the idiot wants to die. Let him.

Alway supporting death, and rejecting life!

The Zionist Way!
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