Save the planet - buy an electric car

It's great to have choices, and I am sure there are characteristics that EV's offer that SOME people like. Quietness, torque, etc. It may reduce monthly operating expenses, but I have not seen an analysis from and objective study with an average commuter of a typical ICE car vs. a EV.

That being said, we should not be subsidizing them because they are no better for the environment than most gasoline cars. Also the vast majority of electrical generation is made by fossil fuels.
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.

We all saw this coming, someone has to pay for the roads


At 1700 bucks a pop, I really don't see it as an incentive. I see it as a bunch of Oil Mongrels paying politicians to try and kill off a competitor. I can see it being raised to 120 bucks. I pay that on my 15000 lb RV and my F-250 costs me almost a hundred a year. Colorado goes by vehicle weight with a minimum. The registration is only a small part of road and bridge maintenance. Consider this, we subsidize heavy trucks. If you go by the amount of damage each vehicle does, a heavy loaded out to 70,000 lbs would cost in the thousands of dollars to pay it's fair share. Believe it or not, the cars subsidize the heavies. If you didn't, that loaf of bread would be in excess of 200 bucks.

Auto registration is just ONE of the methods used to fund roads and bridges. It's just another method of taxes.

No disagreement from me, but with out those goods..... We are going to pay one way or another..

On a side note, thinking of moving from Wyoming to Colorado (have a job offer to run a small ski lodge ) how is the taxes/political climate down there?


You are in for a cultural shock, I believe. You are moving form a prominently Red area to a Blue area. Since we have better roads and services, your taxes will be higher. Housing is more. Since you are going to be gainfully employed, glad to have you.
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.

We all saw this coming, someone has to pay for the roads


At 1700 bucks a pop, I really don't see it as an incentive. I see it as a bunch of Oil Mongrels paying politicians to try and kill off a competitor. I can see it being raised to 120 bucks. I pay that on my 15000 lb RV and my F-250 costs me almost a hundred a year. Colorado goes by vehicle weight with a minimum. The registration is only a small part of road and bridge maintenance. Consider this, we subsidize heavy trucks. If you go by the amount of damage each vehicle does, a heavy loaded out to 70,000 lbs would cost in the thousands of dollars to pay it's fair share. Believe it or not, the cars subsidize the heavies. If you didn't, that loaf of bread would be in excess of 200 bucks.

Auto registration is just ONE of the methods used to fund roads and bridges. It's just another method of taxes.

No disagreement from me, but with out those goods..... We are going to pay one way or another..

On a side note, thinking of moving from Wyoming to Colorado (have a job offer to run a small ski lodge ) how is the taxes/political climate down there?

It depends on where you move. I lived in the Denver burbs for several years, but that was ten years ago. The state has become more liberal/progressive along the Front Range especially, and in other enclaves throughout the state. Your ski resort MAY be located in an area that is more conservative.
It's great to have choices, and I am sure there are characteristics that EV's offer that SOME people like. Quietness, torque, etc. It may reduce monthly operating expenses, but I have not seen an analysis from and objective study with an average commuter of a typical ICE car vs. a EV.

That being said, we should not be subsidizing them because they are no better for the environment than most gasoline cars. Also the vast majority of electrical generation is made by fossil fuels.

Only because electric generation is years behind. In the areas that include Solar and Wind, the cost to the consumer is less than those companies that only produce using fossil fuels. It wasn't that way 5 years ago but times are-a-changin'.
Actually, there are coal powered cars. When WWII Germany had a problem with the Romanian Oil Fields and Refineries being bombed and disrupted, they processed coal into Fuel. The only reason that Coal isn't used today is that the cost per barrel of crude is so low. But we are now introducing more and more Shale Oil since the margin is higher than it used to be and the method used to extract oil from Shale has gone down. The methods used to convert coal into fuel is an old one. The Only Reason it's not up to the Shale level is that there has been almost zero funds in developing it. But someday, the cost of crude will allow even coal to be used as fuel oil.

Another way to use coal as an automobile fuel is to make the car run off electricity.

As for revenue, there are just so many ways to do that other than charging 1700 bucks a year to operate an electric vehicle.

Actually, it's only $1000, according to the article. But sure, there are other ways to raise the revenue. One way that has been very popular for decades is to charge a per gallon tax on gasoline. But coal powered vehicle users don't use gasoline.

This is just another way to try and kill off an alternative powered vehicle.

Don't be ridiculous.

Anymore ridiculous than putting as many roadblocks in the way of competing technology to same the older on that needs to be replaced?
Actually, there are coal powered cars. When WWII Germany had a problem with the Romanian Oil Fields and Refineries being bombed and disrupted, they processed coal into Fuel. The only reason that Coal isn't used today is that the cost per barrel of crude is so low. But we are now introducing more and more Shale Oil since the margin is higher than it used to be and the method used to extract oil from Shale has gone down. The methods used to convert coal into fuel is an old one. The Only Reason it's not up to the Shale level is that there has been almost zero funds in developing it. But someday, the cost of crude will allow even coal to be used as fuel oil.

Another way to use coal as an automobile fuel is to make the car run off electricity.

As for revenue, there are just so many ways to do that other than charging 1700 bucks a year to operate an electric vehicle.

Actually, it's only $1000, according to the article. But sure, there are other ways to raise the revenue. One way that has been very popular for decades is to charge a per gallon tax on gasoline. But coal powered vehicle users don't use gasoline.

This is just another way to try and kill off an alternative powered vehicle.

Don't be ridiculous.

Anymore ridiculous than putting as many roadblocks in the way of competing technology to same the older on that needs to be replaced?

I said don't, not double.
Does the looney left ever consider how the electricity that powers these over priced turds is made?
It's like how they have their cute little recycle containers but are oblivious to the fact that most of it ends up in the landfill anyway

Around here, it's made with Natural Gas, Hydroelectric, Solar and Wind. There are, I believe, one coal fired plant left and it's on the chopping block. And WE have the coal but are smart enough not to burn it for electricity. Right now, 20% of all electric power come from Hydro, Solar and Wind. And it gets more and more each year. And are you aware that Hydro, Solar and Wind cost less than either the Coal or Natural Gas plants to operate. The electricity locally here is Hydroelectric. We haven't had a gas or coal fired plant for about 40 years. I can't help it that where you are from, people are dumber than a Box of Rock. Just one rock in that box. A Box of rocks would be smarter.

For where you live that is great! You can sit in the dark, talking to yourself, on cloudy days when the wind doesn't blow and the lakes and rivers dry up!
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.

We all saw this coming, someone has to pay for the roads


At 1700 bucks a pop, I really don't see it as an incentive. I see it as a bunch of Oil Mongrels paying politicians to try and kill off a competitor. I can see it being raised to 120 bucks. I pay that on my 15000 lb RV and my F-250 costs me almost a hundred a year. Colorado goes by vehicle weight with a minimum. The registration is only a small part of road and bridge maintenance. Consider this, we subsidize heavy trucks. If you go by the amount of damage each vehicle does, a heavy loaded out to 70,000 lbs would cost in the thousands of dollars to pay it's fair share. Believe it or not, the cars subsidize the heavies. If you didn't, that loaf of bread would be in excess of 200 bucks.

Auto registration is just ONE of the methods used to fund roads and bridges. It's just another method of taxes.

No disagreement from me, but with out those goods..... We are going to pay one way or another..

On a side note, thinking of moving from Wyoming to Colorado (have a job offer to run a small ski lodge ) how is the taxes/political climate down there?

It depends on where you move. I lived in the Denver burbs for several years, but that was ten years ago. The state has become more liberal/progressive along the Front Range especially, and in other enclaves throughout the state. Your ski resort MAY be located in an area that is more conservative.

Anyplace you have a Ski Lodge, the initial area around it will be left wing. The only thing might be that the county is big enough to include a right wing majority. Two of the major ski areas are Vale and Aspen and you don't get any more left than Pitkin County or Eagle County. But right next door is Mesa County with Powerderhorn which has a majority of Rightees versus Leftees.
Actually, there are coal powered cars. When WWII Germany had a problem with the Romanian Oil Fields and Refineries being bombed and disrupted, they processed coal into Fuel. The only reason that Coal isn't used today is that the cost per barrel of crude is so low. But we are now introducing more and more Shale Oil since the margin is higher than it used to be and the method used to extract oil from Shale has gone down. The methods used to convert coal into fuel is an old one. The Only Reason it's not up to the Shale level is that there has been almost zero funds in developing it. But someday, the cost of crude will allow even coal to be used as fuel oil.

Another way to use coal as an automobile fuel is to make the car run off electricity.

As for revenue, there are just so many ways to do that other than charging 1700 bucks a year to operate an electric vehicle.

Actually, it's only $1000, according to the article. But sure, there are other ways to raise the revenue. One way that has been very popular for decades is to charge a per gallon tax on gasoline. But coal powered vehicle users don't use gasoline.

This is just another way to try and kill off an alternative powered vehicle.

Don't be ridiculous.

Anymore ridiculous than putting as many roadblocks in the way of competing technology to same the older on that needs to be replaced?

Try that again in English after you sober up!
Does the looney left ever consider how the electricity that powers these over priced turds is made?
It's like how they have their cute little recycle containers but are oblivious to the fact that most of it ends up in the landfill anyway

Around here, it's made with Natural Gas, Hydroelectric, Solar and Wind. There are, I believe, one coal fired plant left and it's on the chopping block. And WE have the coal but are smart enough not to burn it for electricity. Right now, 20% of all electric power come from Hydro, Solar and Wind. And it gets more and more each year. And are you aware that Hydro, Solar and Wind cost less than either the Coal or Natural Gas plants to operate. The electricity locally here is Hydroelectric. We haven't had a gas or coal fired plant for about 40 years. I can't help it that where you are from, people are dumber than a Box of Rock. Just one rock in that box. A Box of rocks would be smarter.

For where you live that is great! You can sit in the dark, talking to yourself, on cloudy days when the wind doesn't blow and the lakes and rivers dry up!

And we can take back out the power we put into the grid and break even on power costs.
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.
Idiots think that the Democrats are for the environment, but typical of mind numbed robots they listen but never learn.
Tesla's Electric Cars Aren't as Green as You Might Think
The lithium in the batteries, for example, is super light and conductive—that’s how you get a lot of energy without adding a lot of weight. Other, rare metals are sprinkled throughout the car, mostly in the magnets that are in everything from the headlights to the on-board electronics.

But those rare metals come from somewhere—often, from environmentally destructive mines. It’s not just Tesla, of course. All electric vehicles rely on parts with similar environmental issues. Even solar panels depend on rare metals that have to be dug out of the earth and processed in less-than-green ways
it is all about the feel good movement of Socialism but every fucking place Socialism is just look at the air there.

Cuba.....It is always the same with Socialism....

China is turning their cities into clean are. The steps they are taking are.

1. replace all the gasoline and diesel powered taxis with electrics

2. Replace all the Buses with electric power.

3. Replace the Light Trucks with electrics

4. Slowly (with a cutoff for 2030) replace all the cars with electrics.

The Cities that have done this in china still use coal to make electricity. But the removal of the gasoline and diesel from their vehicles has turn the air from deadly to livable. Many industries can operate on electricity instead of fossil fuels.

How is your box of rock doing.

Please stop posting until whatever mind altering substances you are using wear off! Your posts are almost unreadable.
Actually, there are coal powered cars. When WWII Germany had a problem with the Romanian Oil Fields and Refineries being bombed and disrupted, they processed coal into Fuel. The only reason that Coal isn't used today is that the cost per barrel of crude is so low. But we are now introducing more and more Shale Oil since the margin is higher than it used to be and the method used to extract oil from Shale has gone down. The methods used to convert coal into fuel is an old one. The Only Reason it's not up to the Shale level is that there has been almost zero funds in developing it. But someday, the cost of crude will allow even coal to be used as fuel oil.

Another way to use coal as an automobile fuel is to make the car run off electricity.

As for revenue, there are just so many ways to do that other than charging 1700 bucks a year to operate an electric vehicle.

Actually, it's only $1000, according to the article. But sure, there are other ways to raise the revenue. One way that has been very popular for decades is to charge a per gallon tax on gasoline. But coal powered vehicle users don't use gasoline.

This is just another way to try and kill off an alternative powered vehicle.

Don't be ridiculous.

Anymore ridiculous than putting as many roadblocks in the way of competing technology to same the older on that needs to be replaced?

Try that again in English after you sober up!

I used English. Sorry about that. I guess I should have used Dinosaur ultrarightee languge.

Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.

We all saw this coming, someone has to pay for the roads


At 1700 bucks a pop, I really don't see it as an incentive. I see it as a bunch of Oil Mongrels paying politicians to try and kill off a competitor. I can see it being raised to 120 bucks. I pay that on my 15000 lb RV and my F-250 costs me almost a hundred a year. Colorado goes by vehicle weight with a minimum. The registration is only a small part of road and bridge maintenance. Consider this, we subsidize heavy trucks. If you go by the amount of damage each vehicle does, a heavy loaded out to 70,000 lbs would cost in the thousands of dollars to pay it's fair share. Believe it or not, the cars subsidize the heavies. If you didn't, that loaf of bread would be in excess of 200 bucks.

Auto registration is just ONE of the methods used to fund roads and bridges. It's just another method of taxes.

No disagreement from me, but with out those goods..... We are going to pay one way or another..

On a side note, thinking of moving from Wyoming to Colorado (have a job offer to run a small ski lodge ) how is the taxes/political climate down there?

It depends on where you move. I lived in the Denver burbs for several years, but that was ten years ago. The state has become more liberal/progressive along the Front Range especially, and in other enclaves throughout the state. Your ski resort MAY be located in an area that is more conservative.

In South fork
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

The problem is not only the price in this context. The problem are still the batteries. To produce this batteries costs a lot of energy. The equivalent is 73-98 g CO2 per 100 km when we calculate 150,000 km for the lifetime of a car in Germany. And the batteries are not recyclable. That's about 50% - 2/3 of the emissions of a Diesel or gasoline engine. And here in Germany we produce electric power also with a lot of additional CO2 emissions (not so Norway for example which produces electric energy totally with water - that's why electric cars make in Norway a big sense). Perhaps the best worldwide under all climate zones could be a system for hydrogen drive. We produce for example in summer much more solar power than in winter. I heard we are not able to use all the solar-power which we produce in summer. Why not to produce hydrogen in summer? And in winter we have not enough solar power when electric cars need also a lot of additional energy for heating. So why not hydrogen drive?

Ever see a hydrogen explosion? It makes gasoline look like a firecracker!
Sounds more like a tax on the rich. The problem is, middle class should be driving these. And putting a huge increase like that defeats the purpose. How about raising the cost to operate a gas guzzler instead. Or tax more on those things that pollute the air and water.

The Electric car is the future but not if only the rich can afford them.

We all saw this coming, someone has to pay for the roads


At 1700 bucks a pop, I really don't see it as an incentive. I see it as a bunch of Oil Mongrels paying politicians to try and kill off a competitor. I can see it being raised to 120 bucks. I pay that on my 15000 lb RV and my F-250 costs me almost a hundred a year. Colorado goes by vehicle weight with a minimum. The registration is only a small part of road and bridge maintenance. Consider this, we subsidize heavy trucks. If you go by the amount of damage each vehicle does, a heavy loaded out to 70,000 lbs would cost in the thousands of dollars to pay it's fair share. Believe it or not, the cars subsidize the heavies. If you didn't, that loaf of bread would be in excess of 200 bucks.

Auto registration is just ONE of the methods used to fund roads and bridges. It's just another method of taxes.

No disagreement from me, but with out those goods..... We are going to pay one way or another..

On a side note, thinking of moving from Wyoming to Colorado (have a job offer to run a small ski lodge ) how is the taxes/political climate down there?

It depends on where you move. I lived in the Denver burbs for several years, but that was ten years ago. The state has become more liberal/progressive along the Front Range especially, and in other enclaves throughout the state. Your ski resort MAY be located in an area that is more conservative.

In South fork

Wow, that is some of the most majestic areas in the Universe. It's also one of the most brutal. Cost of living his high, cost of housing is out of sight, services are low. It also has more in common with New Mexico than Colorado. Due to towns like Durango being around and the population density being so low, it normally votes Republican. But these "Republicans" know better than to rock the Leftee boat. That would cost millions of dollars in business. Get ready for a wild ride. One adventure you will never forget or wish to pass up.
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

The problem is not only the price in this context. The problem are still the batteries. To produce this batteries costs a lot of energy. The equivalent is 73-98 g CO2 per 100 km when we calculate 150,000 km for the lifetime of a car in Germany. And the batteries are not recyclable. That's about 50% - 2/3 of the emissions of a Diesel or gasoline engine. And here in Germany we produce electric power also with a lot of additional CO2 emissions (not so Norway for example which produces electric energy totally with water - that's why electric cars make in Norway a big sense). Perhaps the best worldwide under all climate zones could be a system for hydrogen drive. We produce for example in summer much more solar power than in winter. I heard we are not able to use all the solar-power which we produce in summer. Why not to produce hydrogen in summer? And in winter we have not enough solar power when electric cars need also a lot of additional energy for heating. So why not hydrogen drive?

Ever see a hydrogen explosion? It makes gasoline look like a firecracker!

I think the main reason to prevent Hydrogen from being use is, it's hard to contain. No matter how good you think your storage tank is and your lines, you will almost always have leaks. Hydrogen is the smallest molecule and works overtime to get free. And it gets trapped in places like wheel well and almost any place it can find a home. It also doesn't automatically mix with the air. So you have these trapped crevices. Any spark, flame or heat can set it off.
Still need towing power for my boat, work trailer, other assorted toys. None of which are electric. Large V-8 for me for the long term.

Okay, let's talk about towing power. You have a 200 hp motor in your gas rig. I install a 180 hp electric motor in mine. Now we get to tow something. You have about 400 ftlbs of torque or more. I have 300. The difference is, I develop that HP and Torque at one RPM and you develop yours in a bell curve starting at zero. At Interstate speeds, you have the advantage. At lower speeds where most towing is done, the Electric has the advantage. And you have more high speed towing range. But even that is changing fast. A new Battery (half dry cell battery and half super capacitor) goes into full production. The cost is a fraction of either the Rare Earths with liquid solution or even the conventional Sealed Lead Acids. And that battery can take almost instant charges and has a life expectancy of over 100,000 recharging times. That's a lot of years. Plus, it's a fraction of the size meaning, you can have a hell of a lot more onboard batteries and get some really tremendous range and power. 2025 us going to rewrite all the rules and we need to figure out how to deal with it.

Can I ask a serious question? Why do you suck so badly at math and NOT know it?
Still need towing power for my boat, work trailer, other assorted toys. None of which are electric. Large V-8 for me for the long term.

Okay, let's talk about towing power. You have a 200 hp motor in your gas rig. I install a 180 hp electric motor in mine. Now we get to tow something. You have about 400 ftlbs of torque or more. I have 300. The difference is, I develop that HP and Torque at one RPM and you develop yours in a bell curve starting at zero. At Interstate speeds, you have the advantage. At lower speeds where most towing is done, the Electric has the advantage. And you have more high speed towing range. But even that is changing fast. A new Battery (half dry cell battery and half super capacitor) goes into full production. The cost is a fraction of either the Rare Earths with liquid solution or even the conventional Sealed Lead Acids. And that battery can take almost instant charges and has a life expectancy of over 100,000 recharging times. That's a lot of years. Plus, it's a fraction of the size meaning, you can have a hell of a lot more onboard batteries and get some really tremendous range and power. 2025 us going to rewrite all the rules and we need to figure out how to deal with it.

Can I ask a serious question? Why do you suck so badly at math and NOT know it?

Can I ask you a serious question? How long have you worked for an oil company?
Actually, there are coal powered cars. When WWII Germany had a problem with the Romanian Oil Fields and Refineries being bombed and disrupted, they processed coal into Fuel. The only reason that Coal isn't used today is that the cost per barrel of crude is so low. But we are now introducing more and more Shale Oil since the margin is higher than it used to be and the method used to extract oil from Shale has gone down. The methods used to convert coal into fuel is an old one. The Only Reason it's not up to the Shale level is that there has been almost zero funds in developing it. But someday, the cost of crude will allow even coal to be used as fuel oil.

Another way to use coal as an automobile fuel is to make the car run off electricity.

As for revenue, there are just so many ways to do that other than charging 1700 bucks a year to operate an electric vehicle.

Actually, it's only $1000, according to the article. But sure, there are other ways to raise the revenue. One way that has been very popular for decades is to charge a per gallon tax on gasoline. But coal powered vehicle users don't use gasoline.

This is just another way to try and kill off an alternative powered vehicle.

Don't be ridiculous.

Anymore ridiculous than putting as many roadblocks in the way of competing technology to same the older on that needs to be replaced?

Try that again in English after you sober up!

I used English. Sorry about that. I guess I should have used Dinosaur ultrarightee languge.


Do you REALLY want me to go back and show you how fucked up you are? I was being kind. I have seen third graders who express themselves better than you.
Yup, buy an electric car to save the planet and save on fossil fuel. Oh wait, it may cost you a few extra bucks to buy the vehicle, and a few more bucks to support the State.

Illinois might start charging $1,000 per year to own an electric vehicle: 'It's outrageous'

The problem is not only the price in this context. The problem are still the batteries. To produce this batteries costs a lot of energy. The equivalent is 73-98 g CO2 per 100 km when we calculate 150,000 km for the lifetime of a car in Germany. And the batteries are not recyclable. That's about 50% - 2/3 of the emissions of a Diesel or gasoline engine. And here in Germany we produce electric power also with a lot of additional CO2 emissions (not so Norway for example which produces electric energy totally with water - that's why electric cars make in Norway a big sense). Perhaps the best worldwide under all climate zones could be a system for hydrogen drive. We produce for example in summer much more solar power than in winter. I heard we are not able to use all the solar-power which we produce in summer. Why not to produce hydrogen in summer? And in winter we have not enough solar power when electric cars need also a lot of additional energy for heating. So why not hydrogen drive?

Ever see a hydrogen explosion? It makes gasoline look like a firecracker!

I think the main reason to prevent Hydrogen from being use is, it's hard to contain. No matter how good you think your storage tank is and your lines, you will almost always have leaks. Hydrogen is the smallest molecule and works overtime to get free. And it gets trapped in places like wheel well and almost any place it can find a home. It also doesn't automatically mix with the air. So you have these trapped crevices. Any spark, flame or heat can set it off.

No shit Sherlock! Or should I say, "Captain Obvious"?

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