Saving the world again. Illegal to release balloons in the air.

i've never experienced murder where i live. rape either. counterfeiting? nope. i can't remember the last time i saw any of that at my house, so let's just do away with those laws also.

to be honest, not seen much litter around my house either. neighbors dog shit at times in my yard. who knows what my own dog will carry to the backyard at times but hey - we can ditch litter laws cause i've never seen litter at my house.

it does seem minor. yes. it seems like we've done it for a long time as harmless fun sure. but if these actions we are taking cause it's fun and pretty are in fact hurting others in some fashion, why dismiss it? i thought it was pretty stupid also til i googled pics of wildlife killed cause we wanted to set a balloon release record. a rescue mission in cleveland couldn't get through the water to see people who may need help because of all the balloons on the water from that release. 2 people did die. balloon direct relation, who knows. but still that's got to be a shitload of popped balloons now on the water. who cleans that up?

or is murder only murder if you find a dead body directly, yourself?

So now you're comparing balloons to murder?

If you read the Cleveland article, you'd find out those balloons were biodegradable. I've lived here all my life. Trust me, once a body is in the water, the only way it's coming out is in a body bag. Very few have ever survived the wrath of Lake Erie unless they were wearing a flotation device or holding on to an overturned boat. As far as the airport is concerned, very few planes take off or land there. Mostly it's small private craft and the only real use we have for that airport is the annual air show. They've talked about closing it down for decades now. If need be, planes can land at the Cleveland International airport which is about 15 miles away.
actually no - but the way i phrased it opened me up for that question / reply.

you said you never found a balloon yourself, ergo, it's not a problem. well have you ever found a dead body? if someone else found a murdered victim and it wasn't you, is it really a problem?

just because we don't face some of these things or are directly effected in a way we can tangibly see doesn't mean it isn't a valid issue. 4 years to degrade isn't that quick, now is it?

seriously - google balloons and wildlife and see what can and does happen. i see that and am not a fan. i can live w/o seeing 1.5 million balloons released if it means wildlife won't suffer for my OOHS and AHHS. we can find another way to celebrate that doesn't cause that kind of damage, can't we?

If we are going to change the way we celebrate because of every bug, animal or tree, then we won't be able to celebrate anything at all. It's a ridiculous analogy to compare something like murder to balloons. Just because I've never been raped doesn't mean rape is nonexistent. It does happen and can happen anywhere. So we have laws to stop things like that because they seriously affect human beings as well as others associated with the victim.

If people launch some balloons and a bird or fish dies, that's different than if a family member is affected by a crime. I don't worry about birds and fish because God is making plenty of them. That's why animal society is all about killing each other for survival.

My opinion is if you feel the way you do, then don't launch balloons yourself. Don't let your children do it or boycott events that do launch balloons. But for crying out loud, do we really need our legislatures creating yet more laws we don't need because of birds?
up until today i never thought much about it. it came up and i googled what happens in the aftermath and it doesnt seem worth it to me. i do agree we are hitting a point where we must pass a law for everythibg and no i dont think this should be illegal. but i also dont think we can jyst dismiss our impact on others either.

The point of the OP is less if balloons are good or bad than it was creating laws about it. It's a very similar topic to making laws against plastic straws or NYC consideration of banning dogs and all processed foods. Pretty soon we will be regulated out of what kind of toilet paper we desire.
Well as long as it's kleenex cottenelle...
People do it every day.

And that means that God approves? Or do you not really care about God and just used him name to make some meaningless point?

Environmentalists could make the same case about cars, electricity, trains, and just about any convenience we have in life. So do we get rid of everything because of what we suppose God would want?

Each Day A Cruise Ship Emits As Much Pollution As A Million Cars

Do you even believe in God?

Very much so.

Do you think that mindless killing His creations for 35 seconds of "fun" follows the edict He gave as far as taking care of His creation?

Don't worry about it. He'll make more. It's not like we're destroying a mountain or anything like that.
So now you're comparing balloons to murder?

If you read the Cleveland article, you'd find out those balloons were biodegradable. I've lived here all my life. Trust me, once a body is in the water, the only way it's coming out is in a body bag. Very few have ever survived the wrath of Lake Erie unless they were wearing a flotation device or holding on to an overturned boat. As far as the airport is concerned, very few planes take off or land there. Mostly it's small private craft and the only real use we have for that airport is the annual air show. They've talked about closing it down for decades now. If need be, planes can land at the Cleveland International airport which is about 15 miles away.
actually no - but the way i phrased it opened me up for that question / reply.

you said you never found a balloon yourself, ergo, it's not a problem. well have you ever found a dead body? if someone else found a murdered victim and it wasn't you, is it really a problem?

just because we don't face some of these things or are directly effected in a way we can tangibly see doesn't mean it isn't a valid issue. 4 years to degrade isn't that quick, now is it?

seriously - google balloons and wildlife and see what can and does happen. i see that and am not a fan. i can live w/o seeing 1.5 million balloons released if it means wildlife won't suffer for my OOHS and AHHS. we can find another way to celebrate that doesn't cause that kind of damage, can't we?

If we are going to change the way we celebrate because of every bug, animal or tree, then we won't be able to celebrate anything at all. It's a ridiculous analogy to compare something like murder to balloons. Just because I've never been raped doesn't mean rape is nonexistent. It does happen and can happen anywhere. So we have laws to stop things like that because they seriously affect human beings as well as others associated with the victim.

If people launch some balloons and a bird or fish dies, that's different than if a family member is affected by a crime. I don't worry about birds and fish because God is making plenty of them. That's why animal society is all about killing each other for survival.

My opinion is if you feel the way you do, then don't launch balloons yourself. Don't let your children do it or boycott events that do launch balloons. But for crying out loud, do we really need our legislatures creating yet more laws we don't need because of birds?
up until today i never thought much about it. it came up and i googled what happens in the aftermath and it doesnt seem worth it to me. i do agree we are hitting a point where we must pass a law for everythibg and no i dont think this should be illegal. but i also dont think we can jyst dismiss our impact on others either.

The point of the OP is less if balloons are good or bad than it was creating laws about it. It's a very similar topic to making laws against plastic straws or NYC consideration of banning dogs and all processed foods. Pretty soon we will be regulated out of what kind of toilet paper we desire.
Well as long as it's kleenex cottenelle...

And that they sell it at Sam's Club!
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

Its about effing time.

Let's hope the rest of the country follows but RWNJs would rather kill wild animals than chance being called responsible.
And that means that God approves? Or do you not really care about God and just used him name to make some meaningless point?

Environmentalists could make the same case about cars, electricity, trains, and just about any convenience we have in life. So do we get rid of everything because of what we suppose God would want?

Each Day A Cruise Ship Emits As Much Pollution As A Million Cars

Do you even believe in God?

Very much so.

Do you think that mindless killing His creations for 35 seconds of "fun" follows the edict He gave as far as taking care of His creation?

Don't worry about it. He'll make more. It's not like we're destroying a mountain or anything like that.

So, you claim to believe in God, but you do not believe in following His commands. Have you read His book? Have you read what He does to those that disobey Him?
Environmentalists could make the same case about cars, electricity, trains, and just about any convenience we have in life. So do we get rid of everything because of what we suppose God would want?

Each Day A Cruise Ship Emits As Much Pollution As A Million Cars

Do you even believe in God?

Very much so.

Do you think that mindless killing His creations for 35 seconds of "fun" follows the edict He gave as far as taking care of His creation?

Don't worry about it. He'll make more. It's not like we're destroying a mountain or anything like that.

So, you claim to believe in God, but you do not believe in following His commands. Have you read His book? Have you read what He does to those that disobey Him?

When did God say he didn't want me to fly balloons in the air? I guess my many years in a private Catholic school didn't teach me that as a child. In fact, I remember one event where the school released a bunch of balloons into the air claiming it was giving God thanks.
Do you even believe in God?

Very much so.

Do you think that mindless killing His creations for 35 seconds of "fun" follows the edict He gave as far as taking care of His creation?

Don't worry about it. He'll make more. It's not like we're destroying a mountain or anything like that.

So, you claim to believe in God, but you do not believe in following His commands. Have you read His book? Have you read what He does to those that disobey Him?

When did God say he didn't want me to fly balloons in the air? I guess my many years in a private Catholic school didn't teach me that as a child. In fact, I remember one event where the school released a bunch of balloons into the air claiming it was giving God thanks.

Very much so.

Do you think that mindless killing His creations for 35 seconds of "fun" follows the edict He gave as far as taking care of His creation?

Don't worry about it. He'll make more. It's not like we're destroying a mountain or anything like that.

So, you claim to believe in God, but you do not believe in following His commands. Have you read His book? Have you read what He does to those that disobey Him?

When did God say he didn't want me to fly balloons in the air? I guess my many years in a private Catholic school didn't teach me that as a child. In fact, I remember one event where the school released a bunch of balloons into the air claiming it was giving God thanks.

i went to a private catholic school also.

balloon fears never came up.
Do you think that mindless killing His creations for 35 seconds of "fun" follows the edict He gave as far as taking care of His creation?

Don't worry about it. He'll make more. It's not like we're destroying a mountain or anything like that.

So, you claim to believe in God, but you do not believe in following His commands. Have you read His book? Have you read what He does to those that disobey Him?

When did God say he didn't want me to fly balloons in the air? I guess my many years in a private Catholic school didn't teach me that as a child. In fact, I remember one event where the school released a bunch of balloons into the air claiming it was giving God thanks.

i went to a private catholic school also.

balloon fears never came up.

Did being a good steward of God's creation ever come up?

Or do Catholics not buy into that part of the bible?
Don't worry about it. He'll make more. It's not like we're destroying a mountain or anything like that.

So, you claim to believe in God, but you do not believe in following His commands. Have you read His book? Have you read what He does to those that disobey Him?

When did God say he didn't want me to fly balloons in the air? I guess my many years in a private Catholic school didn't teach me that as a child. In fact, I remember one event where the school released a bunch of balloons into the air claiming it was giving God thanks.

i went to a private catholic school also.

balloon fears never came up.

Did being a good steward of God's creation ever come up?

Or do Catholics not buy into that part of the bible?

I didn't want to get into this, however you keep pushing this issue.

Your claim is that you are a career military man, is that correct?

And when you joined the military and decided to make a life out of it, you did so with the full knowledge you may be participating in killing your fellow man, possibly blowing up villages, killing women and children alike, correct?

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-military or anti-vet. In fact I have the highest respect for our citizens who volunteer to fight for our country. But I also think that as such, you are not in a position to sit in judgement on behalf of God as to what my stance is when it comes to God's creations.

Nor am I trying to create an analogy between balloons killing birds or fish and your valuable service to our country. My only point is that as human beings, we don't always prioritize "God's creations" when we make such decisions. And I also think, God doesn't really expect us to.
So, you claim to believe in God, but you do not believe in following His commands. Have you read His book? Have you read what He does to those that disobey Him?

When did God say he didn't want me to fly balloons in the air? I guess my many years in a private Catholic school didn't teach me that as a child. In fact, I remember one event where the school released a bunch of balloons into the air claiming it was giving God thanks.
i went to a private catholic school also.

balloon fears never came up.

Did being a good steward of God's creation ever come up?

Or do Catholics not buy into that part of the bible?

I didn't want to get into this, however you keep pushing this issue.

Your claim is that you are a career military man, is that correct?

And when you joined the military and decided to make a life out of it, you did so with the full knowledge you may be participating in killing your fellow man, possibly blowing up villages, killing women and children alike, correct?

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-military or anti-vet. In fact I have the highest respect for our citizens who volunteer to fight for our country. But I also think that as such, you are not in a position to sit in judgement on behalf of God as to what my stance is when it comes to God's creations.

Nor am I trying to create an analogy between balloons killing birds or fish and your valuable service to our country. My only point is that as human beings, we don't always prioritize "God's creations" when we make such decisions. And I also think, God doesn't really expect us to.

The bible is filled with God honoring men whom were in the military of their country. King David, Joshua, Gideon, and even the Roman Centurion. Being in the military does not mean one kills indiscriminately or for the pleasure of it. While there are those that join the military that do those things, they are not the norm.

I do think that God expects us to, and we all fail at times that is for sure. I am just a bit taken back by the caviler attitude towards unneeded suffering of animals, the idea it is ok for them to suffer and die from a balloon because God will just make more.
Don't worry about it. He'll make more. It's not like we're destroying a mountain or anything like that.

So, you claim to believe in God, but you do not believe in following His commands. Have you read His book? Have you read what He does to those that disobey Him?

When did God say he didn't want me to fly balloons in the air? I guess my many years in a private Catholic school didn't teach me that as a child. In fact, I remember one event where the school released a bunch of balloons into the air claiming it was giving God thanks.

i went to a private catholic school also.

balloon fears never came up.

Did being a good steward of God's creation ever come up?

Or do Catholics not buy into that part of the bible?
not playing this binary game of bullshit with you, gator. if you want to "Religion Up" lets go. even though i no longer consider myself religious, i went to a private catholic school for all elementary, alterboy through high school and taught CCD classes at summer camps, also giving sermons at a young age.

stop playing GOD card like liberals play the race card.
When did God say he didn't want me to fly balloons in the air? I guess my many years in a private Catholic school didn't teach me that as a child. In fact, I remember one event where the school released a bunch of balloons into the air claiming it was giving God thanks.
i went to a private catholic school also.

balloon fears never came up.

Did being a good steward of God's creation ever come up?

Or do Catholics not buy into that part of the bible?

I didn't want to get into this, however you keep pushing this issue.

Your claim is that you are a career military man, is that correct?

And when you joined the military and decided to make a life out of it, you did so with the full knowledge you may be participating in killing your fellow man, possibly blowing up villages, killing women and children alike, correct?

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-military or anti-vet. In fact I have the highest respect for our citizens who volunteer to fight for our country. But I also think that as such, you are not in a position to sit in judgement on behalf of God as to what my stance is when it comes to God's creations.

Nor am I trying to create an analogy between balloons killing birds or fish and your valuable service to our country. My only point is that as human beings, we don't always prioritize "God's creations" when we make such decisions. And I also think, God doesn't really expect us to.

The bible is filled with God honoring men whom were in the military of their country. King David, Joshua, Gideon, and even the Roman Centurion. Being in the military does not mean one kills indiscriminately or for the pleasure of it. While there are those that join the military that do those things, they are not the norm.

I do think that God expects us to, and we all fail at times that is for sure. I am just a bit taken back by the caviler attitude towards unneeded suffering of animals, the idea it is ok for them to suffer and die from a balloon because God will just make more.
well now, that would depend on your religion, now wouldn't it?

like i said - you think you're waving around an "ace" in this game with it as if we should all cower down to your interpretation of "religion" and what God would want. ya know, if people knew exactly what God wanted we'd not have a shitload of religions now would we? so obviously there is room to interpret the bible now isn't there?

once again we fall back to YOUR version being the benchmark WE should aim for.

let me know how that works for you.
So, you claim to believe in God, but you do not believe in following His commands. Have you read His book? Have you read what He does to those that disobey Him?

When did God say he didn't want me to fly balloons in the air? I guess my many years in a private Catholic school didn't teach me that as a child. In fact, I remember one event where the school released a bunch of balloons into the air claiming it was giving God thanks.

i went to a private catholic school also.

balloon fears never came up.

Did being a good steward of God's creation ever come up?

Or do Catholics not buy into that part of the bible?
not playing this binary game of bullshit with you, gator. if you want to "Religion Up" lets go. even though i no longer consider myself religious, i went to a private catholic school for all elementary, alterboy through high school and taught CCD classes at summer camps, also giving sermons at a young age.

stop playing GOD card like liberals play the race card.

Was the question a bit too complicated for you? I have been in a Catholic Church twice in my life, both times for a funeral. Thus I asked the question.

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When did God say he didn't want me to fly balloons in the air? I guess my many years in a private Catholic school didn't teach me that as a child. In fact, I remember one event where the school released a bunch of balloons into the air claiming it was giving God thanks.

i went to a private catholic school also.

balloon fears never came up.

Did being a good steward of God's creation ever come up?

Or do Catholics not buy into that part of the bible?
not playing this binary game of bullshit with you, gator. if you want to "Religion Up" lets go. even though i no longer consider myself religious, i went to a private catholic school for all elementary, alterboy through high school and taught CCD classes at summer camps, also giving sermons at a young age.

stop playing GOD card like liberals play the race card.

Was the question a bit too complicated for you? I have been in a Catholic Church twice in my life, both times for a funeral. Thus I asked the question.

Sent from my iPhone using
when it's a loaded question, it's not about complications in as much as stupidity.

how can you now play "ignorant" if you're shoving the bible in the face of a Catholic asking what God would do. you can't have both. if you're not familiar with the Catholic faith stop being a dick about it and using generic GOD cards to go for some mythical win you always seem to need.

you got some jacked up sense of validation need at times.
i went to a private catholic school also.

balloon fears never came up.

Did being a good steward of God's creation ever come up?

Or do Catholics not buy into that part of the bible?

I didn't want to get into this, however you keep pushing this issue.

Your claim is that you are a career military man, is that correct?

And when you joined the military and decided to make a life out of it, you did so with the full knowledge you may be participating in killing your fellow man, possibly blowing up villages, killing women and children alike, correct?

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-military or anti-vet. In fact I have the highest respect for our citizens who volunteer to fight for our country. But I also think that as such, you are not in a position to sit in judgement on behalf of God as to what my stance is when it comes to God's creations.

Nor am I trying to create an analogy between balloons killing birds or fish and your valuable service to our country. My only point is that as human beings, we don't always prioritize "God's creations" when we make such decisions. And I also think, God doesn't really expect us to.

The bible is filled with God honoring men whom were in the military of their country. King David, Joshua, Gideon, and even the Roman Centurion. Being in the military does not mean one kills indiscriminately or for the pleasure of it. While there are those that join the military that do those things, they are not the norm.

I do think that God expects us to, and we all fail at times that is for sure. I am just a bit taken back by the caviler attitude towards unneeded suffering of animals, the idea it is ok for them to suffer and die from a balloon because God will just make more.
well now, that would depend on your religion, now wouldn't it?

like i said - you think you're waving around an "ace" in this game with it as if we should all cower down to your interpretation of "religion" and what God would want. ya know, if people knew exactly what God wanted we'd not have a shitload of religions now would we? so obviously there is room to interpret the bible now isn't there?

once again we fall back to YOUR version being the benchmark WE should aim for.

let me know how that works for you.

I did not bring god into the discussion, he did. I just went through the door that he opened. If you proper cannot take the heat stay out of the damn kitchen

Sent from my iPhone using
i went to a private catholic school also.

balloon fears never came up.

Did being a good steward of God's creation ever come up?

Or do Catholics not buy into that part of the bible?

I didn't want to get into this, however you keep pushing this issue.

Your claim is that you are a career military man, is that correct?

And when you joined the military and decided to make a life out of it, you did so with the full knowledge you may be participating in killing your fellow man, possibly blowing up villages, killing women and children alike, correct?

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-military or anti-vet. In fact I have the highest respect for our citizens who volunteer to fight for our country. But I also think that as such, you are not in a position to sit in judgement on behalf of God as to what my stance is when it comes to God's creations.

Nor am I trying to create an analogy between balloons killing birds or fish and your valuable service to our country. My only point is that as human beings, we don't always prioritize "God's creations" when we make such decisions. And I also think, God doesn't really expect us to.

The bible is filled with God honoring men whom were in the military of their country. King David, Joshua, Gideon, and even the Roman Centurion. Being in the military does not mean one kills indiscriminately or for the pleasure of it. While there are those that join the military that do those things, they are not the norm.

I do think that God expects us to, and we all fail at times that is for sure. I am just a bit taken back by the caviler attitude towards unneeded suffering of animals, the idea it is ok for them to suffer and die from a balloon because God will just make more.
well now, that would depend on your religion, now wouldn't it?

like i said - you think you're waving around an "ace" in this game with it as if we should all cower down to your interpretation of "religion" and what God would want. ya know, if people knew exactly what God wanted we'd not have a shitload of religions now would we? so obviously there is room to interpret the bible now isn't there?

once again we fall back to YOUR version being the benchmark WE should aim for.

let me know how that works for you.

I did not bring god into the discussion, he did. I just went through the door that he opened. If you proper cannot take the heat stay out of the damn kitchen

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dude - i'm turning that heat up. if you don't know that much about religion or God then stop prancing around using him as a get out of an argument free card. like i said - it's very RACE card in nature at this point.

to answer your question - God says to care for all creatures great and small. he also says don't kill but no one gives a shit about that these days. covert your neighbors goods? shit we one up each other all the time anymore. to get pissed at balloons is just inventing a reason to argue. NO ONE I KNOW releases balloons to hurt anyone or any creature, so their initial action is NOT designed to hurt anything at all. now if it turns out this does in fact cause more damage than noted before, work on education so people find other ways and/or stop doing it.

but i have to agree with ray - we don't need a law to say to stop. we just need educate people into finding better ways to celebrate whatever it is they're wanting to celebrate.
i went to a private catholic school also.

balloon fears never came up.

Did being a good steward of God's creation ever come up?

Or do Catholics not buy into that part of the bible?
not playing this binary game of bullshit with you, gator. if you want to "Religion Up" lets go. even though i no longer consider myself religious, i went to a private catholic school for all elementary, alterboy through high school and taught CCD classes at summer camps, also giving sermons at a young age.

stop playing GOD card like liberals play the race card.

Was the question a bit too complicated for you? I have been in a Catholic Church twice in my life, both times for a funeral. Thus I asked the question.

Sent from my iPhone using
when it's a loaded question, it's not about complications in as much as stupidity.

how can you now play "ignorant" if you're shoving the bible in the face of a Catholic asking what God would do. you can't have both. if you're not familiar with the Catholic faith stop being a dick about it and using generic GOD cards to go for some mythical win you always seem to need.

you got some jacked up sense of validation need at times.

Damn dude, chill. Have a cup of coffee, take a deep breath....

Sent from my iPhone using
i went to a private catholic school also.

balloon fears never came up.

Did being a good steward of God's creation ever come up?

Or do Catholics not buy into that part of the bible?
not playing this binary game of bullshit with you, gator. if you want to "Religion Up" lets go. even though i no longer consider myself religious, i went to a private catholic school for all elementary, alterboy through high school and taught CCD classes at summer camps, also giving sermons at a young age.

stop playing GOD card like liberals play the race card.

Was the question a bit too complicated for you? I have been in a Catholic Church twice in my life, both times for a funeral. Thus I asked the question.

Sent from my iPhone using
when it's a loaded question, it's not about complications in as much as stupidity.

how can you now play "ignorant" if you're shoving the bible in the face of a Catholic asking what God would do. you can't have both. if you're not familiar with the Catholic faith stop being a dick about it and using generic GOD cards to go for some mythical win you always seem to need.

you got some jacked up sense of validation need at times.

Damn dude, chill. Have a cup of coffee, take a deep breath....

Sent from my iPhone using
and there you go again. i'm far from worked up man. just saying how i feel about something and you need to go paint it as extreme cause you're the one asking what God and the Bible says about releasing balloons.
Did being a good steward of God's creation ever come up?

Or do Catholics not buy into that part of the bible?
not playing this binary game of bullshit with you, gator. if you want to "Religion Up" lets go. even though i no longer consider myself religious, i went to a private catholic school for all elementary, alterboy through high school and taught CCD classes at summer camps, also giving sermons at a young age.

stop playing GOD card like liberals play the race card.

Was the question a bit too complicated for you? I have been in a Catholic Church twice in my life, both times for a funeral. Thus I asked the question.

Sent from my iPhone using
when it's a loaded question, it's not about complications in as much as stupidity.

how can you now play "ignorant" if you're shoving the bible in the face of a Catholic asking what God would do. you can't have both. if you're not familiar with the Catholic faith stop being a dick about it and using generic GOD cards to go for some mythical win you always seem to need.

you got some jacked up sense of validation need at times.

Damn dude, chill. Have a cup of coffee, take a deep breath....

Sent from my iPhone using
and there you go again. i'm far from worked up man. just saying how i feel about something and you need to go paint it as extreme cause you're the one asking what God and the Bible says about releasing balloons.

One more time for the overly emotional...I did not bring god into the discussion...maybe you should target your whine to the person that did.

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