Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

davecmarino, post: 16159690
California Republican Party Official Alleges Voter Fraud In California

Vote Fraud Monitoring Group Says Three Million Noncitizens Voted in Presidential Election

It's in the works. Padilla will get his in the end. California has been shit for a while. It is so bad, this kind of crap is expected from the state today.

I checked your first link. Your GOP Official mentioned several cases of suspected voter fraud but not one mention of a single undocumented immigrant being one of those suspects.

So the GOP's top official in California is in bed with Dems on loopholes to allow illegal voting and making it impossible to prosecute anyone that does. Did you only read the headline?

Nope. Just answered your question on why isn't anyone pursuing the problem. Two easy cases where they are. In the first case you can see Padilla's pathetic response is that it was just an error. Can't even admit to small cases of fraud when they are glaringly obvious.

Between the laws that were passed and his responses when these things happen, everyone can see the truth.

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Actually, your first link said the cases were being investigated. With about 130 million people voting, some shit is going to happen.

Much more will come out when the true the vote cases hit. These cases will show the systematic structured fraud and the reasons why Voter ID is used in almost every other modern country in the world.

The days of the Padilla style vote system manipulation are almost over. One of the best outcomes under Trump's days will be to eliminate avenues of political fraud. California is ripe with the stuff.

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davecmarino, post: 16159690
California Republican Party Official Alleges Voter Fraud In California

Vote Fraud Monitoring Group Says Three Million Noncitizens Voted in Presidential Election

It's in the works. Padilla will get his in the end. California has been shit for a while. It is so bad, this kind of crap is expected from the state today.

I checked your first link. Your GOP Official mentioned several cases of suspected voter fraud but not one mention of a single undocumented immigrant being one of those suspects.

So the GOP's top official in California is in bed with Dems on loopholes to allow illegal voting and making it impossible to prosecute anyone that does. Did you only read the headline?

Nope. Just answered your question on why isn't anyone pursuing the problem. Two easy cases where they are. In the first case you can see Padilla's pathetic response is that it was just an error. Can't even admit to small cases of fraud when they are glaringly obvious.

Between the laws that were passed and his responses when these things happen, everyone can see the truth.

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Actually, your first link said the cases were being investigated. With about 130 million people voting, some shit is going to happen.

Much more will come out when the true the vote cases hit. These cases will show the systematic structured fraud and the reasons why Voter ID is used in almost every other modern country in the world.

The days of the Padilla style vote system manipulation are almost over. One of the best outcomes under Trump's days will be to eliminate avenues of political fraud. California is ripe with the stuff.

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More of, just you wait, you'll see, rhetoric. :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, nothing in California law provides access to voting for illegal aliens and you've posted no proof of any voting.

And some questions still remain unanswered...

You said illegal aliens in school are getting social security cards. I asked for proof of that but you didn't offer any.

And I asked where you're getting your info from. Which sites are dumbing you down?
davecmarino, post: 16159403
Then, AB 110 is passed to limit the ability of the community to check the register for fraud. California suspends a critical method to prevent voter fraud! - Election Integrity Project

Alex Jones refers to a report from tweets from Gregg Phillips, more than a month ago, but Phillips has not released the report yet.

So why did you post as fact that Phillips acquired a database of voter registration documents and found 3,000,000 cases of illegals voting.

{Were there 3 million illegal votes from undocumented immigrants in this year’s presidential election? That’s what some websites are saying.

“Report: 3 million votes in presidential election cast by illegal aliens,” reads a headline on InfoWars, a conspiracy website run by Alex Jones.}

Phillips would not provide any additional information to PolitiFact. He said he has chosen not to release more information because he is still working on analyzing the data and verifying its accuracy. Phillips would also not say what the data is or where it came from or what methodology he used.

Phillips said he would release the information publicly when he is finally finished.

Don't you check sources like Alex Jones and Twitter dude Greg Phillips claiming to have 120,000,000 voter registration records and found 3 million to not be legal voting citizens.

But he can't show anybody. Did he just add up Latino sounding names?

Do you ever challenge the whackos on the links you cite?
davecmarino, post: 16159403
Then, AB 110 is passed to limit the ability of the community to check the register for fraud. California suspends a critical method to prevent voter fraud! - Election Integrity Project

Alex Jones refers to a report from tweets from Gregg Phillips, more than a month ago, but Phillips has not released the report yet.

So why did you post as fact that Phillips acquired a database of voter registration documents and found 3,000,000 cases of illegals voting.

{Were there 3 million illegal votes from undocumented immigrants in this year’s presidential election? That’s what some websites are saying.

“Report: 3 million votes in presidential election cast by illegal aliens,” reads a headline on InfoWars, a conspiracy website run by Alex Jones.}

Phillips would not provide any additional information to PolitiFact. He said he has chosen not to release more information because he is still working on analyzing the data and verifying its accuracy. Phillips would also not say what the data is or where it came from or what methodology he used.

Phillips said he would release the information publicly when he is finally finished.

Don't you check sources like Alex Jones and Twitter dude Greg Phillips claiming to have 120,000,000 voter registration records and found 3 million to not be legal voting citizens.

But he can't show anybody. Did he just add up Latino sounding names?

Do you ever challenge the whackos on the links you cite?
So it's all more rightwing bullshit to prop up Trump for lying about winning the popular vote.

Thanks for posting that, NotfooledbyW :thup:
davecmarino, post: 16160019
The days of the Padilla style vote system manipulation are almost over.

So you've been touting evidence that has not been presented and may never be. Do you normally base your arguments on non-existent facts? Hoping some day your facts will come knocking on your door.

One day Republicans are blocked by dirty Dems from seeing voter registration records. Another Day Republicans have a huge database which found 3 million illegals voted but no one is allowed to see it.

Alex Jones needs people like you to keep fake news alive.
davecmarino, post: 16159403
Then, AB 110 is passed to limit the ability of the community to check the register for fraud. California suspends a critical method to prevent voter fraud! - Election Integrity Project

Alex Jones refers to a report from tweets from Gregg Phillips, more than a month ago, but Phillips has not released the report yet.

So why did you post as fact that Phillips acquired a database of voter registration documents and found 3,000,000 cases of illegals voting.

{Were there 3 million illegal votes from undocumented immigrants in this year’s presidential election? That’s what some websites are saying.

“Report: 3 million votes in presidential election cast by illegal aliens,” reads a headline on InfoWars, a conspiracy website run by Alex Jones.}

Phillips would not provide any additional information to PolitiFact. He said he has chosen not to release more information because he is still working on analyzing the data and verifying its accuracy. Phillips would also not say what the data is or where it came from or what methodology he used.

Phillips said he would release the information publicly when he is finally finished.

Don't you check sources like Alex Jones and Twitter dude Greg Phillips claiming to have 120,000,000 voter registration records and found 3 million to not be legal voting citizens.

But he can't show anybody. Did he just add up Latino sounding names?

Do you ever challenge the whackos on the links you cite?
This is getting even funnier .... so this is from davecmarino's link ...

Vote Fraud Monitoring Group Says Three Million Noncitizens Voted in Presidential Election

An organization formed back in 1996 to publicize computerized vote fraud, and which continues to monitor election results to detect vote fraud, has issued a statement that it has uncovered evidence of more than three million people who are not U.S. citizens casting votes in this past presidential election.

Gregg Phillips, spokesman for the organization, recently tweeted that after completing an analysis of a database of 180 million voter registrations, “We have verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens.”

... where it claims Gregg Phillips is a spokesman for

So I went to Redirect

That redirected me to Election Night Gatekeepers – The Intro

There, it says...

Did You Land on this Page Seeking Documentation that 3 Million Illegal Immigrants Voted for Hillary Clinton?

In an article quoting a Mr. Greg Phillips about 3 million illegals voting for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential Election, mistakenly listed as his website. This listing on brought over 220,000 visitors to our websites. We at and had never heard of Greg Phillips when carried that article circa November 14, 2016 reporting that Phillips had stated in a Twitter Tweet that, — claiming to having analyzed a database of 180 million voters, — 3 million illegal immigrants voted from Hillary Clinton. . . . Read More . . .

More fake news which the rubes fell for. :lmao:
davecmarino, post: 16159403
Then, AB 110 is passed to limit the ability of the community to check the register for fraud. California suspends a critical method to prevent voter fraud! - Election Integrity Project

Alex Jones refers to a report from tweets from Gregg Phillips, more than a month ago, but Phillips has not released the report yet.

So why did you post as fact that Phillips acquired a database of voter registration documents and found 3,000,000 cases of illegals voting.

{Were there 3 million illegal votes from undocumented immigrants in this year’s presidential election? That’s what some websites are saying.

“Report: 3 million votes in presidential election cast by illegal aliens,” reads a headline on InfoWars, a conspiracy website run by Alex Jones.}

Phillips would not provide any additional information to PolitiFact. He said he has chosen not to release more information because he is still working on analyzing the data and verifying its accuracy. Phillips would also not say what the data is or where it came from or what methodology he used.

Phillips said he would release the information publicly when he is finally finished.

Don't you check sources like Alex Jones and Twitter dude Greg Phillips claiming to have 120,000,000 voter registration records and found 3 million to not be legal voting citizens.

But he can't show anybody. Did he just add up Latino sounding names?

Do you ever challenge the whackos on the links you cite?
So it's all more rightwing bullshit to prop up Trump for lying about winning the popular vote.

Thanks for posting that, NotfooledbyW :thup:

So convenient that HRC won by 2.9 million votes but Greg Phillips has a secret database that proves three million illegals cast ballots and is very certain they all voted for Clinton.
This is Alex Padilla. He is the Secretary of State for California. He certifies the votes in California.

This photo was taken a few months ago, long before HRC became the alleged presumptive nominee.


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Faun, post: 16160321
More fake news which the rubes fell for.

When Repubs see the name Alex Jones attached to any report they should run. But they just can't resist the temptation to swallow fake news.
Last edited:
davecmarino, post: 16160379
his is Alex Padilla. He is the Secretary of State for California. He certifies the votes in California.

You are claiming he has a major role in a policy to allow non citizens to vote for president although the policy you told us here does not allow illegals to vote for president.

So what does your photo bring to the table?

Why can't a Democrat support a Democrat.

Just don't get why Padilla would risk prison time to run up the popular vote in California when the electoral college system makes it hardly worthwhile. Could have bussed those three million to Wisconsin Michigan and Pennsylvania. Where 80,000 votes across those states gave the electoral vote to Trump. If you are going to risk prison you might as well make it count.

Of course there is no Alex Jone CT with Padilla.
This is Alex Padilla. He is the Secretary of State for California. He certifies the votes in California.

This photo was taken a few months ago, long before HRC became the alleged presumptive nominee.


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So what? Secretaries of State are typically the co-chair for the candidate from the same party as their governor. If California's governor was a Republican, the Secretary of state would have been co-chair for Trump's campaign in California.
Nothing to see here.

Fixin' to run are you? When do your facts plan on showing up.

Facts are all posted. You can see how they have systematically rigged the election and it couldn't be any more clear than Padilla campaigning for Hillary while rigging the game against Sanders.

He went all out for her and showed his hand.

All his efforts will be for nothing once Voter ID is a national law. Coming real soon.

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This is Alex Padilla. He is the Secretary of State for California. He certifies the votes in California.

This photo was taken a few months ago, long before HRC became the alleged presumptive nominee.


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So what? Secretaries of State are typically the co-chair for the candidate from the same party as their governor. If California's governor was a Republican, the Secretary of state would have been co-chair for Trump's campaign in California.

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As we always knew, California and American elections are filled with fraud and corruption. Thanks to a new poll, we now know that approximately 13% of illegal aliens vote. Since they are already criminals, stealing ID’s or using phony ID’s. lie to get welfare, steal jobs—why not vote as they to lose. Since they can not be deported or jailed, they have nothing to lose. Obama is protecting these law breakers.
Could this be why real citizens don’t vote—the illegal aliens outvote them? Worse, in close elections illegal aliens can make the difference. Corruption? Look at the ballot box. In fact, they could have elected a President and Senator!
“Since 80 percent of noncitizens vote Democratic, according to the study, noncitizen participation could have “been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes [in North Carolina in 2008], and Congressional elections” such as the 2008 race in Minnesota in which Al Franken was elected to the U.S. Senate, giving “Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote” to pass Obamacare. The Old Dominion/George Mason study was sharply attacked by progressive critics, but the mounting evidence makes clear this is a real problem.”
Poll Shows Noncitizens Can Shape Elections
Hans von Spakovsky, Daily signal—Heritage Foundation, 6/2/15
Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues—including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform—as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies and manager of the think tank’s Election Law Reform Initiative. Read his research.
A poll by John McLaughlin confirms again we may have a significant problem with noncitizens participating illegally in our elections. Based on a sample survey of 800 Hispanics in 2013, McLaughlin found that of foreign-born respondents who were registered voters, 13 percent admitted they were not United States citizens.
In our 2012 book on voter fraud, John Fund and I noted numerous cases of noncitizen registration and voting all over the country. Only a month ago, the Board of Immigration Appeals of the Executive Office for Immigration Review at the Justice Department held that a Peruvian citizen who illegally registered and voted in the 2006 congressional election could be deported for violating federal law. The only reason she was caught is because she applied for naturalization in 2007 and admitted in the INS interview that she had voted in an American election.
In 2014, a study released by three professors at Old Dominion University and George Mason University, based on survey data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, estimated 6.4 percent of noncitizens voted illegally in the 2008 presidential election and 2.2 percent voted in the 2010 midterm congressional elections.
Since 80 percent of noncitizens vote Democratic, according to the study, noncitizen participation could have “been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes [in North Carolina in 2008], and Congressional elections” such as the 2008 race in Minnesota in which Al Franken was elected to the U.S. Senate, giving “Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote” to pass Obamacare. The Old Dominion/George Mason study was sharply attacked by progressive critics, but the mounting evidence makes clear this is a real problem.
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In 2013, McLaughlin, a Republican pollster, conducted an extensive “National Hispanic Survey” to determine the attitudes of Hispanic Americans on immigration issues. McLaughlin went to a great deal of trouble to try to make this survey as accurate as possible, including conducting 60 percent of the interviews in Spanish. In results that run counter to what the mainstream media seems to think about the attitudes of Hispanics, the results showed strong support for everything from increased border security and tougher enforcement of immigration laws to “stopping undocumented immigrants who are already here from getting food stamps, welfare, Medicaid and Obamacare benefits.”
But buried in the back of the survey on page 68 is a “Voter Profile” that reveals that 13 percent of noncitizen respondents admitted they were registered to vote (a violation of state and federal law), which matches closely the Old Dominion/George Mason study finding that 14.8 percent of noncitizens admitted they were registered to vote in 2008 and 15.6 percent of noncitizens admitted they were registered in 2010.
When these numbers were adjusted to take into account various factors, such as noncitizens “who said they were not [registered but] were actually registered,” the Old Dominion/George Mason study’s authors concluded that the true percentage was probably closer to 25 percent.
There is no doubt the registration rate of noncitizens varies depending on the jurisdiction, and the percentage of those voting is likely smaller. But whether the registration rate is 13 percent as McLaughlin found or 25 percent as the Old Dominion/George Mason study estimated, there seems little doubt that there are enough noncitizens registering and voting to potentially make the difference in close elections.

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Re: Millennials Poll - WikiLeaks

I think Teddy's idea scratches the itch, is pretty safe and uncomplicated. On the picture ID, the one thing I have thought of in that space is that if you show up on Election Day with a drivers license with a picture, attest that you are a citizen, you have a right to vote in Federal elections.

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This is Alex Padilla. He is the Secretary of State for California. He certifies the votes in California.

This photo was taken a few months ago, long before HRC became the alleged presumptive nominee.


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So what? Secretaries of State are typically the co-chair for the candidate from the same party as their governor. If California's governor was a Republican, the Secretary of state would have been co-chair for Trump's campaign in California.

UNCOUNTED: The True Story of the California Primary | naked capitalism

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What exactly did you want me to look at on that page? There are many stories on there. And what does this have to do with Padilla being Hillary Clinton's co-chair for California. Again, that's typical for secretaries of state.
This is Alex Padilla. He is the Secretary of State for California. He certifies the votes in California.

This photo was taken a few months ago, long before HRC became the alleged presumptive nominee.


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So what? Secretaries of State are typically the co-chair for the candidate from the same party as their governor. If California's governor was a Republican, the Secretary of state would have been co-chair for Trump's campaign in California.

UNCOUNTED: The True Story of the California Primary | naked capitalism

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What exactly did you want me to look at on that page? There are many stories on there. And what does this have to do with Padilla being Hillary Clinton's co-chair for California. Again, that's typical for secretaries of state.

Padilla's the lead guy in California and there was a ton of irregularities during the Primary that helped HRC and hurt Sanders. You may not care but I think it stinks when the guy is campaigning for HRC.

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