Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

Nonsense. They share the same requirements as far as eligibility to obtain a driver's license. The same proof of legal presence is required. All that changed was for U.S. citizens who either get a new license, renew an existing license, or change the address on their license, will be automatically registered to vote.

This bill would require the Secretary of State and the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish the California New Motor Voter Program for the purpose of increasing opportunities for voter registration by any person who is qualified to be a voter. Under the program, after the Secretary of State certifies that certain enumerated conditions are satisfied, the Department of Motor Vehicles would be required to electronically provide to the Secretary of State the records of each person who is issued an original or renewal of a driver’s license or state identification card or who provides the department with a change of address, as specified. The person’s motor vehicle records would then constitute a completed affidavit of registration and the person would be registered to vote, unless the person affirmatively declined to be registered to vote during a transaction with the department, the department did not represent to the Secretary of State that the person attested that he or she meets all voter eligibility requirements, as specified, or the Secretary of State determines that the person is ineligible to vote. The bill would require the Secretary of State to adopt regulations to implement this program, as specified.

No, they don't. Nowhere does it say that because it isn't true.


Bill Text - AB-60 Driver’s licenses: eligibility: required documentation.

This bill would require the department to issue an original driver’s license to a person who is unable to submit satisfactory proof that the applicant’s presence in the United States is authorized under federal law if he or she meets all other qualifications for licensure and provides satisfactory proof to the department of his or her identity and California residency.

Please stop already you fucking idiot.

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As you've already been informed, such a driver's license contains designation which prohibits them from being registered to vote.

No it doesn't. It says Federal Limits Apply in relationship to the licenses acceptability outside of the state. It has nothing to do with stopping them from voting inside of California. As they would be allowed to vote in all federal, state, and local elections except for the election of the President. In fact, AB 60 specifically states that it is illegal for state and local law enforcement, agencies, or officials to discriminate against you because of the AB60 license. It is not to be used to discriminate against you based on your citizenship or immigration status.

I am going to have to start charging you for this education.

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You should get yourself educated first. :rolleyes:

Here's the protection from discrimination you point to...

15. How can I use my AB 60 license?

You can use an AB60 license to drive, and to identify yourself to police officers, e.g. in a traffic stop. It is unlawful for businesses, landlords, government agencies or officials, or program or activity that receives state funds to discriminate against you based on the type of license you have. Driver’s licenses do not give you a right to vote and do not make you eligible for any benefits that you were not eligible for without the license. A driver’s license does not give you the right to work as an employee. However, if in the future you are granted a status that allows you to work, you will be able to use the driver’s license as proof of identity along with a valid work authorization document, when you complete the I-9 form.

Bill AB60 - Drive California

No a drivers license alone doesn't give you the right to vote you also need a social security card even if it says not authorized to work on it.

Once you have both you can register to vote online and never have to prove citizenship.

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Now everyone watches as you shift your position. You were claiming that "motor voter" enabled illegals to be registered automatically at a DMV when they obtained a driver's license.

Being shown repeatedly they cannot be registered to vote in such a fashion, you now claim that once they have a driver's licence, they can register to vote at a later date if they can also obtain a SS card. Which illegal aliens can't legally do.

My condolences on your claims.
davecmarino, post: 16157740
As they would be allowed to vote in all federal, state, and local elections except for the election of the President.

So what are you arguing for. Don't you understand the OP has lost much if her case with that revelation?

Just because they shouldn't be allowed to vote in the Presidential election, once they are registered to vote by the state, they are able to. It's not like California or any of the states are giving out a different ballot to illegals with the option to vote for the President. Once they are registered, the damage is done.

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davecmarino, post: 16157740
As they would be allowed to vote in all federal, state, and local elections except for the election of the President.

So what are you arguing for. Don't you understand the OP has lost much if her case with that revelation?
He doesn't know what he's arguing. He WAS arguing the new motor voter act automatically registers illegal aliens to vote. Now he's saying it allows them to register at a later time with a social security card (which illegals can't legally obtain).

He's pretty much beating himself senseless at this point.

davecmarino, post: 16157740
As they would be allowed to vote in all federal, state, and local elections except for the election of the President.

So what are you arguing for. Don't you understand the OP has lost much if her case with that revelation?

Just because they shouldn't be allowed to vote in the Presidential election, once they are registered to vote by the state, they are able to. It's not like California or any of the states are giving out a different ballot to illegals with the option to vote for the President. Once they are registered, the damage is done.

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No, they cannot. They cannot legally be registered to vote.

The new law didn't nullify any of the protections already in place to prevent illegals from voting.

U.S. citizens eligible for a California driver's license already had the ability to register to vote at a DMV. They already had to prove legal presence to get a license. The only difference between the old law and the new law is that eligible voters no longer had to request being registered to vote; now they are registered automatically but can request not being registered to vote.

Nothing else changed.

They still have to be U.S. citizens to register to vote.

Which brings me back to my earlier question... who is dumbing you down? Is it Breitbart? HotAir? WND? Fox News?

Who is fucking with your head like this?
davecmarino, post: 16157740
As they would be allowed to vote in all federal, state, and local elections except for the election of the President.

So what are you arguing for. Don't you understand the OP has lost much if her case with that revelation?
He doesn't know what he's arguing. He WAS arguing the new motor voter act automatically registers illegal aliens to vote. Now he's saying it allows them to register at a later time with a social security card (which illegals can't legally obtain).

He's pretty much beating himself senseless at this point.


Illegals can't obtain an SS card. It is issued to all of them to go to school as children or as an adult. All you have to do is claim you want to get your high school diploma even as an adult and they issue you the card.

Also, the AB60 program is in the motor voter program. It is does not automatically excluded all applicants under the AB60 program. Re-read the part where the administrator admits that the program won't have the ability to weed out the unauthorized participants now or for the next year.

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davecmarino, post: 16157740
As they would be allowed to vote in all federal, state, and local elections except for the election of the President.

So what are you arguing for. Don't you understand the OP has lost much if her case with that revelation?
He doesn't know what he's arguing. He WAS arguing the new motor voter act automatically registers illegal aliens to vote. Now he's saying it allows them to register at a later time with a social security card (which illegals can't legally obtain).

He's pretty much beating himself senseless at this point.


Illegals can't obtain an SS card. It is issued to all of them to go to school as children or as an adult. All you have to do is claim you want to get your high school diploma even as an adult and they issue you the card.
You have proof of that? Because other than folks who work for homeland security, non-U.S. citizens cannot get a social security card. Not aliens here illegally, not aliens here legally, not aliens who are school children.

Also, the AB60 program is in the motor voter program. It is does not automatically excluded all applicants under the AB60 program. Re-read the part where the administrator admits that the program won't have the ability to weed out the unauthorized participants now or for the next year.

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Here's what he said...

Padilla noted that there is already a separate process for residents in the country illegally to apply for special licenses. Although citizens are currently offered the opportunity to register to vote at the DMV under an earlier federal law, noncitizens are not. That will continue under the new registration process. People applying for the special licenses will not be asked about their eligibility to vote and will not be asked if they’d like to opt out of registration.

“We’ve built the protocols and the firewalls to not register people that aren’t eligible,” Padilla said. “We’re going to keep those firewalls in place."
They have to go an additional step and register themselves online which they are entitled to do with a Drivers License and a Social Security card. You can get a SS card with not valid for employment fairly easily.

But somehow the online Drivers license holder cant vote for the President. How does that work?
davecmarino, post: 16157740
As they would be allowed to vote in all federal, state, and local elections except for the election of the President.

So what are you arguing for. Don't you understand the OP has lost much if her case with that revelation?
He doesn't know what he's arguing. He WAS arguing the new motor voter act automatically registers illegal aliens to vote. Now he's saying it allows them to register at a later time with a social security card (which illegals can't legally obtain).

He's pretty much beating himself senseless at this point.


Illegals can't obtain an SS card. It is issued to all of them to go to school as children or as an adult. All you have to do is claim you want to get your high school diploma even as an adult and they issue you the card.
You have proof of that? Because other than folks who work for homeland security, non-U.S. citizens cannot get a social security card. Not aliens here illegally, not aliens here legally, not aliens who are school children.

Also, the AB60 program is in the motor voter program. It is does not automatically excluded all applicants under the AB60 program. Re-read the part where the administrator admits that the program won't have the ability to weed out the unauthorized participants now or for the next year.

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Here's what he said...

Padilla noted that there is already a separate process for residents in the country illegally to apply for special licenses. Although citizens are currently offered the opportunity to register to vote at the DMV under an earlier federal law, noncitizens are not. That will continue under the new registration process. People applying for the special licenses will not be asked about their eligibility to vote and will not be asked if they’d like to opt out of registration.

“We’ve built the protocols and the firewalls to not register people that aren’t eligible,” Padilla said. “We’re going to keep those firewalls in place."

The statewide voter registration database, Vote-Cal, is on track to be implemented by June 2016, said Secretary of State Alex Padilla. He said he expects funding needs to be minimal, noting that the DMV received money in the current state budget for a technology upgrade. If there are extra costs, he said, “the governor signed the bill, and I interpret his signature as a commitment to funding implementation as necessary.”

Resolving the procedural questions will take some time, Padilla acknowledged. “It won’t be in time for the June primary of 2016,” he said. “At the latest, for the 2018 election cycle, I expect millions of new voters on the rolls in the state of California."

How convenient that those procedural questions won't be answered until after the election.

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They have to go an additional step and register themselves online which they are entitled to do with a Drivers License and a Social Security card. You can get a SS card with not valid for employment fairly easily.

But somehow the online Drivers license holder cant vote for the President. How does that work?

Look at the online voter registration system and you will see. There is no requirement to show citizenship except a blurb in the law.

Once you have a DL#, California isn't going to go back and check in fact in their own voter rights laws that call it an honest mistake when an illegal votes and not an act that would require the adjustment of the vote.

"If the automatically registered person who is not a citizen votes, that act is presumed to be an error not subject to prosecution or fine, by the act.

And as the ballot was cast and the ballot is secret the vote stands, and as there is no publicly available data base to determine if a voter is not a citizen for the public to check against for voter fraud, there will be no way to see or correct the voter rolls for illegal voters."

It is a scheme that they have put together to put together a law that can stand up in court but curtail the enforcement to get the desired result.

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davecmarino, post: 16157740
As they would be allowed to vote in all federal, state, and local elections except for the election of the President.

So what are you arguing for. Don't you understand the OP has lost much if her case with that revelation?
He doesn't know what he's arguing. He WAS arguing the new motor voter act automatically registers illegal aliens to vote. Now he's saying it allows them to register at a later time with a social security card (which illegals can't legally obtain).

He's pretty much beating himself senseless at this point.


Illegals can't obtain an SS card. It is issued to all of them to go to school as children or as an adult. All you have to do is claim you want to get your high school diploma even as an adult and they issue you the card.
You have proof of that? Because other than folks who work for homeland security, non-U.S. citizens cannot get a social security card. Not aliens here illegally, not aliens here legally, not aliens who are school children.

Also, the AB60 program is in the motor voter program. It is does not automatically excluded all applicants under the AB60 program. Re-read the part where the administrator admits that the program won't have the ability to weed out the unauthorized participants now or for the next year.

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Here's what he said...

Padilla noted that there is already a separate process for residents in the country illegally to apply for special licenses. Although citizens are currently offered the opportunity to register to vote at the DMV under an earlier federal law, noncitizens are not. That will continue under the new registration process. People applying for the special licenses will not be asked about their eligibility to vote and will not be asked if they’d like to opt out of registration.

“We’ve built the protocols and the firewalls to not register people that aren’t eligible,” Padilla said. “We’re going to keep those firewalls in place."

The statewide voter registration database, Vote-Cal, is on track to be implemented by June 2016, said Secretary of State Alex Padilla. He said he expects funding needs to be minimal, noting that the DMV received money in the current state budget for a technology upgrade. If there are extra costs, he said, “the governor signed the bill, and I interpret his signature as a commitment to funding implementation as necessary.”

Resolving the procedural questions will take some time, Padilla acknowledged. “It won’t be in time for the June primary of 2016,” he said. “At the latest, for the 2018 election cycle, I expect millions of new voters on the rolls in the state of California."

How convenient that those procedural questions won't be answered until after the election.

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So? They were not launching the program into effect until those "procedural questions" were resolved.
They have to go an additional step and register themselves online which they are entitled to do with a Drivers License and a Social Security card. You can get a SS card with not valid for employment fairly easily.

But somehow the online Drivers license holder cant vote for the President. How does that work?

Look at the online voter registration system and you will see. There is no requirement to show citizenship except a blurb in the law.

Once you have a DL#, California isn't going to go back and check in fact in their own voter rights laws that call it an honest mistake when an illegal votes and not an act that would require the adjustment of the vote.

"If the automatically registered person who is not a citizen votes, that act is presumed to be an error not subject to prosecution or fine, by the act.

And as the ballot was cast and the ballot is secret the vote stands, and as there is no publicly available data base to determine if a voter is not a citizen for the public to check against for voter fraud, there will be no way to see or correct the voter rolls for illegal voters."

It is a scheme that they have put together to put together a law that can stand up in court but curtail the enforcement to get the desired result.

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Umm... you're still stuck at -- non-U.S. citizens can't register to vote. You're also talking out of both sides of your mouth now. On one side, you're claiming illegals are registered to vote automatically at the DMV when they get their license; while out of the other, you're claiming illegals can register online once they have a driver's license and a social security card.

Meanwhile, to the former -- no, they cannot register to vote at the DMV when they get their driver's license. You've been shown that's an option available only to U.S. citizens who can prove they're U.S. citizens.

To the latter -- registering online doesn't automatically get you registered. It's a request to register. The information you provide, such as driver's license number, social security number, etc., is used to validate you're eligible to vote (i.e., not an illegal alien). If not all that information is provided online and a search cannot determine eligibility, registration is not accepted until such individuals can prove eligibility to their county elections official.
davecmarino, post: 16158575
Look at the online voter registration system and you will see. There is no requirement to show citizenship except a blurb in the law

Which of your comments is true? You said illegals can't vote for President when applying online for a drivers license. Now you say there is no requirement to show citizenship when applying online.

It can't be both ways. You appear to be juggling too many fake news stories and can't keep them straight.

It's hard to believe California's legal system and legislators would require proof of birth to get a drivers license in person and then set up an online system where you don't need an official birth certificate to be able to vote for the President.
davecmarino, post: 16158575
Look at the online voter registration system and you will see. There is no requirement to show citizenship except a blurb in the law

Which of your comments is true? You said illegals can't vote for President when applying online for a drivers license. Now you say there is no requirement to show citizenship when applying online.

It can't be both ways. You appear to be juggling too many fake news stories and can't keep them straight.

It's hard to believe California's legal system and legislators would require proof of birth to get a drivers license in person and then set up an online system where you don't need an official birth certificate to be able to vote for the President.
They don't. When a person registers online, they go through a screening process that validates their birthdate, DL# and SS# to determine eligibility.

Illegals can't legally vote.

Just as Obama said during his interview with Gina Rodriguez.
davecmarino, post: 16157740 So what are you arguing for. Don't you understand the OP has lost much if her case with that revelation?
He doesn't know what he's arguing. He WAS arguing the new motor voter act automatically registers illegal aliens to vote. Now he's saying it allows them to register at a later time with a social security card (which illegals can't legally obtain).

He's pretty much beating himself senseless at this point.


Illegals can't obtain an SS card. It is issued to all of them to go to school as children or as an adult. All you have to do is claim you want to get your high school diploma even as an adult and they issue you the card.
You have proof of that? Because other than folks who work for homeland security, non-U.S. citizens cannot get a social security card. Not aliens here illegally, not aliens here legally, not aliens who are school children.

Also, the AB60 program is in the motor voter program. It is does not automatically excluded all applicants under the AB60 program. Re-read the part where the administrator admits that the program won't have the ability to weed out the unauthorized participants now or for the next year.

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Here's what he said...

Padilla noted that there is already a separate process for residents in the country illegally to apply for special licenses. Although citizens are currently offered the opportunity to register to vote at the DMV under an earlier federal law, noncitizens are not. That will continue under the new registration process. People applying for the special licenses will not be asked about their eligibility to vote and will not be asked if they’d like to opt out of registration.

“We’ve built the protocols and the firewalls to not register people that aren’t eligible,” Padilla said. “We’re going to keep those firewalls in place."

The statewide voter registration database, Vote-Cal, is on track to be implemented by June 2016, said Secretary of State Alex Padilla. He said he expects funding needs to be minimal, noting that the DMV received money in the current state budget for a technology upgrade. If there are extra costs, he said, “the governor signed the bill, and I interpret his signature as a commitment to funding implementation as necessary.”

Resolving the procedural questions will take some time, Padilla acknowledged. “It won’t be in time for the June primary of 2016,” he said. “At the latest, for the 2018 election cycle, I expect millions of new voters on the rolls in the state of California."

How convenient that those procedural questions won't be answered until after the election.

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So? They were not launching the program into effect until those "procedural questions" were resolved.

No, it launched AB 60 went in effect without the procedural questions being solved.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He doesn't know what he's arguing. He WAS arguing the new motor voter act automatically registers illegal aliens to vote. Now he's saying it allows them to register at a later time with a social security card (which illegals can't legally obtain).

He's pretty much beating himself senseless at this point.


Illegals can't obtain an SS card. It is issued to all of them to go to school as children or as an adult. All you have to do is claim you want to get your high school diploma even as an adult and they issue you the card.
You have proof of that? Because other than folks who work for homeland security, non-U.S. citizens cannot get a social security card. Not aliens here illegally, not aliens here legally, not aliens who are school children.

Also, the AB60 program is in the motor voter program. It is does not automatically excluded all applicants under the AB60 program. Re-read the part where the administrator admits that the program won't have the ability to weed out the unauthorized participants now or for the next year.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here's what he said...

Padilla noted that there is already a separate process for residents in the country illegally to apply for special licenses. Although citizens are currently offered the opportunity to register to vote at the DMV under an earlier federal law, noncitizens are not. That will continue under the new registration process. People applying for the special licenses will not be asked about their eligibility to vote and will not be asked if they’d like to opt out of registration.

“We’ve built the protocols and the firewalls to not register people that aren’t eligible,” Padilla said. “We’re going to keep those firewalls in place."

The statewide voter registration database, Vote-Cal, is on track to be implemented by June 2016, said Secretary of State Alex Padilla. He said he expects funding needs to be minimal, noting that the DMV received money in the current state budget for a technology upgrade. If there are extra costs, he said, “the governor signed the bill, and I interpret his signature as a commitment to funding implementation as necessary.”

Resolving the procedural questions will take some time, Padilla acknowledged. “It won’t be in time for the June primary of 2016,” he said. “At the latest, for the 2018 election cycle, I expect millions of new voters on the rolls in the state of California."

How convenient that those procedural questions won't be answered until after the election.

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So? They were not launching the program into effect until those "procedural questions" were resolved.

No, it launched AB 60 went in effect without the procedural questions being solved.

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Again.... from your own link...

When will this go into effect?

That’s unclear. The law goes into place on Jan. 1, 2016, but the DMV said in a statement that it would not send information to the secretary of state until that office "develops regulations, completes a statewide database system and funding is secured to implement this program.” The regulations, which must be agreed upon between the DMV and the secretary of state, will have to settle basic procedural issues, such as how the “opt-out” question will be phrased and how often the DMV will transmit data.

The statewide voter registration database, Vote-Cal, is on track to be implemented by June 2016, said Secretary of State Alex Padilla. He said he expects funding needs to be minimal, noting that the DMV received money in the current state budget for a technology upgrade. If there are extra costs, he said, “the governor signed the bill, and I interpret his signature as a commitment to funding implementation as necessary.”

Resolving the procedural questions will take some time, Padilla acknowledged. “It won’t be in time for the June primary of 2016,” he said. “At the latest, for the 2018 election cycle, I expect millions of new voters on the rolls in the state of California."

... the "procedural issues" did not involve the legal status of the individuals applying for voter registration.
Illegals can't obtain an SS card. It is issued to all of them to go to school as children or as an adult. All you have to do is claim you want to get your high school diploma even as an adult and they issue you the card.
You have proof of that? Because other than folks who work for homeland security, non-U.S. citizens cannot get a social security card. Not aliens here illegally, not aliens here legally, not aliens who are school children.

Also, the AB60 program is in the motor voter program. It is does not automatically excluded all applicants under the AB60 program. Re-read the part where the administrator admits that the program won't have the ability to weed out the unauthorized participants now or for the next year.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here's what he said...

Padilla noted that there is already a separate process for residents in the country illegally to apply for special licenses. Although citizens are currently offered the opportunity to register to vote at the DMV under an earlier federal law, noncitizens are not. That will continue under the new registration process. People applying for the special licenses will not be asked about their eligibility to vote and will not be asked if they’d like to opt out of registration.

“We’ve built the protocols and the firewalls to not register people that aren’t eligible,” Padilla said. “We’re going to keep those firewalls in place."

The statewide voter registration database, Vote-Cal, is on track to be implemented by June 2016, said Secretary of State Alex Padilla. He said he expects funding needs to be minimal, noting that the DMV received money in the current state budget for a technology upgrade. If there are extra costs, he said, “the governor signed the bill, and I interpret his signature as a commitment to funding implementation as necessary.”

Resolving the procedural questions will take some time, Padilla acknowledged. “It won’t be in time for the June primary of 2016,” he said. “At the latest, for the 2018 election cycle, I expect millions of new voters on the rolls in the state of California."

How convenient that those procedural questions won't be answered until after the election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So? They were not launching the program into effect until those "procedural questions" were resolved.

No, it launched AB 60 went in effect without the procedural questions being solved.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Again.... from your own link...

When will this go into effect?

That’s unclear. The law goes into place on Jan. 1, 2016, but the DMV said in a statement that it would not send information to the secretary of state until that office "develops regulations, completes a statewide database system and funding is secured to implement this program.” The regulations, which must be agreed upon between the DMV and the secretary of state, will have to settle basic procedural issues, such as how the “opt-out” question will be phrased and how often the DMV will transmit data.

The statewide voter registration database, Vote-Cal, is on track to be implemented by June 2016, said Secretary of State Alex Padilla. He said he expects funding needs to be minimal, noting that the DMV received money in the current state budget for a technology upgrade. If there are extra costs, he said, “the governor signed the bill, and I interpret his signature as a commitment to funding implementation as necessary.”

Resolving the procedural questions will take some time, Padilla acknowledged. “It won’t be in time for the June primary of 2016,” he said. “At the latest, for the 2018 election cycle, I expect millions of new voters on the rolls in the state of California."

... the "procedural issues" did not involve the legal status of the individuals applying for voter registration.

You are full of shit like most liberals.

First AB 60 is passed to give illegals drivers licenses

Next, Motor Voter is passed that specifically states that "ALL" drivers licenses will be registered to vote unless the driver specifically opts out.

Then, AB 110 is passed to limit the ability of the community to check the register for fraud. California suspends a critical method to prevent voter fraud! - Election Integrity Project

When they pass motor voter they also included the following in AB 1461:
This bill, AB1461, would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person. The bill would also provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of this program, and that person votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and is not guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote.

Finally, they install electronic kiosks to register people to vote at the DMV and direct you to those. At those stations, there is nobody checking the answers to your questions to make sure you are not lying about your eligibility to vote and as long as you lie at the DMV you will be instantly registered and you have immunity from prosecution.

Sure no fraud going on here. Combined it shows a systematic approach to creating a condition of voter fraud to flourish. Which is exactly what happens in California.

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