Zone1 Saying "Blacks" commit 50% of murders is Racism

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There is absolutely no scientific basis for race.

Race is a human construct invented for the sole purpose of marginalizing entire groups of people.

That's data for you.

Groups of people have different behavior, and circumstances. You can look at data for out come and learn from it.

Blacks today, have higher crime rates. That's a BAD THING.

Lets look at the problem and see if we can see why, then address it, with the goal of reducing it.

Folding those numbers into the a bigger number TO HIDE THE PROBLEM, is not Right, not logically or morally.

Whether or not the groups in question are groups based on physical markers or social constructs, is irrelevant in this case and in most cases.
Groups of people have different behavior, and circumstances. You can look at data for out come and learn from it.

Blacks today, have higher crime rates. That's a BAD THING.

Lets look at the problem and see if we can see why, then address it, with the goal of reducing it.

Folding those numbers into the a bigger number TO HIDE THE PROBLEM, is not Right, not logically or morally.

Whether or not the groups in question are groups based on physical markers or social constructs, is irrelevant in this case and in most cases.
Blacks today have a very high illegitimate birth rate as well, and that is ALSO a bad thing. It is associated with all sorts of societal ills. But the Marxist leftists want to dismantle the nuclear family, which is why you see leftists on this forum denying the problems when a specific race has a 72% OOW birth rate.
Groups of people have different behavior, and circumstances. You can look at data for out come and learn from it.

Blacks today, have higher crime rates. That's a BAD THING.

Lets look at the problem and see if we can see why, then address it, with the goal of reducing it.

Folding those numbers into the a bigger number TO HIDE THE PROBLEM, is not Right, not logically or morally.

Whether or not the groups in question are groups based on physical markers or social constructs, is irrelevant in this case and in most cases.
So culture.

Not race
There is a big correlation between out-of-wedlock birthrate and low educational attainment and poverty, which in turn is correlated with higher than average rates of crimes.

We as a society need to ramp down on crime, whether committed by blacks or whites, and this needs to be supported by blacks as well. Instead, we are moving in the opposite direction, and the “soft on crime” attitude is the cause
It isn’t a question of whether it is supported by blacks, it is. As a group they are probably even more frustrated by it than whites because more blacks are likely to live in neighborhoods most affected by crime but no one pays attention until hits the comfortable middle class neighborhoods.

I don’t think soft on crime in and of itself is ”the cause”. Our criminal Justice sustem in and of itself, is a mess with a lot of inequities starting with the juvenile justice system.

Black kids are more likely than white kids to be charged, incarcerated or pressured accept a plea deal for tbe same crime. From that point a cycle begins that is hard to end. Statistically they are more likely to live in areas with unsafe neighborhoods, lack of safe constructive recreational opportunities, and high crime. Single parent families may increase the odds but that is far from the only problem (plentry of single mothers also raise good kids). If you want to do something imo, you need to invest in kids and communities.
It isn’t a question of whether it is supported by blacks, it is. As a group they are probably even more frustrated by it than whites because more blacks are likely to live in neighborhoods most affected by crime but no one pays attention until hits the comfortable middle class neighborhoods.

I don’t think soft on crime in and of itself is ”the cause”. Our criminal Justice sustem in and of itself, is a mess with a lot of inequities starting with the juvenile justice system.

Black kids are more likely than white kids to be charged, incarcerated or pressured accept a plea deal for tbe same crime. From that point a cycle begins that is hard to end. Statistically they are more likely to live in areas with unsafe neighborhoods, lack of safe constructive recreational opportunities, and high crime. Single parent families may increase the odds but that is far from the only problem (plentry of single mothers also raise good kids). If you want to do something imo, you need to invest in kids and communities.
Why would you assume I haven’t invested in kids and communities?
Why would you assume I haven’t invested in kids and communities?
I’m not assuming anything. ”You” is a general “you” not you personally. I have no idea what you’ve done personally nor does it matter to me because I’m addressing the larger issues you pointed out, not you.
I’m not assuming anything. ”You” is a general “you” not you personally. I have no idea what you’ve done personally nor does it matter to me because I’m addressing the larger issues you pointed out, not you.
When you criticize a black poster for making the most obnoxious, divisive insults about whites, and not only whites who start much less offensive threads, we’ll talk. In the meantime, you bias is too extreme to have a decent discussion.
Collectivizing all blacks together for crimes they didn't personally commit, is racism and black guilt. It's ok to be black, blacks don't have to have black guilt for crimes they've never committed. Funny enough, the same people who cite 13/50, are the same ones who called Don Lemon a racist for saying that white men are the biggest domestic terror threat. By their own logic, they are racist then. This type of racism is mainstream, people try to rationalize their racism through the guise of "facts".
Hmmm, let's see... Collectivizing all whites together for racism they don't personally hold, is racism and white guilt Does that sound about right?
Data alone is meaningless without context.

The context that Blues Man wants to hide data about people dying, and I want to look at data so we can find the problem, address the cause and save lives.

Which side are you on?
Hmmm, let's see... Collectivizing all whites together for racism they don't personally hold, is racism and white guilt Does that sound about right?
The double standards are blinding. Thread after thread started by a black poster condemning all whites are allowed to standard, but a white poster who starts a thread about the ways in which whites have contributed to our country is told to stop delineating things by race.

We are fast moving to a society where punishment or criticism is doled out, or withheld, based on the “identity” of the people - black v white, and Democrat v Republican. It is becoming pervasive throughout society as the leftists work to put dissenters (those who refuse to submit to the leftist agenda and positions) in their place - be it jail, silencing, censorship, or unequal condemnation.
One more reason not to use race at all when referring to anyone.
Data alone is meaningless without context.

There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

It wasn't a bunch of black guys sitting around the table when they decided to start reporting crimes in bulk by race
for no other possible application than a per-capita equation ... Not talking about investigative practices.

It doesn't alter the crime ...
Murder is murder, and the victim is just as dead as any other victim.

It doesn't identify the number of criminals nor their dispersion ...
One person killing 10 people counts as 10 crimes committed by someone of that race.

You could write pages about how the data doesn't support exactly what people want to think it does ...
And eventually you will discover exactly why they did it ... :thup:

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