Zone1 Saying "Blacks" commit 50% of murders is Racism

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Like I said...

Black Americans are not a subgroup within the black American population. Right wingers are a subgroup in the white population. It's not the same thing. So take your own advice.
The fact that there are black right wingers undermines your childish dogma, kid.
Do you realize that you exemplify the stereotype of the "angry black man" here, daily?
LOL so what? that means that blacks kill 12 times as many blacks as whites do.
No, it doesn't mean that. It means if your white ass is going to get killed, you will get killed by another white person while you're telling yourself haw blacks are the problem.
A majority of whites do hold racism. That's not collectivizing. Collectivizing would be ascribing things that they aren't guilty of. I'm definitely looking at the individual.

If there's no black guilt for black crime, at least whites CAN feel some guilt for ALL of the other crime created, condone, ENABLED by govts huh? And when I say ENABLED - I MEAN enabled. The whole buying of DA offices by Soros to stop holding and punishing criminals for instance. A remnant of "Reimaging Policing" And "Defunding Policing" that IS BY ITSELF WITHOUT A SKIN COLOR -- killing people. AND -- it's largely confine to big urban centers with hefty black populations.

You feel any black guilt for supporting catching and releasing criminals with LONG and violent rap sheets? Not charging enhancements for gun or particularly aggregious crimes?

Because besides turning a blind eye to gangs and treating them like some deviant form of guardian angels defense club, those POLITICAL entities are the 2nd highest factor that CREATE black crime. Especially in the past decade. I know white folks would be angry and feel guilty for the anguish of the victim's families. Why SHOULD WE CARE - if blacks take no responsibility for creating, condoning, and ENABLING that nullification of justice and the law?
Closed.. Warnings to follow. This post will be linked to the warnings.

Race forum is going to REMAIN Zone1. It may SHRINK in page hits, but only the folks who RESPECT the difficulties of the topics will remain. We did this because of the ultra-volatile nature of the topics that are on the table. Can't control the playing field of concepts, ideas, opinion. And the WINGS of this "dialogue" -- border on dogma, bias, and dishonesty. That's the playing field here.

The only folks SURVIVING in this forum are gonna be the ones that have the self-restraint and control to actually ATTEMPT to discuss these threads. If you dont have the patience, the restraint to do that CIVILILY and DONT INTEND TO DISCUSS THE ACTUAL TOPIC -- dont' come into thread. If nobody comes into thread -- than we avoid this useless kind of race baiting and personal name calling that you SEE HERE.

One of the JOYS of message boarding USE TO BE taking apart factual/logical/biased opinions and getting an actual weighing of the arguments. We DO and WILL close "baiting" and VERY weak topics. We MAY require MORE than opinions here in the future. And mod staff will be discussing that in the next couple of days.
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