Zone1 Saying "Blacks" commit 50% of murders is Racism

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Your saying a majority of whites are racist - wow, you’ve met the majority of whites? - is every bit as racist as a white person saying the majority of blacks are lazy.
I think that white people born in and brought up in the United States have been exposed to racist teachings and whitewashed history which has become engrained in them from birth. Not everyone acts upon these things and behaves in a racist manner, but at some point the choice has to be made - do I believe what I heard growing up about black people being violent, being oversexed, being dirty, being lazy, wanting everything handed to them on a silver platter - or do I get to know people on an individual basis and decide for myself what I want to believe. I remember that when I was 18 years old I met a black man for the first time. He was a gospel singer and he did not fit even one of the stereotypes I had heard coming up.
I think that white people born in and brought up in the United States have been exposed to racist teachings and whitewashed history which has become engrained in them from birth. Not everyone acts upon these things and behaves in a racist manner, but at some point the choice has to be made - do I believe what I heard growing up about black people being violent, being oversexed, being dirty, being lazy, wanting everything handed to them on a silver platter - or do I get to know people on an individual basis and decide for myself what I want to believe. I remember that when I was 18 years old I met a black man for the first time. He was a gospel singer and he did not fit even one of the stereotypes I had heard coming up.
Well maybe some of that was because you never met a black person until you were 18. I’ve found, as a Jew, that people who have never met Jews are more vulnerable to believing the negative stereotypes. (When I was in high school, a girl moved to our area from some rural area without a Jew in 50 miles, and when she met me, she was shocked to see I didn’t have horns. Unbelievable, but true.) Same thing would apply, it would seem, to never meeting a black.

In my house, I never heard a negative word about blacks, and we had black children in my class as far back in elementary school. (Same with my parents - there was no segregation in NYC schools in the 40s.)

So I don’t think most people are racist. There is a big exaggeration of it, and these days, a very nasty pattern of accusing people of racism when it isn’t true. What has happened is that ANY comment that doesn’t blame racism for blacks’ high poverty or crime rates (one is correlated with the other), or even suggests race-blind admissions policies, is deemed racist.
Actually it is not "wide spread violence". Violent crime in a city tends to be concentrated in just few blocks of a few neighborhoods. Among less than 1% of a cities population. Yet another indicator that the "black culture" claim doesn't hold up.

Thank you. Violence in inner cities gets so much media and internet attention that it makes it seem wide spread. The great parts of these cities are ignored and no press is given to the wonderful things that go on in many communities. Violence sells and I believe that there is a certain appetite for it in our country. Because being able to point at others diverts attention away from ourselves and our own problems. Politicians are so good at repeating something over and over again and convincing people of certain points of view that actually need much closer examination before being considered accurate.
n my house, I never heard a negative word about blacks,
I often wish I hadn't My father used the n word and even church folks said we could not associate with blacks even though they needed the gospel too. I think perhaps your experience is somewhat of an exception here.
That doesn’t necessarily mean anything. They can be jailed for any number of crimes, not necessarily violent (minor drug crimes for example). Also poor black men are much more likely to not be able to pay bail, to be pressured into a plea deal rather than a jury trial and black youth are more likely than white youth to get jail sentances for the same crime.
Its a clear indication that crime is rampant in their community. Denying the obvious isnt going to accomplish anything. Until these problems are addressed head on, they will never be fixed. This sweeping it under the rug shit isnt working.
I often wish I hadn't My father used the n word and even church folks said we could not associate with blacks even though they needed the gospel too. I think perhaps your experience is somewhat of an exception here.
Never heard the word once in my house. Never heard it in my grandparents’ house, either.

I’d like to think that was common, and not the exception you think. So, I’ll ask: whites on this thread, did your parents ever use the n word?
Collectivizing all blacks together for crimes they didn't personally commit, is racism and black guilt. It's ok to be black, blacks don't have to have black guilt for crimes they've never committed. Funny enough, the same people who cite 13/50, are the same ones who called Don Lemon a racist for saying that white men are the biggest domestic terror threat. By their own logic, they are racist then. This type of racism is mainstream, people try to rationalize their racism through the guise of "facts".
You'll still be bitter, and black tomorrow. Like my coffee. Except one I appreciate, and welcome. The other... Not so much.

This is a warned post. Can't drop into a Zone1 thread, ignore the topic and flame thrower the OPoster.
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I often wish I hadn't My father used the n word and even church folks said we could not associate with blacks even though they needed the gospel too. I think perhaps your experience is somewhat of an exception here.
I was raised to believe everyone was equal. I went to school with people of all races. What it taught me was that there are good and bad in all races and nationalities. I learned to judge people on their speech and actions, not the color of their skin.
Do you hear about drive-by shootings in poor white neighborhoods? Appalachia is one of the poorest places in the nation. They dont have anything close to the murder rate of even average black communities, let alone the worst black communities. Poverty doesnt cause violence. Anti social sub cultures are what causes violence. Black culture is the issue and until it drastically changes, their crime rates will never diminish.
Not, just regular shootings, and mass shootings.
Why do whites not listen? I think that my being black means I know what the cause of our problems are. I don't have to go look for something written by somebody black that tells me what I want to believe. Whites don't seem to understand how mentally exhausting dealing with the obstinance of those among you who are racists is. It takes extreme discipline not to go buy an AR 15 and go into a crowded area of whites then start firing. Michelle Obama has admitted that dealing with white racism has caused her bouts of depression. So what in the FUCK do you think racism is going to do to a 14-year-old girl in the hood who sees nothing but blight? What about that 15-year-old boy who wants to work but there are no places in his neighborhood that can hire him?

Things are not the same for blacks and whites in this nation. It never has been. Blacks have been forced into poverty by policy, many times whites are there because of poor choices although racist policy does get some whites as well.

The whites here making all these judgments have never lived a second as a black person and what is even more sickening is they are some of the very people who cause our problems and then they run their mouths about what blacks don't do.

Fatherless families are not the problem! A man sitting in a recliner in a house does not end poverty. Poverty is about wealth and income, so a black man who is unemployed because white racists won't hire him can sit at home with his family all he wants and they will still live in poverty. An employed black couple makes less than an employed white couple regardless of educational attainment and that includes graduating in the higher paying fields. These are facts backed up by decades of study, not some ignorant musing from white racists in an internet forum.

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. I say that as a black man that has faced it, had relatives and friends face it, plus 30 years in social work with black clients who faced it. No one expressing an opposing view has my experience. All opinions are not equal and the opinions from the right about blacks in this forum are completely inaccurate.

Racism is not just some bad words or acts by random individuals. It causes physical and psychological harm. So all these simplistic conclusions that do not have any basis in understanding physiology or psychology are opinions that have no merit and should be dismissed.

Ryan C.T. DeLapp, MA, and Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D., “Proactively Coping With Racism, Getting back to our lives in the aftermath of racial violence in the media.”, July 18, 2016, www.psychologytoday,com

Dennis R. Upkins, Denying Racism And Other Forms Of Gaslighting, Aug 24, 2016, Mental Health Matters, derived from:

Cheyna Roth, Racism Declared A Public Health Crisis In New Whitmer Executive Directive, Aug 05, 2020, Racism declared a public health crisis in new Whitmer executive directive

Is Racism a Public Health Issue? Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice & Health, October 9, 2017, Is Racism a Public Health Issue? — Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice & Health

Camara Jules P. Harrell, Tanisha I. Burford, Brandi N. Cage, Travette McNair Nelson, Sheronda Shearon, Adrian Thompson, and Steven Green, Multiple Pathways Linking Racism to Health Outcomes, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Trauma, Racism, Chronic Stress and the Health of Black Americans,
Compilation by the SAMHSA Office of Behavioral Health Equity, June 3, 2020, SAMHSA OBHE 6.3.20.pdf

Geronimus, A. T., Hicken, M., Keene, D., & Bound, J. (2006). "Weathering" and age patterns of allostatic load scores among blacks and whites in the United States. American journal of public health, 96(5), 826–833. The American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) from the American Public Health Association (APHA) publications

Lukachko, Alicia & Hatzenbuehler, Mark & Keyes, Katherine. (2014). Structural racism and myocardial infarction in the United States. Social science & medicine (1982). 103. 42-50. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.07.021.
And yet it is a cold hard fact that 50 percent of all murders are committed by black men ( for the most part) and in inner cities for the most part further it is a fact that blacks kill twice as many whites as whites kill blacks.
And yet it is a hard cold fact that whites kill 6 times more whites than blacks do.
And yet here you are, collectivizing all right wingers together.
Hypocrite much? Lol.
Right wingers are a group. Nice try, but white victimhood doesn't work here.
Do you hear about drive-by shootings in poor white neighborhoods? Appalachia is one of the poorest places in the nation. They dont have anything close to the murder rate of even average black communities, let alone the worst black communities. Poverty doesnt cause violence. Anti social sub cultures are what causes violence. Black culture is the issue and until it drastically changes, their crime rates will never diminish.
American culture that enables racism is the problem and since black crime is lower than white crime, check your own "culture."
I think that white people born in and brought up in the United States have been exposed to racist teachings and whitewashed history which has become engrained in them from birth. Not everyone acts upon these things and behaves in a racist manner, but at some point the choice has to be made - do I believe what I heard growing up about black people being violent, being oversexed, being dirty, being lazy, wanting everything handed to them on a silver platter - or do I get to know people on an individual basis and decide for myself what I want to believe. I remember that when I was 18 years old I met a black man for the first time. He was a gospel singer and he did not fit even one of the stereotypes I had heard coming up.
I was not raised in an environment where race was discussed. There were very few black students in any of the schools I attended. There were no racist teachings. I’m not sure what whitewashed history you are referring to. My first exposure to black people was when I moved South when I was 17. I had and still have no Ill will toward people because if their race. I did witness a lot of racism toward blacks people when I moved South, most if it seemed to have been handed down through generations.
Right wingers are a group.
Black americans are also a group.
That's not the point.
The point is the blatant hypocrisy on display by those who are too ignorant to see it.
Nice try, but white victimhood doesn't work here.
Nice buzz-word/talking point, but ultimately irrelevantly poor trolling.
No one said anything about whites being victims. They were referring to right wingers. Good god, you even said that in the first sentence of your post.
It's like juggling toddlers here, intellectually speaking.
Think, please.
Black americans are also a group.
That's not the point.
The point is the blatant hypocrisy on display by those who are too ignorant to see it.

Nice buzz-word/talking point, but ultimately irrelevantly poor trolling.
No one said anything about whites being victims. They were referring to right wingers. Good god, you even said that in the first sentence of your post.
It's like juggling toddlers here, intellectually speaking.
Think, please.
Like I said...

Black Americans are not a subgroup within the black American population. Right wingers are a subgroup in the white population. It's not the same thing. So take your own advice.
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