Zone1 Saying "Blacks" commit 50% of murders is Racism

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Ignoring data is a good plan. If your goal is to not address problems and let them continue to kill people.
As if being a racist will certainly solve the crime problem. But you should be concerned about killing regardless of race.
A majority of whites do hold racism. That's not collectivizing. Collectivizing would be ascribing things that they aren't guilty of. I'm definitely looking at the individual.
Your saying a majority of whites are racist - wow, you’ve met the majority of whites? - is every bit as racist as a white person saying the majority of blacks are lazy.
As if being a racist will certainly solve the crime problem. But you should be concerned about killing regardless of race.
And you should be concerned about racism regardless whether it’s coming from blacks or whites. But you only condemn one side.
Your saying a majority of whites are racist - wow, you’ve met the majority of whites? - is every bit as racist as a white person saying the majority of blacks are lazy.
Don't need to. You have Data, Science, 500 years of history, culture.
As if being a racist will certainly solve the crime problem. But you should be concerned about killing regardless of race.

It is worth nothing that when conservatives looked at the crime problem, specifically the BLACK crime problem and identified the issue as being illegitimacy, that the very next step done was to look at crime in the white community and see if that cause tracked with crime there too.

And to notice that it did.

AND, it is worth noting that our solutions are NOT limited to targeting the black community but against the identified causes, across the board.

This is my position on "black crime".

I want national policy to encourage the nuclear family with a father with a good job to be a good primary breadwinner. Specifically pro-job trade policy, and immigration policy to reduce supply of labor and to drive up wages.

If I was ThomasSowell, I would shave my head, because of the embarrassment you cause me.
The context that Blues Man wants to hide data about people dying, and I want to look at data so we can find the problem, address the cause and save lives.

Which side are you on?
I'm on the side of learning and data with out context does not encourage that.
Groups of people have different behavior, and circumstances. You can look at data for out come and learn from it.

Blacks today, have higher crime rates. That's a BAD THING.

Lets look at the problem and see if we can see why, then address it, with the goal of reducing it.

Folding those numbers into the a bigger number TO HIDE THE PROBLEM, is not Right, not logically or morally.

Whether or not the groups in question are groups based on physical markers or social constructs, is irrelevant in this case and in most cases.
The problem may be how we divide groups. All blacks in one group, ignoring the the fact that crime rates are often related to class, not race.
Racist rants do not usually make for a decent discussion.
So you agree the racist rants from the black racists on this forum arent good, yet you allow them to stay.

My pointing out how Whites have contributed immensely to this country to offset some of the negative black comments, or pointing out that having lower admissions standards for blacks, is not racist.

Sowell says he‘d like every white who makes a racist comment (that would include objecting to racism in admissions, I assume) to be killed. I listed a few invaluable inventions by Whites. Which one of us are you harassing?
The problem may be how we divide groups. All blacks in one group, ignoring the the fact that crime rates are often related to class, not race.
And class is related to income and education, which is inversely correlated with out of wedlock birth rates, which is exceptionally high among blacks.
So you agree the racist rants from the black racists on this forum arent good, yet you allow them to stay.

Here is a suggestion, take it or leave it: report them.

I am not the only mod here.
My pointing out how Whites have contributed immensely to this country to offset some of the negative black comments, or pointing out that having lower admissions standards for blacks, is not racist.

Well, clearly you miss the many posts and threads we've had asking what blacks have done for this country or invented. I think the irony meter went off the scale.

Sowell says he‘d like every white who makes a racist comment (that would include objecting to racism in admissions, I assume) to be killed. I listed a few invaluable inventions by Whites. Which one of us are you harassing?

You're still here aren't you?

So did the point I made about inventions go totally over your head or is this thread nothing more than a vehicle for you to air that massive chip on your shoulder?
And class is related to income and education, which is inversely correlated with out of wedlock birth rates, which is exceptionally high among blacks.
That is only one of many factors the lead to poverty.
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