SC Just Stuck It To The Labor Unions

No, you don't. You want management to persecute labor. There will be a backlash. :)

Are you aware that slavery was abolished a LONG time ago in the USA?
So who's forcing these employees to work anywhere they feel they are "persecuted"?

Also, NOTHING stops employees from organizing their own walk-out or protest. All this does is stop Democrat political hacks from having billions of dollars taken from those who are rightly disgusted by their destructive anti-American policies.

This is going to have YUGE positive effect on American politics over the next 50 years.

The fact that it was ever put in place to begin with is tragic.

Some of the largest public unions in Canada are police. We just had a cop finally fired after multiple criminal charges (yes, you read that right), and 20 years of trying to fire him. Another guy from Toronto, has been fighting for 10 years, appeal after appeal, and he is being paid $100k a year, full benefits, to sit at home suspended!

Nothing worse than these kinds of unions. It encourages people to be police for the payday and power, not out of sense of duty. That\s how Canadas system operates.
I have worked both Union and non Union jobs.

I'll admit that Union workers get paid more money per hour.

But most Union workers I've unfortunately had the displeasure to work around were super lazy with an attitude. It's almost impossible for a company to fire a Union worker no matter how bad their work performance or company rules they have violated. And the Union lawyers will fight tooth and nail to make sure a Union worker keeps his job. ... :cool:

I find that true, but don't get rid of unions, set rules for them. I agree some unions have got too strong, but the workers need some protection. At will employees just means, if I don't like you , I can fire you.
Breaking on FOX news right now. The US Supreme Court just ruled that non-union members can't be extorted by the unions. That's really going to hurt the Democrat's piggy bank.

Another day of WINNING!
Time to clear the Marxist out of the federal government.
Breaking on FOX news right now. The US Supreme Court just ruled that non-union members can't be extorted by the unions. That's really going to hurt the Democrat's piggy bank.

Another day of WINNING!

Another bad day for workers. Soon expect slave labor, no healthcare, everything for the business and corps.

If Trump is so patriotic why does he not have factories , he and Ivanka in the US, because he is not.

"Soon expect slave labor, no healthcare, everything for the business and corps."

No that is not what Right-Wingers want, that is what The International Globalists want, that is the reason they fanatically are pushing the Open Borders thing to flood Western nations with Third Worlders, they essentially being low skilled or no skilled are designed to be used as slave labour so the Big Corporations can pay the lowest of wages and make more profit. I am against Big Corporations, including the Big Banks, I would support action being taken against them, they have much too great power they should have their legs chopped so they become dwarfs, this way medium size businesses and small businesses could once again prosper like they used to do in the 1940s-1960s.
I hope you see the irony in what you just said there. As an institution becomes larger and larger, it affects more and more people and things around and within it. It's reach and it's impact grows. Simultaneously, it will operate in ways that justify it's continued growth first and foremost with collateral damage/impact on the things and people around and within it. It's possible that it makes decisions that also help those around/within it as well, but it seems more to be the former.

This can be said of big corporations but also government. As corporations have grown, so has government. They have a symbiotic relationship at this point where one rubs the others back. It's why there's so much money in politics from big businesses: they know big government props them up in part by keeping competition suppressed.

I might be putting words in your mouth, but "taking against against" sounds like government intervention. As already stated, big government has no interest in hurting big business, and even if big government did, then hurting big business is counter productive. If you want to check big business, you need to make it as easy as possible for competitors to arise and challenge them in the marketplace.

Lastly, a government big enough to destroy big business is just another big, unaccountable entity that can destroy anything it wants. Who here wants Trump presiding over a government that can and will destroy anything it wants?
Breaking on FOX news right now. The US Supreme Court just ruled that non-union members can't be extorted by the unions. That's really going to hurt the Democrat's piggy bank.

Another day of WINNING!

Another bad day for workers. Soon expect slave labor, no healthcare, everything for the business and corps.

If Trump is so patriotic why does he not have factories , he and Ivanka in the US, because he is not.

"Soon expect slave labor, no healthcare, everything for the business and corps."

No that is not what Right-Wingers want, that is what The International Globalists want, that is the reason they fanatically are pushing the Open Borders thing to flood Western nations with Third Worlders, they essentially being low skilled or no skilled are designed to be used as slave labour so the Big Corporations can pay the lowest of wages and make more profit. I am against Big Corporations, including the Big Banks, I would support action being taken against them, they have much too great power they should have their legs chopped so they become dwarfs, this way medium size businesses and small businesses could once again prosper like they used to do in the 1940s-1960s.

The GOP use cheap labor and love immigration. There is no going backwards in time. The small businessman is dying to survive. The GOP is pro big business.

Some of them use cheap labour and love immigration but not all of them. The situation is every nation has x percent of non employed, there are jobs and you should train your OWN non employed to have those jobs it is immoral to put your OWN on the street or nearly on the street and to elevate aliens into jobs that your OWN should get. I am Right-Wing I am Anti-Big Corporation, I am Pro-Business I fully support assisting medium size businesses and small businesses.

Really look at the states and see where the poor areas are, GOP controlled. Look where no one has healthcare and work for min wage at part time jobs so they do not have to give benefits. You have no idea about the US, and the working poor and the GOP that love the working poor and poorly educated.

That is why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

I will Google about this and read about the situation. I am not in the knowledge about each individual American State so I'll read about what occur with jobs etc.
The far right of the GOP wants to put union members down on the plantation.

No, idiot. We want to give everyone the same opportunity to work wherever they want to, without being forced into a union.

And that's what the SC just did. :lmao:
a question....will the non union people get the same pay and benefits as the union members,or will they have to take whatever the company wants to give them?...
Well sure they will. They were hired at the amount because they had to pay dues even though they didn't belong to the union. Going forward they are their own controller of their salary. that was the entire issue. BTW, it is no longer the business of the unions anyone elses salary. If they get bonus dollars or whatever. I love it.
I have worked both Union and non Union jobs.

I'll admit that Union workers get paid more money per hour.

But most Union workers I've unfortunately had the displeasure to work around were super lazy with an attitude. It's almost impossible for a company to fire a Union worker no matter how bad their work performance or company rules they have violated. And the Union lawyers will fight tooth and nail to make sure a Union worker keeps his job. ... :cool:

I find that true, but don't get rid of unions, set rules for them. I agree some unions have got too strong, but the workers need some protection. At will employees just means, if I don't like you , I can fire you.
Good. Then do your job. Your value to the company is what matters. These government unions protect the lazy.
With unions goes the middle class...

Au contraire, the vast majority of middle class Americans have nothing to do with unions.

Further, this decision doesn't abolish unions, merely eliminates their ability to extort funds from non members
Republicans are stupid for being anti-union. If you believe in freedom of association then you should believe in unions. That is, if you're not a hypocrite. Hating how big unions can sometimes be corrupt as hell and conduct their business through thuggish tactics isn't unique to unions. Hate on corruption and thuggish tactics, not people associating together to try to get paid what they feel they deserve to make.

That said, no one should be forced into a union, which speaks to the thuggish tactics mentioned above. Forcing someone into a union (a public sector union no less) is a violation of their individual rights to associate or not associate with whoever they want. The fact that there were 4 supreme court justices believe you should be extorted of your money just because a group claims to be looking out for your interests is frightening.
Breaking on FOX news right now. The US Supreme Court just ruled that non-union members can't be extorted by the unions. That's really going to hurt the Democrat's piggy bank.

Another day of WINNING!

Another bad day for workers. Soon expect slave labor, no healthcare, everything for the business and corps.

If Trump is so patriotic why does he not have factories , he and Ivanka in the US, because he is not.

"Soon expect slave labor, no healthcare, everything for the business and corps."

No that is not what Right-Wingers want, that is what The International Globalists want, that is the reason they fanatically are pushing the Open Borders thing to flood Western nations with Third Worlders, they essentially being low skilled or no skilled are designed to be used as slave labour so the Big Corporations can pay the lowest of wages and make more profit. I am against Big Corporations, including the Big Banks, I would support action being taken against them, they have much too great power they should have their legs chopped so they become dwarfs, this way medium size businesses and small businesses could once again prosper like they used to do in the 1940s-1960s.
I hope you see the irony in what you just said there. As an institution becomes larger and larger, it affects more and more people and things around and within it. It's reach and it's impact grows. Simultaneously, it will operate in ways that justify it's continued growth first and foremost with collateral damage/impact on the things and people around and within it. It's possible that it makes decisions that also help those around/within it as well, but it seems more to be the former.

This can be said of big corporations but also government. As corporations have grown, so has government. They have a symbiotic relationship at this point where one rubs the others back. It's why there's so much money in politics from big businesses: they know big government props them up in part by keeping competition suppressed.

I might be putting words in your mouth, but "taking against against" sounds like government intervention. As already stated, big government has no interest in hurting big business, and even if big government did, then hurting big business is counter productive. If you want to check big business, you need to make it as easy as possible for competitors to arise and challenge them in the marketplace.

Lastly, a government big enough to destroy big business is just another big, unaccountable entity that can destroy anything it wants. Who here wants Trump presiding over a government that can and will destroy anything it wants?

All Big Government is a negative thing, in general a Government should be as compact as possible and not be allowed to grow into something massive, this is the same for Big Corporations because they destroy medium size businesses and small businesses, there should be NO Big Corporation money in politics, because there is and in America it is out of control the American politicians of BOTH political parties are beholden to their Big Corporation pay masters, essentially they do not give a CRAP about the peoples who voted for them, they illustrate this when some crucial vote appears and they vote AGAINST the interest of the peoples and FOR the interests of the Big Corporations.
SCOTUS giving the right victory after victory
Are they still activist judges?
You're confused. Activist judges create new laws out of whole cloth with disregard to the US Constitution. These judges make rulings based on the original intent of the Constitution. It's ok if you're confused, liberals work off of emotions instead of logic.
I have worked both Union and non Union jobs.

I'll admit that Union workers get paid more money per hour.

But most Union workers I've unfortunately had the displeasure to work around were super lazy with an attitude. It's almost impossible for a company to fire a Union worker no matter how bad their work performance or company rules they have violated. And the Union lawyers will fight tooth and nail to make sure a Union worker keeps his job. ... :cool:

I find that true, but don't get rid of unions, set rules for them. I agree some unions have got too strong, but the workers need some protection. At will employees just means, if I don't like you , I can fire you.
Good. Then do your job. Your value to the company is what matters. These government unions protect the lazy.

I would bet more than half the posters on here right now are at work. They are stealing time from their employers.
Breaking on FOX news right now. The US Supreme Court just ruled that non-union members can't be extorted by the unions. That's really going to hurt the Democrat's piggy bank.

Another day of WINNING!

Another bad day for workers. Soon expect slave labor, no healthcare, everything for the business and corps.

If Trump is so patriotic why does he not have factories , he and Ivanka in the US, because he is not.

"Soon expect slave labor, no healthcare, everything for the business and corps."

No that is not what Right-Wingers want, that is what The International Globalists want, that is the reason they fanatically are pushing the Open Borders thing to flood Western nations with Third Worlders, they essentially being low skilled or no skilled are designed to be used as slave labour so the Big Corporations can pay the lowest of wages and make more profit. I am against Big Corporations, including the Big Banks, I would support action being taken against them, they have much too great power they should have their legs chopped so they become dwarfs, this way medium size businesses and small businesses could once again prosper like they used to do in the 1940s-1960s.
I hope you see the irony in what you just said there. As an institution becomes larger and larger, it affects more and more people and things around and within it. It's reach and it's impact grows. Simultaneously, it will operate in ways that justify it's continued growth first and foremost with collateral damage/impact on the things and people around and within it. It's possible that it makes decisions that also help those around/within it as well, but it seems more to be the former.

This can be said of big corporations but also government. As corporations have grown, so has government. They have a symbiotic relationship at this point where one rubs the others back. It's why there's so much money in politics from big businesses: they know big government props them up in part by keeping competition suppressed.

I might be putting words in your mouth, but "taking against against" sounds like government intervention. As already stated, big government has no interest in hurting big business, and even if big government did, then hurting big business is counter productive. If you want to check big business, you need to make it as easy as possible for competitors to arise and challenge them in the marketplace.

Lastly, a government big enough to destroy big business is just another big, unaccountable entity that can destroy anything it wants. Who here wants Trump presiding over a government that can and will destroy anything it wants?

All Big Government is a negative thing, in general a Government should be as compact as possible and not be allowed to grow into something massive, this is the same for Big Corporations because they destroy medium size businesses and small business, there should be NO Big Corporation money in politics, because there is and in America it is out of control the American politicians of BOTH political parties are beholden to their Big Corporation pay masters, essentially they do not give a CRAP about the peoples who voted for them, they illustrate this when some crucial vote appears and they vote AGAINST the interest of the peoples and FOR the interests of the Big Corporations.
So are you in favor of government deciding when a company gets too big and therefore busting it up using force?

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