SC sheriff says women should carry guns


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
And he's right:eusa_clap:

SPARTANBURG, SC (USA Today) -- A county sheriff in South Carolina is urging women to get concealed weapons permits and carry guns. reports that Spartanburg Sheriff Chuck Wright made the statements while discussing an attempted rape at a local park. Wright suggested a .45-caliber weapon, because "you don't have to be accurate, you just have to be close" to a target, the website reports.

SC sheriff says women should carry guns |

[ame=]Sheriff Tells Women To Carry Weapons - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Spartanburg County, SC Sheriff Reacts To Worldwide Attention! - YouTube[/ame]
I think something smaller would be better to handle. A person who is going to assault you is not going to care about what caliber weapon it is the appearance of weapon that causes fear.
I think something smaller would be better to handle. A person who is going to assault you is not going to care about what caliber weapon it is the appearance of weapon that causes fear.
Does it matter if people are fearful of the sight of a firearm compared to the fear a woman will have when being assaulted? A 45 is a lot better than a 9mm
The best caliber is one in which the operator can effectively recover from the recoil and put muzzle back on target. A miss from a .45 is not as effective as a couple of center mass hits from a 9mm.

My wife is proficient with all the firearms we have in the arsenal but prefers the LCR in 38 special due to its concealablilty.
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The best caliber is one in which the operator can effectively recover from the recoil and put muzzle back on target. A miss from a .45 is not as effective as a couple of center mass hits from a 9mm.

My wife is proficient with all the firearms we have in the arsenal but prefers the LCR in 38 special due to its concealablilty.
A heavy gun has less recoil. Smaller caliber gun does not have the knock down power the bigger calibers do, A person that is drugged out will not stop if hit with a 9mm and I have seen reports from police officers that a 40cal didn't stop people supped up on drugs
Police has to work seriously to lower crime rates instead of giving advice to others.
Police has to work seriously to lower crime rates instead of giving advice to others.

Police are not here to lower crime rates or prevent criminal activity.
The Police respond to criminal activity, they don't prevent it. Kind of like EMT's don't prevent heart attacks, they respond to them.
A more accurate (and honest) way to put it would be that a ""S.C. Sheriff urges women to obtain carry permits so they can legally posess a weapon" but that would not be sensational enough would it?
And he's right:eusa_clap:

SPARTANBURG, SC (USA Today) -- A county sheriff in South Carolina is urging women to get concealed weapons permits and carry guns. reports that Spartanburg Sheriff Chuck Wright made the statements while discussing an attempted rape at a local park. Wright suggested a .45-caliber weapon, because "you don't have to be accurate, you just have to be close" to a target, the website reports.

SC sheriff says women should carry guns |

Sheriff Tells Women To Carry Weapons - YouTube

Who is morally superior?
A raped woman, or a woman that shot an attempted rapist?
Oh wait, that doesn't matter.
What is important is not being raped. And using any means necessary to avoid such an action.
And he's right:eusa_clap:

SPARTANBURG, SC (USA Today) -- A county sheriff in South Carolina is urging women to get concealed weapons permits and carry guns. reports that Spartanburg Sheriff Chuck Wright made the statements while discussing an attempted rape at a local park. Wright suggested a .45-caliber weapon, because "you don't have to be accurate, you just have to be close" to a target, the website reports.

SC sheriff says women should carry guns |

Sheriff Tells Women To Carry Weapons - YouTube

Who is morally superior?
A raped woman, or a woman that shot an attempted rapist?
Oh wait, that doesn't matter.
What is important is not being raped. And using any means necessary to avoid such an action.
And using a firearm just saves the court system and the prison system a whole lot of time and money.

Especially a .45. Why? Because they don't make a .46!

Police has to work seriously to lower crime rates instead of giving advice to others.

It's not the job of the police to protect you and they will even tell you that. They're job is to respond to criminal acts and enforce the law.
It would be incorrect to perceive armed citizens as an indictment of the judicial system or the ability of law enforcement to do its job; rather, it augments both and comports with case law and the right to self-defense.
The best caliber is one in which the operator can effectively recover from the recoil and put muzzle back on target. A miss from a .45 is not as effective as a couple of center mass hits from a 9mm.

My wife is proficient with all the firearms we have in the arsenal but prefers the LCR in 38 special due to its concealablilty.
A heavy gun has less recoil. Smaller caliber gun does not have the knock down power the bigger calibers do, A person that is drugged out will not stop if hit with a 9mm and I have seen reports from police officers that a 40cal didn't stop people supped up on drugs

My personal EDC is one of my 45s and occasionally my 9mm. What whould be better for my wife? Her LCR with +P hollow points or leaving the .45 at home because she can't conceal it?

"Knock down" power is different in different people. I've seen people shot in vital areas and continue the attack and have seen others hit in a limb and lay down crying like a baby. Regardless of caliber, the only true disabling shot is to take out the central nervous system.
Some people are going to be murdered and some people aren't. It's been that way since the beginning of time and it's not going to change. There were many armed, law-abiding citizens that lost their lives. Just accept your fate. Whether it be bt projectile, myocardial infarction or cause unknown, one day your goose will be cooked as well.
Some people are going to be murdered and some people aren't. It's been that way since the beginning of time and it's not going to change. There were many armed, law-abiding citizens that lost their lives. Just accept your fate. Whether it be bt projectile, myocardial infarction or cause unknown, one day your goose will be cooked as well.
If my fate is to be gunned down by some human refuse out on the streets, I'm going to die with an empty magazine in my firearm and I'm taking the bastard with me. :FIREdevil:
Some people are going to be murdered and some people aren't. It's been that way since the beginning of time and it's not going to change. There were many armed, law-abiding citizens that lost their lives. Just accept your fate. Whether it be bt projectile, myocardial infarction or cause unknown, one day your goose will be cooked as well.
If my fate is to be gunned down by some human refuse out on the streets, I'm going to die with an empty magazine in my firearm and I'm taking the bastard with me. :FIREdevil:

So jgbkab will not have to be confronted with the same person. You just prevent jgbkab from being another unarmed victim I am sure he appreciates your protection

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