Scalia says revolt may be necessary

Well, that's certainly a stepdown from your claim that the US has some of the lowest taxes in the world. Then add state and local, which few other countries have and a progressive tax structure.

It does include state and local

But these numbers might understate how low taxes have been in the U.S. Unlike most advanced economies, the U.S. don't supplement personal income taxes with a national sales tax, or value-added tax (VAT). Consumption taxes accounted for about a fifth of total U.S. revenue in 2008 (mostly at the state and local level) compared to an OECD average of 32 percent. In other words, the U.S. relies uniquely on personal tax rates to raise revenue -- and we have relatively low personal tax rates.

The other shoe is that all the other countries that the US is compared with, in terms of taxation, don't have the burden of maintaining the Largest Military in the World..which spends more than the next SEVERAL top militaries.

So lets cut the military and depend on China and Russia to assure the freedom of trade via the oceans and the airways. Great idea.
Scalia Suggests Students 'Revolt' If Taxes Get Too High

Scalia is an embarrassment to the Supreme Court. Just how far are justices allowed to wander before they are declared incompetent and senile?

As usual you misread something to make it suit your insipid agenda. What Scalia was suggesting was that revolution is the end game for someone who thinks the government is being wrong/unfair. He said it is always an option, you know, because this country was FOUNDED on a revolution.

Yeah, that is what he said, as the partisan drool dripped from his lips.

You are a one trick pony, and its a dumb trick. Go back to your hole.

And eat a fat neg you ignorant prick.
It does include state and local

But these numbers might understate how low taxes have been in the U.S. Unlike most advanced economies, the U.S. don't supplement personal income taxes with a national sales tax, or value-added tax (VAT). Consumption taxes accounted for about a fifth of total U.S. revenue in 2008 (mostly at the state and local level) compared to an OECD average of 32 percent. In other words, the U.S. relies uniquely on personal tax rates to raise revenue -- and we have relatively low personal tax rates.

The other shoe is that all the other countries that the US is compared with, in terms of taxation, don't have the burden of maintaining the Largest Military in the World..which spends more than the next SEVERAL top militaries.

So lets cut the military and depend on China and Russia to assure the freedom of trade via the oceans and the airways. Great idea.
Or better yet, lets cut our military forces that are more powerful than the next ten nations combined (eight are our allies) and expect our allies to pick up more of the burden
The other shoe is that all the other countries that the US is compared with, in terms of taxation, don't have the burden of maintaining the Largest Military in the World..which spends more than the next SEVERAL top militaries.

So lets cut the military and depend on China and Russia to assure the freedom of trade via the oceans and the airways. Great idea.
Or better yet, lets cut our military forces that are more powerful than the next ten nations combined (eight are our allies) and expect our allies to pick up more of the burden

They won't. And guess who will drop in to fill the void?
How Low Are U.S. Taxes Compared to Other Countries? - Derek Thompson - The Atlantic

The graph at the top of this article comes from a KPMG report excavated by Henry Blodget. It shows personal tax rates on $100,000 around the world. The U.S. comes in at 55th out of 114.

It should be lower. More taxes does not equal a better life, contrary to your progressive Utopian fantasy land.

Move that goal post!

How, I've been consistent in my position that our federal government spends to much. My State does as well. No movement here.
So lets cut the military and depend on China and Russia to assure the freedom of trade via the oceans and the airways. Great idea.
Or better yet, lets cut our military forces that are more powerful than the next ten nations combined (eight are our allies) and expect our allies to pick up more of the burden

They won't. And guess who will drop in to fill the void?

If Europe is unwilling to police their own hemisphere and Japan/South Korea are unwilling to police their hemisphere.....why should we pick up the slack?
The US has some of the lowest individual tax rates in the world

are you including state/local/property/fees etc. etc. etc. that we all pay and do not notice?

How Low Are U.S. Taxes Compared to Other Countries? - Derek Thompson - The Atlantic

The graph at the top of this article comes from a KPMG report excavated by Henry Blodget. It shows personal tax rates on $100,000 around the world. The U.S. comes in at 55th out of 114.
but, but, thats not what Fox tells their viewers!!! :shock:
Or better yet, lets cut our military forces that are more powerful than the next ten nations combined (eight are our allies) and expect our allies to pick up more of the burden

They won't. And guess who will drop in to fill the void?

If Europe is unwilling to police their own hemisphere and Japan/South Korea are unwilling to police their hemisphere.....why should we pick up the slack?

Because we enjoy our current quality of life? Create a power vacuum and someone will step in. Someone we probably won't like.

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